
Seamstress_Druid's page

Organized Play Member. 112 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

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Artemis Moonstar wrote:

I understand where you are coming from as I have a-now-disowned younger sister who likes to steal stuff to sell for money though for stuff like alcohol and makeup rather than take care of her son my nephew.

Marijuana smells disgusting both in its cooked and non-cooked form. Like grass-cut-garbage or in its cooked form: Fresh cut mildew-morning grass mixed with the spell of horse and cow poop with a pungent campfire smoke smell and a more pungent burnt smell mixed together. Both are disgusting and ridiculously hard to get out of a house that has been growing it. (( I lived in a house where the previous tenant was growing it. Said tenant also got used to living in a house that was around 110 degrees Fahrenheit...IN WASHINGTON where it's average 65 degrees Fahrenheit.


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I blame Cosmo for the sheer amount of strange women that are not my immediate family helping themselves into my house eating my food and complaining about it when the food is one day old or if they can't get my oven to work. I also blame Cosmo because my out-of-state mother isn't letting me do anything about these women even though they are concocting plans to move into my house rent free as their own which includes taking over both guest bedrooms and the master bedroom for themselves, thus kicking out my mother when she comes back. I also blame Cosmo for the fact these people are very LOUD at one and two am in the morning preventing me from sleeping to wake up at 3 am for work.

These people need to leave for this isn't their house and unfortunately I'm not the homeowner but the daughter of the homeowner.

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I blame Cosmo for USPS inability to deliver on the time they say item will be delivered.

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Katina is such a hoot. Everyday like Clockwork. Bringer of happiness and funness. :D

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It's Cool Chris. I blame you for my researching and finding pictures of Wacky Towns.

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Cosmo wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Wait how can that possibly be a nightmare? That's like the jackpot of dreams.
I agree!

Oh gosh... Is that... Is that the clown known as "It"? or was it Thing?

Some old 80's or 90's clown horror.

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Katina Mathieson wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
Ok Katina needs her own patch or something. You guys keep quoting her sillyness on here and it's awesome.
D'awwwwww shucks. You're making me blush!

Omg it's Flower! Bambi was such a good movie!

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Ok Katina needs her own patch or something. You guys keep quoting her sillyness on here and it's awesome.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
Are you guys still busy in the office now that Paizo Con is over? I would like to hear from Michael Kenway but I can understand if he's a little busy but still.
Those of us who didn't get hit with the con crud (including me) are indeed busy in the office. I'm not sure what Kenway's schedule has him doing or if he's in... I've been out all week.

I hope everybody gets better especially Jason Bulman whom I heard had to run to the hospital he was very sick.

Also Paizo HQ, I was expecting a Paizo sign or the Golem. But it's a very pretty subtle beige that just blends right in.

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Are you guys still busy in the office now that Paizo Con is over? I would like to hear from Michael Kenway but I can understand if he's a little busy but still.

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I load up Messageboards
Just because I am bored

That's what people see, mm-mm
That's what people see, mm-mm

I click on this thread
Get laughter in my head

And yes, that's what people see, mm-mm
That's what people see, mm-mm

But I keep on scrolling
Seeing Korea Spamming
Can't stop, won't stop flagging

It's like these bots got this yearning
To just hush up and start burning

Because the Moderators
are gonna Blast blast blast

And the Spammers
Will turn to Ash Ash Ash

But Baby I'm just
Gonna Flag Flag Flag

Flag it up
Flag it up

Woo-woo ooh!

*Sings in tune to Taylor Swift Shake it Off*

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Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Regenerators from Resident Evil 4.

Iron Maidens from Resident Evil 4 the tougher ones. Regenerators can be shot in the legs to fall down. The tougher more metallic ones... well I use rocket launchers and hid Ashley in garbage dumps so she wouldn't die.

On the topic of Resident Evil...

Pyramid Head and the annoying nurses that pop out of nowhere to kill you.

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Katina Mathieson wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
That was a very fun first experience and also very tiring. I hope everyone able to get one enjoyed the embroidery patches!
Those patches were fantastic! I wasn't able to get my hands on one, but I call dibs for next year! :D

I'm glad you and many others liked them. If Michael Kenway will allow it and if we can work something out I might be able to make more and sell them but I have to wait and see. Also Christopher Anthony is an awesome guy! He's very funny. Wanted to talk to him on Monday but couldn't find him.

Anyhow I hope to make more, the Grand Lodge patches went the fastest. I actually still have my prototypes here. Do you have a preference on a faction patch? I'm going to be making a dice bag for Christopher Anthony and sending it to him at Paizo. If you want I can try to send you one as well but it might be a little bit as one of the stabilizers I use is almost out completely and I need to be more of it before I use it.

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That was a very fun first experience and also very tiring. I hope everyone able to get one enjoyed the embroidery patches!

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So I picture this. Whack-A-Spammer anyone?

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Christopher Anthony wrote:
If you're bribing us, there are a few things that might work better than pastries. Jus' sayin'.

Good Sir, I'm a follower of Shelyn not Cayden Cailean. Though I didn't realize that is what BevMo sold as most liquor stores are just called Liquor.

By the name I chose on this Forum I am a Seamstress by Trade and I throughly enjoy Embroidery and I shall dress as my Jade Regent Tiefling and follow the teachings of Shelyn and make beautiful embroidery work and praise to Shelyn as I hand out patches and make something special for Reaper to be all delivered at Paizo Con.

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Julie Iaccarino wrote:
We're on google maps now.

I'm enjoying this horsing around. Hee.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Or you can turn evil and start sabotaging Paizo to drag the war out indefinitely.

The trick is to drive up to Washington and distract the staffmembers with pastries. I'm not sure what kind works best, but I'll have plenty of time to experiment this May.

I live in Washington State. Paizo is in Redmond and it's like a 2 hour drive ish North then East or West whatever direction my GPS Says. I wanted to drive there to get my package during one of the Great Golem sales because I didn't want to wait 3 weeks for my package. However you can't do that so I had to wait like everyone else.

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Christopher Anthony wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:


And now I'm sad because without the Spammers this funny thread may not continue. *sad*

All things have their time in the sun, grow old, and pass beyond the veil. Do not grieve that you no longer have them. Rather, rejoice in the light they brought to your life while they were here. In that way, they are never truly gone.

Mrs. Courts has not responded but I think I might Digitise the Paizo Golem with Warhammer just because of this thread. It will be after I digitize Sophie though. I might add a Bedazzled hammer with Scented Candle. From a Distance, the Golem looks like a nice blue ribbon.

Julie Iaccarino wrote:

So far all is quiet on the front.

But I remain vigilant.


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Christopher Anthony wrote:
Seamstress_Druid wrote:
Also Mr. Anthony is a Dragon and Dragon's are awesome!
Hallelujah, sister. Preach it!

Can I be a feathered Wing Dragon as I preach this? My breath attack will be sparkly crystal light.

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I might have to digitize some kind of patch commenerating this event as this thread has been the most amusing to me all day. Especially conversations between Mrs. Guillet and Mr. Odekirk. Also Mr. Anthony is a Dragon and Dragon's are awesome!

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Lissa Guillet wrote:
On the money! Sparkly!

And Praise be to Shelyn for the wonderful craft check in making a weapon sparkly and pretty. I think the Banhammer is now considered a Sacred Piece of Art and Blood.

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They seem to have taken over other websites and forum as well according to Google.

More time spent making posts and being banned is less time Paizo is spending on other things.

Seriously the Mastermind we must have the Decimverate send Seekers on a special mission to find this Mastermind and destroy it :O

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Can you really attach scented candles to a hammer? Especially one you swing so often?

Sure you can! With a small craft DC one can put Scented Candle into a Counterweight on a small chain attached to the Hammer or Sword.

If one can put frilly chainy things on Cellphones then one can most certainly attach Scented Candles to Banhammers.

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Cort Odekirk wrote:
OK, fine but I'm hanging an air freshener on the tassel.

Air Freshener? Those things don't work for long. I recommend Scented Candles or those Cinnamon Pine-cones; those things are potent in their scent it's overwhelming if you have the Scent ability.

Zova Lex wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
...and so the warriors fell to infighting...
The swarm is winning... MY smite chaos doesn't work on the thing due to it being a single target effect... I can't... keep fighting...

No don't give up. Instead of Smiting a single target why not get creative?

Throw oil many places or if you're a good aligned female perhaps bond with a Unicorn using Diplomacy and ride it into Battle. Unicorns have a Magic Circle against Evil that they can't turn off ever. Course Unicorns are Chaotic Good...

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Liz Courts wrote:
Well, I've always considered myself more of a gninja than a wizard, but that's an idea. :P

Fine, Ninja's, Sorcerers, Hunters, One Big T-Rex, Some Imps, some Wizards

And a Druidess that's about to go cast Storm Of Vengeance as these swarms are bothersome to the atmosphere.

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Julie Iaccarino wrote:
Today, many spammers were defeated.

Are we going to get a commemorative statue like the two wizard's back-to-back in Magnimar of Varisia fighting off those swarms of spider-scythe-like aberrations with fire? Though this one with many Paizo Wizard's back to back fighting the spammers?

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So the same group I play 3 Pathfinder Adventure Paths with I also play Shadowrun. We get most of our laughs from Shadowrun for some odd reason. We currently have:

The DM/GM Dave
A Shinto Priestess trained Japanese Girl Adept named Reina played by Ben
A Big Burly Body Building Troll Adept named Truck played by Jake
An Unlucky Lucky Jack-of-All-Trades Human named Sam also played by Jake
A human Decker named Jack played by Mike
An assassin with a Code named Ace played by Zack
And a Hermetic Healer Magician named Electra played by me.

Ever since Sam has entered the picture, the boys of the group have gotten into some pretty stupid situations. One of these situations evolved a Monster Truck Rally Race through downtown Redmond. Instead of destroying in a pit these Trucks were racing through destroying other people's cars including the Motorcycles belonging to a gang. Jack was following behind these Monster Trucks on his Motorcycle while Sam was holding onto Jack's Motorcycle while on his Hoverboard.

Angry Gang Members start throwing live grenades at Monster Truck, destroying one. One live grenade gets very close to Jack and Sam. Sam gets a critical glitch thanks to rolling a 1 on his unlucky d6, something he has to roll every time he uses his lucky dice. Sam and Jack crash after Sam unsuccessfully trys to shoot the grenade away with a rubber bullet. Jack is fine, his Motorcycle is not. Sam's hooverboard is fine, Sam however is not.

Jack somehow drives Sam to Jack's mechanic, who also happens to be a Chop Shop owner, and calls Electra since she's a doctor. Electra is high life style and has a nice Sader Krup Bently Concordant vehicle. She comes to her teammates aid only to find that it's a chop shop.

Here is where it begins to get funny:

Electra: *performs First Aid on Sam to stop the most serious of his wounds*

GM: This shop located in Redmond and there are a lot of people looking at Electra's car. *begins hinting at Chop Shop*

Electra: *becomes Paranoid about her car* "Sam get in the Backseat of my car."

Sam: "Woah I just met you. At least treat me to dinner and a nice drink first."

Electra: "I don't want people messing with my car and I want to cast a Heal spell on you. I will levitate you if you don't move."

Sam: "Oh! Why didn't you say so about healing!" *goes to Electra's backseat*

(( Electra is a magician who has a Mentor Spirit. Whenever a Magician or Adept has a Mentor Spirit and they cast a spell, their Shamatic Mask is shown. In Electra's case her Mentor Spirit is the Fire-Bringer, a symbol of help, aid and invention. The stronger the spell cast, the more the shamatic mask is seen.))

Electra: *Casts a lvl 8 Healing Spell on Sam*

GM: It becomes very hot and steamy in the Backseat of Electra's car. Sam finds he is very warm and feels much better after entering the backseat with Electra. (Game pauses here for about 5-10 minutes)

Sam: "That was awesome!" *Goes off to find Jack* (( His player just rolls with this ))

Jack: *is waiting on his Motorcycle nearby as Electra performs her healing* without missing a beat he says "So she's good isn't she?"

Sam: "Yeah man she is, I feel so good!"
(Game also pauses for another 5 minutes)

Electra: *Gives both guys the finger as they make their dirty jokes*

My group still won't let me live this down -.- at least they make it funny though.

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I think you did an amazing job Tcho Tcho.

Since her family is very important to her and suffered tragedy, surely it should also be mentioned but not without hope at the end of the dark tunnel. It's at least mentioned that she still loves her brother and hopes he can be restored. In other words as long as one has hope in their heart there is always love and light at the end of the tunnel. But how to write it? In fact from Night of Frozen Shadows we get this:

"Holy Text

Melodies of Inner Beauty is the holy text of the church of Shelyn. It contains the history of the goddess, including her family, though drawing a veil over the nastier elements about Zon-Kuthon. It tells stories about Shelyn and discusses her church's dogma. Music is used throughout as many of the tales are set as songs and hymns. Other artistic ways of interpreting the words are also utilized, such as dance and poetry. Other divinely inspired works also exist, some going into more detail about Dou-Bral and Zon-Kuthon. "

And her Dogma:



Before she became the goddess of love, Shelyn was flighty and shallow. Since discovering the capacity intelligent beings have for loving people and things that lack beauty, she tends to look for beauty in everyone and everything. “Beauty comes from within” is a relatively recent saying she introduced to Golarion, and it’s a philosophy she not only practices herself, but she requires from her clerics. In this way, it’s quite possible for a physically unattractive person to become a cleric of the goddess of beauty.

Shelyn’s is a unique beauty unparalleled in the multiverse. She is (now) beautiful both without and within; all who see her see what they envision as the most perfect beauty (meaning she appears different to everyone). Depictions of Shelyn, regardless of race or ethnicity, show her as a young woman barely out of her youth, with eyes of blue or silver. Shelyn's ankle-length chestnut hair bears several strands colored bright red, green, and gold. She always wears tasteful clothing and jewelry that accentuates her beauty without revealing too much of it. [from Erik Mona & Jason Bulmahn. (2008). Gazetteer, Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-077-3]

Shelyn focuses just as much attention on internal beauty as external, and she is considered also to have the most beautiful personality (which changed greatly when she became goddess of love, such to the point that some wonder if a little of her mother’s personality didn’t meld with hers). Thus, while lesser beauties might inspire jealousy in those who see them, she does not. Nor does she herself feel jealousy when a lesser beauty (i.e., any other) receives attention. She encourages the growth and appreciation of beauty, regardless of its source or admirers, and thus she is never jealous. She surrounds herself with flowers, colorful birds, artworks, and other things of beauty.

She doesn't use her beauty as a weapon (and she punishes that sort of behavior from her followers) and gently and kindly rejects all potential suitors. Some call her an eternal maiden (or sometimes, The Eternal Maiden), while others claim she is the lover of several gods, goddesses, and lesser beings. The truth, of course, is unknown. (Darker rumors put her in the bed of her half brother, but such whispered rumors never persist for very long, as Zon-Kuthon does not tolerate such things.)

Art and Music

As aspects of her role as goddess of beauty, Shelyn also promotes the creation of art and the composing and performance of music. The art or music need not be particularly well done, just so long as the creator puts in effort. A naturally-talented person who doesn’t try but still makes beautiful art is appreciated, just not as much as an ungifted artist who struggles for days but still creates something only mediocre. A naturally-talented person who doesn’t try and creates something mediocre is shunned by Shelyn (and by extension, her clergy). Clerics of Shelyn frequently are artists themselves, although those without any talent more often become art critics or collectors.
Shelyn herself has an extensive collection of artwork (mostly gifts from potential suitors or worshipers, and most of which portray her). She also has a massive collection of violins (she is likely the greatest violinist in the multiverse) and a secret one of glaives (given to her by Zon-Kuthon or his followers as a sort of dark joke).


As the goddess of love, Shelyn encourages the proliferation of the feeling in all its forms. She is not the goddess of sexuality, lust, or fertility, and makes a very clear distinction between love and sexuality (although she does not in any way discourage erotic love). The few paladins who worship her practice courtly love, with female paladins attempting to win the attentions of attractive young noblemen (or sometimes, attractive young noblewomen). Shelyn and her clerics treat homosexual love as equal to heterosexual love."

[Note: All information in quotation marks " " come directly from ]

Now for adding some lines for the Melodies (though they could be edited):

Let not the pain of lost love
Consume you with grief and tragedy
Believe with hope in your heart
That you will be reunited once more

In my halls you shall walk
With your true love embraced
Keep true to your love
And in your dreams hold them again

Beauty comes from Within
From thy heart and soul
Judge not by the thorns of the bush
But from the rose found within

Souls that are lost
Are souls to be found
What can be corrupted
Can be made pure

Believe in your hearts
That evil can be redeemed
Accept them for their flaws
And they'll learn to smile and sing

For one month love a ZonZon doll
And gift this to your "sibling"
In light of Crystalhue
Their dark soul be redeemed

[Note: ZonZon Doll of Forgiveness is from Inner Sea Gods.]

This is what I have so far could use editing I think.

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Why is it that Paizo hasn't expanded upon this either in Jade Regent book #2 in the Shelyn article or in Inner Sea Gods? There is only one line:

"Fill your heart, eyes, and mind with the beauty of the world. Without beauty and love, we are nothing."

Yet there is a long Paladin Code. I currently have one Shelynite Cleric and I'm making a Tiefling Gunslinger Shlynite for Adventure Path Jade Regent and I wish to quote more from The Melodies of Inner Beauty.

I'm not even sure if I'm posting in the right forum either. I did a search and couldn't find the topic of Inner Sea Gods or Melodies of Inner Beauty, but that could be User problems on my end.