The Wyrm Ouroboros's page
1,019 posts (3,201 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 35 aliases.
Aerianna Flametongue
LG female lawbringer (archon) aasimar paladin (tempered champion, mendevian crusade) 1 / rogue (unchained phantom thief)| HP: 13/13 | AC 18 / T 10 / F 18 | CMB: +3, CMD: 13/13F | F:+3 R:+2 W:+3 | ER Acid/Cold/Elec 5 | MV 30'/20' | PER: +5 Dipl +6, Intim +8, SenMot +7, Stealth -3 | Longsword, +3 (1d8+2/19-20)
Alysandra Janus
F LG half-elf bard (negotiator) 5; Init +1; low-light vision ; Per +11; (Cohort to Coalhouse Porter ) / Team Sheet
Androk Jeggare
N(G) male tiefling investigator (conspirator, empiricist) 8 // unchained rogue (phantom thief) 4 / swashbuckler (inspired blade, noble fencer, veiled blade) 4 (Eritrice, Cayden Cailean) Ini +6 (+7 vs. bluff/sense motive); AC 23/16/18 , CMD 23/25 Agi, +5 / +12 / 9* , evasion, cold/ele/fire 5; ad. rapier +12/+7 (1d6+5/18-20 +4 Precision, studied combat +4/6 rnd); CMB +15 (+2 agi) ; HP 64/64 , panache 7/7, inspiration 10/10 (+1d6); darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision, see in darkness , watcher sense +2; PER +17 (+1d6* )(+2 vs. magic sensor)
Benner doin Malekthas
Caleb Rook, Jedi
Human Male Scoundrel 1/Jedi 7; HP 36/83; FP 9/9; Dmg TH 20; Fort 20 (25 vs. extreme heat or cold), Ref 23 (flat-footed 20), Will 21; Init +12; Per +11; UtF +15
Caleb Tödbringer
Male human ranger (guide) 1 Init +1; Senses Perception +4
Coalhouse Porter
M LG half-orc Init +4; darkvision 60 ft.; Per +14; (Cohort: Alysandra Janus )
Costas, Arlene
Cadet Sergeant (CSgt) Female Caucasian (Dark hair cut short, hint of Hispanic in skin tone) w/ slight Southern US Accent.
Dartel Tarkin
Male Human Smuggler | DEX 3D+1:: Blaster Pistol 5D+1, Dodge 4D+1 | KNO 2D+1:: Languages, Systems, Streetwise, Tactics 3D, Species 3D+1 | MECH 3D+2:: KK-216 5D+2 | PER 3D:: | STR 2D+2:: Brawl 3D | TECH 2D+2:: First Aid 3D, KK-216 Repair 4D | Blast Vest +1D Phy, +1 Nrg | BlasTech DL-6H:: 5D, 25r, 3-10/30/120 | Work Knife +2, Diff 5 || Move 10
LE F discreet nuncio rhamphorhynchus (Tiny) | HP: 14 /14 | AC 16 (T 15, FF 13, swoop 14) | CMB +5, CMD 13 | F +4, R +9, W +3/ (imp. evasion ) | Init +3 | Per +6, low-light, scent | Mv 10', Fly 40' (g) | empathic link, share will | UnA +9 (1nl), Bite +9 (1d3-2), swoop bite +11 (1d3) | guidance | Fly, Stealth +15 | nuncio's knowledge +2
Fey Winds NPC
Fisk, Toliver
Ghent Maston
Gotak the Grim
LG F hybrid monk//alchemist/shadowdancer :: champion/trickster | Init +23 | Vig 336/336, W 100/100 | AC 73/63/59 | F +40, R +46, W +48 | DR 27/- or Garg | Resist acid/cold/elec 10, fire 6 | Hard 20 | SR 25 | Evasion, unc. dodge | Imm disease, nausea, poison | Sensitive to defiling | Spd 50/70, fly 100 (+29) | Reach 15' | shpchng (S/M, at will) | SnkAtt +2d6 | studied comb (swift, +3, 19r; strk +2d6) | stun fist (8/d DC 32; fatigue, sicken) | una (magic, cold iron, silver) | ki 22/22 | MyPow 7/7 | Arc-Tox 25/25 | Bomb 25/25 | Stamina 15/15 | Skill God: Per (76 + 1d6), SenMot (75 + 1d6), Stealth (67, 62 mv, 47 run) | KS: All +48 or more
Female Japanese Elf | B.2 A.7/9 R.5/6 S.1/2 C.7 I.5 L.5 W.3 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Limits PMS: 5/6/7 | Stun 10/00, Phys 9/00: Conscious, -0 | Defend: Std 11, Blk/Dge +4, Parry +5, Full 20 | Armor: 14 | DR: 3+ |
HC Narrator
Hel Blackfist
Female LE human (pyure) UC zen archer monk 2 | HP: 23/23 | AC 18 (T 18, F 14) | CMB: +4, CMD: 22 | F:16 R:17 W:15 | INI: +4 | PER +9, see in darkness | MV 50' | Perf. Stk: 2*2d20 |Gear: Arrows/40 |+Lng Azlanti, Celestial, Draconic, Sylvan | Atk: Sanset/UnA +4:1d10+3/1d6+2, ShtBw +6/+6:1d6/x3 Skills: Acro +8 (Jump +18), Climb +6, Disg -3, Escape +8, Fly +7, Heal +4, Intim +9, Per +9, SensMot +9, Stlth +9, Surv +4, Swim +2, UMD +8, Cft: Book/Bows/Callig +5/7, KS: Hist/Reg +7, KS: Loc +4, PS: Barr/Gamb/Libr +8
aka "Hel Thomas ": LE F lsr pyure human zen archer monk 4/wizard (divination)* | HP: 28 /28 | AC 20* (T 20, FF 16*) | CMB: +7, CMD: 25/21F; +2 Agi/Grap | F:+4 R:+7 W:+6 | INI: +3/+7 | PER +12 | MV 60' | VP: 3 | Perf. Stk: 4*2d20 | Atk: +5 sansetsukon (1d10+1/19,blk,d'rm) ; +7 dagger (1d4+1/19); hanbo(trip, 1d6+1), UnA (1d8+1); +10/+10 mwkCLBow (1d8+1/x3, 137) | lip reading | Faila
The Infinite Fool
Male advanced half-celestial agile post-human unchained zen archer monk (master of many styles) 8//psychic (amnesiac) 8 (gestalt; wizard* VMC) // Champion 3 :: Trickster 3 Algn: Blue (Red/Green)
Jocasta Crunch
King Sir Chalm Kelsen Kowalskiy
Kreis, Yakoub
Cadet Sergeant (CSgt) Male Caucasian (light brown hair, definite Jewish nose) w/ Eastern Seaboard (New York/New Jersey) accent.
Mordecai Heller
(L)N M beastbrood tiefling bard (detective, studious librarian) 2 / unchained rogue (consigliere) 2 | HP: 18 /18 | AC 14 (T 11, FF 13) | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F +1, R +4, W* +2 | Res: Fire/Cold/Elec 5 | Init +1 | PER +6, see in darkness | Rapier +2 (1d6/18-20), +1d6 snk | Spells, Bardic | Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Sakvroth |
Peregrine Stoup
LN F Irda (human) arcanist 3 / unchained monk (scaled fist) 2 | HP 34 /34 | AC 20 /18t 16ff | F:+6 R:+8 W:+6 | CMB +3, CMD 21/17f | INI: +3 | MV 30' | PER +8 , low-light, see auras | AR 3/6 | Atk Dag/Magius +9, 19, 1d4+2; Half-Staff +8/+8, 1d6; una +6/+6, 1d6-1 Skills: Acro +7, DisDev +8, EscArt +7, KS (All) +8, Ling +8, Per +8, Pf (Dance) +8, SnsMot +9, Slt/Hnd +8, Spcrft +12, Stlth +9, UMD +7
Sha / Senuria
Shugyosha / Suki
Female Japanese Human-looking Elf | Phys: 4.12.5, Ment: 4.6.5 | R|I 11+2d6 (00) | Pools: Cmbt/Ctrl 11/11 | Stun 00, Phys 00: Conscious, -0 | Armor: 6/3,+1 | SCR 0, NOT -2, PBA -2; Good Looking & Knows It, Good Rep (Nawlins Fixers/Johnsons) | Dmg,Conc: HP: 9M,6/9; LP: 10D Stun (Silnc.),7/10; Katana 9S,5/7; Wakizashi 8S,6/9; Tanto 8M,8/12, Hardl. 5M Stun,9/13 | Wt: 30.4 | Fake SIN: 6, $3026; 2, $149; Cert. Cred $200; Cash $67
Female advanced half-celestial agile discreet nuncio lyrakien alchemist (eldritch poisoner, mindchemist) 4/bard (negotiator, wit) 4//investigator (lepidstadt inspector, empiricist) 8 (gestalt) // Trickster 3 :: Marshal 3
Male LN human (shoanti) UC zen archer monk 2 | HP: 17/13 | AC 17 (T 17, F 14) | CMB: +4, CMD: 21 | F:+5 R:+5 W:+4 | INI: +2 (+4 surp) | PER: +9 | MV 30' | Perf. Stk: 2*2d20 | HeroPts: 1 | Gear: Arrows/15, trail rations/2 |+Lng Shoanti, Varisian | Atk: UnA +4:1d6+2, MCLBw +6/+6:1d8+2/x3 Skills: Acrobatics +7, Climb +6, Escape Artist +6, Fly +6, Heal +5, KS: Nat +2, Perception +9, Ride +2, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +7, Survival +4, Swim +6, Cft: Bows +4/6, KS: Geo +2, KS: Relig +5
WO Foucaut, Agrippina
LG M advanced half-celestial agile human/elven hybrid monk 8/oracle 1/ranger 4/cavalier 3 | VIG: 336 /336 |Wnd 100 /50 | AC 65 (T 54, FF 49) | DR 17/-- or Gar | ltd. flnkd, defl. arr, cut/air | CMD 67* | F +38, R +44, W +49 (evasion, SR 19 ) | ER Acid/Cold/Elec: 10 | FstHeal 2 | Init +57/+37, dual init | UnA +23*x3 (2d8+15), bow(m) +32x2 (2d6+24), bow +34x* (3d6+28*) | CMB +24 | AoO ∞ | Mv 160', Fly 310'g | Per +33 , -1/50', see/darkSkills: Acro +24, Fly +28, Heal +31, Intm +15, KS (nat/geo) +25, KS (loc/rel) +22, SnsMot +31, Spell +19, Stlth +24, Surv +31; Crft (bow) +27, HndAn +15, WilEmp +8, Prf (sold) +31
LG F advanced half-celestial agile mongol horse monk 8/druid 8 | VIG: 318 /318 |Wnd 108 /54 | AC 59* (T 49, FF 41) | DR 16/adam or Huge ; DR 5/magic | CMD 64* | F +33, R +42, W +41 (evasion, vigor, elem. body, elusv tgt, SR 18 ) | ER Acid/Cold/Elec: 10 | FstHeal 2 | Init +48/+28, dual init | UnA +49*x3 (2d6+43+1d6e), spells | CMB +50/+74 overrun | AoO ∞ | Mv 180', Fly 350'p | Per +26 , lwlght, dkv 60', blsgt 30', scentSkills: Diplo (+19*), Fly +31, Heal +20, Intim +17, KS (nat) +16, KS (rel) +14, Per +26, SnsMot +26, Spell +9, Stlth +17, Surv +23; HndAn +17 (+2 horse)
LG M advanced half-celestial agile aqueous golden eagle (Tiny) | VIG: 168 /168 | AC 32 (T 25, FF 19) | CMB +17 (+21 grapple), CMD 28(??) | F +11, R +20, W +15 (imp. evasion ) | Init +31/+11 dual init | Per +21, darkv 60', low-light, scent | Mv 40', Fly 110' (g), swim 120'| (tel)*empathic link, share will | Bite +21 (1d3-1+1 cold) + 2 talons +21 (1d4-1+1 cold and grab) | Acro +22; Fly, Stealth +30; Swim +24 | Familiar, L8 Skills: Acro +22, Fly +30, Intim +18, KS (geog, nat) +19, KS (loc, nob, relig) +16, KS (other) +12, Per +21, SenMot +18, Stealth +30, Surv +18, Swim +24