Thaine Hepler's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 40 posts (42 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 37 Organized Play characters.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 2/5

I noticed that the organized play tab is no longer displaying accurate Reputation totals.
Looking at my 705 ZZ (though he's not the only one with errors) I am showing 42 rep entered for Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) and the summary displays "Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo): 34" for a difference of 8

Some breakdowns for trouble shooting:
25 is play credit with the remaining 17 being GM credit
3 of the adventures have an extra 2 rep reporting from Society Shepherd. Close but not 8
Only one of the non-replayable adventures was a replay (I burnt my first nova re-running skitter shot).
While I suspect the new replay logic probably broke something based on timing, this error is not directly due to undercounting replays

I don't play PF2 so I cant tell if that was effected, and as PF1 was primarily a paper campaign I would have to do some digging to make sure everything is still reporting accurately on one of those characters


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While planning out my Manifold Host character, I realized there were some odd interactions with "Manifold Host Exemplar"

For every other faction, the Capstone boon is available at Tier 4 (usually Level 8ish) and applies to a new character (regardless of the faction chosen)

Manifold Host Exemplar is different because it applies to the character who hit Tier 4, not a new one.
Since a character can only benefit from one capstone, you cannot start a character with another capstone and also apply Exemplar.
This also discourages the player from starting a "nufriend", which seems out of character for the Host.
And it only applies to characters who are using an admittance boon, limiting the race selections that can fully benefit from Host.

I would suggest making "Manifold Host Exemplar" no longer a capstone, though leave it a T4 purchasable boon.
Then introduce a new Boon for a capstone for Host. Maybe something similar to Wayfinders and unlock a new race, as that would fit with the Host's mission to make friends.

There's a certain rabbit like race currently not accessible that has limited contact with the wider galaxy, this would be a great way to introduce playable Ixtli


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While putting the finishing touches on my REDACTED for next season, and plotting around my wayfinder capstone, I realized the text doesnt actually state it uses a personal boon slot. After looking at my Astriapi boon i saw the same gap.
This seems to be rather new, as even Friend to Ghorans stated it was a personal boon

Astriapi admittance (the straight 120 ACP version)

Boon Details:
You may play a character of an uncommon species: an astriapi (Starfinder Alien Archive 4 13), beginning at level 1 as normal.
Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Guide to Organized
Play: Starfinder Society. This Chronicle Sheet must be the first Chronicle Sheet for the given character, and you must bring a
copy of Starfinder Alien Archive 4 to all sessions in which you play this character as if access to this race selection were granted by the Character Options page.

Liberation of Azlanti Allies (the one that started it all)

Boon Details:
Your actions have weakened the grip of the Azlanti Star Empire. You may play a character of an uncommon species: a gathol (The Liberation of Locus-1 60) or tromlin (The Liberation of Locus-1 60), beginning at level 1 as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society. This Chronicle Sheet must be the first Chronicle Sheet for the given character.

Is this just a typo and the ACP & adventure boon should have the personal tag?
Is the usage of a personal boon slot just explictly assumed for all non common races going forward? If so you may want to clarify in the guild guide.
Do these two limited races (and maybe others?) just not use a personal boon slot?

I wanted to check on my order, as its been 45 days at this point

Please cancel pending order 4129375
Thank you