
Theodric de LaMontagne's page

1,261 posts. Organized Play character for Purple Dragon Knight.

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Sovereign Court

Having a hard time visualizing it's use in play with the current wording:

Altruistic Guardian (Su):
At 10th level, once per day when a spell or supernatural effect that allows spell resistance targets a Magaambyan arcanist’s allies or if they are within its area of effect, as an immediate action she can redirect the effects to herself. She can do this for a number of allies up to her Intelligence modifier, provided they are within 30 feet of her. The Magaambyan arcanist must attempt the appropriate saving throws for each ally, possibly attempting multiple saving throws against the same spell or effect. She takes all damage and suffers all conditions and other effects that her allies would have taken, possibly taking these multiple times. This protects allies only from damage and conditions they’d take at the time she spends the immediate action, not from any they might later suffer from a noninstantaneous spell or effect.

Anyone has had play experience with this? it seems massively hurtful unless something clever is enacted before triggering the ability...

Sovereign Court

Anyone ever found these? all I got so far is the population of 32K from the inside cover of Cities of Golarion...

Sovereign Court 3/5

Hello all,

I was wondering if French-language translations existed for PFS 1E. If anyone knows of such resources please let me know here or via PM.


Sovereign Court

Just checking the subject combo is still valid and that no changes were made to the fear mechanics that would prevent it. Thanks in advance everyone!

Sovereign Court 3/5

Hello all!

I've noticed that the Adventurer's Guide dropped the end wording of Mounted Blade which originally allowed characters to use mounted feats on a carpet of flying or broom of flying, which I thought was a cool perk from the Qadira books.

Additional resources says Mounted Blade is a legal feat for all three books (Adventurer's Guide, Qadira Gateway and Qadira Jewel). Does it mean we can use the version we want or are we restricted to the Adventurer's Guide version?


Sovereign Court 3/5

I'm not sure if it has been superseded by another source, but Additional Resources (1E) still has the following entry under the Bestiary 1 section:

"All languages found in this book are available for a character to learn with the linguistics skill, except aboleth and drow sign language."

I think this has slipped by me somehow and that I may have to fix some of my 1E PCs. Can someone confirm these two languages are still not PFS legal? thank you!

PS: aboleth is a racial language for gillmen as per the Inner Sea World Guide, btw, but I'm not sure if society play has gillmen boons out there or not, and if so, how this would affect their starting languages...

Sovereign Court 3/5

Hi everyone!

There's been a lot of new sanctioning for older APs lately; I was wondering if Hell's Vengeance received sanctioning or not?

Thank you!

Sovereign Court 3/5

So, I have a character with multiple sources of noble titles... part of a complete breakfast I guess. And that's GRRRRRRRRRREAT!

...but, what does it means actually? do I handpick a title and add "+1" every time I gain a new noble title, using the pg. 6 info from 'Taldor: The First Empire'?

PS: one boon calls me a landgrave or viscount, one boon calls me a minor noble, one boon calls me visbaron (which is not even on the radar using the above pg. 6 reference), another boon just lets me pick one... lol

Sovereign Court

Has anyone else started watching this awesome, magnificent show that everyone playing Pathfinder should have seen by now? :) :) :)

Sovereign Court

Very, very, very pleasantly surprised by the first episode. I decided to record it for my kids, and upon taking a peak at it, I couldn't stop watching... so... I'll have to watch it again with them over the weekend! :)

Thumbs up!!

Sovereign Court

Hi folks!

I really want to use the Inner Sea Taverns' Drinking rules in my games, but every time I do, I stumble a little and seem to hit a roadblock that slows down the game. I keep butting my head on the fact that everyone seem to get automatically 'Tipsy' regardless of their Constitution.

Am I reading these rules wrong?


1) Can someone break those rules down, simplify them, or make them flow better than they are as currently written?

2) I like how they expand the addiction rules in this book. Has anyone used these new alcohol addictions rules and if so, how do they stack up against the regular Gamemastery addiction rules?

Thank you!


Sovereign Court

Can't wait for this show!

Exclusive First look

Official Trailer

Sovereign Court

So I was just scrolling through Netflix and fell upon this show. I mean... wow. This is very Pathfindery. I'm in episode 3 and loving it so far.

Apparently it's based on a video game? never played it so I don't know what I'm missing there. Anyone?

Sovereign Court

Glory to you and your House, Shoreline Arcanists!

Sovereign Court

"Spell Resistance: yes"

How does a creature with SR interacts with a solid wall of ice that hasn't been breached yet?

The spell says you move at half speed going up; does this mean you can't charge upwards or can you still do it by just paying the additional movement cost?

Sovereign Court

Wall of Thorns:

School conjuration (creation); Level druid 5, shaman 5; Domain plant 5; Subdomain blood 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect wall of thorny brush, up to one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
A wall of thorns spell creates a barrier of very tough, pliable, tangled brush bearing needle-sharp thorns as long as a human’s finger. Any creature forced into or attempting to move through a wall of thorns takes piercing damage per round of movement equal to 25 minus the creature’s AC. Dexterity and dodge bonuses to AC do not count for this calculation. (Creatures with an AC of 25 or higher, without considering Dexterity and dodge bonuses, take no damage from contact with the wall.)
You can make the wall as thin as 5 feet thick, which allows you to shape the wall as a number of 10-by-10-by-5-foot blocks equal to twice your caster level. This has no effect on the damage dealt by the thorns, but any creature attempting to break through takes that much less time to force its way through the barrier.
Creatures can force their way slowly through the wall by making a Strength check as a full-round action. For every 5 points by which the check exceeds 20, a creature moves 5 feet (up to a maximum distance equal to its normal land speed). Of course, moving or attempting to move through the thorns incurs damage as described above. A creature trapped in the thorns can choose to remain motionless in order to avoid taking any more damage.
Any creature within the area of the spell when it is cast takes damage as if it had moved into the wall and is caught inside. In order to escape, it must attempt to push its way free, or it can wait until the spell ends. Creatures with the ability to pass through overgrown areas unhindered can pass through a wall of thorns at normal speed without taking damage.
A wall of thorns can be breached by slow work with edged weapons. Chopping away at the wall creates a safe passage 1 foot deep for every 10 minutes of work. Normal fire cannot harm the barrier, but magical fire burns it away in 10 minutes.

Let us assume that the spell, although it doesn't say so, is equivalent to heavy undergrowth in terms of concealment. Is the spell 'see through' for the purposes of aiming arrows or landing spells? targeting spells require line of sight, and without line of sight arrows must be targeted at random squares correct?

The core rules say:

"Line of Sight
A line of sight is the same as a Line of Effect but with the additional restriction that that it is blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight (such as Concealment)."

Side question: what about line of effect? the spell says it creates a 'barrier', but the definition of line of effect says that it is only blocked by a 'solid barrier'. Is wall of thorns a 'solid barrier', considering you need a STR of 20 and roll a nat 20 on your STR check to move into it, and that you need 10min of chopping with an edged weapon to make a 1-foot dent into it?

"Line of Effect
A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path that indicates what a spell can affect. A line of effect is canceled by a solid barrier. It’s like line of sight for ranged weapons, except that it’s not blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors that limit normal sight. A line of effect starts from any corner of your square and extends to the limit of its range or until it strikes a barrier that would block it. A line-shaped spell affects all creatures in squares through which the line passes."

Thank you!

This looks interesting. Dragon bard 1? ;)

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I can't find the page for the 1st edition FAQs anymore... I swear I used that page not even two weeks ago. Where is it now?


"A pinned creature can always attempt to free itself, usually through a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check."

Escape Artist is a Dexterity skill.

Pinned creature is denied its Dexterity bonus.

Does this mean the use of Escape Artist for the exact purpose it's been designed for is impeded by the loss of Dex bonus???

I'm trying to figure out the applications of the bereave spell, shown below for ease of reference. Is meant for offense or defense? it turns the 'laws of gaming physics' on their head, so to speak, and I'm trying to understand it a little better. Does anyone has anecdotes or examples on how you could use it in battle?

Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 13
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 3, cleric 4, mesmerist 3, oracle 4, psychic 4, skald 3, warpriest 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a broken chain link)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets all creatures in a 15-ft.-radius burst
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
An overwhelming feeling of loss overcomes the targets, and their allies’ words sound bleak and hollow. Regardless of actual allegiances, affected creatures no longer count as allies for other creatures and always count as enemies for the purposes of abilities, effects, and spells that differentiate between allies and enemies, such as flanking or spells such as bane or bless. Allies of an affected creature must succeed at a melee touch attack to affect the subject with touch spells, and an affected creature cannot voluntarily fail a saving throw even if the effect is harmless (such as cure light wounds). An affected creature still counts as her own ally and can target herself with abilities, effects, and spells normally.

Knowledge Checks

Discuss things!

Knowledge Checks

Gameplay thread. Dot and delete only for the moment. Thank you!

Campaign Start: June 24th.

This is a thread for those with any questions in regards to GM PDK Ironfang Invasion recruitment. Players must use the stat block format described on the signup page and in the GM alias profile. Players with characters in the proper format may post them here for evaluation when ready.

Occult Adventures wrote:

Third Eye

You possess and can open a third eye that permits you to see things as they really are and gain greater insight into auras.

Prerequisite(s): Psychic Sensitivity or ability to cast psychic spells.

Benefit(s): Once per day as a standard action, you can open a spiritual third eye positioned on your forehead between and above your normal eyes. You can keep this eye open for up to 1 minute per character level you possess. This duration doesn’t have to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. Once per day while your third eye is open, you can use the read aura occult skill unlock after 1 minute of intense concentration. This is in addition to the normal daily use of read aura (which still takes 10 minutes). While your third eye is open, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks to read auras, as well as a +8 bonus on Perception checks to detect invisible creatures or objects or see through magical disguises (both illusory ones and those provided by the change shape ability or polymorph magic).

When you close your third eye, either voluntarily or at the end of the time limit, you are fatigued for an amount of time equal to the length of time you kept your third eye open.

Normal: Without this feat, you must spend 10 minutes in intense concentration to read one of a creature or item’s four auras, and you can do so only once per day.

Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects don’t stack. Each time you take the feat, you increase the number of times per day you can open your third eye (and read an aura) by one.

Emphasis mine. The feat first says once a day, but then goes on to say you can break it down in multiple blocks of 1-min. Is it correct to assume that you can then use the eye multiple times per day at character level 2+? does it require a standard action for each 1-min activation? Thank you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This title is bait. I'm not exactly looking for incentives to have players roll actually mediocre characters, but I'm looking for 'home game' or 'PFS play in Campaign Mode' character creation rules that actually encourage players to adopt a theme for their characters and 'stick to it' (i.e. not just dump one rank in Craft and then forget about the whole thing).

Do any of you have suggestions for such incentives to build with the rule of cool and strongly encourage players not to create min/maxed murderhobos made up from a patchwork of rules taken from 65 different books?

(i.e. for example, if a campaign is about urban investigations, to create a toon that makes sense in an urban setting and didn't spend his entire childhood in a box learning to hold his breath or resisting bullies in alleys 24/7... in essence, making the character viable with a bunch of non-optimized for combat options which may include things like Skill Focus, Deceitful, Expert Salvager, Hide Worker, etc.)

Hello! I have a question about the Jerius Wynak entries inside the cover of "In Search of Sanity" Are those entries actual notes left by that Pathfinder agent that the PCs could find within the Asylum? or a journal written by Jerius, kept at other locations like Abasolom or Caliphas? I feel like I should be sharing these with my players during the game as handouts... (but I don't want to break that fourth wall too much...)

Thank you!

Knowledge Checks

OOC discussion here.

Knowledge Checks

Gameplay thread. Those who I have identified under the Recruitment thread: please go ahead and dot / delete this thread. Thank you.

PS: I will start this in the next day or two, with slow intro allowing RP between you all, then kicking it into high gear next week.

Hello everyone!

Enter the following info:

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS ID and character number:
Day Job Roll (or Say "None"):

Once you have entered that in, I'll be handpicking the party based on party composition and personal preference.

I intend to start in a week's time.


Can the ability be used at will, or just once per haunt?

Knowledge Checks

Once you've signed up for this game, enter your PFS info in the Recruitment thread. Then dot and delete this thread to get begin receiving campaign post notifications.

Game starts on March 30.

Knowledge Checks

OOC discussions here.

Hello everyone!

Please signup here.

Once you have done so, check back here and enter the following info:

Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS ID and character number:
Day Job Roll (or Say "None"):

Once you have entered that in, please dot and delete the Gameplay thread. The Discussion thread is opened for any other OOC talks.


Sovereign Court

What happens when the target of a spiritual weapon teleports away? if it does so within range of the spell, does the weapon follow unerringly to the new location?

Knowledge Checks

Initial scenario post will be Monday, Jan 13. Please feel free to dot/delete or roleplay at your discretion in the meantime. Assume you are all in Absalom... somewhere. First RP post to decide! :)

I'm wondering if the pregen data is available for PC gen, herolab or even in spreadsheet form? My players in a home game are interested in using them from level 1 forward and leveling then up... thx!

I'm wondering if the pregen data is available for PC gen, herolab or even in spreadsheet form? My players in a home game are interested in using them from level 1 forward and leveling then up... thx!

Knowledge Checks

Once recruitment is complete, I will open up this thread for questions and out-of-character discussions.

Adventure Background:

Over a century ago, hordes from the Abyss tore through a weak point in the Material Plane and surged forth onto Golarion, creating a corrupted and blighted land that would come to be known as the Worldwound. Legions of crusaders fought against the demonic incursion, containing it behind a wall of holy artifacts. In Pathfinder Society Season 5: Year of the Demon, forces bolstered by Pathfinder agents pushed back a demonic siege and even reclaimed land that had long languished under demonic control. The heroes of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path finished the job, sealing the Worldwound and slaying the demon lord responsible for its creation, Deskari.

Yet the land where the rift to the Abyss once stood remains scarred and fragile, and on the Abyss itself, some artifacts and powers tied to Deskari remain unclaimed. One of the Pathfinder Society's most formidable enemies, the demon Koth'Vaul, is eager to seize upon these opportunities. Unless the PCs thwart him, Koth'Vaul's will become even more powerful than ever before, and wreak truly terrifying vengeance upon the Pathfinder Society.

Written by Cole Kronewitter.

Muster will close on Dec 22, 2019 and roleplay will begin on Dec 23-24, 2019. After a brief pause during the holidays, the game will resume on Jan 2, 2020.

I'll be using Google Slides for combats. The Gameplay and Discussion threads will be here on the Paizo boards. The recruitment threads will be both here and on the Myth Weavers site in order to gather a wide-ranging and diverse group of players.


I am looking for regular postings during the week, starting on January 2, 2020, say a minimum of once every 24 hours or so but preferably one or more per day. If you don't post during that time frame in battle, you will go on full defense or take some other obvious-but-safe action (archers might still attack, for instance). If this happens repeatedly, you may be dropped. If you can't keep up with this rate, please don't apply.

Once the game starts, please put your PFS #, a link to your Paizo character thread containing your stats and your faction (scroll down to the bottom of this post for the full list of character information I will require). I also ask that players include and update their stat summaries under their profile headers so I can look stuff up easily. Please use the following format or something similar in order to simplify my job as this will provide a standardized approach for the entire group. Due to the nature of high-level combat, it is important that you update your headers to include to the effects of any buffs or conditions affecting your characters, as there will be instances where the GM will roll saving throws and other checks on your character's behalf in order to speed up the game. The GM will use the information found in your header 'as is', so for example, if your character is under the effect of haste, it is your responsibility to modify your header's AC and Reflex save to reflect that. The GM will not add those for you, and there will be no reroll granted in the absence of such modification: all GM rolls are final.

If you have unusual abilities (automatic checks, out-of-turn actions, or a build that requires explanation), please send me a PM with this information.

Once you've picked your character, please post these details in this thread:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Chronicle Number: (Which # should I write on the chronicle sheets)

Starting GP:
Starting XP:
Initial Prestige:
Initial Fame:

Total GP and PP costs for any equipment you purchased in this scenario (Optional: this can be done at any time before the end of the scenario)
Day Job (Optional)
Progression Speed (Optional, I'll assume it's normal speed unless indicated otherwise)

Initiative Bonus:
Perception Bonus:
Sense Motive Bonus:

Does anyone know if the 1E pregen files are also available in spreadsheet form somewhere? I started a 1E campaign and assigned a pregen to each player, and when comes the time for level 2, the idea is to 'level up' each iconic as per the player's preference. I realize this would be easier if the pregen files data already existed in spreadsheet form somewhere... that way each player could simply use the existing data and add a level.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Anyone else getting the subject message when trying to add items to cart?

Knowledge Checks

Here we go:

Styx Oil poison use:
First Dose: 1d100 ⇒ 21
Second Dose: 1d100 ⇒ 38
Third Dose: 1d100 ⇒ 53

Styx Oil saves by Gul:
First Dose: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Second Dose: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Third Dose: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10


Hi y'all!

Can anyone point me to the location of the Tyrant's Grasp Chronicle Sheets? our PbP group is finishing book 1 right now...


Hello all,

I'm wondering when the design 'switch' happened when they went from the 4-players assumption to 6-players? I'm starting Strange Aeons soon and I'm wondering if it's for 4 or 6 players...


Knowledge Checks

This is for the F2F SA campaign run by GM PDK

Anyone else also following this? and... anyone else caught the massive reveal/implication this show might have on the entire Batman universe?

Knowledge Checks

Welcome to PbP Gameday VIII. We're playing the 10-00 special, Hao Jin Cataclysm. This is for level 7-8 characters.

Once you've picked your character, please post these details in this thread:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Chronicle Number: (Which # should I write on the chronicle sheets)

Starting GP:
Starting XP:
Initial Prestige:
Initial Fame:

Total GP and PP costs for any equipment you purchased in this scenario.
Day Job
Progression Speed (Optional, I'll assume it's normal speed)

Initiative Bonus:
Perception Bonus:
Sense Motive Bonus:

Knowledge Checks

This is the gameplay thread where all the action will be taking place.

Please dot/delete below.

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