The Library (Inactive)

Game Master nate lange

Throne room map

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map of Sandpoint | current map

Rin's reading takes a full minute... Are you waiting for her or heading to the door without her?

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HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

Probably waiting unintentionally I am assuming it happens alongside conversations and other examining of the bones, waiting for Pawn to fly down, etc.

map of Sandpoint | current map

I PMed Rin the results of the reading- I'll wait for her to share (or indicate she's keeping it to herself) before moving on.

HP: 39/51 | AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 17) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs enchants) | Speed 30' | Sense Motive +13; Perception +13 (low-light vision, darkvision) | Initiative +3 | Divination 6/6; Evocation 5/6; Illusion 6/6 | Active Effects: third eye (+3/+1), intense focus (+3), distortion (20%)

Rin's face falls from a curious gaze to a twisted look of horror the longer she holds the skull. The visions it shared with her were unpleasant and grotesque. But maybe it narrowed down the beasts responsible for this pile of bones.

"A lion and a dragon. Black dragon if that matters at all. Ripping the flesh off the skull. Of course it could be metaphorical. Hardly an exact science."

Rin set the skull back on the pile and touched no other bones. She had a hunch similar images would swim through her mind and she had no desire to see any such thing again.

HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

"There are magical beasts with the heads of dragons, lions, and goats, upon the same body, that would seem as likely a possibility as such an unusual alliance. I believe Black Dragons use acid if anyone has the means to protect themselves against such? Though as the Lady says it may be more metaphor than fact, despite the claw and tooth marks."

Looking to the rest of the group for objections he makes to open the ironbound Keep door.

Knowledge Arcana Chimera: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
Knowledge Arcana Black Dragons: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

map of Sandpoint | current map

The door swings open to reveal a large stone entry room. The twenty foot square room has one door leading left to one wing, another leading right into the other wing, and one more that leads straight ahead towards a large central area...

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.

Igmutanka sharpens his senses as much as he can, trying to find anything that sets a difference between the three paths ahead, from a small change in light to a certain blowing of the wind.

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

White Knight, with Pawn at his heels, scimitar in hand moves in making for the large area ahead. Pawn begins to sing as they go,

"I don't know what I've been told, Pawns they only work for gold!
I don't know what you just said, but you have a stupid head!
I don't want any trouble, or I'll 'it you with my folding shovel!
I'm great one two, your not screw you!"

Until White Knight turns and glares at him.


Jacomo follows the group into the castle, being sure to keep behind White Knight II and Pawn XVIII - an easy task, as they seemed comfortable taking the lead. Eager even. Where are you leading us, sir Knight? And why is your companion so determined to distract us? He looks around the room while keeping on eye on the pair, following a short distance behind them unless reason for an alternate course is presented.

"If your wish is to announce our arrival, Pawn, perhaps you could do so more formally. A man in my profession lives or dies by his reputation, after all."

Behind the Scene:
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 1 just in case. Just in case there's a giant hole in the floor or single piece of furniture that he can walk into.

HP: 15/32 | AC 24 ( 14 touch, 21 flat-footed)| DR 5/magic | CMD 18 | Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 5, Improved Evasion | Speed 30' Fly 40' Av. | Sense Motive +6; Perception +10 (Darkvision 60') | Initiative +2 | Enlarge 1/1; Soften Earth + Stone 1/1; Enlarged

"Oh right because nobody noticed us opening a honking great iron bound door, I'm an artist, and you are both trying to oppress my creative genies! Poor old Pawn everyone is against me because I am so great and they suck so much in comparison..."

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.

-Well, if we manage to remain a bit quiet for some moments, we might be able to hear if someone's approaching or laying an ambush on us. Call me paranoic.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 15/32 | AC 24 ( 14 touch, 21 flat-footed)| DR 5/magic | CMD 18 | Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 5, Improved Evasion | Speed 30' Fly 40' Av. | Sense Motive +6; Perception +10 (Darkvision 60') | Initiative +2 | Enlarge 1/1; Soften Earth + Stone 1/1; Enlarged

"Oooh my names Paranoic, I'm all stealthy and what not, blahblahblah," Pawn mutters mutinously.

male aasimar Cleric 7 HP:65/65, AC:21,Init:+5, Percept:+15, Fort:8, Ref:5, Will:9, channel energy 4/6, bit of luck 1/1, good fortune 5/6

Ari chuckles at the exchange a little before remembering that he is trying to keep a low profile.
If the android has been traveling with that imp for long, he surly posesses a patience I could only dream of.

"I regret that I can offer no special protections against the elements."

Keeping up with the others, he adds "I am however, prepared for the quick remedy of harm, should it befall any of us."

map of Sandpoint | current map

Based on the mud and debris on the floor, it seems like there's been an unusually large amount of traffic through the door to the right in the not so distant past. You don't have any time to act on that information before...

White Knight swings open the large door that presumably leads into the big central room. Out of the darkness booms a strangely growly voice, "Greetings, interlopers, what tribute have you brought for the lord of the castle?"

About fifty feet away, crouching between two thrones, is a large quadruped with wide, leathery wings. It has three heads: one like a black dragon, one like a lion, and the one speaking is like a human...

HP: 39/51 | AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 17) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs enchants) | Speed 30' | Sense Motive +13; Perception +13 (low-light vision, darkvision) | Initiative +3 | Divination 6/6; Evocation 5/6; Illusion 6/6 | Active Effects: third eye (+3/+1), intense focus (+3), distortion (20%)

If stealth was a concern than the soft click of Rin's high heels was not helping the matter. She glanced about the foyer and took a quick look at the three doors before she realized White Knight was already swinging the doors to the larger chamber open. The harsh beastial tone had her snapping her head towards the voice. The chamber is dark but through the shadows she can make out the fantastical creature inside.

"Well I'll be damned. It was literal."

Rin was far more curious than frightened though the humanoid head did stir up some revulsion. It just wasn't right.

"Are you the master of this keep?"

Rin searches her pockets and pouches.

"I've got some spare pocket lint, a hair pin, and a bit of string. May not sound like much but all three can be useful in the right situation."

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.

(Whispering) -Pssst, guys... I think I know where everybody went...- and signals the keep with his finger.

HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

"We are in ignorance, but would ask your name and titles, as well as what manner of gift might be appropriate?" White Knight says eyeing the beast wearily.

Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

male aasimar Cleric 7 HP:65/65, AC:21,Init:+5, Percept:+15, Fort:8, Ref:5, Will:9, channel energy 4/6, bit of luck 1/1, good fortune 5/6

Unaware of his companions feelings about lack of light, Ariok attempts to illuminate the room.

behind the scenes:

standard-cast daylight
move-stay behind, but close to, whomever is in front

Then tries to remain calm as he wonders if he has ever dealt with a creature such as this before.

Ariok Birch wrote:
"I am however, prepared for the quick remedy of harm, should it befall any of us."

Ah, not just a Priest, but a Doctor as well! And so now all the roles for the players in our troupe seem apparent, but are by no means proven - the brave Knight, the meddlesome Squire, the noble Hunter, the Lady ingenue, the helpful Priest, and the tragic Fool. But will there prove to be a Charlatan among us?

At sound of the booming voice, Jacomo leans out from behind White Knight II and squints into the darkness to no avail as his companions address whatever lays inside. That certainly sounds as the voice of some strange beast! The drama commences - let it not be a tragedy, lest my heart be strained to breaking.

Ariok steps beside him and calls forth a bright light, and at it's edge Jacomo sees the creature in the throne room beyond.

How did such a thing come to be? Frightening and pathetic, ridiculous and lethal, all combined in the coarsest possible way; equal parts comedy and tragedy. In the face of such cruelty, should I scream? Laugh? Weep?

map of Sandpoint | current map

DC 18 knowledge(arcana):
The creature before you looks very much like what you know as a chimera, with an unsettling difference: a chimera's third head is usually a ram but this creature instead has a humanoid head. Perhaps even worse, you believe chimerae are usually of bestial intelligence but that certainly doesn't seem to be the case with this creature.

You have never heard of this specific creature but it certainly seems to be some kind of more powerful variant of a standard chimera.

@WK2- no need to reroll, you can just read.

As light floods the chamber, the creature rises to stand erect on all four leonine legs and fans out its black-scaled wings slightly. Standing over eight feet tall at the shoulder, the beast's dragon and lion heads snarl while the humanoid head sizes up it's guests and answers, "I am the master of this keep. Now, tell me what tribute you bring or I will choose a sacrifice from among your number as your offering."

HP: 39/51 | AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 17) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs enchants) | Speed 30' | Sense Motive +13; Perception +13 (low-light vision, darkvision) | Initiative +3 | Divination 6/6; Evocation 5/6; Illusion 6/6 | Active Effects: third eye (+3/+1), intense focus (+3), distortion (20%)

"So no pocket lint then? A shame. But your loss. Tell me is this just your way of getting a free meal or is there something else you get from these tributes? We can hardly pick a tribute if we don't know what you want tributed."

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.

-We have to pay to be in your lands? I have some things for trading...

Igmutanka shows him a handful of jewels and shells.

HP: 15/32 | AC 24 ( 14 touch, 21 flat-footed)| DR 5/magic | CMD 18 | Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 5, Improved Evasion | Speed 30' Fly 40' Av. | Sense Motive +6; Perception +10 (Darkvision 60') | Initiative +2 | Enlarge 1/1; Soften Earth + Stone 1/1; Enlarged

"I could shove this cold iron ranseur right up you arse if you like, you three headed bum drizzle," Pawn offers, with an instructive accompanying motion.

map of Sandpoint | current map

"Such insolence!" the creature roars.

"You may keep your gems, half-orc," it announces launching itself into the air, "I will kill the small creature for its insult and take the irreverent girl as tribute."

White Knight: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22
White Pawn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Rin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Igmutanka: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Jacomo: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Ariok: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Chimera: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

As it makes its intentions clear and takes off, the heroes have time to ready themselves... well, most of them do...
Everyone but Igmutanka may act now. Remember we're using block initiative, so you act in the order in which you post.


Jacomo somersaults across the floor to stand between Rin and the master of the keep, his polearm and one of his daggers somehow flying up into the air in the process. Both items come back down where he now stands; he alternates between bumping the shaft of lucerne hammer to keep it spinning in midair in front of him and catching and tossing the dagger back up into the air in a deceptively smooth one-handed juggling act.

"My apologies at our intrusion, but I cannot allow you to harm the Lady. As for the mephit..." Jacomo trails off and gives a shrug.

Behind the Scene:
Economics - Standard: Readying an attack action (see below); Movement: Moves 20' to be adjacent to Rin, between her and the Chimera, using Acrobatics: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25 if only for effect; Swift: None; Free: Draws dagger +1 and lucerne hammer +1, silvered with Quick Draw, speaks.

Readied Action: Jacomo will ready an attack action to throw his dagger +1 at the Chimera if it appears it's going to attack himself or Rin from within 30', preferably from a distance of 15' if possible (in the case of it closing for melee). He will make use of Deadly Aim.
Readied dagger +1 to hit: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 9 + 1 - 2 = 23
Readied dagger +1 damage: 1d4 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 9 + 1 = 13
(Includes +1 hit/dam for Point Blank Shot and -2 hit from target being in the second range increment; both assume 15' range. )

male aasimar Cleric 7 HP:65/65, AC:21,Init:+5, Percept:+15, Fort:8, Ref:5, Will:9, channel energy 4/6, bit of luck 1/1, good fortune 5/6

ROUND 1- initiative 24

Ariok can't remember if he's ever even been in a fight, but instincts seem to take over as he moves up next to Rin. Reaching out to touch Jacomo, he calls on power granted by Desna to shield the juggling man.

behind the scenes:

move action-move to Jacomo
standard action- cast shield other on Jacomo

"Stay within a stones throw, my good man, or I shall lose my protective enchantment"

HP: 39/51 | AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 17) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs enchants) | Speed 30' | Sense Motive +13; Perception +13 (low-light vision, darkvision) | Initiative +3 | Divination 6/6; Evocation 5/6; Illusion 6/6 | Active Effects: third eye (+3/+1), intense focus (+3), distortion (20%)

"While I agree I'm an excellent choice I think I'll pass up the offer!"

Run allows Jacobo to take his position in front of her. Meanwhile she fidgets around with the goggles sitting askew on her head. Once she adjusts them in place she seems little distorted if you stare too long. She takes a few paces backwards just to add some extra distance.

Action: activating distortion resonant power
Effect: 20% miss chance

Movement: moving 10 ft. back

"I think we should probably keep the small funny one intact as well."

The last comment was said in a low tone to the brave Jacomo who was currently being her wall. It would be good to keep the little one safe. She rather liked the cut of his jib!

HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

"Ware its breath weapon, standing in a clump is not advisable," White Knight says, chanting a spell fingers weaving for a moment before he vanishes.

Spellcraft DC 16:

Pawn flies into the room darting off to the side as he draws a wand, winking cockily at Rin as he passes trying to work out what his jib is.


map of Sandpoint | current map

The chimera's draconic head follows Pawn's movement intently. Flying forward ten feet, it breathes a line of acid at the insulting familiar...

acid damage: 6d8 ⇒ (2, 3, 8, 6, 3, 4) = 26
Pawn Ref: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

...but the small menace proves difficult to strike and the blast has little effect.

All the PCs may act now (Igmutanka for round 1, everyone else to start round 2).I can't move the icons from my phone but the chimera is now only 35' from Jacomo (and 10' in the air).

HP: 39/51 | AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 17) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs enchants) | Speed 30' | Sense Motive +13; Perception +13 (low-light vision, darkvision) | Initiative +3 | Divination 6/6; Evocation 5/6; Illusion 6/6 | Active Effects: third eye (+3/+1), intense focus (+3), distortion (20%)

Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

"Fry baby fry!"

Rin stepped forward and put out one hand as if gesturing the creature to stop. From it burst forward a blast of electric energy that flew right for the creature.

Movement: probably about a 10 foot movement forward to be at about 30 feet from the chimera.
Action: spending a focus point to activate the energy blast ability.
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Electric Damage: 4d6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 2, 1, 1) + 3 = 10

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.


Igmutanka moves forward to get some angle and, producing a javelin, tries a shot at the beast with the aid of his killer instinct.

Move action, draw weapon for free during a move, ranged attack.

Javelin Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
If it's a hit, which is not likely, using immediate action to kick in Killer Instinct (Prescient Attack) and deny his DEX for me for 1 round)
Damage if successful: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

HP: 15/32 | AC 24 ( 14 touch, 21 flat-footed)| DR 5/magic | CMD 18 | Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 5, Improved Evasion | Speed 30' Fly 40' Av. | Sense Motive +6; Perception +10 (Darkvision 60') | Initiative +2 | Enlarge 1/1; Soften Earth + Stone 1/1; Enlarged

Pawn effortlessly avoids the acid Improved Evasion laughing uproariously, "Ahahahaha, what are you even supposed to be? What was that! Ahahahaha, looooooser! You are so ugly I can't even think of a joke about how ugly your Mother is!"

Actions coming shortly once I get to my computer.

HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

Still invisible White Knight enhances his blade, any who can pierce the veil of his invisibility see frost play across the blade with while it appears to grow sharper still.

Charging forward he hurls himself into the air clearing the ground by a full five feet and slashing out at the strange chimera! Tumbling as he falls back to earth to avoid leaving the beast an opening.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20
Scimitar: 1d20 + 12 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 12 + 2 + 2 = 30 If it cannot see him it is denied any Dex to AC. Damage: 1d6 + 6 + 1d6 + 7d6 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (2) + (5, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 6) = 50
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29 10 magic and slashing, 2 Cold, 38 electricity. If it hits he uses the stored Intensified Shocking Grasp inside his scimitar as a free action.

HP: 15/32 | AC 24 ( 14 touch, 21 flat-footed)| DR 5/magic | CMD 18 | Fort 6, Ref 5, Will 5, Improved Evasion | Speed 30' Fly 40' Av. | Sense Motive +6; Perception +10 (Darkvision 60') | Initiative +2 | Enlarge 1/1; Soften Earth + Stone 1/1; Enlarged

Pawn flies over to a spot besides Igmutank, still laughing, opens his mouth wide and sprays forth a torrent of rubble before flying back away from the chimera,

"Hahahaha, even my feeble breath weapon is better than yours you taxidermist's midlife crisis!"

Breath Weapon: 1d8 ⇒ 2 DC 13 Reflex for Half

male aasimar Cleric 7 HP:65/65, AC:21,Init:+5, Percept:+15, Fort:8, Ref:5, Will:9, channel energy 4/6, bit of luck 1/1, good fortune 5/6

It seems like I am only capable of screwing up the map. I have successfully shifted everyone slightly off their squares and vanished myself entirly.

ROUND 2 Initiative 24

Ariok boldly moves into the room and casts Bless.
"Be careful, Knight! I'm not sure what that monstrosities' bites will do."

behind the scenes:

Ari moves to 10' from Igmutanka and 15' from the beast.


Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.

Igmutanka feels a warm sensation of confidence coming from Ariok. He knows he can severely hurt the beast, though he only needs one thing...

-Can anyone put this 'thing' to ground so I can slice it, please?

map of Sandpoint | current map

WK2- Technically, I don't believe you can make jump attacks like that without spring attack. I'll allow it because it's only five feet (and it was cool), but you definitely can't make an acrobatics check after the attack to avoid that AoO (since that would definitely constitute moving before and after the attack). If that changes your mind you can change your action?

HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

Hmmm, I do see your point. Can I switch out my swift action so not use arcane pool on my weapon and instead activate the Quick Runner's Shirt giving me an extra move action? This would remove the cold damage 2 points.

As his scimitar strikes White Knight's the chessman Knight upon White Knight's tabard rears and grants its wearer an extra burst of swiftness! Flipping through the air he lands in a roll avoiding leaving his foe any openings and races away to, relative, safety.


ROUND 2 / Initiative Block 1 (24)

Jacomo moves to continue to protect Rin but, heeding White Knight II's warning and seeing the effects of the dragon's head for himself, he stands ahead and to her side, both to present a less appealing target for the dragon's acid and so as not to block the lightning-tossing woman's line of fire. He continues to juggle his polearm and dagger, ready to strike at the creature if need be.

Behind the Scene:
Economics - Standard: readying an action, see below; Movement: moves 10' forward per map; Swift: none; Free: none.

Readied Action: will again ready an action to attack the Chimera if it attacks him/Rin or seems like it's going to; effectively he'll attack if it advances towards them at all.

Readied Attack/dagger +1 thrown w/Deadly Aim to Hit: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 for
Readied Attack Damage: 1d4 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

map of Sandpoint | current map

AoO vs. WK2: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32, for: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11 plus acid damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

While most of the strangers organize and situate themselves, Rin blasts the chimera with a jolt of electricity that seems to do much less damage than she was hoping. White Knight, meanwhile, demonstrates his valor by charging the creature with a leaping attack. Neither his sword nor his magic has as much effect as he expected, but the strike still opens a considerable wound behind its front right leg. It appears that the creature has some electricity resistance and some damage reduction. As he falls, the flying beast's draconic head swings around and bites him. Then, finding caution the better part of valor, he retreats away from the creature.

"You dare defend that insolent whelp?!?" the creatures bellows, "then you shall all die!" It flaps its mighty wings a few times and rises higher in the air where it begins muttering arcane phrases and syllables.

Everyone may act now, except Jacomo who already did. The beast is in the same square as before but now is twenty feet off the ground.

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.

And except me, I guess, who acts after the chimera.

map of Sandpoint | current map

Igmutanka- the chimera used its turn to fly higher and begin chanting esoteric syllables. So you're up to end round 2, then everyone else begins round 3. Also, this reminded me:

DC 19 spellcraft:
The chimera seems to be casting summon monster IV

HP 85/85 | AC 17 | Str +8 Dex +2 Con +7 Int +0 Wis +6 Cha +0 | Init +1 | Perc +3 (Blindsight 10ft) Speed 40ft | Rage 4/4 | SupD8 5/5 | Active conditions: None.

Igmutanka can't find a way to make the monster go down...

-If he doesn't want to come down, I'll come up!

Running at full speed, Igmutanka steps on one of the chairs to get some impulse and jumps right on to the beasts back, trying to get a hold on it and stay there, while producing one of his tomahawks.

Running jump, helping myself with the chair's height, and you decide what do I need to roll to stay gripped at its back and start hacking it.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35

HP: 14 Temp 65/65 | AC 25 ( 21 touch, 15 flat-footed) | CMD 25 | Fort 8, Ref 8, Will 6 | Speed 30' | Sense Motive 0; Perception +12 (Darkvision & Low Light Vision 60') | Initiative +16 | Arcane Pool 5/8 | Active Effects: Mage Armor

Brow furrowing as the dragon fangs bite into his side White Knight calls, "It is trying to summon, we need to distract it least we wish more hostile company!"

Swiftly he enchants his blade, frost crackling across its surface as its edge sharpens, before moving forward onto the dais and calling, "Pawn!"

Pawn flies over to the Knight drops his wand and expands growing to human size as White Knight places a hand upon his foot and chants a spell.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

Spellcraft DC 16:
True Strike via Share Spells

HP: 39/51 | AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 17) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs enchants) | Speed 30' | Sense Motive +13; Perception +13 (low-light vision, darkvision) | Initiative +3 | Divination 6/6; Evocation 5/6; Illusion 6/6 | Active Effects: third eye (+3/+1), intense focus (+3), distortion (20%)

Rin gulps down her nervousness and in a blink of an eye has once again become rather distorted.

Action: activating distortion resonant power
Effect: 20% chance to miss hitting her


ROUND 3 / Initiative Block 1 (24)

Chimera wrote:
"You dare defend that insolent whelp?!?" the creatures bellows, "then you shall all die!"

So be it, monster.

Jacomo moves under the flying creature, keeping his two weapons airborn in the process, then throws his dagger up at it's belly.

Behind the Scene:
Economics - Standard: attack w/thrown dagger +1; Move: 20' or 25' forward under the Chimera - unsure of it's size on map; Swift: none; [/b]Free:[/b] none.

Thrown dagger +1 to Hit: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 9 + 1 - 2 = 21 for
Thrown dagger +1 Damage: 1d4 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Applying Point Blank Shot, Deadly Aim, 2nd range increment penalty.

map of Sandpoint | current map

It looks like I never got a round 2 action from Ariok?

Most of the strangers back up to regroup while the unusual chimera begins weaving together some spell. Igmutanka, on the other hand, charges in. The half-orc runs hard, plants one foot on the throne, and leaps with such impressive power that the bottoms of his feet rise above the heads of the onlookers. Unfortunately, even clearing nearly ten full feet of vertical jump he can't quite reach the creature's legs or tail and he falls back to the throne room floor.

The chimera finishes its chanting and in a swirl of acrid mist a boar the size of a horse with glowing red eyes manifests beneath him. Its first action is to step forward and attack the White Knight with it's tusks.
gore: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12, for: 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (2, 2) + 11 = 15

Noticing how close the tribal warrior had gotten to it, the creature flies ten feet further from the dias (towards the door you entered through).

DC 15 knowledge(planes):
The creature is a fiendish dire boar- a tenacious combatant that does not take full damage from weapons unless they are blessed with the power of good.

Everyone may act now except Jacomo (who already posted his round 3 action)- Igmutanka for round 2, everyone else for round 3. Ari can post for round 2 also, although its too late for him to affect the summoning.

male aasimar Cleric 7 HP:65/65, AC:21,Init:+5, Percept:+15, Fort:8, Ref:5, Will:9, channel energy 4/6, bit of luck 1/1, good fortune 5/6

I casted bless and moved in round 2. Timestamped 6/18 at 3:46 pm.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

thank you. (i'm still high, obviously)

HP: 39/51 | AC 20 (touch 14, flat-footed 17) | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 (+2 vs enchants) | Speed 30' | Sense Motive +13; Perception +13 (low-light vision, darkvision) | Initiative +3 | Divination 6/6; Evocation 5/6; Illusion 6/6 | Active Effects: third eye (+3/+1), intense focus (+3), distortion (20%)

How far away exactly are the creatures from Rin?

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