
Seamstress_Druid's page

Organized Play Member. 112 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.


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Degoon Squad wrote:

Safari ltd has a toob of feathered Dinosaurs.

I bought this toob. It actually has 2 feathered Deionychus (( the Medium sized Raptor, Velociraptors are small sized, )) and is really cool but you need to make your own bases.

For an unpainted feathered one there is also Arches Creations: tegory&virtuemart_category_id=50
You have the option of feathered Utah Raptor (( which Bestiary 1 lists as Mega Raptor )) or the non feathered Utah Raptor.

For a Large sized that is borderline on going huge but not quite there yet, there are two sorces.

First is Schleich. For their Predator dinosaurs they tend to make moving jaws that open and close that you can fit a medium sized humanoid inside their mouths. Their Raptor is large barely within the 4 square limit but not quite a huge yet. It's not feathered though.

The Second one comes in a package and is feathered. The Package is called DionSauria When Dionsaurs ruled the earth. It's from Wild Republic and in the top right corner has Natural history Museum. Comes with four plastic Dinos. Made in China. It's smaller than the Schleich, has erect puncturing claws but it's not the best sculpture or painted product. Their Raptor is the best out of the four just because the others were molded wrong and are off set. Still with a bit of fixing maybe a little green stuff this one is really good plus paint.

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Artemis Moonstar wrote:

I understand where you are coming from as I have a-now-disowned younger sister who likes to steal stuff to sell for money though for stuff like alcohol and makeup rather than take care of her son my nephew.

Marijuana smells disgusting both in its cooked and non-cooked form. Like grass-cut-garbage or in its cooked form: Fresh cut mildew-morning grass mixed with the spell of horse and cow poop with a pungent campfire smoke smell and a more pungent burnt smell mixed together. Both are disgusting and ridiculously hard to get out of a house that has been growing it. (( I lived in a house where the previous tenant was growing it. Said tenant also got used to living in a house that was around 110 degrees Fahrenheit...IN WASHINGTON where it's average 65 degrees Fahrenheit.


Uncle Teddy wrote:

All in favor of Paizo giving Katina a raise just for the shear joy she brings say "Aye".


I gave her a reward just like I said some pages ago. It's in an envelope on her desk =3.

At least it should be.

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I blame Cosmo for the sheer amount of strange women that are not my immediate family helping themselves into my house eating my food and complaining about it when the food is one day old or if they can't get my oven to work. I also blame Cosmo because my out-of-state mother isn't letting me do anything about these women even though they are concocting plans to move into my house rent free as their own which includes taking over both guest bedrooms and the master bedroom for themselves, thus kicking out my mother when she comes back. I also blame Cosmo for the fact these people are very LOUD at one and two am in the morning preventing me from sleeping to wake up at 3 am for work.

These people need to leave for this isn't their house and unfortunately I'm not the homeowner but the daughter of the homeowner.

17d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 4, 5, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5) = 67 5 and six are hits.

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I blame Cosmo for USPS inability to deliver on the time they say item will be delivered.

IHIYC is banned because his clothing does not have enough yellow fabric to tie the purple and red together. The false metallic gold of his bells do not count.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Katina is such a hoot. Everyday like Clockwork. Bringer of happiness and funness. :D

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It's Cool Chris. I blame you for my researching and finding pictures of Wacky Towns.

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Cosmo wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Wait how can that possibly be a nightmare? That's like the jackpot of dreams.
I agree!

Oh gosh... Is that... Is that the clown known as "It"? or was it Thing?

Some old 80's or 90's clown horror.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
You're best bet is to email Mike Kenway at since he doesn't have access to as I found out in Paizo con. is used for communication about open licenses such as our Community Use Policy and the Pathfinder RPG Compatibility License. Mike Kenway is the coordinator for *commercial* licenses.

Thank you but I'm not going to be doing anything that would merit communicating with either two address again out of respect for the majority of Employees who work at Paizo and are extremly nice. I won't let a few bad experiences ruin Paizo for me and wish the Original poster luck.

I'm not sure who Brian Lewis is but if I find a mail or email with a Cease and Desist for making and giving out gifts then it's a little silly as I have done nothing legally wrong. Brian Lewis isn't even on this list.

I do however appreciate Paizo's time on answering my inquiry.

This is a very amusing thread.

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Katina Mathieson wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
Ok Katina needs her own patch or something. You guys keep quoting her sillyness on here and it's awesome.
D'awwwwww shucks. You're making me blush!

Omg it's Flower! Bambi was such a good movie!

Nope because there goes all his air supply.

Wands need verbal components and to do that you need to speak underwater which requires you to be able to breathe underwater. If it's very specific like guns, then it needs an air bubble or special enchantment. If you're a wizard under the water I hope you have freedom of Movement + water breathing and the ability to speak underwater otherwise you won't be able to as I found out on my Druid who turned into a squid but forgot Beast Speak.

You're best bet is to email Mike Kenway at since he doesn't have access to as I found out in Paizo con.

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Ok Katina needs her own patch or something. You guys keep quoting her sillyness on here and it's awesome.

Hey Adam,

Just wondering if you got a patch for you on your keyboard yesterday?

DaveMage, I've met plenty of people who would like to play higher up through many different Organized Play groups. However, very few are willing to stand up for that belief feeling like they will fail. I'm one of few who have proven that I can stand up to this. There needs to be a voice, some petition, and some much better writing for scenarios to make it work.

There is even another thread about lvl 12+ play so there is interest it's just getting to that point.

I just found out from Mike Kenway that I won't be able to make and sell the Embroidery patches. Still I can proudly say I did them first and thought of the idea for the background and what not. I know the thread I use won't wash out after a few washings and will last for years to come.

I thank Paizo for the shoutout though!

LazarX wrote:
CuttinCurt wrote:

I would also tend to disagree with the 25% number. I have no facts on this, but then again, neither did cartigan.

The AP's are the main product after the Core RB and the other Core rule books. So I would say that maybe 25% only play to level 6, but then again, that seems high to me a well.


I think it's a fair bet that most campaigns pretty much shutdown in the 8-15th level range, most of that number ending around 12th.

GameMastering high level games is not the comparative cakewalk of running low to mid-level. And it gets asymptotic each two levels past 10.

I'm pretty sure that with more experienced authors and a campaign centered around rescuing Aroden or reviving good/neutral dead gods and fixing Golarion from the World Wound issues or even helping the Elven people fix their hidden problem and stuff like that could very well be a perfect setting for higher level play. Wizard's of the Coast allows for higher level play but Paizo doesn't yet.

What's the point of publishing higher level spells if one can never use them? What's the point of publishing level 20 class statistics if one can never get to that point?

Does the will of the ten see any experienced and seasoned adventurers as a threat? I'm sure even the Masked living God could even have a play or even better, Kaiju walking Godzillas!

It just takes good writing and not something silly. Also tactics.

Somebody took the time to actually write an Epic Level Handbook doesn't have all the new classes though. I was actually looking for one so I can determine feats but it seems the closest we can get is Mythic.

what about Epic feats? Does Pathfinder have Epic feats?

There are also some Grit Feats that allow for regaining grit, but those are even more specific that bookrat's aforementioned above.

That Light Table looks awesome! Also Dallas has wonderful ideas for basing! This event was so awesome and I got to meet who I wanted to meet. I can't wait to next year and thank you so much!

I shall restate my request found here

UDS is banned for presuming a Druid doesn't shower or bathe. Most of us are quite clean especially those of us residing in Kyonin.

Ok let's see here of all the Paizo Pathfinders who obliterated the spammers namely on April 15th 2015.

Lissa Guillet
Chris Lambertz
Liz Courts
Julie Iaccariro
Cort Odekirk
Mark Seifter
Christopher Anthony
Sara Marie
Winslow Dalpe
Erik Keith
Scott Spalding
And Cosmo

Did I miss anyone?

Also Important: I need a good looking Warhammer two handed preferabbly Vector Flat but I might have to make one flat. It's important. And a chain...and a Candle. Hmm... Candle on a chain attached to a Warhammer.

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for spreading ghoul fever.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
Are you guys still busy in the office now that Paizo Con is over? I would like to hear from Michael Kenway but I can understand if he's a little busy but still.
Those of us who didn't get hit with the con crud (including me) are indeed busy in the office. I'm not sure what Kenway's schedule has him doing or if he's in... I've been out all week.

I hope everybody gets better especially Jason Bulman whom I heard had to run to the hospital he was very sick.

Also Paizo HQ, I was expecting a Paizo sign or the Golem. But it's a very pretty subtle beige that just blends right in.

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Are you guys still busy in the office now that Paizo Con is over? I would like to hear from Michael Kenway but I can understand if he's a little busy but still.

Molten Dragon Banned for accusing me of being judgemental. I'm just honestly confused :/

IHIYC is banned for being some kind of mixture between Harlequin and Joker.

GoatToucher is Banned for Hypocrismn; you have no "I"s in your name either.

Congratulations Louis, Sean and Justin. Louis the specials were fun thank you for being reserve for us!

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I load up Messageboards
Just because I am bored

That's what people see, mm-mm
That's what people see, mm-mm

I click on this thread
Get laughter in my head

And yes, that's what people see, mm-mm
That's what people see, mm-mm

But I keep on scrolling
Seeing Korea Spamming
Can't stop, won't stop flagging

It's like these bots got this yearning
To just hush up and start burning

Because the Moderators
are gonna Blast blast blast

And the Spammers
Will turn to Ash Ash Ash

But Baby I'm just
Gonna Flag Flag Flag

Flag it up
Flag it up

Woo-woo ooh!

*Sings in tune to Taylor Swift Shake it Off*

I would like to make use of level 9 spells and abilities as well as Epic feats etc in Pathfinder sanctioned play. I would like to see certain characters whom I heard so much about and see them in action. I would like to do those things.

I can't even play the game at all without crashing. They are trying to help me but I don't know the files or location to send.

I have decided that I'm too frustrated to post on goblin forums so. Blah :/

I live in Lakewood and part of a group who meets in Auburn. There are also at least two of the Pathfinder University who live in Puyallup. For organized play, people tend to meet at the Game Matrix Saturday's around 1 pm.

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Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Regenerators from Resident Evil 4.

Iron Maidens from Resident Evil 4 the tougher ones. Regenerators can be shot in the legs to fall down. The tougher more metallic ones... well I use rocket launchers and hid Ashley in garbage dumps so she wouldn't die.

On the topic of Resident Evil...

Pyramid Head and the annoying nurses that pop out of nowhere to kill you.

I would really of liked Pathfinder Society to be towards the afternoon and not so early in the day just for the sake of sleep but pretty much everything about Pathfinder was fun. The one thing that wasn't, I already talked to Sarah Marie about it. However I look forward to coming again but this time I will make sure I either have a Hotel or something and my car so I don't have to haul my stuff around everywhere.

I do want to see higher level specials for those characters lvl 12+ there isn't many of them and I would love to be able to continue playing my Aasimar Druid with Ape companion when she can no longer play in society.

The food was delicious especially Saturday night's food. All the staff were super nice despite all the super tired. I was kind of hoping for more Society games for more token chances so I could do a bit more at rewards table. Mike Brock is awesome and so were the volunteers that helped out. Reaper Bryan was awesome and so were the volunteers that helped him. The miniature trade thing I have to put stuff together for to do more trading because I didn't want to part with most of my miniatures.

Liz Courts is awesome and very helpful!

I also liked the employee with the green and blue mohawk he was super helpful and awesome!

Katina Mathieson wrote:

Hmmmm... I think I like the Dark Archive best. But I'll take whatever's available. No need to cause yourself any inconvenience, though. I can wait until next year if it's a bother! Maybe by then there'll be a Clockwork Owl patch... >_>

Clockwork Owl's are very hard to digitize without first flattening the image as gradients in thread are frowned upon unless it's a ridiculously huge Embroidery piece such as a 72 inch by 72 inch square made up of SEVERAL Hoopings of Embroidery work. 3-4 colors could be doable but will take a lot of time to digitize. For now I can throw together a single Dark Archive patch but not much more as doing the 7 factions nearly depleted me one of two bolts of stabilizer for this specific embroidery.

Alexander Augunas wrote:

I will treasure my Sovereign Court patch. Thanks again! :D

You're welcome, I'm glad you got one ^_^ I would recommend you sew it onto what you want rather than gluing it on. Curved Safety pins could work as well provided you're not heavy washing it. I will be further fixing up the Sovereign Court just to fix the red a little bit to minimize thread cutting and to set it so it doesn't go off a little.

Michael_Hopkins wrote:

I am quite jealous of all those who got the patch, the workmanship of them is amazing! Hopefully we can see you again next year, and maybe you'll have Paizo's approval for distributing them a bit more? :)

I could only make about 45 of them total because of Hoop size and badge size. I'm sorry I didn't have enough for everyone :(. I'm waiting for a response back from Michael as I asked him what I needed to provide and how to formalize it etc. It's too much money to keep making for free unfortunately. Katina is an exception, I can't get Pasty Butt out of my head now because of reading 'Overheard at Paizo'

Christopher Anthony wrote:

The Liberty's Edge patch was really cool. I hope to collect the full set, no matter how many PaizoCons that might take. :D

It was really great meeting you. Hope to see you again next year!

I'm glad you liked the Liberty's Edge patch. I had to tell people I saved it for you as it was my last one and I wanted to meet you because you write poems as you ban spammers it's awesome! Plus Dragon! Just means I have to make more.

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Katina Mathieson wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
That was a very fun first experience and also very tiring. I hope everyone able to get one enjoyed the embroidery patches!
Those patches were fantastic! I wasn't able to get my hands on one, but I call dibs for next year! :D

I'm glad you and many others liked them. If Michael Kenway will allow it and if we can work something out I might be able to make more and sell them but I have to wait and see. Also Christopher Anthony is an awesome guy! He's very funny. Wanted to talk to him on Monday but couldn't find him.

Anyhow I hope to make more, the Grand Lodge patches went the fastest. I actually still have my prototypes here. Do you have a preference on a faction patch? I'm going to be making a dice bag for Christopher Anthony and sending it to him at Paizo. If you want I can try to send you one as well but it might be a little bit as one of the stabilizers I use is almost out completely and I need to be more of it before I use it.

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That was a very fun first experience and also very tiring. I hope everyone able to get one enjoyed the embroidery patches!

Apparently one is allowed to use wood or plastic weapons as I saw five cosplayers and four of them did indeed have Weapons though they were made of wood or plastic. It has confused me.

I feel dumb, super dumb. Ok thank you.

Much easier than using search and scrolling through. I could swear there were tabs on the page before but maybe that's me.

Since pictures explain a thousand words:

I've been having issues with Chrome lately and I'm not sure if this is a Paizo website thing or because I downloading Everquest 2 and that game has a significant memory leak that makes even the best Gaming Computers crash and I'm not sure if it's interfering with the website itself. I have tried restarting, clearing cache, defragmentation... But I'm having such a hard time getting to the Licensing information and contacts that I had to screenshot this.

Please help me fix this so I can get to where I need to be. I've had to use the search bar to find Community Use package and I'm pretty sure I'm missing something.

So somewhere between midnight and eight a.m. pacific is when the spammers arrive?

Being that you are an Aasimar there is an official way you can grow a pair of permanent Wings that will give you a fly speed as well.

Not by Alter Self but by having 13 Con, taking Angel Blood Feat and then after lvl 10 you take Angel Wings.

Until then you could purchase a cape known as Wings of Flying or even Cape of the Eagle and use Alter Self to make them look like how you want them to look like.

Considering that a Minute of Combat is ruled (thought not known if this is official) to be 11 rounds and there are 60 seconds in a minute, it means that each round is about 5.5 seconds.

Compared to Shadowrun's silly initiative in which you can do like 5+ Standard actions in 6 seconds, Pathfinder's is reasonable.