
Taldidri Arilvin's page

63 posts. Organized Play character for PaleDim.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

For organizing ourselves prior to the game.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.

A talkative skull with glowing eyes was among the many wonders that recently turned up in the Pathfinder Society's vaults. Thanks to the Society's efforts in the magic-rich city of Quantium, the skull has rediscovered her identity as an influential wizard and magical researcher, whose spirit came to reside in her bony body after a magical mishap. She had been attempting to ritually protect herself from dangerous forces, and while her efforts did allow her to evade her pursuers for a time, they also left her true name in tatters. Can the Pathfinder Society help her piece together the mysteries waiting in her magical home before these forces return to steal her secrets?

This adventure is the second part of the two-part Skull & Scroll metaplot arc in the Year of Boundless Wonder, which began with Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-05: The Arclord who Never Was.

BEGINS March 4th (see Announcement).

Sign up there first, then dot-and-delete here.

Hi! We are a long-running group of rotating GMs at a STANDARD table.

We are open to taking one more player with a Standard PFS character in-tier. We would prefer high-tier or level 5.

The options are:

- Join for this one scenario with no further obligation
- Join the GM rotation and keep playing with us after this ends! (We're a fun group, think about it!)

Finally, this is NOT a Gameday game.

UPDATE If interested sign-in here.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

You know who you are :)

Please check in HERE here to ease the creation of chronicles later on.

Dot-and-delete in gameplay to ensure you get updates.

Finally, make any day-job rolls here in this thread.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

One of Master of Spells Sorrina Westyr's former adventuring companions vanished to the Plane of Earth and was presumed dead. She has recently resurfaced along an old road between the Plane of Earth and the Plane of Fire—one that even the warring forces of the planes' greatest cities had abandoned—and has shown little interest in discussing her circumstances with the Pathfinder Society. Can the PCs uncover why she disappeared and enlist her help in reaching a site on the war-torn and volcanic borderlands?

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Hello and welcome to the table!

Firstly, dot-and-delete over on the gameplay thread.

Secondly, please go fill out initiative and perception HERE, and marching order with PC tokens HERE.

Finally, go ahead and make any day-job rolls that you would like to.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

The gameplay thread for #6-15: The Overflow Archives. If you are already signed up to play, please dot-and-delete here to get post notifications on your campaign tab!

Beneath the Grand Lodge of Absalom lie the vaults, a series of storerooms and libraries that contain much of the Society’s findings from the past centuries. Cataloguing the sundry relics and texts takes time, and finds requiring closer study find their way to an extensive vault called the Overflow Archives. Soon after a pair of initiates sneaks into the archive and steals a few items on a dare, the complex inexplicably springs a leak. It is up to the PCs to investigate this strange phenomenon and put a stop to it before thousands of priceless documents are ruined forever.


We are a stable group of players doing a continuous run of Season 4 scenarios. We rotate GMs, but not on a strict schedule. Looking back, we seem to rotate about every 3 scenarios (one character level in PFS).

We are looking for ONE player with a level 5 STANDARD (non-CORE) character to join us, who's willing to rotate in as GM as some point in the future, for a few scenarios (but, again, this schedule is not strict).

IMPORTANT Please check the campaign information tab to ensure you haven't played the Season 4 scenarios that are on our to-play list. OR if you can play most of them and can spare replays for one or two (or are willing to play exceptions for no credit), that is fine too.

Currently we have:
* Marianna Nicos, Cavalier 5
* Lebraerio Hantwell, Investigator 5
* Juis Helfro, Oracle 5
* Nylthe Shadowbound, Summoner 5
* Aconite, Nylthe's beefy eidolon
* Wilen Proudbrew, Alchemist 5 (NOT playing this scenario due to GM rotation)

For reference, the character we are replacing was an Arcanist, BUT we don't believe we have any large holes to fill, so apply within with the level 5 character you'd like to play!

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Hello! Please check in here with the following info:

PfS #:

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

The dwarven sky citadel of Janderhoff in eastern Varisia is one of the least visited settlements in the land, at least by non-dwarves. Nevertheless, the Pathfinder Society has been invited to assist in the excavation of a forgotten ruin within the large underground complex. What the fearless adventurers stand to find within could be the greatest discovery of the Age of Lost Omens, something sure to immortalize all involved in the pages of the Pathfinder Chronicles for ever more. But the ruins under Janderhoff aren't the end of the Pathfinders' journey; rather they illuminate a treacherous path ahead, from the familiar land of Varisia into much more dangerous territory.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

I shouldn't be needing a lot of info this time around, since I've collected all of the relevant details needed to report this game (once we complete it).

Practically, I only need to know if anybody has leveled up since part 2. That chronicle might have leveled up your character, and you may have also applied GM credit to your character. In any case, I need to know for calculating our APL and figuring out what sub-tier we play in. This scenario is tier 1-5, just as the previous two parts were.

Separately, if there are any purchases you'd like me to note on your chronicle, let me know here.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

When last we left off…

Recently, Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith disappeared on an expedition to explore dwarven ruins in the Bandu Hills. Several months later, when it became clear that the venture-captain had vanished without a trace, Sharrowsmith’s business partner Aya Allahe dispatched a group of Pathfinders to look for the missing venture- captain. The agents followed his trail from Nantambu up to Fort Bandu, where they found out not only that the Aspis Consortium was very influential in the region, but also that the local miners were blaming Sharrowsmith and the Society for recent kobold attacks. After dealing with the kobolds and restoring some of the miners’ trust in the Society, the Pathfinders discovered that Sharrowsmith had indeed found the dwarven ruins. They also learned that a deadly creature known as the Golden Guardian was protecting the place and that the only weapon that could defeat it, a dwarven talisman, was currently in the possession of the Krihirik, a grippli tribe. The Pathfinders tracked down the Krihirik and curbed the Aspis Consortium’s devious plan to acquire the talisman. Thankful for the help and convinced that the Pathfinders could defeat the Golden Guardian, the gripplis gave them the talisman.

Armed with the talisman, the PCs prepare to face the Golden Guardian and locate the missing venture- captain.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Soleil, does your Eidolon have a profile?

(moving over here for non-recruitment things for the already-accepted players)

Please post the following info. Players who participated in my part 1 game will get preference.

PfS #:
Slow Track or Normal:

Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Gameplay thread. Do NOT dot in until accepted into the game.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Now that we've got a full table, please post here and fill out the following information for your characters!

Player's Name
Character's Name
Class and level
Regular or slow progression
Day Job roll

Hi there! A little bit about me...

I reside in the US/Pacific time zone (UTC-7), so I tend to be the last to post in my daily games. That means that by the time I post, everyone else should have roughly had a chance to.

In a former life I played lots of AD&D2e, but then drifted away from it. Four years ago I returned to it with Pathfinder 1e, and learning to play on the boards. I've been here ever since.

A bit about expectations...:
I generally expect one post per weekday (Monday-Friday) and one post over the weekend (Saturday, Sunday).

When you know about absences that will affect your ability to fulfill this expectation, please let me know ahead of time. If unforeseen circumstances occur, the below policy will kick in and keep the game moving along. If you are absent without informing on expected return for a week, I will assume you have dropped from the game and recruit-to-replace (through about one-third of a module or scenario) or continue without if the table is still legal.

IMPORTANT Please ensure you have supplied botting instructions on your character profile (see Bot Buddy’s Guide to Play-by-Post Character Botting, page 6 for instructions on how to do this).

I will bot you under the following circumstances:

  • It's combat, and 24 hours have passed;
  • The group needs a skill check from you, and 24 hours have passed;
  • You tell me that you will be gone for a few days, and ask me to bot you.

I prefer not to bot, but I want the game to keep moving. If I do bot you, it will likely be minimal. I won't use player non-renewable resources except in dire situations or with your permission (most likely, Cure Light Wounds charges when absolutely necessary). I may take consensus and/or input from the remaining party when choosing bot actions.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Weeks have passed since Venture-Captain Nieford Sharrowsmith departed for the Bandu Hills, and having not heard from him since but learned of an Aspis Consortium expedition bound for the same destination, the Society and local allies have grown worried for the aging explorer’s safety. As the PCs travel south on Sharrowsmith’s trail, they must track the venture-captain to the ruins he sought while also dealing with the aftermath of his actions.

I've got space for two more CORE, level-1 characters in this game.

Apply within.

One of our signups was a no-show, and so we have space for one more CORE, level 1-5 character.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Welcome core players! Please fill out your character's information on slide 3, and place yourself in the party's marching order on slide 2.

If you'd like to make a day job roll you can do so here.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

The players signed up can dot here.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Welcome core players! Please fill out your character's information on slide 3, and place yourself in the party's marching order on slide 2.

If you'd like to make a day job roll you can do so here.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

The players signed up can dot here.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Discussion thread for GM PaleDim's Outpost II table, running PFS#10-10 The Shattered Shield (Tier 1-5).

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Gameplay for GM PaleDim's Outpost II game. Feel free to dot-and-delete here if you are signed up for this table.

Dark Archive


Way back when I first started PbP'ing on this site, I created several characters for various purposes (PFS, non-PFS). At the time I didn't understand that there was a way to give an alias a profile so that it can have a character sheet, and so I made all of the characters as organized play. So: is there a way to convert those characters, not being used for actual PFS/organized play, into aliases?

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Discussion thread for GM PaleDim's Master of the Fallen Fortress.

Rules (lovingly stole from the Dire GM):

0. Real life comes first. Things come up. If they do, kindly attempt to let the rest of us know.

1. Posting: Once a day Mon-Fri, and once over the weekend

2. If you don't take a combat turn for 24 hours, I'll bot for you if botting instructions are on your character sheet or skip if not.

3 - When you've got a saving throw to make, roll that first before posting anything else.

4 - Feel free to roll perception and sense motive whenever you want

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Gameplay thread for Master of the Fallen Fortress! If you have been recruited by me for this game, please feel free to "dot and delete" and then check-in on the Discussion page! Thanks!

Dark Archive

This question has been asked before in varying ways:
* Tiefling Eldritch Scion where the question focuses on the bloodlines; and
* Does "Fiendish Sorcery"-trait apply to bloodrager and / or arcanist? this one likewise asks about bloodrager but also arcanists, who get bloodline abilities more directly from the sorcerer class.

Back to the eldritch scion, I understand the opinion on bloodlines since they are bloodrager bloodlines.

1. I've not seen much/any discussion of whether fiendish sorcery could apply to eldritch scion's spontaneous spellcasting; and
2. I'd be interested to hear somebody from Paizo weight in on the RAW vs. RAI here. Is this potential FAQ material?

To be clear, I understand the RAW just fine, and by that it doesn't apply. This is not a petition of opinions, but a request for official input. See question #2 above.

Mechanically, the trait helps a tiefling make up a bit while trying to be a CHA-based spellcasting class, but only in one particular case. Flavor-wise, while these other classes do have entirely distinct class abilities around casting and bloodlines, they do take them as inspired by the sorcerer's original versions. That is, it's implied that these other classes have the same underlying bloodlines but they manifest differently.

Finally, if this has been officially rejected somewhere that I missed, apologies and link please.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Where we discuss our feelings and thoughts and such.

Spell & AoE Templates | 4-10: Arclord's Abode

Remaio Alcasti asks the PCs to retrieve Honaria’s many decorations and honors from her burial chamber. The PCs reach the tomb without incident. Inside, they encounter signs of previous struggle, and do battle with the crumbling remnants of the Alcasti tomb guardians. When they reach Honaria’s nal resting place, they encounter the crippled clockwork owl Amantius, who is still leaking corrosive fumes from his damaged mechanisms.

Dark Archive

I updated this character earlier today and I'm still sometimes seeing the old data when I load it. I can refresh it several times and it seems to be about a 50/50 split (data replication delay?)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

On every page load today, most of the page seems to load within 5s, but the loading indicator on the tab continues from between 15-30s, and finally piwik times out.

Example URL: Website%20Feedback%20%2F%20New%20Thread&idsite=2&rec=1&r=100748 &h=20&m=55&s=8& %2FWebObjects%2FStore.woa%2Fwa%2FDirectAction%2FcreateNewPost%3Fforum%3Dv57 48dmtywwde& FwebsiteFeedback&_id=af13b7fed4d648fe&_idts=1525022605&_idvc=57 &_idn=0&_refts=0&_viewts=1527819736&send_image=1&pdf=1& amp;qt=0&realp=0&wma=0&dir=0&fla=0&java=0&gears=0&a mp;ag=0&cookie=1&res=1280x800&gt_ms=973&pv_id=xUDxOe

I suppose it's not the biggest impact, but it's a low-grade irritation making me wonder if, e.g., some critical part of the form isn't loading (and I have separately noticed today data consistency issues updating the profiles of character aliases).

Dark Archive


If a party has identified a trap with a touch trigger, is there any reason it cannot be tripped with, e.g., a ranged weapon? What would be the AC?

All of the discussion I can find (perhaps I rolled below the target DC on my Knowledge (google) check) seems to stick with trap actions around Perception and Disable Device (bypass, disable, etc.). I can't find anything ruling out this crude solution but I also don't know what the AC would be.