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SFS 05-99 BftB
The Exo-Guardians faction once maintained an impressive fortress known as Sangoro's Bulwark. Years ago, mysterious forces attacked the bulwark, and the fortress was lost. Now, under the command of Ixthia the Unbreakable, the Starfinder Society launches a massive operation to reclaim Sangoro’s Bulwark, rescue any survivors, and destroy the foul forces that dared take the lives of the Starfinders stationed there. The battle for Sangoro’s Bulwark has begun! Please dot in
SFS 05-99 BftB
Welcome to the discussion page. Could you please add your details to rpg chronicles to make giving you the sheet at the end nice and easy for me. Feel free to chat here, or jump over to gameplay for some RP while we wait
SFS 05-99 BftB
The effects of the Data Scourge attacks are still felt across Absalom Stations and the Pact Worlds, and the First Seeker is constantly seeking solutions. After hearing a rumor of Scourge-resistant technology on a distant world seeking Pact Protectorate status, Ehu Hadif arranges for a team of Starfinders to accompany the delegation of Stewards and Xenowardens to review the world's petition. On the record, the Starfinders are concerned with evaluating the planet's ruins, but Ehu hopes they can learn about the mysterious technology supposedly being developed by the colonists. Missions are rarely so straightforward, however, and the PCs must contend with an overreaching church, their fellow diplomatic delegates, and dark secrets buried just beneath the surface of the colony's outwardly placid society. Will this world reach its ambition and become part of the Pact Worlds, and does it really have access to technology that could help combat the Data Scourge? Most importantly, will the assigned agents survive their "diplomatic mission?" Feel free to post or just dot in
SFS 05-99 BftB
This is a CORE game. Please double check your character is CORE. If you are currently in a game or expect to apply a GM chronicle before play, hold off putting in the information. To make my life easier when it comes to filling in chronicles, if you could each put in a single post with: Chronicle: What chronicle number this is for the character
Try to hold off actual discussion here until we have one post per character with those details (makes life easy for me to make the chronicles for you all at the end). Please add an Icon for your character to the map. If you don't know how, let me know and I'll help. Also dot into the gameplay thread, or just hang around and RP there if you like.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Please sign up using the rpgchronciles link below. This helps automation of chronicles for me.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Dispatched by the Wayfinders' faction leader to a Near Space world, the PCs have orders to assist a local Starfinder research outpost. The outpost's head researcher sends the PCs on a mission to explore a strange calcified region, which soon reveals that there's more happening on this world than first appears.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Working closely with the Exo-Guardians, a team of Starfinders tracks down, scouts, and battles a fleet of enemy ships implicated in the Data Scourge attacks. Will this maneuver be the turning point in the conflict, or will the Starfinders' bold actions inflict dire consequences on the Society?
SFS 05-99 BftB
When a simulated training mission goes wrong, a team of novice Starfinders find themselves trapped in a corrupted version of the virtual reality training program. After meeting a mysterious stranger within the system, they face an important choice: exit the program, or stay and fight to save Guidance from the Data Scourge? If they choose to fight, they experience strange revelations and battle dangerous glitches—all leading to the truth behind the Data Scourge attacks.
While I don't normally use a recruitment thread, in this case the requirements are a little more specific than normal. Namely: PFS version 1
Because there is a desire to run this high tier, I'll likely accept a pregen over a lower tier character, though if I can accommodate a real character and keep this at high tier, that is my preference. If you have a real character (non pregen) that is CORE and level 7,8 or 9 then go straight into discussion. Spots reserved for QSTOR and Big Guy in Black who expressed their interest back at Flaxseed already.
SFS 05-99 BftB
This is a CORE game, so please make sure your character is CORE compliant. We will be playing this at high tier. I may be able to take one or two lower level characters, depending on the makeup of the higher level ones. Pre-gens are also an option. If you are currently in a game or expect to apply a GM chronicle before play, hold off putting in the information. To make my life easier when it comes to filling in chronicles, if you could each put in a single post with: Chronicle: What chronicle number this is for the character
Try to hold off actual discussion here until we have one post per character with those details (makes life easy for me to make the chronicles for you all at the end). Please add an Icon for your character to the map. If you don't know how, let me know and I'll help. Also dot into the gameplay thread, or just hang around and RP there if you like.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Incense hangs heavy in the air in a meeting chamber of Manaket’s Swordmeet Lodge, where Venture-Captain Obo stands before a low table. “I won’t mince words,” he declares as he strokes his graying beard. “This mission is of vital importance to the Pathfinders’ success in the Worldwound. The Society has many powerful spellcasters, yet few can compare to the Riftwardens in feats of demon-banishing. That Abyssal scar spawns many demons, and the aid of capable abjurers would be a great boon in our march to Jormurdun, the newly discovered Sky Citadel . When our leaders requested the Riftwardens’ aid, we were denied; too many of their wizards are already committed to Mendev’s cause.” Obo’s face betrays his chagrin, and he continues. “However, in saying no, they tantalized us with a means of securing their trust and alliance. Several Riftwardens led by Jahani Jodinaj and stationed in Azir were recently preparing for a dangerous task, but they recently stopped responding to magical missives. Were we Pathfinders to investigate these Riftwardens’ disappearance, we would have performed a great service to be repaid in kind. Ah,” he notes with some pleasure as two servant carry platters of drinks and fruit into the room, “We have refreshments. May you find them to your pleasure.” As he begins peeling an orange, he frowns and adds, “We have one potential ally in this investigation, though I doubt he will leap at the chance to help. A contact of mine recently spotted the former Pathfinder Eando Kline in the sook of Azir. He has donned the guise of a copper merchant and likely prefers a degree of anonymity, but he is also a very well-connected man; if anyone knows what ills have befallen the Riftwardens, it is he. Should he not wish to speak, tell him, ‘Sasha Antif-Arah sends her regards—healthy and alive from Andoran.’ " “Beyond that, be careful, Pathfinders. The sands of Rahadoum are unforgiving, and the Pure Legion is even less so.”
In short, does a significant enemy have to be a creature, or could be be a trap? The way it is written in the rules mentions creatures with a low CR as not being a significant enemy - but there are other cases that might be a threat (high CR traps) that people might want to use abilities gated by this criteria. Thoughts?
Okay, I like a heist. My issue is with the chase scene (option one).
How about the new tricks available boarding platform and grad vestibule? Are they alternative options available to the pilot in the piloting phase? But if so.. well, the pilot phase is likely to have happened in a previous chase zone. How about those hover cycles that join the chase on the boarding platform? There is a +2 pilot modifier provided, but no skills for the riders. Do I just run with them at +2? But the zone they start in has a -2 modifier due to barricades, so they would start with +0, and thus not likely to even make a "keep pace" check. Help!
SFS 05-99 BftB
This is a CORE table. Please double check your CORE status. If you are currently in a game or expect to apply a GM chronicle before play, hold off putting in the information. To make my life easier when it comes to filling in chronicles, if you could each put in a single post with: Chronicle: What chronicle number this is for the character
Try to hold off actual discussion here until we have one post per character with those details (makes life easy for me to make the chronicles for you all at the end). Please add an Icon for your character to the map. If you don't know how, let me know and I'll help. Also dot into the gameplay thread, or just hang around and RP there if you like.
SFS 05-99 BftB
At last, the Starfinder Society nears its goal of recovering the final data fragment containing one of the organization’s greatest secrets. Guidance, the Society’s guiding intelligence, dispatches a group of veteran agents to the mysterious planet Aucturn at the edge of Pact Worlds space. The PCs must survive the eldritch denizens and hazards of the Citadel of the Black while racing against a group of Hellknights who also seek the fragment.
SFS 05-99 BftB
The crumbling columns made from jagged pieces of bonewhite stone rise out of the hillside like broken teeth. Most believe that this ruined edifice is all that remains of the ruins of Bonekeep, a siege castle just twelve miles from the walls of Absalom, but the intrepid agents of the Pathfinder Society know better. Two days ago, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin sent word from the Grand Lodge of a private meeting of he and his best agents. The missive explained little, other than strongly suggesting all recipients come urgently and to speak to no one of their errand. As Valsin entered his office, cramped as it was with eager Pathfinders, he unfurled a map of the area around Absalom and laid it out on his desk, marking the location of all of the ruined siege castles around the metropolis. Built by would-be conquerors and petty tyrants, these ruined castles are a testament to the strength of Absalom, a reminder to the next invader of the fate of those that lay siege to the City at the Center of the World. “This is the ruin of Bonekeep”, Valsin began, pointing at a newly marked spot on the map. “All too recently we learned of Tancred Desimire’s plan to use these ruins as a base for his nefarious plans. Fortunately, those plans have been ruined, but the greater question remains. Why would he select Bonekeep? The place is a total ruin, with little left standing aside from a few crumbling walls, or at least, that is what we thought. One week ago, I sent a pair of scouts, Wenton and Theodana, to investigate the ruins. Only poor Theodana returned. She says that they found a hidden staircase in the bottom of the ruins, the door to which looked like it had been opened only recently. Venturing into the darkness, they found some sort of vault deep beneath the ground, left untouched since the keep’s destruction over two centuries ago. That is unfortunately where things went terribly wrong. In just the first chamber, they sprung some sort of trap that took Wenton’s off head. Theodana fled before anything else could happen, returning to me to tell her tale.” Pausing to look over the assembled Pathfinders, the venture-captain continues. “This is where you come in. The Decemvirate is very concerned about this matter. Siege castles are dangerous places and this one is no different. Built by a necromancer named Volzaras, there could be some terrible things lurking down there, things waiting to get loose. We want you to go to the ruins of Bonekeep, have a look around to determine what sort of threat it poses, and to report back. Anything you find is yours to keep, as long as we get a look at it first. Good luck!” That was two days ago. It took nearly an hour of scrambling through the ruins to find the staircase leading down into the silent grave. The dungeon waits.
Come one, come all. For perhaps your only chance to ever play this under PBP. If you:
then I also intend to take the survivors (hahahaha) into part two. And even part three (but that does seem excessively unlikely). I'll pick mostly based on party level/composition. The odds are somewhat stacked against you from the start, so you need your best shot at it.
I'm also going to heavily favor real characters over pregens. This is part of Nostalgiacon For the moment, just post your interest and the character details you would like to play with. Oh, and best confirm you have the gold/PP for body recovery and resurrection.
SFS 05-99 BftB
You can apply the chronicle from this to any level character (and it gives XP and credits!) Please put the details for the character you want to credit this to into the rpg chronicles site.
SFS 05-99 BftB
The past few days have been a whirlwind of excitement! Zhane managed to land a spot in the biggest music event this side of the galaxy: the Out of the Nest festival at Songbird Station. This could be Neon & Noqual’s chance to finally make it big! But there is one problem—the band’s only means of transport, an old clunker of a starship called Mama’s Little Helper (nicknamed MLH), lacks a Drift engine for the long trip. Luckily, if the band dropped everything, packed up MLH, and left right away, there would be just enough time to make it to the Diaspora and reach the concert hall with a tiny bit of time to spare... so that’s what you did! A few days of travel into the trip—just as the cramped quarters of the Mama’s Little Helper begin to grow close and stuffy—you enter the Diaspora. The journey to Songbird Station seemed close to an end, that is until MLH began to rattle and gurgle, spewing smoke that looked much thicker and smelled far more fowl than normal. Not long after, the ship’s engines failed dramatically. With a few well-placed kicks, Nuya was able to restore maneuvering thrusters long enough to land on a nearby hunk of rock just outside a fuel pump and an ugly little diner named Buzz’s. MLH is out of commission, but the show is scheduled to start in just a few hours!
Is this generally legal? Yes:
No: (in general)
It is not helpful that the additional resources page for Against the Aon Throne just links to the overall AP. That has a Starfinder Organised Play document (yay) but which doesn't state anything about general item availability.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Sign up is at rpg-chronicles You can do day-job rolls here (if the pregens have them) After signing up at rpg-chronicles, drop in here and dot into gameplay too.
A table of TGGTR for the one-shot "weekend"- Sign up at rpg chronicles Then dot into gameplay and discussion.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Feel free to dot in here after you sign up to rpg-chronicles.
SFS 05-99 BftB
I will be using rpg chronicles So please add your information into there. Slot any boons and do your day jobs in this thread. If you could also note if you have chronicles (on this character) for:
SFS 05-99 BftB
“I rely on logic and facts whenever I can,” Celita says. After a pause to collect her thoughts, she continues. “However, in our current situation, there aren’t enough apparent facts, so intuition will have to suffice.”
SFS 05-99 BftB
I'll be using rpg chronicles to generate the chronicles for this. Please enter your details
However, if you could let me know if you met Zigvigix during your Commencement (01-01) and/or took up his offer for tickets at the end of 01-04 that would be much appreciated.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Rainbow-colored lights dance around the glittering asteroid temple known as Songbird Station, one of the premier performing-arts centers in the Pact Worlds. Dot in below.
SFS 05-99 BftB
To make it easy for me to fill in the chronicles, could you please provide for the character you want to credit this to... Chronicle: What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Please introduce yourself in gameplay. Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.
SFS 05-99 BftB
To make it easy for me to fill in the chronicles, could you please provide for the character you want to credit this to... Chronicle: What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Please introduce yourself in gameplay. Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Venture-Captain Naiaj surveys the group with her characteristically grim expression. “Today, we launch two missions to investigate the continued malfunction of many Drift beacons in the Vast. I believe your counterparts are boarding the Master of Stars for their own briefing as we speak. " She says. “As you know, for the past few months, Drift beacons have been going dark throughout the Vast, which has, in effect, reduced the size of the traversable universe. As Starfinders, it is our duty to protect these beacons, as they represent new roads
She waves, and a projection appears on her desk: a sector of space, long stretches of the unexplored Vast dotted with small settlements, and in the center, a red dot that indicates a Drift beacon. “This Drift beacon has been operating sporadically for several weeks—shutting down, then becoming targetable again before winking out entirely. We’ve determined that it’s a good candidate for investigation. This mission also presents an opportunity for a test flight, considering that only starships of our newest experimental model, the Azata, seems to be able to navigate toward so sporadic a signal." “We’ll be issuing you an Azata for this investigation. Your task is to navigate to the beacon, investigate the cause of its malfunctions, and repair it, if possible. Once you’ve returned, we’ll compare the results of your mission with the results of your sister mission and see what we can learn about why these beacons are shutting down. Understand?”
SFS 05-99 BftB
I'm going to try using the character chronicle generator. You'll need to put your details in here But do put a post in here introducing yourself.
SFS 05-99 BftB
The hallway outside the meeting room is dimly lit and crowded with crates. A welldressed drow waits in front of the door, greeting the new arrivals. “Starfinders! I’m so glad you’ve arrived. I am Venture- Captain Kunoris Vex,” he says, approaching. The drow offers an outstretched hand, but is forced to jump back quickly as a pair of rapidly chattering ysoki dash in front of him, waving their arms excitedly and pointing at readings on their holographic displays as they run down the hall. Vex smiles. “As you can see, there’s a lot going on here, and I want you to get right down to work.” Vex gestures to a nearby doorway, leading into a conference room with insta-plastic tables and chairs arranged haphazardly about. The holographic display unit’s core sits atop the table, ready for a technician to install it.
“As you can see, this moon contains a large number of vaults. We recently gained access to one of them,[b]” Vex begins. “[b]The monitor outside of this vault doorway currently displays the words ‘Duskmire Accord.’ We’ve found no records in our research here or from the databases on Absalom Station about the term ‘Duskmire,’ but we assume it is the name of a place. Our scans from the hallway reveal a powerful energy source somewhere within the vault, although its construction or some manner of shielding prevents any meaningful readings. It appears that if we want to learn anything more, we need to
The drow turns off the projector and smiles broadly as he leans forward. “I’d like you to go into this vault and see what you can find. Identify the source of these energy readings, and learn anything else you can about the interior of the vault. There may be inhabitants, but we don’t know whether they’re likely to be peaceful. As always, be ready for anything!”
SFS 05-99 BftB
To make it easy for me to fill in the chronicles, could you please provide for the character you want to credit this to... Chronicle: What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Please introduce yourself in gameplay. Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.
SFS 05-99 BftB
As they return home from a successful mission, a team of Starfinders are caught in the chaos of an ongoing digital attack on Absalom Station. Can the PCs battle their way through malfunctioning technology, hostile robots, and panicked crowds to help defend headquarters, or will the Society's most important digital assets be corrupted by the Data Scourge?
SFS 05-99 BftB
If you are currently in a game or expect to apply a GM chronicle before play, hold off putting in the information. To make my life easier when it comes to filling in chronicles, if you could each put in a single post with: Chronicle: What chronicle number this is for the character
Try to hold off actual discussion here until we have one post per character with those details (makes life easy for me to make the chronicles for you all at the end). Please add an Icon for your character to the map. If you don't know how, let me know and I'll help. Also dot into the gameplay thread, or just hang around and RP there if you like.
SFS 05-99 BftB
This is a CORE game, please make sure your character is a CORE character. Several years ago, a Taldan Zyphus cult took over a famous Oppara opera house, murdered a Pathfinder, and turned dozens of Taldor's wealthiest citizens into the walking dead. The Pathfinder Society has finally tracked down their hideout and sends you to Oppara for one purpose: revenge. Can you face the servants of Golarion's god of accidents unharmed or will you find yourself among Zyphus's cursed souls?
SFS 05-99 BftB
To make it easy for me to fill in the chronicles, could you please provide for the character you want to credit this to... Chronicle: What chronicle number will this be for your character?
Please introduce yourself in gameplay. Please also add an icon for your character to the first page of the map. Ideally this will be the same as the one you post with.
SFS 05-99 BftB
Part of Outpost IV Eox's Blackmoon region contains countless forgotten Eoxian ruins, leftovers from an apocalyptic assault on the planet. Few are allowed to dig up these sites, yet the Starfinder Society and undead bone sages maintain a joint academic venture known as the Blackmoon Excavation. When Starfinder archaeologists and undead workers begin disappearing from the site the Society sends in a team of agents to uncover why—a secret that resides in the nearby ruins! Please enter your details in the discussion thread, and then ninja post or dot-post here in gameplay.