Knight of Ozem

TawnyKnight's page

66 posts (2,259 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 aliases.

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Wizard (Shadowcaster) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 12/12/10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2 | Init +2 | Perception +0 | Force Missile 7/day

Waiting for a response Haran takes a seat and removes a large pot of honey from his pack, casting a spell, "Dna Hg'Ni Ple'h," to slowly transport gobbits of honey into his open maw, as if he is being fed by an invisible hand.

"Mmmmm, um, um, pardon me, would anyone care for some? Most delectable, I like to place a sprig of jasmine in the pot and it just adds a subtle touch the complements the honey perfectly. It tastes even better if you imagine you are a bear..."

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Wizard (Shadowcaster) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 12/12/10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2 | Init +2 | Perception +0 | Force Missile 7/day

Josria a gallon of water, which would be a teeny tiny bucket weighs 8lbs, the standard modern bucket is 5 gallon so 40+lbs, prestidigitation has a maximum weight limit of 1lb. You probably could just about lift a can of coke.

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Wizard (Shadowcaster) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 12/12/10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2 | Init +2 | Perception +0 | Force Missile 7/day

Shining Force, god I loved that game - though its predecessor Shining in the Darkness is right up there in my favourite games of all time, possibly because it was the first RPG I ever played :) Still play it now and then.

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Wizard (Shadowcaster) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 12/12/10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2 | Init +2 | Perception +0 | Force Missile 7/day

Haran smiles ruefully, "Well of course I speak with all the bias of one who has let himself go and gotten lost while he was at it - in a pantry no doubt. But I maintain that corpulence is the true secret, or at least a true secret, to the acquisition of phenomenal cosmic power - albeit rather more complex than that."

Smiling down at Naseem he adds, "You know that is a fascinating subject, I would postulate that Reja serves as some sort of conduit and if you are indeed greater upon your home plane it is likely her abilities that limit your physical manifestation upon this plane. Presumably then as her power as a practitioner increases you will become closer and closer to your true form... Hmmm, maybe I could take some measurements and examine you later it would make a wonderful topic for a paper."

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Plunder and Peril Slides | | Giantslayer Slides

I think we go with what you feel comfortable with, I am fine with posting ahead, but obviously you risk having something change if you do so. Big things are fine to redo, say if you took a great deal of damager I would probably ask if you wished to alter an offensive action for a defensive one, etc.

Posts happen in the order they are posted within the same initiative block, unless otherwise specified by the poster, to prevent,

"I killed it!"
"No I go over and kill, it redo your post."

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Wizard (Shadowcaster) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 12/12/10 | Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +2 | Init +2 | Perception +0 | Force Missile 7/day

It was hard to miss Haran, aside from his great girth the wizard constantly carried a sturdy parasol to protect him from the sun and carried a folding chair - with a special notch so the parasol could be placed over it. He had not fared well with the camels, the creatures unenthused about carrying his bulk, and the wizard had fallen several times while trying to both read and hold his parasol which had resulted in some hot words for his humped conveyance.

Haran had made it quite clear that he was only on the journey at the behest of the Pathfinder Society, obviously reveling in his new membership,

"Oh, yes, they said I was the first Pathfinder to pass his initiation rite while seated. Now of course I understand that will not always be practical, but, well, I have always believed in the conservation of energy where possible. I just completed my journey to Absalom and received my Wayfinder, meant to go for years, but you know how it is always another book to devour, maybe I should have waited another month or so! Then I would not be sweating like a teenage boy in a harem!"

Despite his idiocincracies Haran had proven to be helpful, provided it called for no significant physical exertion on his part, offering to prestidigitate clean anyone or thing, and supplementing supplies by shooting down distant vultures with magic missiles,

"It is a bit of an acquired taste, but I read up on vulture recipes before coming out to this thrice cursed desert - really the outdoors is hideously overrated - and it turns out they are a delicacy! Although I suspect that might be a polite way of saying that you take what you can get out here."

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Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Brawler 1 | HP: 28/28 | AC: 17 | T: 13 | FF: 14 | Fort +7/ Ref +6/ Will +0 (+2 vs Emotion and Fear) | Init +3 / Percept +6 | Martial Flexibility 1/4

Forgot to include the wand in the loot calculations so we each get a share of 2585gp, not including the 1000gp each for the reward, and our liquid gold is 1683.16gp - though likely much higher once we decide what we are not keeping.

Should still be able to afford to get my sword, but might be tighter on the gold front.

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kyrt-ryder wrote:
Fergie wrote:
Honestly, that character is the Pathfinder version of PunPun, and should never be brought into an actual game.

Wait wait wait.

You're suggesting that a Core Class, using standard options available to it in main line books, is somehow the PunPun [as in, an obscure monster trick available in an obscure book utilizing an npc race] of Pathfinder?

Oh yes the "standard" option of having a 16th level Kineticist intelligent weapon. Hardly Punpun, but far from standard. Allowing Leadership at all is foolish and allowing an intelligent weapon with class levels with it is just asking for trouble.

I think a healthy practice is to allow 1 in battle summon and 1 combat follower. As a GM the rule with high level play is simplify as much as possible. Ensure players have attacks routines written out and explain that you wish to limit the numbers on the battlefield to increase the flow and thus fun of the game.

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Female Dwarf Cleric (Forge Master) 1; HP: 11/11 AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 14 (+18 vs B.R or Trip) F: +6 R:+1 W: +6 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-likes, +2 vs charm and compulsion) Perception: +3 (+2 for Stone), Forgemaster's Blessing: 5/5

a masterwork short sword = 155gp
15 cold iron shurikens = 15gp
two flasks of acid = 10gp
a potion of cat’s grace = 150gp
a potion of lesser restoration = 150gp
a wand of summon monster I (CL 3rd, 9 charges) = 202.5gp
an amethyst worth 100 gp
darts (4) 1gp
masterwork scimitar = 157.5gp
cloak of resistance +1 = 500gp
10 javelins=10g if sold
a scroll of invisibility = 75gp
scroll of shatter = 75gp
scroll of shield other = 75gp
silver altar services, worth 100 gp altogether
two silver holy symbols of Nethys. = 25gp
masterwork silver dagger = 161gp
a masterwork light steel shield = 79.5gp
4 javelins= 4gp if sold.
collar with lapis lazuli stones and has a silver tag reading “Kita.” worth 50 gp. 2095.5

2095.5 ÷ 5 = 419.1 each + 250 relics + 51.4gp coins = 720.5gp each

I suggest anyone can "buy" items from the loot at the selling price, so effectively half normal price.

So Tells will buy the cloak of resistance for 500gp - if nobody else gets a 20 and its cool - and have 220.5gp left over.

I also suggest we each chip in 150gp to buy a Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 15gp a use as opposed to 25 for a scroll or 50 for a potion.

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Generally the way it works is that you need to apply for games. I would highly recommend reading the following guides Doomed Hero's PBP Guide and Painlord's Advanced PBP Guide they should point you in the right direction and offer some great tips. Good luck, hope to play with you at some point :)

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Female Dwarf Cleric (Forge Master) 1; HP: 11/11 AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 14 (+18 vs B.R or Trip) F: +6 R:+1 W: +6 (+2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-likes, +2 vs charm and compulsion) Perception: +3 (+2 for Stone), Forgemaster's Blessing: 5/5

"Ahh, now that is better, thank you. Tella Brightsmith, pleasure I am sure. No need for a reward, we came here treasure hunting, you've helped us out a good deal with your magic, and I am sure we are all happy to have a good deed under our belts," Tella says, smiling at Balenar.

"Now I say we load up the loot head back into the City and sell the most obviously unloadable stuff and then go for a slap up meal to celebrate. I hear there is a new Quadiran place that's good value for money if you can all handle a bit of spice? I here they have a cheap but potent drink called Arak that got Snorri Geldisson drunk enough that he fell down a well!" Tella suggests, delivering the last sentence with enthusiasm.

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MeanDM wrote:
Note out of character: I know that Paladins can be disruptive to games, but as a pretty long time GM myself, I just want you to know that if you decide Aleric is a good fit, I plan on making sure that the party not imploding and the game moving forward are bigger goals for me than some "proper" way to play my character.

I have absolutely no issue with Paladins, and quite enjoy a little inter party chaffing, which I feel, when properly managed with OOC communication assuring the players are on good terms, can stimulate RP and make character relationships deeper and more nuanced. Certainly get annoyed by GMs who seek to punish Paladins, but equally Pallys do not get to dictate to the rest of the party, etc. So in summary it'll be fine :)

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Recruitment will continue until June 30th with Midnight eastern standard time being the deadline.

I would like this game to be slightly faster than the norm, with a minimum post requirement of 2 per day. If you do not feel you can meet that posting level please do not apply. Special circumstances aside, for which advanced notice would be appreciated.

Please download and read the Giantslayer's Player's Guide, which can be found HERE.

This is an IC recruitment thread. Please try not to initiate conversations with other PCs, ideally I would like to get a feel for your character by one or two several paragraph posts. Generally speaking this would be one post describing your arrival, and a follow up post where you interact and respond to the NPCs.

Please keep OOC comments in OOC brackets, and display your characters statistics either in an alias profile, or inside a spoiler.

Selection Criteria:

  • Writing Quality

  • Ties to Golarion and reasons for being present.

  • last and least Party Composition - only as a tie breaker.

Character Creation:

Any Paizo Material* **
15 Point Buy
HP Max at 1st half hit die +1 after, and for all Animal Companion and Eidolons hit die.
*Summoners must use the Unchained Summoner Spell list, and the Pounce evolution becomes a 2 point evolution that requires the Summoner to be 5th level to select; Or you may play an Unchained Summoner as written.
I believe the Summoner needed a power down, but dislike the limitation on freedom of choice with the eidolon, which is my favourite thing about the class.
**The Synthecist Summoner archetype is not allowed.
Races Core Only, Half Orcs should note that they can expect to be treated with prejudice - Trunau is specifically listed as being racially intolerant towards half orcs, although there are a number of quite prominent half orcs in town. Not to discourage half orcs, just to warn what they can expect. If you choose to be from Trunau the town's racial break down is 620 humans, 50 halflings, 40 half orcs, 20 dwarves, 15 half elves, 10 gnomes, and 25 other.
2 traits, one of which must be a Campaign Trait from the Giantslayer Player's Guide, and you may take a 3rd if you select a drawback - expect the GM to ensure your drawback will not be constantly sidestepped though.
Starting Gold take best of Class Average or 150gp.
Background Skills are in use, please ensure you are using them for flavour purposes rather than to make your character stronger.
You may craft up to 3 items, prior to the game staring, to do so you must be trained in the craft skill, or have the Scribe Scroll feat.
If I have forgotten to include anything, please let me know and I will rectify accordingly, please put questions in OOC format :)

You are in the small settlement of Trunau, one of the few human settlements in the otherwise Orc dominated Holds of Belkzen. At some point in the morning you were approached by a middle aged armored man, neatly bearded face tracked with smile lines, who you either knew as, or who introduced himself as Patrol Captain Rodrik Grath,

"Going to be hiring a few folk, for a task at tomorrow's Hopeknife Ceremony, its nothing dangerous, should even be a good time. If you are interested swing by the Longhouse around noon, I'll only be hiring four, but even if you are not chosen there will be a drink and as much porridge as you can eat in it for you. If it works out well I might even be able to find you a position in the Guard after, if that is something that might interest you. Pay is a gold piece and as much as you can drink and eat at the festivities, plus some good will from the whole of Trunau I should think. Well, hope to see you there."

Giving you no opportunity to reply he smiles and strides purposefully off.

When you arrive at the Longhouse you find the doors open, and are ushered inside by a couple of guardsmen, who appear to be smoking pipes and chatting rather than guarding.

Half Orcs:
The guards eye you coldly, and only begrudgingly point the way.

The Longhouse is a large building and you enter into a spacious wooden hall, filled with long tables. Rodrik sits at one table besides a man who must be a relation given their strong resemblence, the two men seem of an age, but Rodrik carries himself with confidence while the second man appears careworn and apprehensive by contrast,

"Ah, you made it, come on over. Have you met my brother Kurst?" Rodrink calls, motioning for you to take a seat across from them on a wooden bench,

"Now the job is a simple one, tomorrow a girl reaches adulthood and receives her Hopeknife. After the ceremony we like to play a game of tug-o-war with us guards versus the newly minted adult and we are looking for some reliable types to join in the fun, and give the girl a chance of beating us. Don't worry about being big and burly, you just need to put on a good show, none of us want to embarrass her on her day, but obviously it looks better if it is as real as possible. That's pretty much it, then we celebrate."

"Half the reason I've asked you is that it is good to get to know folk who might help protect Trunau. So I would like to know what you care to share about yourselves, where are you from, can you handle a weapon, what are your plans. That sort of thing, but only what you don't mind sharing of course, this isn't an interrogation, but a meet and greet - right Kurst?"

"Ah, that is right, we are a small town constantly on the brink in these harsh lands, so every person counts - even if you are only passing through."

Rodrik raises a mug to his lips and takes a sip, "Well? Tell us about yourself..."

If you are a half orc they eye you coldly, and exchange dark glances before begrudgingly pointing the way.

No need to roll for the duration of Gather Information in this instance, assume you have time to make a single check.

K. Local or Diplomacy Gather Information DC 5+:
“The hopeknife is more than a weapon—it’s a
symbol. To Trunauans, earning your hopeknife is
a mark of your place in the community. When you
earn your hopeknife, it means you are wise enough
to make adult decisions, old enough to know what
it means to fear, and strong enough to protect your
neighbors, even if it costs you your own life.”

K. Local or Diplomacy Gather Information DC 10+:
“Even though she’s the Chief Defender’s daughter,
Ruby has to pledge to uphold the Standing Vow in order to receive her hopeknife, just like the rest of us. She must agree to hold Trunau against all comers and to never forfeit her homeland willingly. That is the Vow.”

K. Local or Diplomacy Gather Information DC 12+:
“Rumor has it that Rodrik Grath is next in line for the position of patrol leader after his old man Jagrin retires. Jagrin’s a good commander, but he’s getting old, and it might be time for some new blood in the militia’s leadership.”

K. Local or Diplomacy Gather Information DC 15+:
“Shame about the graffiti all over town. The militia’s got better things to do than clean up youngster's messes, but even stranger is how long it lasts. Try as one might, soap and water don’t do a thing to those marks!”

K. Local or Diplomacy Gather Information DC 18+:
“Have you read Rodrik Grath’s latest work, ‘The Other Side of Contempt’? He’s our own home-grown writer. It’s a controversial poem, but that’s what makes Rodrik’s writing so strong — he’s not afraid to push limits.”

K. Local or Diplomacy Gather Information DC 22+:
“Rodrik Grath is slated to replace his father as patrol leader, but from what I hear, he’s more concerned with his poems and plays than with militia matters.
He’s diligent, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not quite sure either of the Grath boys is ready to lead the town’s defense.”

Key Locations in Trunau you might know or see:

You can find a Map of Trunau in the link under my profile.

A. Commons: This open-air amphitheater lies in the center of town, and has a stone f loor and raised stage at its southwest end. The Commons hosts militia training, school lessons, important ceremonies, and other festivities.
B. Ramblehouse: Many of Trunau’s half ling residents live in the Ramblehouse, a boardinghouse that is also the town’s sole inn.
C. Longhouse: Trunau’s largest building, the Longhouse contains a huge common room for meetings, barracks for the town’s unmarried militia members.
D. Brinya Kelver’s Lodgings: This boardinghouse provides lodging for several of Trunau’s residents who don’t possess property of their own in town, including the half-orc weaver Brinya Kelver.
E. South Tower: This tower forms the southern anchor for the first of Trunau’s inner walls, which separate the plateau holding inner Trunau from the main gate at ground level.
F. Sanctuary: When Trunau’s old church of Iomedae — now known as the Plague House (area H) — was burned by marauding orcs, Iomedaean missionaries built this new temple inside the town’s walls. Although the Sanctuary’s priests are careful to stay out of government and politics, some Trunauans question how much of the cleric's loyalties lie with Lastwall rather than Trunau.
G. Clamor: Officially called Morninghawk’s Fine Steel, Clamor is Trunau’s smithy. Virtually all metalwork in the town, including the crafting of hopeknives for its citizens, falls under the purview of the half-orc councilor and smith Sara Morninghawk.
H. Plague House: Also known as the Burned Church, this old, burnt-down ruin outside Trunau’s walls is the subject of numerous horror stories—most Trunauans avoid the place, believing it to be haunted.
I. Flame of the Fallen: To prevent orcs from desecrating their remains, Trunau’s dead are burned in a pyre here; the pyre also serves as a beacon during times of siege.
J. Commons Beacon: One of several beacons used during orc attacks, this pyramid of wood and kindling is kept built near the Commons (area A), ready to be lit quickly in the event of an orc raid.
K. Inner Gates Beacon: Another pyramid of wood and kindling stands in the inner quarter (area L), just before the gates to the town’s upper quarter.
L. Inner Quarter: Walled and gated at either end, this slope climbs between Trunau’s lower quarter and the stone plateau of Bloodmarch Hill 40 feet above, forming a choke point and killing ground for invaders assaulting the town.
M. Hopespring Beacon: Yet another pyramid of wood and kindling stands in lower Trunau near the town’s water source, the Hopespring (area O), ready to be lit as a beacon should the town come under attack.
N. Barterstones: These broad, flat slabs of stone outside the town proper host an open-air market where a significant portion of Trunau’s
trade occurs.
O. Hopespring: This fresh and reliable spring wells up from deep within Bloodmarch Hill before cascading in a small waterfall down to the town’s reservoir in lower Trunau. Trunau draws all of its fresh water from the Hopespring, whose existence is the reason the town was founded here in the first place.

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HP: 15/32 | AC 24 ( 14 touch, 21 flat-footed)| DR 5/magic | CMD 18 | Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 5, Improved Evasion | Speed 30' Fly 40' Av. | Sense Motive +6; Perception +10 (Darkvision 60') | Initiative +2 | Enlarge 1/1; Soften Earth + Stone 1/1; Enlarged

"Oooh my names Paranoic, I'm all stealthy and what not, blahblahblah," Pawn mutters mutinously.

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HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

Probably waiting unintentionally I am assuming it happens alongside conversations and other examining of the bones, waiting for Pawn to fly down, etc.