
Seamstress_Druid's page

Organized Play Member. 112 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

Since pictures explain a thousand words:

I've been having issues with Chrome lately and I'm not sure if this is a Paizo website thing or because I downloading Everquest 2 and that game has a significant memory leak that makes even the best Gaming Computers crash and I'm not sure if it's interfering with the website itself. I have tried restarting, clearing cache, defragmentation... But I'm having such a hard time getting to the Licensing information and contacts that I had to screenshot this.

Please help me fix this so I can get to where I need to be. I've had to use the search bar to find Community Use package and I'm pretty sure I'm missing something.

This looks like so much fun and I'm hoping to get into this as well and also see the awesome cosplayers. Would give good practice especially if there will be male cosplayers as males are harder to draw than females.

I'm really hoping to get into this but I must inquire about Bringing ones own materials. My crafts primarily revolve around my Sewing Machines and my Embroidery Machine. I don't wish to haul my very expensive Embroidery machine around. I don't knit or crochet because I don't know how. So would I still qualify for this?

I'm not sure of the source or name of this amulet but apparently it lets you talk while polymorphed/wildshaping. Could anyone tell me what this is and source please? I specifically need Paizo source not 3PP.

Yes there is Natural Spell and Wild Speech but in the case of the latter I can't afford to get such a feat because of Planar Wild Shape and Leadership (( this is for my Shattered Star Specific Druidess ))

So many conventions have an area where many cosplayers have to go in order to get 'Peaced'. Whether it be a Sword in a hilt or some kind of weapon prop or such you still have to get peaced. Is there going to be some kind of stall there in case one wants to cosplay as a Gunslinger or fighter or something?

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Why is it that Paizo hasn't expanded upon this either in Jade Regent book #2 in the Shelyn article or in Inner Sea Gods? There is only one line:

"Fill your heart, eyes, and mind with the beauty of the world. Without beauty and love, we are nothing."

Yet there is a long Paladin Code. I currently have one Shelynite Cleric and I'm making a Tiefling Gunslinger Shlynite for Adventure Path Jade Regent and I wish to quote more from The Melodies of Inner Beauty.

I'm not even sure if I'm posting in the right forum either. I did a search and couldn't find the topic of Inner Sea Gods or Melodies of Inner Beauty, but that could be User problems on my end.

I was told of a specific consumable that apparently does 3d6 points of damage to a haunt as it "absorbs the haunt into it" and activates automatically. If the haunt has not been destroyed by the first vial then any more of this Consumable in your inventory activates, in fact all will activate until the haunt is destroyed.

Thing is I don't know the name of this consumable or what its source is but apparently it's a paizo product. You can make it with craft alchemy especially in a Home Group Adventure Path.

Could someone please tell me what it is and what book it's from? I checked Ultimate Equipment and it's not in that one.

Or is this not a paizo thing?