About нум/NumFrom 'Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan' Шуурга/Shuurga (Storm)
The Erkliğ Han bloodline:
The Erkliğ Han bloodline: Human/Elf Hybrid Type: Humanoid (Elf, Human; 0 RP) Size: Medium (0 RP) Base Speed: Normal (0 RP) Ability Score Modifiers: Advanced (+2 to Physical, +4 to Wisdom, -2 to Charisma; 4 RP) Languages: Linguist (1 RP) Racial Traits: . Ability Scores: Advanced Intelligence (+4, 9 RP), Advanced Wisdom (+2, 4 RP) . Feat and Skills: Flexible Bonus Feat (4 RP), Skill Bonus (Keen Senses, +2 on Perception, 2 RP)* . Movement: Fast (x2, +20 to base movement, 3 RP) . Senses: See in Darkness (4 RP) Total: 4 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 31 RP Erkliğ Han, the god of the far sky, the high celestial, is the Mongol god of the stars, the planets, meteors, comets -- all manner of celestial objects; when he shifts stars in the sky, there are meteors, or 'hot arrows'. His name means 'Freedom', and is derived from 'Erli', meaning 'strong'. Generations ago, Erkliğ Han took an interest in a woman of the Besud clan, part of the Tayichiud tribe. He promised her that their children would labor at the forge and understand hard work, yet come to be great leaders, and so it has come to pass. Jirqo'adai has become Jebe, 'Arrow' or 'Weapon', Chinggis Khan's great general, and his son Erkliğ has become нум, Num, 'Bow', a great warrior as well, blessed directly by Erkliğ Han. The bloodline is physically marked by height, eyes that reflect green in the dark, and a slightly elongated and pointed ear.
Born in 1193, even early the boy-child was clearly talented. Horses liked him, his very first word was 'bow', and he loved staring up at the sky -- especially at night. His clan (the Besud, of the Tayichiud tribe) had a tradition that their line was descended from Erkliğ Han, god of the far sky (not, of course, the Eternal Blue Sky, the great god of whom is Tengri himself), and the essence of that inheritance seemed to make itself especially known in the toddler. Fast on his feet, wide-eyed and always watching, always with his little bow in his hand, his father Зургаадай (Jirqo'adai), a smith by trade could only smile and call him 'бяцхан Эрклиг', 'Little Erkliğ' -- and so when it came time for him to be named, Erkliğ it was; Erkliğ it could only ever have been. As he grew, he only increased in intelligence and agility, in wisdom and strength and endurance; only when it came to interacting with others did he lack, and though his spoken words (which came less often as he grew) were well-said and sent to the heart of the matter like arrows from his bow into the heart of a Зээр (zeer, the Mongolian gazelle, an extremely fast runner and good swimmer), he never became wholly comfortable with words. For a trade he learned those of the bow-and arrow-maker, also turning his deft hand to the crafting of instruments and leather-works. Of course, this latter is nothing unusual; most Mongol riders did their own leather-work, so as to make certain it would not fail in battle. He learned also the stories of the people, the dances and the songs, the beating of the frame-drum (tuur), the bowing horse-fiddle (morin khuur), the blowing of the flute (tsuur), and though when he recited he spoke strongly and clearly, that was the only time; in all others, he was reticent at best. By the time of the Tayichiud's defeat by Temüjin of the Khiyad Borjigids in the Battle of the Thirteen Sides in 1201 when he was eight, he was rarely known to speak more than a few sentences a day. By the time his father Jirqo'adai -- renamed by Temüjin, Genghis Khaan, as 'Jebe', meaning 'Arrow' and 'Weapon' -- had become one of Temüjin's generals three years later, he spoke barely a word a day. This apparent withdrawl culminated when, during a traditional meditative retreat, this one of the offspring of the Khaan's highest officers at the 'Nature Lake' (Байгал нуур, Baigal nuur, what we call 'Lake Baikal' in south-eastern Siberia), undertaken by all youths of the various Mongol tribes during their early teens, he had a vision -- or perhaps a visitation. In the deeps of winter, he went for a walk ... What, specifically, the thirteen-year-old youth saw during his walk he has never said; in fact, Erkliğ no longer speaks. When he returned to the camp, he had with him two creatures practically vital to the 'noble' Mongol -- a horse and an eagle. The horse was a dapple-grey filly that seemed a storm-cloud given form, with her back and mane a less-dappled white, but the coat becoming darker further down, until black overtook her fetlocks. Only the marking on her forehead defied the appearance, a swirling interrupted star of faintly bluish-white that looked like a comet with a tail. The eagle, in turn, was an immature golden eagle of highly unusual coloring -- it too was white instead of the golden eagle's typical rusty brown, but its piercing blue eyes indicated that it was definitely not an albino. The eye color was also an element in the eagle's plumage, and where the typical golden eagle has a paler patch at the back of the neck (nape), the color of the feathers of the immature one on Erkliğ's hand tinged distinctly into blue, a tinge that as it grew traced along the outside of many of its feathers -- like a river tumbling over rapids. Naturally, this caused some amount of commotion; one does not find an eaglet or a filly on a walk in the middle of winter. When the shamans of Baigal Nuur inquired, Erkliğ did not answer, but the filly spoke -- not unlike other horses of legendary Mongol warriors, like Aletan Kale's buff and white horse, or Jangar's horse Aranjagaan -- and named herself Шуурга (Shuurga), or Storm. She also gave the name of the blue-fringed-white-feathered eaglet as Үхаантай (Ukhaantai) meaning Intelligence. After some discussion, both with each other and the nature-wise Shuurga, the shamans recognized that Ukhtaanai was the manifestation of Erkliğ's moving-soul, his memory-soul, his water-soul, his sünesün ruhu, while Shuurga was a manifestation of his life-soul, his personality-soul, his wind-soul, his sülde ruhu. Neither were these things -- after all, when your sülde ruhu leaves your body, you die -- but were external expressions of them. Such supernatural events could not be ignored, and even as his father Jebe led the Khan's elite forces in battle, Erkliğ's training with horse and bow intensified. In the intervening years, his exceptional skills have combined with the information that Ukhaantai can gain him and the mobility that Shuurga gives him have earned him the use-name of simply Hум (Num, meaning 'Bow'); though in his youth he was aware of his tribe being independent of Temüjin's empire, he has trained and worked as a warrior for all of the Mongols for too long to think of himself as Tayichiud first and Mongol second; for him, it is firmly the other way around. Now 26, he serves as a small-force leader of calvary, sometimes as one of his father's seconds, sometimes sent elsewhere as the Khan needs him. More rarely, he is given a task, a problem to solve, and must go far afield -- Shuurga's speed is becoming legendary -- to scout, kill, or perform some other mission. Description:
Both tall and broad, Num has an ease of movement that belies his frame. Though more than a foot taller than the average 5'6" Mongol horseman, Num holds himself so as to minimize how much he towers over others. When on his horse, he is usually leaning over Shuurga's neck and shoulders; when on his own two feet, he's usually squatting, if not sitting on the ground, and even then he's usually bent forward somewhat, or perhaps slouching. Only when his height and arm's reach is necessary (usually in battle) does he uncoil himself to the fullest.
Like most Mongols, Num has high cheekbones, a broad jaw, a distinct (almost exaggerated) epicanthal fold to the eyelid, broad teeth, and dark hair. His facial hair is well-grown in, though he has not allowed it to grow long, so as to not interfere with his archery. His hair he does wear hair long, however, with braids just in front of both ears and another at the base of his skull. Hours before a battle, he will often comb his hair back and oil it well with fat to prevent strands from blowing in his face and potentially distracting him, rebraiding the hair in front and drawing them back to tie behind his head and restrain the rest of his hair. Unlike many of his compatriots, he only wears enough to keep himself warm, counting on his speed and foresight to keep him safe. Notably, Num does not carry any sort of sword or spear; while he does carry a few knives for utility purposes, the only weapon he uses in battle is his bow, and that to great effect, whether firing arrows to intercept others or using the length of it to sweep incoming shots from the air. For more vigorous melee applications, he actually prefers to use his feet, defending himself and, more often than not, either kicking his foes' legs out from under them or their weapons from their hands. Magic Items:
Num bears several items of power.
The first (and, to him, most important) is his bow, Салхитай Хазах, 'Salkhitai Khazakh', which means 'Bite of the Wind' (or perhaps 'Teeth of the Wind'). This name has stuck with the bow since its creation by Num himself, first as an exceptionally-fine (though oversized, meaning 'his size') horse-bow, then through the blessings of wise totems and the bindings of spirits of strength and power to its sinews. Lacking the great flamboyance one might expect from such a powerful weapon, Salkhitai Khazakh (or just Salkhitai) carries only a few wrappings of fine grey wolf-fur, a couple feathers (one of a rare ghost-eagle, another of a snow-owl) on the upper limb's tip, and countless precise tiny engravings of arrows, clouds, and the wind. The second is a fossilized-amber-encased insect, a grasshopper of some sort, with etchings on the back of it. A long golden pin pierces the amber, the insect inside, and is typically meant to hold Num's cloak closed; the name of the talisman is Үерийн Алах Царцаа, 'Üyeriin Alakh Tsartsaa', which means 'Flood Slaughters Locusts'. (An aside -- broken down, the term for 'locust' or 'grasshopper' is 'scale-reindeer' -- and since a grass leaf does indeed look something like a scale, this makes poetic sense.) When worn, Üyeriin produces a ghostly watery echo of the wearer's physical attacks against swarms of insects and other pests, allowing him to destroy such things much more easily. This was given to him by his mother's father, a herdsman who narrowly survived the unification of the Mongol people, and who has 'retired' by spending his days looking after the herds. The other three are similar to each other, albeit in different ways. Mянга Cум Xэрэг, 'Myanga-Sum Khereg' or 'Thousand-Arrow Case', is a leather arrow-quiver whose form was made by Num, but which has had its capacity ... exaggerated by his spiritual companions. Embossed and stitched with prayers to Erkliğ Han, it is able to carry (though not produce) many more arrows than it should, and brings to his hand precisely the sort which Num is reaching for. Ёроолгүй Цүнх, 'Yoroolgüi Tsünkh', is the 'Bag Without Bottom'. Once again a leather sack of simple design (though exceptional make, and by Num's hand), the stitchings and embossing on this good-sized bag resembles Myanga-Sum Khereg in many respects, as prayers and praises to Erkliğ Han make up a large number of them. The sack can, however, hold far more than it appears that it would be able to. Finally, Гэр Олон Өрөө, 'Ger Olon Öröö', is 'The Home of Many Rooms'. Although the finely-made yurt is clearly the home of someone important, with many blessings attached to its walls (as well as charms to drive away dangerous animals and spirits), it does appear to be somewhat small, only about 10' or 11' across. This, however, is deceptive, for the inside is almost thirty feet across, with a great central area and several alcoves for private retreat. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer, properly staked down the yurt can withstand the worst of storms and may provide shelter for several horses as well as their riders. (However, see Shuurga for 'stabling'.) Game Stats:
Üyeriin Alakh Tsartsaa ('Flood Slaughters Locusts') is a swarmbane clasp. Myanga-Sum Khereg ('Thousand-Arrow Case') is a homebrew variant on the efficient quiver, designed for someone who specializes in archery rather than fiddling around with a bunch of different things. Instead of carrying 60 arrows, 18 javelins, and 6 bows, it carries 300 arrows and 4 bows. The 'Bag Without Bottom' Yoroolgüi Tsünkh is a leather-base Type VI bag of holding. Last but not least, Ger Olon Öröö, 'The Home of Many Rooms', is a milieu-appropriate version of the expedition pavilion, round instead of square (11.28' diameter on the outside, 33.85' diameter inside, with the three curtained-off areas still on the 'back wall').
120 durable angel-quill arrowhead arrows, 40 each of cold iron, silver, and adamantine. 500 blunt arrows 1000 regular arrows 3 knives, one on him, two with various kits Much, much more to come; I still have 4497gp to spend, a great facility at doing so, and a keen realization as to the fact that y'know, being able to actually make and serve tea or whatever is a GOOD RP Thing. Plus, I'm supposed to have multiple horses. Because that's what Mongols do.
The Elven Element As one of the key ideas of Num is the arrow-storm and the mile-away sniping, one of the corollaries is the ability to see that far. During my hunt for Perception-enhancing feats, I managed to find Eagle-Eyed (+1 to DC per 50' instead of per 10') and Eagle Eyes (ignore first -5 penalty to visual perception due to distance). The former is available to anyone; the latter (and its Mythic version) is only available to elves with the Keen Senses trait. I therefore decided that I needed to acquire the Elven subtype, and the Keen Senses racial trait. That necessitated the shift in the race build ... but now he can see 250' without penalty, and penalties accrue only every 50'. And next Mythic Tier, he'll probably have Mythic Eagle Eyes, enabling him to spend an MP to see to the horizon with no penalty. ;)
The interaction intended between his 'wind self' (per se) and his 'water self' is complex, however; while 'wind horse' is a Mongol poetic phrase for 'soul', one of a person's souls -- the only one that reincarnates, as a matter of fact -- is that one which specifically moves through water, the sünesün ruhu; I have decided that this is the intellect-soul, and thus the eagle's name of Ukhaantai. Gaining that air-allied familiar at the great Nature Lake of Baikal, clearly a place of influence of water and waves, was meant as an awakening of his awareness to his mystic self, one which developed in the gaining of the wind-horse as well as his use of ki. Such significance is also placed on the name and 'cloudness' of the wind-horse Shuurga -- Storm -- as such things are a blending of water and air. For a horse nomad, while the great Eternal Blue Sky (and space beyond it) is ever-present and thus of vast importance, a more ready and daily concern is, well, water -- water for yourself, and water for your horses. This central consideration is, to an extent, why I allowed myself the use of the Waves Mystery.
Agile (MR 1, CR +1)
The bonus HP / vigor is overridden by the standard mythic bonus; everything else basically stacks. Besides the +1 CR, however, the template does also cost 1 Mythic Path Ability -- which, for the above, I am more than willing to trade. The real concern, however, is not the raw boost to initiative, the dodge bonus, evasion, or an increase in speed; the place to focus is on the dual initiative ability. Dual initiative means getting two turns on each round, once on standard initiative and again 20 initiative count later. These are full initiative actions, enabling the monster (character in this case) to perform two complete action sequences -- which for Num could be move action (from Super Speed (HOPF)), full attack / move action, full attack. This is something, IMO, that definitely needs an OK from the GM.
----- Attributes -----
STR 23: 14 base + 2 racial + 4 advanced + 2 half-celestial + 1 CTtCT DEX 36: 20 base + 2 racial + 4 advanced + 4 half-celestial + 1 CTtCT + 2 CTtCT + 1 standard increase + 2 Physical Prowess (ABP) CON 25: 16 base + 2 racial + 4 advanced + 2 half-celestial + 1 CTtCT INT 38: 20 base + 4 racial + 4 advanced + 4 half-celestial + 1 CTtCT + 2 CTtCT + 2 mythic + 1 standard increase WIS 50: 25 base + 6 racial + 4 advanced + 4 half-celestial + 1 CTtCT + 4 CTtCT + 2 mythic + 2 standard increase + 2 Mental Prowess (ABP) CHA 18: 13 base -2 racial + 4 advanced + 2 half-celestial + 1 CTtCT ----- Initiative -----
----- Defense -----
Saving Throws
----- Offense -----
CMB +24 (+8 BAB +13 Dex +2 CDtCT +1 Powerful Stature), (+26 dirty trick, disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, trip)
Erkliğ, нум, Num (meaning 'Bow') Male advanced half-celestial human (erkliğ han bloodline) zen archer unchained monk (master of many styles) 8//oracle 1/Ilsurian archer ranger (toxophilite) 4/luring cavalier (hussar) 3 Mythic: Champion 3 // Trickster 3 LG Medium outsider (humanoid, human, elf, native)
Fort +38, Ref +44, Will +49; +4 vs. poison, +2 vs. enchantments
Special Attacks careful aim, cavalier's charge, challenge 1/day (+3 damage, +1 to ranged attacks), combat style (mounted), far challenge, favored enemy (them rat bastards +2), flurry of blows (unchained, melee), flurry of blows (unchained, ranged), mythic power (9/day, surge +1d6), powerful build, smite evil 1/day (+4 attack and AC, +8 damage), stunning fist (8/day, DC 34), style shot, style strike, tactician 1/day (Bonded Mind, 4 rds), zen archery Half-Celestial Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +12)
Ilsurian Archer Ranger (Toxophilite) Spells(CL 1st; concentration +21)
-- Attuned Spells (Qty, Casting Cost):
CMB +24 (+26 dirty trick, disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, trip)
Mythic Feats
Traits Disciplined Body, Heedful Readiness, Patient Calm (bow), Reactionary, Wisdom in the Flesh (Ride) Skills Spoiler:
Adventuring Skills: (4 x 4) + (4 x 6) + 8 + 8 + (8 x 13) = 16 + 24 + 16 + 104 = 160 - 56 = 104
Acrobatics 8*: +24 (+52 to jump) Bluff 2: +9 Climb 2: +11 Diplomacy 2: +9 Disable Device 2: +15 Disguise 0: +4 Escape Artist 2: +18 Fly 8*: +28 Heal 8*: +31 Intimidate 8*: +15 Knowledge (local) 5*: +22 Knowledge (nature) 8*: +25 Knowledge (religion) 5*: +22 Perception 8*: +33 Ride 8*: +31 Sense Motive 8*: +31 Spellcraft 2: +19 Stealth 8*: +24 Survival 8*: +31 (+32 to Survival vs. getting lost) Swim 2: +11 Background Skills: 16 + 56 = 72
* - See Skill Unlocks.
Languages Arabic, Aramaic, Hindi, Jurchen, Khitan, Kurdish, Middle Chinese, Middle Mongol, Middle Persian, Punjabi, Tangut, Tibetan, Turkic (Kichak), Turkic (Oghuz), Turkic (Uighur); telepathy (contact), telepathic bond Special Qualities: Oracle
Special Qualities: Cavalier
Special Qualities: Ranger
Special Qualities: Monk
Special Qualities: Wizard
Special Qualities: Mythic Baseline
Special Qualities: Mythic Path Attacks and Abilities
Other Gear arrows (1000), blunt arrows (500), durable silver angel quill arrowhead arrow (40), durable cold iron angel quill arrowhead arrow (40), durable adamantine angel quill arrowhead arrow (40), knife (3), pronged arrow (100), salkhitai khazahk, salkhitai khazahk (in melee), whistling arrow (100), archer's quiver (type i), bag of holding vi, expedition pavilion, swarmbane clasp[UE], 4,497 gp --------------------
Combat Reflexes [Mythic] Can make unlimited number of AoOs/rd, even while flat-footed. As a swift action, use 1 power for movement AoO vs. foes who already provoked one for moving. Precision [Mythic] Increase bonus on secondary attacks by 5, to a maximum of your BAB. Always a Chance [Mythic] You don't automatically miss when you roll a 1 on an attack roll. Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +8 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used. Favored Enemy (??? +2) (Ex) +2 to Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, and weapon attack and damage rolls vs. members of ??? organization. Powerful Stature You count as one size category when beneficial. Power Attack [Mythic] (-3/+9) Take a penalty to your melee attack rolls to increase melee damage. Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Power attack for 1 min.
Cavalier's Charge (Ex) Mounted charge grants +2 to hit and -0 AC rather than +2/-2.
Distant Barrage (Ex) [Mythic] As a swift action, use 1 power for ranged att (+3 bonus, ignore cover/conceal & bypass all DR).
Perfect Strike (Bows, 2d20, 8/day) With bows, roll twice, higher is attack, lower is critical confirmation roll if needed.
Careful Aim (Ex) Ignore penalties for firing up to three range increments; firearms target touch AC up to two range increments.
Ki Arrows (Su, 2d8) 1 Ki point: bow deals the same damage as unarmed strike.
-------------------- Special Abilities: Defense -------------------- Spoiler:
Monk AC Bonus (+2) Monk adds Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, additional at higher level, even against touch and flat-footed. Ki Power: Barkskin (self only, 1 Ki, +3) (Sp) Add +1 to natural AC, +1 for every 3 levels. Combat Expertise [Mythic] (-3/+5) Take a penalty on melee attack rolls to increase AC. Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Combat expertise for 1 min. Dodge +1 dodge to AC, +3 additional vs. AoOs because of movement. Crane Style Fight defensive penalty reduced to -2. When in style, +1 dodge AC bonus. Crane Wing If defensive, +4 dodge vs. melee attacks; lose if missed by 4 or less. If full defense, deflect 1 melee attack that would hit you (count as miss). Crane Riposte (Active) Fight defensive attack penalty now -1. Gain AoO when deflect att/lose crane wing dodge bonus. Disciplined Body (1/day) Use Wisdom modifier for attack roll, combat maneuver check, Strength or Dex-based skill check, Strength or Dex check, or Reflex save. Deflect Arrows (1/round) While have an empty hand, negate one ranged weapon hit you are aware of (unless from a massive weapon). Cut from the Air AoO: Stop ranged attacks against you or an adjacent target Intercept Arrow (Ex) Ready ranged attack to deflect ranged attack vs. ally within 30'. Army Fighting (Ex, HOP) Enemies do not flank for purposes of bonuses and abilities, do not auto-hit on natural 20, cannot use Aid Another to grant allies bonuses to hit or AC against you. Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead.
Hard to Kill (Ex) [Mythic] Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
-------------------- Special Abilities: Senses -------------------- Spoiler:
See in Darkness See perfectly in darkness of any kind, including magical darkness. Eagle Eyes Ignore up to -5 to visual Perception checks due to distance. Eagle-Eyed Distance penalizes your Perception checks at -1/50'. . . Perception Skill Unlock (5) The distance modifier on the DC of Perception checks you attempt is reduced to +1 per 20 feet. (Does this expand with Eagle-Eyed? Standard being -1/10', the unlock essentially doubles the distance; would Eagle-Eyed become -1/100'?) Revelation (Su, Water Sight) See through fog and mist. -------------------- Special Abilities: Movement -------------------- Spoiler:
Fast Movement (+20) When unarmored and only with light load, gain bonus to land speed. Impossible Speed (+30 feet) (Ex) [Mythic] +30 to base movement. Spend 1 power to increase speed by 10 ft/tier for 1 hour. Ki Power: Abundant Step (2 ki, 720', self only, Su) As a move action, dimension door, (400' + 40'/lvl). Fly (310 feet, Good) You can fly! Super Speed, Greater Super Speed (HOP) Gain one additional move action per round; both move actions can be foregone to take two standard actions. Permanent expeditious retreat, phase door,, and water walk. Use whirlwind as spell-like ability at will, centered on you (you are immune), requires move action to maintain. Amazing Initiative (1/round) (Ex) [Mythic] As a free action, use 1 power to gain an extra standard action (can't be used to cast a spell).
-------------------- Special Abilities: Communication -------------------- Spoiler:
Oracle Curse: Mute (Ex) Your cannot speak. You cannot use verbal spell components, or use other effects that requires your voice. Telepathic Bond (1/day) Maintain telepathic bond with one individual. Change with full-round action. Telepathy (Contact) Communicate w/ any creature you are in physical contact with. Bonded Mind You and ally w/ feat can trade nonverbal messages by sight. Wild Empathy +8 Improve the attitude of an animal as if using Diplomacy. -------------------- Special Abilities: Skills -------------------- Spoiler:
Agile Warrior (Ex) Gain Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Stealth, and Survival as class skills. Land's Skills +1 (Ex)Gain Knowledge (local) and Survival to class skills. Add 1/2 level to Survival vs. getting lost. Endurance +4 to Swim vs exhaustion, Con to continue running, forced march, hold breath, starvation/thirst; Fortitude vs. hot/cold environments, resist suffocation. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Diviner's Fortune +4 (17/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch grants ally +4 insight bonus to attack rolls, skill and ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round. Patient Calm (Bows) When you Take 10 to craft bows, treat 'roll' as 12.
-------------------- Special Abilities: Class -------------------- Spoiler:
Diviniation (Wizard) Diviners are masters of remote viewing, prophecies, and exploration. Order of the Land Protect the common folk from oppression. Do not decline a mission because you are not equipped for it. Automatic Free Silent Spell Your oracle curse grants you the ability to cast all spells as if using the Silent Spell metamagic feat without modifyling that spell's actual level. Tactician (4 rds, 1/day) (Ex) Grant the use of one of your teamwork bonus feats to all allies within 30 ft.
Ki Pool (24 pts, cold iron, magic, silver, Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Mythic Power (9 pts) You can use mythic abilities and surges.
-------------------- Special Abilities: Familiar / Mount -------------------- Spoiler:
Mount (Ex) Gain the services of a special animal companion. Fast Mount +10 ft. (Ex) When riding any mount all modes of movement increase speed. Ride Mount Do not take ACP when riding your mount. Mounted Combat (1/round) You can attempt to negate a hit (Ride, immediate) to your mount in combat. Animal Companion Link (Ex) Handle or push Animal Companion faster, +4 to checks vs. them. Share Spells with Companion (Ex) Can cast spells with a target of "you" on animal companion, as touch spells. Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Profile Info:
Race: | F +38, R +44, W +49 (evasion, SR 19) | ER[b] Acid/Cold/Elec: 10 | [b]FstHeal 2 | Init +57/+37, dual init | UnA +23*x3 (2d8+15), bow(m) +32x2 (2d6+24), bow +34x* (3d6+28*) | CMB +24 | AoO ∞ | Mv Classes/Levels: