Rich Diver

Slamy Mcbiteo's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 507 posts (509 including aliases). 11 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 28 Organized Play characters.

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Grand Lodge

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Michael Sayre wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
If we already got the previous pre-remaster version via subscription, will we be getting the remaster PDF update? or is this a completely different book?
If you already have the Guns & Gears PDF, you'll get the remaster version of the download automatically just like you would when we release a new printing with errata.

Any chance of seeing the changed list before it is printed? So as subscribers we can determine if we want to skip of not.

Grand Lodge

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Waiting patiently...... :)

Grand Lodge

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When does the Foundry VTT Module drop for this adventure?

Grand Lodge

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It would be great if there was a version with the interiors not all covered by rooves :)

Grand Lodge

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So looking at running this but trying to understadn the map? I am assuming A4 is the well in the middle of the town? the filled in circle in the center?

Grand Lodge

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I love the art work! This is a quality product that helps save me a ton of time. More! :)

Grand Lodge

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Seems like this might make a good follow up to Abomination Vaults? It might be nice to discuss how forshadow this AP in early low level AP. What hints to drop or items to give out. Maybe a blog post or soemthing in the first volume?

Grand Lodge

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Any chance these will get updated to the new version of foundry? Maybe change the supported tag to 9.x? Just wondering

Grand Lodge

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It is only a level 1 item...goblins launching rusty daggers at your party seems fun.

Grand Lodge

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Well you would have access to the 3rd level spell at 2nd level but you would have no 3rd level spell slot to cast it by RAW until 5th level. But it would be on your list for scrolls. Getting access to the spell does not provide a spell slot or change the level of the spell it just adds it to your list.

Under the Deity section for the cleric class...

"Your deity also adds spells to your spell list. You can prepare these just like you can any spell on the divine spell list, once you can prepare spells of their level as a cleric. Some of these spells aren’t normally on the divine list, but they’re divine spells if you prepare them this way."

Grand Lodge

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Isn't this the first stance the is not a chosen feat but a class feature? Maybe the base free class variant was meant to be limiting. But it does seem really hard to use..since you have to keep casting or spellstriking to maintain it. Which I guess makes sense only if it is meant to be a short lived bonus. Thematically it is sort of powering it up and if you don't the magic quickly fades.

I have been watching "Secrets of Magic" I am enjoying it even if the first episode was a little rough as the players learned how to play. They gave the most complex class to a new player, the Summoner. She struggled at first but seems to have settled in by later episodes. There really is no mention of it, Dond Oom enters "Arcane Cascade" and that is about it. So Jason seems to be playing as described above...

EDIT: After reading the "Combining your Abilities" side bar it seems Arcane Cascade was not meant to be short lived,"You can usually stay in Arcane Cascade for a long time, though if you find out an enemy has a weakness to a certain damage type, such as fire, you might want to refresh your stance with a fire spell to take advantage of the bonus damage." is right in the text.

Grand Lodge

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Well this is not good.....

Grand Lodge

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So with no box how do people store all of these?

Grand Lodge

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David knott 242 wrote:

How would no hexes be useful?

Well currently trying to get the images out of these maps the images change size and I am having a heck of time trying to get the grids in my VTT to match. Some of the other flips they have include JPGs specificall to use in VTT it makes it very easy to pull in and use

Grand Lodge

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Great show! Having fun listening so far

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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Still a one of the best adventure bargains out there.

Grand Lodge

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It seems to me you have general rules...the chart specified the reach by size and specific rules in the monster listing. You apply the general rule unless otherwise overridden by a specific rule.

General Rule

The general rule for reach for a tiny creature is 0. Seems simply enough to me...I could not find any text that states default reach is 5 feet any where, so if no reach is listed you use the table provided.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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Just wondering if there will be new pregen characters? Either the new APG classes or more levels for the existing classes?

Grand Lodge

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Nice more Starfinder!! Yes Starfinder Tales would be awesome

Grand Lodge

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Powerful post. Thank you Deigo.I had never heard of Juneteenth before last week. Which is sad...

Grand Lodge

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Just wondering why some of the classic maps are not on sale

Grand Lodge

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Will you continue to provide subscription PDFs and send the physical product later if need be? Or is everything delayed? I know we are on lock down here until the end of April here (I guess it could be lifted early).

Also A virtual PaizoCon would be awesome idea! Might start a trend for all of us that could not make the trip even if it was not canceled. :) Could fire up the Twitch channel for seminars and use one of the many supported VTT for games. I am in!

Grand Lodge

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Malk_Content wrote:
If you click on a token it brings up like 20 icons you can use for conditions. If you hover over one and press a number key instead it gives that icon with the number, which is great for tracking rounds.

Yep it does...Roll20 implemented a feature that allows you to create the token marker sets, meaning they can be changed to fit your game. I thought it would be cool is there was a set for Pathfinder 2. Since there are 42 different conditions in the game it might help.

Roll20 Customer Token Marker

I will use the current default set until I find something better :)

Grand Lodge

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So as we move out game online I wonder if anyone has a good set of token condition markers. Token condition markers are the little icons that get added to token to designate things like blinded or clumsy. I was looking there a bunch 5e ones out there but no Pathfinder Second Edition ones. It would be great to have a set for PF2 :) Just wondering...

On a side note....

It seems Pathfinder went all in on the Roll20 stuff...core rule books, a few PF1 APs and even Fall of Plaguestone. But seemed to miss the basic assets that could go along with gaming online. Like condition token iconography or even basic flipmaps, I like the get a PDF thing or a discount if you own a PDF they have going on...I would buy flipmaps if I got a roll20 and Paizo PDF off the market place. :)

Grand Lodge

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I enjoy Herolab online and the stuff they are doing with the Campaign Theater looks really cool and helpful. The subscription fee was an issue when I first started but it is worth the constant updates fixes and improvements. I hope they can get enough people supporting it to keep it moving forward :)

Grand Lodge

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One of the things I was hoping for in the GMG was a discussion on a "Troop", (a group of low level monsters). There is mention of using large groups of low level troops in one the adventure recipes "High Adventure" but no really direction on how to do that effectively.

I am assuming I do not really want 30 hobgoblins on the table but a several "troops" of hobgoblins? How would I go about doing that?

Grand Lodge

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Nope, See the "reading spells" section of the book page 306


Range, Area, and Targets This entry lists the range of the spell,
the area it affects, and the targets it can affect, if any. If none
of these entries are present, the spell affects only the caster.

Reading Spells

Grand Lodge

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So excited for this book! Yea hoping the awesome Paizo goblins get the dreaded shipping monster under control. :)

Grand Lodge

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Lost Omens stuff
I love the new format of the Lost Omens line, lore tied to character stuff...lets keep doing that.

Darklands book would be awesome, maybe a tie in to an few APs like they are with Absalom.

Garunde book, lets explore the entire continent :)

Dawrven Lore, stuff about the Five Kings Mountains! Maybe tie it to the Darklands stuff..the Dwarven AP!!! Retaking a Sky Citadel!


I am hoping the APG is the last real rule book to be paired with the CRB. I like the simplicity right now

I am hoping they do not keep introducing more and more base classes but they instead focus on Archtypes.

Maybe a book expanding on each magical tradition, Occult, Arcane, Primal and Divine(I guess Gods and Magic did this).

I would not mind more books to help GM. I have not seen the GMG but all the talk tells me it is a good resource. More of those books always help, there is a usually a focus on player stuff but do not forget the GM. Maybe dive deeper things not in the GMG; creating races, creating spells, large scale battles, pacing, how to run mystery, how to run a heist and adventure design?

More Bestiaries!! (yea this is a given)

Grand Lodge

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Cool set of planets! This looks really cool....I am waiting for my preorder.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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Wait...Am I seeing a Bubblemancer? Welcome!!

Grand Lodge

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I believe you would be "Undetected" even if you sing unless they do a "Seek" action. If vision is their only precise sense than the most you could become from the "seek" action would be "hidden" they know your space but you still have a mischance.

I think this correct but I am still working through the perception/hiding/invisibility rules.

Grand Lodge

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You are correct I mixed up Material and Somatic...Material requires release and grip. Somatic does not :(

Grand Lodge

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I believe these two rules come into play, Core Rule Book page 444...


Duplicate Effects
When you’re affected by the same thing multiple times, only one instance applies, using the higher level of the effects, or the newer effect if the two are the same level. For example, if you were using mage armor and then cast it again, you’d still benefit from only one casting of that spell. Casting a spell again on the same target might get you a better duration or effect if it were cast at a higher level the second time, but otherwise doing so gives you no advantage.

Ambiguous Rules
Sometimes a rule could be interpreted multiple ways. If one version is too good to be true, it probably is. If a rule seems to have wording with problematic repercussions or doesn’t work as intended, work with your group to find a good solution, rather than just playing with the rule as printed.

So I would not allow it to stack, it seems like it would not even stack with another rangers hunted prey based on "Duplicate Effects" rule. I think the rule was meant to allow the ranger to share with others...

Grand Lodge

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More Pathfinder tales please!!!

Grand Lodge

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I am wondering how people are organizing the status deck. I am finding the deck useful but a little cumbersome. I love that only one status appears on a card which makes finding them easier.

Originally I tried alphabetical but that quickly fell apart. It seems that organizing them by color makes some sense? But I cannot seem to come up with scheme that is consistent.

by color and group?
Black (dying)
Tan (senses)
Green (status effects)
Purple (grappling + weight + prone?)
-Persistent Damage
Teal (Action effecting?)

What are other peoples thoughts on organizing the deck

Grand Lodge

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Wondering if Paizo would every consider releasing the PDFs first? Before the print runs? Certain other publishers have done this, it lets the community help find the little issues before a print run.

Just so everyone knows, I think Paizo does an amazing job at finding issues and their stuff in my eyes is very clean. But there are always a few little things that get through. Like the prices of certain items in LOWG that were off, not a huge deal but a little annoying. Or the Wizard getting an extra class feat at 1st level in the CRB (I think this will be errata but maybe not).

Maybe give a preview(with no art)PDF to subscribers a month or two before the book needs to go to print? Another reason to subscribe you get a preview :)

I am sure there are sales concerns and I do not claim to understand the business so I will leave part that up to you. But you have a bunch of dedicated people that want to help. We do the rule play test now let us help make the final books even better :)

Just a thought :)

Grand Lodge

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So you can use both hands to draw two handed weapon as one action....look at page 273 table 6-2...the "Draw, sow or pickup item" allows one or two hands to be used. It even has a sub note about only using one hand to draw a two handed weapon requires another action

Seems pretty clear to me

Grand Lodge

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hmmm so the weapons table 6-8 Ranged Weapons lists arrows and page 284 under "Weapon Descriptions" lists arrows and bolts with descriptions


Arrow: These projectiles are the ammunition for
bows. The shaft of an arrow is made of wood. It is
stabilized in flight by fletching at one end and bears a
metal head on the other end.

Bolt: Shorter than traditional arrows but similar in
construction, bolts are the ammunition used by crossbows.

...seems like based on the table and that there is a "Weapon Description" that an arrow and a bolt are both a weapon...

At least that is the way I would read you can poison them at my table

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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OK No problem thank you for the info. Not really worried about getting the 5th star. Time to get some glyphs :)

Grand Lodge

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It seems like it

Treat Wounds wrote:

You spend 10 minutes treating one injured living creature
(targeting yourself, if you so choose). The target is then
temporarily immune to Treat Wounds actions for 1 hour, but
this interval overlaps with the time you spent treating (so a
patient can be treated once per hour, not once per 70 minutes).
Battle Medicine wrote:

The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine
for 1 day.

Neither entry has a failure entry by the critical failure entry. Both just mention a immunity duration.

In my opinion success or failure it applies

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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I sat down at my local game store to play "The Absalom Initiation" to try out PF2 and quickly was hooked again. It has been about a 2 year hiatus for me but I ran and coordinated a ton for sessions (ran over 200) as a VL and earned 4 stars. I think I needed a special or two to get 5 stars. Does all that transfer to glyphs for PF2? or I am starting over?

Is there a document or something with that? I looked on Http:// but I did not find anything relating to stars vs glyphs. Or moving from PF1 to PF2.

I am not really sure it matters just wondering I guess. If someone could point me to documentation it would be greatly appreciated.


Grand Lodge

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The last paragraph under "Step 4: Determine the Degree of Success
and Effect" reads as follows

Core Rule Book Page 446 wrote:

Some other abilities can change the degree of success for
rolls you get. When resolving the effect of an ability that
changes your degree of success, always apply the adjustment
from a natural 20 or natural 1 before anything else.

So apply the effects of a natural 1 or 20 first

Grand Lodge

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Spell Attacks, on page 305, seems to clarify it

page 305 wrote:

In rare cases, a spell might have you make some other type of attack, such as a weapon Strike. Such attacks use the normal rules and attack bonus for that type of attack.

It states terms like "weapon Strike" will be used. Also based on formatting rules,

Format of Rules Elements page 17 wrote:

The names of specific statistics, skills, feats, actions, and some other mechanical elements in Pathfinder are capitalized. This way, when you see the statement “a Strike targets Armor Class,” you know that both Strike and Armor Class are referring to rules.

Since range attack is not capitalized it does not a tie to specif Spell Attack is used by default

This is my interpretation...not sure if it is right but until it is over ruled by a FAQ I am going with Spell Attack

Grand Lodge

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Seems pretty consistent with the rest of the abilities in the game.

Grand Lodge

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I think it makes total sense! I really like that they removed irrelevant rules like that. No reason to even bring up at the table. Your 2 ounce toad cannot inflict any damage. done :)

Grand Lodge

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I think the issue is customize is controlled, you can do anything but there are decisions to be made, things to give up. It is much more about picking a class and dedication class to meet your needs then it is about picking a chain of feats.

I personal like these changes, it simplifies character creation and makes it more natural. No longer an I talking about chains of feats I need to accomplish what I want to do. I am taking about high level concepts, I want to be Wizard/Fighter which is very different then a Fighter/Wizard.

In my opinion it was a great step forward and I really hope they keep it up, this sort of "silo"ing will keep the game simpler and more approachable.

Grand Lodge

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My guess is if you start bringing the time down you will end up with Shoddy Items. So if you wanted to mass produce spears for the towns people you could but it definitely would not be the same quality as a spear made with the proper time and care.

Most town fold have things you could sharpen anyway; like shovels, hoes, rakes or even just sharp sticks!

Core Rule Book Page 273 wrote:

Shoddy Items
Improvised or of dubious make, shoddy items are never available for purchase except for in the most desperate of communities. When available, a shoddy item usually costs half the Price of a standard item, though you can never sell one in any case. Attacks and checks involving a shoddy item take a –2 item penalty. This penalty also applies to any DCs that a shoddy item applies to (such as AC, for shoddy armor). A shoddy suit of armor also worsens the armor’s check penalty by 2. A shoddy item’s Hit Points and Broken Threshold are each half that of a normal item of its type.

Grand Lodge

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Page 461 in the side bar is where it states this, but it is a guideline.


The GM decides how your help works, using the following examples as guidelines.

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