Seamstress_Druid |

Safari ltd has a toob of feathered Dinosaurs.
I bought this toob. It actually has 2 feathered Deionychus (( the Medium sized Raptor, Velociraptors are small sized, )) and is really cool but you need to make your own bases.
For an unpainted feathered one there is also Arches Creations: http://www.achesoncreations.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=ca tegory&virtuemart_category_id=50
You have the option of feathered Utah Raptor (( which Bestiary 1 lists as Mega Raptor )) or the non feathered Utah Raptor.
For a Large sized that is borderline on going huge but not quite there yet, there are two sorces.
First is Schleich. For their Predator dinosaurs they tend to make moving jaws that open and close that you can fit a medium sized humanoid inside their mouths. Their Raptor is large barely within the 4 square limit but not quite a huge yet. It's not feathered though.
The Second one comes in a package and is feathered. The Package is called DionSauria When Dionsaurs ruled the earth. It's from Wild Republic and in the top right corner has Natural history Museum. Comes with four plastic Dinos. Made in China. It's smaller than the Schleich, has erect puncturing claws but it's not the best sculpture or painted product. Their Raptor is the best out of the four just because the others were molded wrong and are off set. Still with a bit of fixing maybe a little green stuff this one is really good plus paint.