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The Concordance

Speak Local Language spell wrote:

This spell functions as tongues, except the creature touched gains only the ability to speak and understand a regional human language, such as Varisian or Common (Taldane in the Inner Sea region or Tien in Tian Xia), and the language granted must be one you know.

The "you know" is ambiguous. the spell-caster just need to know the name of the language, or need to know the language well? So there are two understandings on that.

1 The receiver can gain the ability to speak a regional human language.
2 The spell-caster can grant one of his language to the receiver.

The Concordance

Q1: In PFS, the conclusion says all the dead PCs can come back to life.
However, my PCs defeat the Boss, and almost all the Sages are dead except SINUHOTEP, THE AMETHYST SAGE. Err... 3 PCs are dead, can they come back to life?

Q2: Can they still get 2PP ? All Sage jewel are intact.

RAW, the answer for the above two question.

The Concordance

MA FAQ indicates that there are 2 ways to overcome DR/epic, with a temporarily +6 enhancement weapon or with a +6-equivalent magic weapon. The latter is a special rule, which is presented in Mythic Adventures, which is absent in Additional Resources. Does it make any difference to the latter way to overcome DR/epic? Does it still effective?

The Concordance

Master of Trade: Once per game session, you may make any single purchase you could normally make at a 10% discount.

A single purchase indicates one single item, or a shopping trip that you can buy many items?
The latter seems too excessive.

The Concordance

By drawing the power of sages, Tahari can cast spells with a casting time of 1 standard action as though their casting time were 1 move action. It that means Tahari can cast 2 spells in a round, or only 1 spell, cause a caster can not cast more than 1 spell in a round (CRB, magic)?

The Concordance

S03-16 boon Averted Mauling grants an non-magic item up to 400gp, but PC has to go to Ustalav.

Does it require a module happen in Ustalav, or any downtime can fullfill the requirement?

Averted Mauling:

Averted Mauling: By saving the half-elf courtesan Markov Rutowski in Ardis, you gain a political favor you can trade in while in Ustalav. Within the Immortal Principality, you may trade this political favor for any non-magical item worth up to 400 gp, including but not limited to masterwork weapons and armor and courtier clothing and jewelry.

The Concordance

CRB 83: Familiars treat Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, Perception, Stealth, and Swim as class skills.

Familiars retain their own creature types' class skill, and get the above 6 as additional class skills, right? It doesn't means "instead".

The Concordance

Star Watcher wrote:
Astrology (Su):...A star watcher’s horoscope is always keyed to a specific creature that must be willing and present when the star watcher prepares the horoscope. Only the creature to which a horoscope is keyed can activate it and be affected by it...

I used to think, the Astrology has to keyed to a specific creature when character got Star Watcher level, and all horoscopes only affect one specific creature and can not change even in another adventure, which is not suit for PFS.

A friend in Forum told me, it not the Astrology keyed to a specific creature, but the horoscope, which means a Star Watcher can decide whom to "keyed" when he create it. So horoscopes can affect different creatures.

The following understanding is better, right?

The Concordance

The Definition of Throw Splash Weapon says, a Throw Splash Weapon has to have a major target, the splash to nearby creatures, while Perfect Ice can not aim at a target. On this point, Perfect Ice is not a Splash Weapon.
The Description of Perfect Ice says," When a flask of perfect ice is opened or broken (such as by being thrown as a splash weapon)" and it can be launched by Launching Crossbow, which usually can only launch Splash Weapons. On this point, it looks like a Splash Weapon.

This issue is related to some other rules, such as, Can Perfect Ice be mixed in Focusing Flask?

I tend to think Perfect Ice is not a Throw Splash Weapon.

The Concordance

Auras rules seems to be vague and ambiguous.
Taking Fear Aura (30ft., DC 17) as an instance,

Fear Aura wrote:
Fear Aura (Su) The use of this ability is a free action. The aura can freeze an opponent (as in the case of a mummy’s despair) or function like the fear spell. Other effects are possible. A fear aura is an area effect. The descriptive text gives the size and kind of the area.

Firstly, the Saving mechanism. I don't when should I make the saving throw, each time I enter the area, or each round I stay in the area. the Fear Aura does not define it, so I search among all auras and find out that some auras are "once", and some others are "each round", such as Subsonic Hum(60 ft., DC 22) of Carnivorous Crystal. So I can not find any general rule.

Secondly, the Duration and Range. IMO, if the text gives an duration, as long as I affected by the aura, the effect should last for the duration no matter I stay or leave the area. Despair Aura (30ft., paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, Will DC 16 negates) of Mummy is this Type. If the text does not give duration, the duration is permanent and the range should only within the area. Fear Aura (30ft., DC 17) is this type.

However, Fear Aura (30ft., DC 17) triggers a lot of different opinions in my group. Some insist the duration should function as Fear spell, and there are three different opinions thereinto, the Panic last for 1 round, for 7 rounds (the min CL of Fear) or for HD rounds. the above three all insist once affected, the Panic is still effective even the outside the area.

We have at least four different judgements on Aura Fear, and none of us can find solid textual evidence about it. If no further demonstration, Each GM will go his own way about it.

The Concordance

CRB FAQ wrote:

Half-Elf or Half-Orc: Can a character of either of these races select human racial archetypes (such as from Advanced Race Guide?

Yes. Half-elves and half-orcs may select racial favored class options, archetypes, traits, and so on, as if they were a full member of both races (a half-elf can select elf and human rules elements, a half-orc can select human and orc rules elements).

Edit 9/26/13: This is a reversal of an earlier ruling. This resolves a discrepancy between this FAQ and two Advanced Player's Guide FAQs.

Some PLs in my group doubt whether the "and so on" includes alternate racial traits, feats or spells. The focus is on Moonkissed, an alternate racial trait of elf, secondly is on Blend, a ARG spell only access to elf.

The Concordance

I was told most S10 Scenarios is repeatalbe(a line of green words) in the report page. Is it a bug or for real?
btw, S09-13 The Lion's Justice is shown repeatable, while I cannot find other announcement.

The Concordance

B1 305 wrote:
Vulnerabilties (Ex or Su) A creature with vulnerabilities takes half again as much damage (+50%) from a specific energy type, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed or if the save is a success or failure.

(1) Acconding to the bold part, several players insist the additional 50% damage of Vulnerability should not be halved by successful saving.

I don't think so.

(2) When interact with Protection from Energy and Resist Energy, which goes first?
I always follow the rule "multiply before adding", so the order is
original damage * 1.5[Vulnerabilty] - Protection from Energy - Resist Energy.
some friends thought the Vulnerabilty should be go last. If the damage is absorbed, it has nothing to do with the target, which do not "trigger" the Vulnerabilty. So the order is
(original damage - Protection from Energy) * 1.5[Vulnerabilty] - Resist Energy.
some friend even put the Vulnerabilty to the last, which is
(original damage - Protection from Energy - Resist Energy) * 1.5[Vulnerabilty] .

The Concordance

PFS FAQ says
For items which can be enhanced incrementally (such as weapons or a ring of protection), the caster must meet all prerequisites for the item as outlined in the item crafting rules.

Does it means the caster can not skip the spellcasting prerequisite for DC+5 ?

The Concordance

Is there any place I can see all the Evergreen Scenarios in paizo?

I used to see pittsburghpfs. However, when I report the game of #10-08: What Prestige is Worth last week, paizo told me it's replayable, which is not shown on pittsburghpfs. The List upgraded?

The Concordance

Activating a scroll is just like casting a prepared spell, so the scroll-wielder can casting defensively or casting in a horrible environment.

When a PC without spell ability use UMD to activate scrolls (DC = 20 + CL), how does he dice Concentration check when casting defensively or casting in a horrible environment? Concentration check = d20 + CL + spell ability score modifier,while the wielder has CL, and she doesn't know which mental ability score to use.

some PL state, Activating a scroll by UMD always use the scroll's Concentration check. In PFS, it's the lowest ability score and CL. But I don't agree with it. IMO, it should dice the wielder's Concentration check, but I don't how to deal with when using UMD.

The Concordance

AM 33 wrote:


Price 3 gp
Saltpeter is used to create fertilizers, propellants,fireworks, and preservatives.
Power Component
Doses 1 (1 gp); Spells fire descriptor
Effect +1 fire damage

The price is 3 gp, however, each dose is 1 gp. Is it an error?

The Concordance

Dimensional Slide wrote:
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to create a dimensional crack that she can step through to reach another location. This ability is used as part of a move action or withdraw action, allowing her to move up to 10 feet per arcanist level to any location she can see. This counts as 5 feet of movement. She can only use this ability once per round. She does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving in this way, but any other movement she attempts as part of her move action provokes as normal.

1, "Dimensional Slide does not provoke AoO". It is include or exclude the starting square? When a creature within an enemy's threaten area use Dimensional Slide to get away, will she provoke AoO?

2, When sb. is grappled or entangled in ground, can she use Dimensional Slide to get away?

The Concordance

A PL can get a chronicle twice, one for play and the other for runing (GM). Can these two chronicles go to the same character?

The Concordance

Normally, who stands higher, who get on higher ground bonus.
However, if A is a Gargantuan creature (tall) who stands on the ground, B is a meduim fly in 5ft. high, B get the on higher ground bonus while A doesn't ? It seems unreasonable.

If I am GM, I will say they both get on higher ground bonus, because when calculating attack, Large or larger creature can choose any one square it occupies as its attack start; when calculating be attacked, the attacker can choose any one square the taller occupies as its attack target. The taller can attack from the higher cubic square, while the meduim can attack the lower square (the foot of the taller), so they both get on higher ground bonus.

The Concordance

I already known the rules of Archetype Stacking, such as
(1) Two archetypes alter or replace the same class feature, No.
(2) Two archetypes alter/replace different sub-features, Yes.
(3) One alters/replaces the parent feature, another alters/replaces the sub-feature, No.

Here is the issue. Bard archetype Thundercaller replaces 5 sub-features of Bardic Performance: inspire competence, suggestion, mass suggestion, dirge of doom, frightening tune. Sorrowsoul alters bardic performance in written. So, RAW, it's clearly a PC can not take them at the same time.

But a PL states Lyric Sorrow(Sorrowsoul's feature) "actually" only alters 3 sub-features: inspire courage, inspire greatness, inspire heroics. It does not touch the other sub-features or the entire Bardic Performance.

My question is, firstly, can we explain Archetype rules by "actually", not in written?
Secondly, the description of Lyric Sorrow is in two-section, the first paragraph grant a new way to use Bardic Performacne, the following para. show that the new way can be used in such specific Bardic Performacne. Is this really counted as sub-features altering?

The Concordance

My character have some boons such as "you may reroll an attack roll", "You can spend
2 Prestige Points to replace one of your feats with Exotic Weapon Proficiency". My character is a Summoner, can his Eidolon use such boons?

The Concordance

The boon Faerie Dragon Improved Familiar of S04-05 grant access to:

Faerie Dragon as an Improved Familiar with prerequisite that the master's alignment should be within one step to CG. While, the Improved Familiar Feat's requirement is "up to one step away on each alignment axis". So the two prerequisites are the same (just different statement) or the boon's is more restrictive?

The Concordance

Dimension Door states, "After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until your next turn." It is to prevent quicken Dimension Door and full attack.

Now, 2 melee-Dps. delay to the position just behind the wizard, and the wizard teleport them to the square adjacent to the boss, letting them make full attacks. It's RAW ok, but might be contrary to the D-Door's intention.

What if we count the rule as everyone who teleported by D-Door can't take any other actions until caster's next turn? Is it better?

The Concordance

One of my PC carries 3 GM Chronicles of Dragon's Demand in Campaign, the first one is in normal track, the second one is in slow track, the third one I havn't seen cause his PC has not reach the lowest level and the last one (the extra chronicle) is in normal track. I am confused with this. Is it ok?
If it's a PFS version game, I am ok with that. But in Campagin mode, it's strange.

The Concordance

COOPERATION CRYSTAL can serve as an additional material component or focus. If PC can select as her will, no one will choose material component to cosume it.

The Concordance

What's the title means? Whose prestige, the house of Davian's or the Infernal laws'?

The Concordance

When calculating Carrying Capacity, Flying mount, such as Dire bat, Griffon, Hippogriff, should be count as Bipedal or Quadruped?

The Concordance

If the eidolon is large size(by Large Evolution) and the synthesist is medium, when fused, the size will be?

The Concordance

Bestial Rags wrote:
These tattered and ragged garments extend the duration of a shifter’s bestial transformations, allowing her to shift into her aspects’ minor forms for 5 additional minutes per day. Each set of bestial rags is also tied to a specific aspect, typically being made of the hide of that creature and embossed with crude pictograms of it, allowing a shifter to assume that aspect’s minor and major form, as appropriate for her level. If the shifter already has the ability to shift into that form, that aspect’s major form functions as if she were 2 levels higher.

Tied to a specific aspect means you have to choose one aspect, such as bat, bull. Fey apect is a kind of Aspect and Fey Shape is the major form, right?

The issue focus on the second ability: the major form 2 levels higher.

Bestial Rags
Feyform Shifter

The Concordance

PFS clarification for Kingmaker wrote:
Alternatively, if you are participating in the Kingmaker Adventure Path with an ongoing group undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you are playing in Campaign mode. You may receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.)...

So if I run/play an AP in Campaign mode, I can only report after all six chapters are done, or I can report it one by one?

It bothers me because my Kingmaker was shut in Chapter 4, can I get the first three chronicles?

The Concordance

A PC has taken part in 16-times adventures. When he enter for the next scenario, the GM find out that the gained GP in #5 and #9 are wrong, he got hundreds of GP more than deserve. If fixing the mistake, the sub total GP in #13 Chronicle goes negative.

What will you suggest?

a) Sticking to reality. Leave the negative GP in #13 with a explaination by GM(#13), and fix the bug in next scenario. Actually, only #13 end with a negative GP, #14-#16 are ok. I vote this, for history should be record, not changed by record.

Others think a Chronicle ends with a negative GP is illegal, so they come up with 2 ways to fix it.
b) Fixing the bug when it happens. Delete one item bought in #13, for he shouldn't afford it, even if the item has accompanies him through #14-#16. (not cosumable, of course)

c) Fixing the bug before it happen. Replace 2PP for 750gp to purchase a item in #5, which is the first wrong Chronicle. By this way, All his items are untouched, only change the mean of payment.

Most of GMs in our group take part in the discusstion. About five or six GMs could accept c), two chose b) and only I insist to a). >_< Eventually we go with c).

The Concordance

One of my PC wanna buy 5 Durable Adamantine Repeating crossbow bolts.
I think there is something wrong, but I can't find any rule on it.

You see, Adamantine Ammo need extra 60gp and can be used once. However, Durable Adamantine Ammo need only extra 61gp and can be used unlimited.

The Concordance

One of my PC wanna buy 5 Durable Adamantine Repeating crossbow bolts.
I think there is something wrong, but I can't find any rule on it.

The Concordance

from PFS FAQ wrote:

Can I retrain an animal companion, mount, familar, eidolon, or other companion creature?

You may retrain the feats and skill points of your companion creatures using the retraining rules from Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign, paying the same cost in gold and Prestige Points as you would if you were retraining those abilities for your character. You may retrain an animal companion or mount's tricks using Handle Animal, as if you were teaching the creature a new trick.

So, Can I retrain Familiar's original Feat, such as Greensting scorpion's Weapon Finesse?

The Concordance

What is "Seasoned Explorer boon" mentioned in the first para. in DOWN THE VERDANT PATH pg.22.

It is said "granting each PC the Seasoned Explorer boon", but the boon is not in the Chronicle.

The Concordance

Is it legal that Effective Companion level higher than character level in PFS?

One of my PC(Wizard 3) select Eldritch Heritage Feat(Arcane Bloodline) to get 1 effective level of Familiar (character level -2), and the Wizard grants him another 3 effective level, which can stack with the former. So he get a effective lv.4 Familiar? And when he goes to Wizard 12, he possess a effective lv.22 Familiar? It sounds like unnormal.

The Concordance

Siegebreaker Breaker Rush grant [100% Str Modifier damage] to his Bull Rush, Bulette Rampage grant [1d8(for Medium)+ 50% AC(Armor) + 150% Str Modifer] damage to Bull Rush.

IMO, they can not stack.

The Concordance

#4–15: The Cyphermage Dilemma

Primary: The PCs either rescue Gurukaza or put an end to Alejia’s piracy.
Secondary: The PCs both rescue Gurukaza and put an end to Alejia’s piracy.

If we let Alejia leave, do we failed the Secondary Success Condition ?

The Concordance

With +1 BAB, I can draw a weapon in a regular move without extra action. Can I draw a Rod like this?

What about wands? And Alchemical Weapons?

Rod wrote:
Physical Description: Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds. They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal. (Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their hardy construction.) These sturdy items have AC 9, 10 hit points, hardness 10, and a break DC of 27.

The Concordance

One of my PC use Master of Trade to upgrade his mwk Composite longbow to +1 Composite longbow. He only costs 900 gp. Is it ok?
I'm not sure if the upgrading is "a single purchase" or "buying"?

PSFG 19 wrote:

Master of Trade(Fame 20, 4 PP) Using faction contacts and mercantile experience, you can always get yourself the best deal when buying goods. Once per game session, you may make any single purchase you could normally make at a 10% discount. This discount is not available on spellcasting services or material components.

The Concordance

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When using Acrobatics move through a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity, Only the threatened square need half speed or the whole move action need half speed? I prefer to the later.

The Concordance

One of my PC build such a character:
Witch 3, he take a rhamphorhynchus as his Familiar and take Mauler Familiar Archetype, so his Familiar can transform into Medium size. Then he get Narrow Frame to ride his Familiar to fly.

Does rhamphorhynchus able to serve as Combat Mount? It seems like a grey zone.

His evidence is under the Ride skill:

Ride wrote:
You are skilled at riding mounts, usually a horse, but possibly something more exotic, like a griffon or pegasus. If you attempt to ride a creature that is ill suited as a mount, you take a –5 penalty on your Ride checks.

He regards combat - trained mount as suit, and other creatures as "ill suited". However, there is no rule talking about what is "ill suited". I mean, there is no way that all other creature can be regarded as "ill suited" and can serve as Combat Mount.

The Concordance

Normally, the new version Spell will overcover the old version.

But There are two versions of Shiled Companion from APG and Animal Archive seems different, I'm not sure they are the same spell or not. AoN seems consider them as two different spells.

The Concordance


1. Is Scarf of the Suggestive Dance a Unique Item?

2. PCs capture Borvius Monchello, but defeated by Robella Monchello, and Robella run away. They get 3 xp, 0 pp, right? And how many money do they get ?

The Concordance

What if the target(creature) is already within 60 feet of the chosen object ?


Occult Adventures pg. 158
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level arcanist 3, bard 2, druid 3, hunter 3, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, skald 2, sorcerer 3, witch 3, wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 day/level
Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance yes
You plant a revulsion in the mind of the subject, causing her to avoid an object or location. You must choose a specific object or place. A location chosen in this way can be no larger than a cube measuring 50 feet on a side. The aversion is entirely in the target’s mind, so the chosen object or location itself isn’t subject to any magical effect. If the target fails her saving throw, she can’t come within 60 feet of the chosen object or place. She makes every reasonable effort to avoid the object of the aversion, but will not put herself in danger in order to maintain the aversion. For example, if the object of the aversion is a bridge but a forest fire is closing in and will likely kill the target, she ignores the aversion and crosses the bridge to save herself. If the target must ignore the conditions of the aversion, she is nauseated until she is no longer violating the aversion.

If the target succeeds at her saving throw, she is instead sickened while within 60 feet of the object or place, but isn’t compelled to stay away from it.

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