Rich Diver

Slamy Mcbiteo's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 507 posts (509 including aliases). 11 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 28 Organized Play characters.


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Grand Lodge

There is a map of skywatch provided....there appear to labels on the map but they are not on the image. Some apear to on some appear to be off? Greyed out. How do I get rid of them?

Grand Lodge

So the Skywatch map has labels on it? The do not appear to on the images but how do I turn them off for the players?

Grand Lodge

Awesome News!!! Thank you for rethinking the choice.

Grand Lodge

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Michael Sayre wrote:
zergtitan wrote:
If we already got the previous pre-remaster version via subscription, will we be getting the remaster PDF update? or is this a completely different book?
If you already have the Guns & Gears PDF, you'll get the remaster version of the download automatically just like you would when we release a new printing with errata.

Any chance of seeing the changed list before it is printed? So as subscribers we can determine if we want to skip of not.

Grand Lodge

Heyis there where report issues? It appears the landing page image chaning macro no longer exists or works? Not a big deal but thought I would report it

Grand Lodge

Seems there is something wrong with the curretn release 12.01? It keeps having me update it but it never changes? Can someone looking into that

Grand Lodge

Sounds Great.....but last time they made a commentment to PF2 it fell short. I own a bunch of stuff on roll20 for PF2 and PF1...ran a 4 year PF2 campaign on roll20 but some of it was never really finished. Here is hoping the make good on everything stated above :)

Grand Lodge

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Waiting patiently...... :)

Grand Lodge

IS there a comphrensive list of the changes? I am looking for Prismatic Sphere in the player core. Was it dropped or was it renamed?

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Just wondering if we will get a set of remaster pregen characters at some point? At least for the classes released? Nov 16th maybe :) JK

Grand Lodge

AnimatedPaper wrote:
Themetricsystem wrote:
AnimatedPaper wrote:
Plus it’ll be another 8 months before remaster is completed.

Saying that the remaster will be "completed" in 8 months is quite laughable to me...

** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah except that's not what I was talking about. The core books for remaster, much of which yet unreleased is still needed for fully remastered adventures, will be the 4 announced titles.

Of course there will be more books, and they will of course contain remastered options of previously released content. In fact, we already know that to be the case with Lost Omens Divine Mysteries. I never suggested otherwise.

Yea I own Rusthenge, looks be a lot of fun. But I was looking for something to help with changes (not many) like something around spell schools and the changes to alignment, holy vs unholy and void vs vitality. No problem I can introduce them in one of the PFS scenarios.

Grand Lodge

Well just got access to the PDFs so here is my take...

1. I persoanlly like how they handled the removal of alignment. In my game it really only mattered with classes like Cleric and Champion. Everyone else it was just a roleplay prompt that was ignored most of the time.

2. I like the changes to Wizard, spell schools being actual schools makes way more sense and is thematic.

3. Rebalancing and renaming cantrips/spells seems to works out and seems to make sense.

4. The renaming of everything will take a while to get use I still ask for sense motive checks :)

5. Atrributes vs Abilities Modifiers is fine. The modifier was really the only thing that mattered, I feel they could have dealt with the two points to raise anything over 4 a little better but it will work.

6. Little perlexed by the removal of the Eldritch Trickster racket I guess it will come abck as an arch-type

7. The removal of the fighter Open trait is welcomed :)

8. Not sure I understand Druid Order Animal....does it really only ever get one focus spell.

Just a few thoughts over it looks like a good update to PF2 to me :)

Grand Lodge

I know I can use all the old adventures but was wondering if there was an adventure released in remastered rules? With intro about changes in the game things like removal of alignement (and the changes to address that) and things like that? Basically highlighting shifts for people? I have gaming event on the 25th where I would like to high light the remaster.

Grand Lodge

I am going to be running PF2 demos at my local library con in October. Is there a demo that can scale with the number of players available? Torment and Legacy assumes 4 to 6 players but I need something that can run on a variable amount of players starting with 1 and maybe an iconic.

The Gencon demo "Pathfinder Demo: Bandits on the Bridge" list 1 to 12 players which sounds perfect but it does not seem to be available for purchase or download. thoughts?

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

So trying to get on the table with my freinds that have tickets is not going to be doable and I may not happen at all. I understand but I guess I will look for something else that is sure thing. thanks for the info :(

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Have not been to Gencon in a few yers and I am having a real hard time find events. Do they still seat generic tickets? 2 of my friends got into the special for pathfinder but I did not get a ticket? Will then seat a generic for the special? Or any events?

Grand Lodge

QuidEst wrote:
Slamy Mcbiteo wrote:
When does all of the other published content lines move to the new rule set? Society? APs? Cards? All that stuff will need to get updated. Is Rage of Elements the last core book? Is Stolen Fate the last AP?

... Whoa there, you seem to be massively overestimating the impact of these changes.

We already know the AP after Stolen Fate, so no, I can promise it's not the last AP. None of the existing content needs to be updated to move to the new rule set; people can deal with old books saying "spell level" instead of "spell rank" or listing alignments. Nothing about the Thaumaturge needs to change to accommodate these changes.

Right but a some point all the new published material will start using the new changes...alignment will stop being added to printed material. Adventures and APs will stop using the old monster stats and start using the core stats. Society play will convert to the new rule set. Just wondering when that will be

Grand Lodge

When does all of the other published content lines move to the new rule set? Society? APs? Cards? All that stuff will need to get updated. Is Rage of Elements the last core book? Is Stolen Fate the last AP?

Grand Lodge

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When does the Foundry VTT Module drop for this adventure?

Grand Lodge

So we are about 3 weeks out from starting this adventure path :) We are moving to Foundry full time with this. I ahve a few questions. Can I load all the books at once? Or do load book 1 and when we finish it load book 2? Doing a test it tells me while loading book 2 after book 1 that it will over write existing assets. Is that ok or are there changes to things specific to book 2 :)

Grand Lodge

A couple of Quick question. Can I load Book 1 and Book 2 into the same Foundry world? Do I need to wait for book 1 to be finished to load book 2?

Grand Lodge

So I would love to be able to have a starting data package for Campaign Manager. Something like World Anvil, Campfire, Kanka or Scabbard data packages would be great. I am not set on platform yet. Anyone know if something like this exists? I have all the books/PDFs but would love to jump start the campaign manager if possible. Thoughts?

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Thanks for the Reply! It seems like adding the "Aura" trait to a few of these spells fixes the issues or maybe that is the rule as intended? Invisibility Sphere seems like a strange case, maybe I am reading to much into the wording and the rules but it sure does not seem like it. Has this been raised for that FAQ? Was there any comment on it?

Grand Lodge

I was told today that by RAW the emanation from bless does not move with the caster. It is stationary, meaning to move it the caster has to move and spend an action to extened it by 5 feet thus recnetering it on them. There was a lot of discuccsion around emanations and the thought that they do not move unless it it says "emanation that continually ebbs out from you" like aura. I did bring Sphere of Invisibilty which states "While exploring, it's easy to move together slowly and remain invisible". which I guess which implies movement?

Is this true? have I been playing bless wrong for 2 years now? Dogs and cats living together? Mass hysteria?

Thanks for any wisdom shared :)

Grand Lodge

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It would be great if there was a version with the interiors not all covered by rooves :)

Grand Lodge

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So looking at running this but trying to understadn the map? I am assuming A4 is the well in the middle of the town? the filled in circle in the center?

Grand Lodge

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I love the art work! This is a quality product that helps save me a ton of time. More! :)

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

I really liked the "Bounties" for our group, on off weeks or if to many were missing I could fill a 3 hour spot quickly. I guess maybe we roleplay a lot and maybe do combat slower but the "Bounty" fit the need. I am hoping the quest will still work.

Grand Lodge

Just started reading and on the second page it mentions the Rending, Torag's Cricible and the Kingdom of Kraggodan...wait the Kraggodan? Is this a typo? I know the Kraggodan (Sky Citidel) is in Nirmathas in the Mindspin Mountians....I am thinking it shoulf be Five Kings but not sure?

Grand Lodge

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Seems like this might make a good follow up to Abomination Vaults? It might be nice to discuss how forshadow this AP in early low level AP. What hints to drop or items to give out. Maybe a blog post or soemthing in the first volume?

Grand Lodge

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Lime2K wrote:
Are these sheets going to be updated for the most recent round of core book errata? Especially the alchemist, since it changed the most between printings.
Our standard procedure is to update products when/if they get a new printing. The Pathfinder Character Sheet Pack is an evergreen product so we should post a free update in the Digital Downloads to PDF owners whenever that happens. We don't have a timeline to share at this time.

Any news on this?

Grand Lodge

We are starting book 6 and I am planning on building a 3d version of the final encouter (maybe more of the fortress it depends on time) and I am looking for stand in for General Azaersi. I think I got the others but having trouble finding a good one. I have a 3d printer so STLs work....if anyone found a stand in please let me know. Thanks

Grand Lodge

Should "Adventure Path Subscribers" who pre-ordered received a the PDF? My order shipped but no PDF was sent out. Just wondering if there is an issue and if should reach out to customer service?

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

In Bestiary 3 the Terra-Cotta Garrison has raise shield and shield block. How would shield block work? The troop does not even have equipment? I guess it could use the steel shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10) from the warrior but that seems weird since it only has 20 HP and BT 10?

Just wonder how this works..I am thinking of just bumping up the all the shield numbers but not sure.

Grand Lodge

Cool I am at the end of book 5 right now (well book 4 since we did 5 first). So moving towards book 6 :)

Grand Lodge

Love all the special editions coming out!

Grand Lodge

We have been playing since launch and we are finishing up the "Ironfang Invasion" (great AP) so we are talking about what is next. I am the GM and as we move on I just wondered about peoples thoughts on uncommon and rare ancestries. Are they balanced with common ancestries? Is it really just to allow the GM to say "Nah does not fit" or are there benefits beyond the common ancestries?

Everything I read....I cannot find much seems on ancestry rarity does not mention balanced issue but may not be theme appropriate. But wondering the community thoughts?

Grand Lodge

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Any chance these will get updated to the new version of foundry? Maybe change the supported tag to 9.x? Just wondering

Grand Lodge

If I follow the logic here "I tied 15 longbows I should be able to 15 arrows at once."

Grand Lodge

I am looking at Animal Specializations you think that the animal companion would suffer -4 since they do not share a language?

"If the target does not understand the language you are speaking, or you're not speaking a language, you take a –4 circumstance penalty to the check."

Grand Lodge

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It is only a level 1 item...goblins launching rusty daggers at your party seems fun.

Grand Lodge

Yea I get it it just feels weird for Blunderbuss. Thanks I wanted to make sure I did not miss something

Grand Lodge

So watching the "Head Shot the Rot" it was interesting to see the new guns in play...the one thing I thought was weird was the "Scatter" Property.

Is it really meant to hit the person firing the gun? In several cases Zakzak and Booker were effected by there own shot. I read the property it seems like it should but it felt weird. Not being able to blast zombies adjacent seemed a little strange. I suppose ricocheting shot could bounce back but it felt more like a bomb then gunfire.

Am I reading that right?

Grand Lodge

Are the map images working? I would like to see what this looks like if possible :)