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![]() 1. Which comes first, the Sunder attempt or the attack of opportunity? 2. If Sundering a bow, does the archer get an attack of opportunity?
3. If the Sundering attempt is made by a reach weapon does this trigger an AoO on the wielder?
Thanks in advance ![]()
![]() Just finished a 5 hour session where we took on a lair of wererats. The trusty Dwarven dungeon rover ranger applied silver weapon blanch to his waraxe at the start and finished the game with it intact. The player never rolled over a 10 on his D20 all night. The only thing he contributed to the game was some nice coffee. The offending dice have been burned in full sight of his new replacement set to show what happens if they don't behave... Anyone else break the laws of probability? ![]()
![]() Currently running a conjurer who is just plain lazy. Uses his abilities to help him in his laziness (Unseen Servant to open doors, gets martial PCs to carry his stuff, uses Mount in town cos he can't be bothered to walk, etc.) and in Godsmouth Heresy when we came across a statue of Krune the description of him matched the PC perfectly, with the exception of the spear, which was pointed out by the rest of the players much to their amusement. Then the GM started us off on the Shattered Star AP... This got me thinking that maybe the blood of Krune flows through my PC's veins. Gives me something to develop the PC during play and gives the GM something to play around with. So all the basics are there with a slothful conjurer but the spear... 1. Just carry one around.
Now I'd pick up Additional Traits to grab Magical Knack to keep Wizard CL up and something to open up another Class Skill if I dip. No intention of ever using the spear in combat and the extracts would really just be filled with Shield. Opens up a whole new assortment of scrolls to scribe and wands to use. Brew Potion is gravy and helps being a level behind in Wizard progression. Perception as a Class Skill...lots of nice little things gained, IMO. So the question.
Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() I am running a home PFS campaign, many of the older scenario's missions are "Map *whatever* without anyone noticing" or "Pass this *whatever* to "whoever" without other factions noticing".
![]() Last nights game this came up.
At the time it was ruled that although spiders are animals as per PF they are vermin and not effected by the spell. Kinda think this was correct otherwise why bother with Invisibility to get past Humanoids? Thoughts? ![]()
![]() "This spell turns corpses into undead skeletons or zombies that obey your spoken commands. The undead can be made to follow you, or they can be made to remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific kind of creature) entering the place." Okay, simple enough...but what does this mean in practice? Can Mr Wizard name them as A, B, and C and instruct them to attack individual targets using the power of pointing? Could Mr Imp Familiar instruct as Mr Wizard's proxy? I really like some examples of how people have used it in their games. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Starting the Skulls & Shackles AP soon and this looks like an opportunity to RP a nasty PC.
Then I got playing around with options and a couple level dip in Archaeologist Bard and getting Extra Performance instead of Imp Channel. Pros:
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
![]() In my game a player insists that his Barbarian is neat and tidy. He even insisted on paying his taxes on time and forced the party to audit their equipment and income. The player forces the rest of the party to split shares equally, makes them form orderly ranks when going through dungeons and gets irate when its suggested to dice for magic items. Surely this lawful behavior means he is no longer a Barbarian? Or do only Paladins get all the alignment threads? Yours jokingly Cardinal Chunder ![]()
I take it the enhancement is on the touched natural weapon ONLY and it doesn't effect each natural attack is implied in the test? ![]()
![]() I have a fancy of playing a trip fighty type in this path but I am cautious as I don't want to gimp myself by investing in the combat maneuvers to become obsolete passed L9.
![]() you're a rogue...your main method of dealing damage is sneak attack, your AC and hits prolly ain't up to much and now you are in great danger of losing the only ability which makes you a half decent damage dealer. Every other PC can do most of the jobs you do anyway and sneak attack is a big way for you to contribute. would a feat which took away the fighters ability to power attack be acceptable? or stopped a wizard casting spells if he got hit? just seems that rogues get a raw deal as it is and this just finishes them. please reassure me that this isn't the final nail in the coffin for the rogue. ![]()
![]() I'm having an issue with his whole catch vampires trick.
![]() Okay...
![]() Please bare in mind that this feat was designed before the Magus existed...
Since spell strike is essentially TWF with a sword and spell is there grounds to suspect the feat wouldn't necessarily work as everyone hopes it will? Not discounting that all magus will now be homogeneous clones all coming from Qadira... ![]()
![]() I'm just making sure that I have got this right in my head and that Channelling for 1d6 damage is as rubbish as I think it is...
If this is correct I think I may house-rule that you round up on the even levels and down on the odd because that just seems gack. thoughts? ![]()
![]() This lexicon first cam to prominence in 4694 during the trial of Montegue Brante in the city of Ardis. Charged and subsequently found guilty of heresy Brante was burned alive with his blasphemous library serving as kindling for the purification pyre. This particular copy is especially notorious as it is bound in human skin and is rumoured to be cursed or haunted in someway. How this book escaped the flames is unknown but it is thought that the notorious necromancer Joseph von Neus magiked it from the pyre. This is the assumption as the book was sold on to a collector of the esoteric in Caliphas, Dr Herman Bloch by a group of adventurers who moved von Neus to the Boneyard and found the tome in his collection. Bloch was found skinned in his manse in 4707 and the book has not surfaced until now. The book, as stated is covered in human skin, It is assumed that the skin was used because of the particularly ornate tattoo of Tien design. It covers the basic believes and prayers of Zon-Kuthon and can be used as a reference tool to give a +2 Competency bonus to Profession: Torturer. Inside the disgusting covers can also be found some arcane spells. Protect From the Holy, Flensing and Shattering Word : Protection From Good, Diamond Spray (component changed to either shards or glass or slivers of steel) and Pain Strike
This particular version is not without its dangers as it is haunted by the previous owner of the skin which covers this vile tome. Haunted Covers CR 4 XP 1,200
![]() This is a poor quality copy of the original text with many mistakes and several portions of text missing. The copyist is unknown, whether these errors are deliberate to mislead is anyone’s guess. This particular tome measures three hand spans in height and two in width.
The text details the basic tenants of Urgathoa’s faith and worship. There are copious notes and additions in this particular copy drawing comparisons of interests between Urgathoa and a group called the Whispering Way. Both groups seem to have undead as followers and it seems that they may share certain goals. Amongst the blasphemous psalms can be found the Clerical prayer Consume, unique to the priesthood of this deity. The unholy text also has the following arcane spells; Urgathoa’s Blessing and Eternal Hunger. : Unless using great care there is a very good chance of accidentally cutting a finger when opening this dangerous tome (DC 15 Reflex to avoid). If this check is failed then the reader has been exposed to tetanus (DC 15 Fortitude save, Onset 1d6 days, Frequency 1/day, d4 DEX damage and 50% chance of stiffened jaw muscles which will prevent spell casting for 24 hours)
Consume is the Urgathoa’s clergy equivalent of the Ranger spell Allfood.
![]() This is a quarto sized book bound in tooled green leather with the title embossed on the front. The corners have mithril protectors however there are some loose leaves which have been reattached poorly with wax damaging the section on the creature called a Tentamort. All that is known of the author of this single surviving tome, Theophilus Wenn, comes from the introduction of the book itself.. If this section is to be believed Wenn was a high ranking member of the Pathfinder Society and contributed much in the way of written works and lectures. However despite this and the fact that the book was printed in Absalom , by Smails & Smails printers according to the title page, neither the Society or the printworks have any recollection of a man of that name. Or indeed printing such a book.. It is as if he had never existed and has been expunged from the minds of all who have ever seen or heard of him. It states in the forward that he intended to retire to Bedrin’s Bluff which puts his existence prior to the disaster which befell that quarter. Needless to say proving that Wenn actually existed or not is difficult at best. The book itself details several creatures thought to have links with The Dark Tapestry and focuses on ten of these aberrations. Each chapter has a woodcut print of the beast discussed with the exception of the chapter regarding the Hound (or Hounds as it is sometimes referenced) of Tindalos is torn from its bindings. The following creatures are described in order.
In addition to some detail regarding these beasts there are also certain arcane spells which may be learned.
: or if you like Magic Missile, Summon Monster 8 (Elder Fire Elemental only!), Black Tentacles, Animate Dead, Fire Breath, Deeper Slumber, Contact Other Plane (but only Azathoth will answer), Nightmare, Finger of Death, Clenched Fist ![]()
![]() Please help me..I have no idea what to do.
end of sarcasm ![]()
![]() Why?
![]() Okay.
Paladin is miffed. Paladin options are....? ![]()
![]() I mean the class can Inspire and sing and stuff...And cast spells in armor and it gets the WHIP which is normally an exotic weapon. I mean come on is this fair even the fighter can't use a whip without burning a feat. And it can cure...I mean come on even the Wizard can't do that that is soooo unbalanced. It ain't I'd just thought it was unfair that the bard got left out of the "XXXXXXXX is Overpowered" threads. ![]()
![]() Does anyone use them or is it just me? Odd events like a ton of dead fish washed up for no apparent reason, fish falls, meteorite falls, out of place animals etc. Not all the time but say once a year (game time NOT real time) with no explaination just to watch what players read into it. Have there been any significant Fortean events in Glorian? Would you class the Sandpoint Devil as such... Just curious... ![]()
![]() Not sure if this is in the right place or even if people would be interested in this but what the hey! In the games I run/play in there are now three seperate takes of the Arcane Fighter in two different campaigns. We are using PF core only and Pathfinder scenarios only. Arcane Warrior #1:
A half-orc Paladin going Bard going Dragon Disciple Arcane Warrior #2:
An Elven Conjuration Wizard going Fighter going EK Arcane Warrior #3:
An Elven Fighter going Bard going Arcane Archer Actual level progression may be tweaked as game plays out but these are the base lines the players have decided upon.
Would this be of interest to people or am I wasting my time? ![]()
![]() This is the little handout I have given to the Druid player in Savage Tide. Its meant as a primer for the Druid's "code" and tries to explain some of the fluff associated with Druids. It hasn't been designed as a complete "this is the way you should do it" document but I hope it inspires others to come up with something similar. ![]()
![]() Druid has an animal companion and wants to armor it up. Assuming that he doesn't spend a feat to get armor prof. what stops the animal from wearing barding? EDIT
![]() Okay my Wizard is going off on a boat journey. And because the life of an adventurer is never dull he's placed a huge bet at the bookies in Saltmarsh that the boat will sink. Its bound too... So being the smart Wizard that he is the contingency plan is when the boat is sinking to cast Rope Trick, climb up and give himself eight hours planning time (and maybe make a few gold by charging for rescue). So what is the fatal flaw here?
![]() This saturday once again my players decided not to put any effort into the game, show any initiative or do anything other than roll some dice when asked. There are two/three of them who are keen but the rest just don't seem interested anymore which is a shame because as a group we have stuck together for over thirty years. As a result I'm going to stop gaming all together. I'm in the process of sorting everything out and will either give away or put on ebay all my gaming stuff which after thirty years amounts to a ton of stuff. I would rather give it away to people than sell it all I would ask is for postage and packing. If anyone is keen for stuff keep an eye open here for when I set it up.
Cheers. ![]()
![]() Has anyone done this for either 3.5 or Pathfinder?
![]() This cropped up in my game months ago but it has been bugging me a bit. Normal movement for a human is 30' per move action but this doubles if you hustle.
So which is it, 60' or 30' per move action during combat. Cheers ![]()
![]() In my Age of Worms campaign I have Filge as a recurrent villain and the Alchemist class seemed such a nice add-on to his necromatic ways.
What do people think? *EDIT*