About Vank StormfistThe best day in my life: Stormfist's last raid:
The young and old started to gather as the warriors return from the raid. A buzz went around the young when they saw Vank, he was holding aloft a bloodied axe in one hand and Greatsword in the other. They quickly gathered around him to hear what it was like from one who a week ago had been one of them.
”Did you kill anyone?” Horinnia asked Smiling broadly ”Yes, an elf, he was carrying this.” Vank says holding up the bow. ”You killed a warrior on your first raid?” one of the older boys Fentanas asked incredulously. ”Captain Nimanisi killed a knight on her first raid!” one of the younger hobgoblins added helpfully. Staring down Fentanas, Vank explains ”He wasn’t just a warrior he was a legend, he stood 7 foot tall and swung THIS around like it was your TOY sword.” Vank drop the axe to hold the great sword up in two hands. There was now hushed silence as he continued. ”And he was a amzing with it too, Hagors and Kalmant fell to his blades, and Vortiga lost his hand. I’m going to learn to use it too, I’ll be like him one day, killing anyone I want and noone will be able to stop me, it ll cut though any blade they parry with and through the strongest armour.” behind the children the rest of the raiding party came past and behind them a small sickly group of slaves manacled together. ”So how did you kill him?” Horinnia asked. ”He stormed out one of their their buildings, with 5 of his friends, after Hagors and Kalmant fell Vortiga and Captain Nimanisi held him to a stand still. Those 6 were different than the rest, Grur said that one of them made arrows of fire with his fingertips. Anyway no one was paying any notice of me.” Vank says smiling again. ”So I quiet as a snake climbed up on the building they had came out of, I jumped off the roof and split his head straight down the middle, he never knew I was there.” ”What was it like?” Fentanas asked, now as engrossed as the younger children. Vank’s smile broadens and there is a twinkle in his orange eyes. ”You know the pleasure when you pull a rabbits head and there a pop as the neck breaks, it was so much better you cannot even imagine it.” The worst day in my life: Stormfist's last raid:
Vank woke and the stench was horrible. It wasn't just the smell of the his own puke covering him, or the what ever he was lying in, no wait it was what he was lying in he was in the cesspit. He lay there were moment piecing together the bits of last night. The other warrior's kept giving him drinks there had been huge feast last night, he had drunk, a lot. He had been on watch, the captain herself had honoured him with Kalmant's watch. He remembered running back towards the camp, he'd seen something. Then a hole opened up in front of him, the cesspit. He'd seen something, men sneaking up, with blazing suns of their shields. Vank sniffed again and he had been right the first time it wasn't just the s~%~ he was lying there was smoke in the air too. It took a minute to climb out but when Vank had he saw a scene of destruction, not unlike their victorious raid earlier but looking around all he could see was burnt huts and dead members of the tribe. That was when they came to him, tearing at his clothes and whipping his hair into a storm. Then the voices, screams, frustration and accusations "You failed, you destroyed the tribe, you are worthless, you are no warrior of stormfist, YOUR FAULT!" He sat down again head in his hands. They were right he knew, he was meant to be on watch and failed. As he listened to the screams, he realized some of the voices weren't blaming him they were giving advice, "Get revenge for us, check if any others survived, you are strong, rebuild the tribe, YOU MUST REMAKE WHAT YOU HAVE BROKEN!" Trying to ignore to screams and the clawing at his clothes Vank searched for survivors, of which found none. Then he collected equipment to survive, here the spirits more annoying, some tried to help him while others hinder meaning things he reached for would never stay still.
Since then:
Since that day Vank has travelled guided by the elders of the tribe. He has survived by taking what he needs travellers that he has killed and the help of the tribe. He has learnt a lot from them, how to survive in the wilderness, information about the tribe and area, languages and more. In addition he has learnt to hide his features by wrapping bandages around him to appear at a causal glance to be sick rather than who he truly is. The most useful skill he has learnt is to channel the spirits of warriors into a sword or spirits of shamans to cast simple magics.
Over the last few years, he has become infamous amongst the human community. He delights in killing travellers and then craving the clenched fist of tribe into their flesh. The Elders guided him as which kills he could get away with and how to elude capture but the Elders were always in disagreement and eventually Vank took the wrong advice was captured and sentenced to hang for the crime of murder.
1:Survive (he can't do anything dead) 2:Restart Stormfist tribe 3:Make Stormfist a name to feared Male Hobgoblin Oracle 6
Init +4 • Defence
• Offence
• Statistics (+1 Str at 4th)
• Racial Traits
• Feats
• Skills (4 Oracle +2 Intelligence +2 Campaign = 8 Ranks per level) (Armour check penelty = -3)
• Languages
• Traits
You made your first kill at a very young age and found the task of war or murder to your liking. You either take particular pride in a well-placed blow, or find vile pleasure in such a strike as you twist the blade to maximize the pain. You deal additional damage equal to your weapon's critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus. Murder:
You have killed without just cause and been condemned for it. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, this was no typical killing but a particularly savage and unforgivable act. You may also have killed someone with powerful friends.
Punishment: Death by beheading Benefit: You deal 1 additional point of damage when flanking a foe. This additional damage is a trait bonus. Strike first, strike ruthlessly and thus be victorious:
Cardinal Thorn has taught you never to shirk or hesitate in a combat. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks. • Special abilities
Mystery (Ancestor):
Class Skills: An oracle with the ancestor mystery adds Linguistics, and all Knowledge skills to her list of class skills.
Bonus Spells: unseen servant (2nd), spiritual weapon (4th), heroism (6th), spiritual ally (8th), telekinesis (10th), greater heroism (12th), ethereal jaunt (14th), vision (16th), astral projection (18th). Revelation (Ancestral Weapon (Su) (sightly altered):
You can summon a simple or martial weapon from your family's history that is appropriate for your current size. You are considered proficient with this weapon or any weapon of its type. At 3rd level, the weapon is considered masterwork. At 7th level, 15th level, and 19th level, the weapon gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus. At 11th level, the weapon gains the ghost touch weapon property. You can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. The weapon disappears after 1 round if it leaves your grasp. Revelation (Wisdom of the Ancestors (Su)):
Once per day, you can enter a trance in which you commune with the spirits of your ancestors. This trance lasts for 10 minutes, which must be uninterrupted and during which you can take no other actions. When you come out of this trance, you have gained mystical insight into the future. At 1st level, this insight acts as an augury spell with 80% effectiveness. At 5th level, the insight takes the form of a divination with 90% effectiveness. At 8th level, the knowledge you gain is equivalent to a commune spell. None of these spell effects require material components. Revelation (Blood of Heroes (Su)):
As a move action, you can call upon your ancestors to grant you extra bravery in battle. You gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saves against fear for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. At 7th level, this bonus increases to +2, and at 14th level this bonus increases to +3. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level, and every five levels thereafter. Curse (Haunted (Ex)):
Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from your gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a random direction. Add mage hand and ghost sound to your list of spells known. At 5th level, add levitate and minor image to your list of spells known. At 10th level, add telekinesis to your list of spells known. At 15th level, add reverse gravity to your list of spells known. Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Oracles are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Some oracle revelations grant additional proficiencies. Spells:
An oracle casts divine spells drawn from the cleric spell lists. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, an oracle must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an oracle's spell is 10 + the spell's level + the oracle's Charisma modifier.
Like other spellcasters, an oracle can cast only a certain number of spells per day of each spell level. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table 2–5. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score (see Table 1–3 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook). Unlike other divine spellcasters, an oracle's selection of spells is extremely limited. An oracle begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of her choice. At each new oracle level, she gains one or more new spells, as indicated on Table 2–6. Unlike spells per day, the number of spells an oracle knows is not affected by her Charisma score; the numbers on Table 2–6 are fixed. In addition to the spells gained by oracles as they gain levels, each oracle also adds all of either the cure spells or the inflict spells to her list of spells known (cure spells include all spells with “cure” in the name, inflict spells include all spells with “inflict” in the name). These spells are added as soon as the oracle is capable of casting them. This choice is made when the oracle gains her first level and cannot be changed. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even-numbered oracle level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), an oracle can choose to learn a new spell in place of one she already knows. In effect, the oracle loses the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell's level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged. An oracle may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that she gains new spells known for the level. She cannot swap any cure or inflict spells, nor can she swap any spells gained from her mystery. Unlike a cleric, an oracle need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her spells per day for that spell level. Oracles do not need to provide a divine focus to cast spells that list divine focus (DF) as part of the components. • Oracle spell casting
7 known + 2 from curse:
Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ghost sound, Guidance, Mage hand, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic First level spells 7/day (DC 13) 4 known spell + Cure + Mystery:
Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor, Obscuring Mist, Shield of Faith, Unseen servant Second level spells 6/day (DC 14) 2 known spell + Cure + Mystery + curse:
Cure Moderate Wounds, Silence, Bull's strength, Spiritual Weapon, Levitation, Minor image Third level spells 3/day (DC 15) 1 known spell + Cure + Mystery :
Circle of protection vs good, Cure Serious Wounds, Heroism • Equipment
In backpack