StephNyan |

This won't be a CORE run. I find CORE to be too limiting.
We could indeed start with a (or multiple) evergreen(s). That would leave more options open down the line. I do possess the PDF for The Wounded Wisp, and I've been wanting to run it. So I'd certainly be up for starting off with that scenario.
It shouldn't matter if your character already has 1 XP, or even a bit more. The other run has a fixed 'path' and requires everyone to have the same amount of XP, or else someone may fall outside the required tier for a scenario. In this run we will constantly decide the next scenario/module together, so we can just pick games we're all able to play.
However, I do think it to be best if the XP gap doesn't cause a difference of more than 1 level (3 XP). Else there will be moments where the level difference will be very large, and the players with lower leveled characters may feel like their contribution doesn't compare to that of the high level character.
As to the characters you've mentioned: please just pick a character you really want to play. It's not uncommon for PFS parties to lack certain team roles, so don't worry about that. We'll just make it work! ;)

Faelyn |

I'm going to be starting a Confirmation game with Abdi tomorrow, but I think I'll bring him around for my character here. We are supposed to ideally be done before 8/25 which is the kick-off date for Gameday VI. He is here for your perusal should you be inclined to check him out. I think the combination of him and a blaster sorcerer could be great fun! I plan on taking a 1 level dip into Lore Oracle to shore up my defenses with Sidestep Secret and to boost my Knowledge skills!
Also, I'm down for Wounded Wisp. I'll have to look at some suggestions for Scenarios that I'd like to run with Abdi... He will be Scarab Sage faction.

StephNyan |

I had hoped to kick this run off before the end of this month, actually. Though it depends on how fast everyone's able to get a character ready, and we still need at least a 4th player.
Faelyn, would you be opposed to playing The Wounded Wisp with a pregen, if everyone else turns out to be ready in a week or 2? You can give the sheet to Abdi then, if you keep Abdi on stand-bye the moment his Confirmation ends. I'm sure we'll finish at least slightly after 8/25. Abdi can then jump right into the next scenario we'll play here. (Or you could play The Wounded Wisp with another character and swap to Abdi for whatever follows.)
Or we could do a Confirmation game with the other characters and then jump into The Wounded Wisp with everyone present? Also an option. Let me know if you can think of more options.
On the topic of finding (one) more player(s), does anyone know someone they'd like to invite?

StephNyan |

Yes, please do PM me the names of people you'd like to invite.
Maybe you guys could post the titles of some other scenarios you'd like to play, and then we can see which ones we all like?
Here's a list I ask you to not choose from, unless it's re-GM-able for credit. (Season 0 is entirely out of the question, for obvious reasons to you.)
0-01: Silent Tide
0-02: The Hydra’s Fang Incident
0-03: Murder on the Silken Caravan
0-04: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight
0-05: Mists of Mwangi
0-06: Black Waters (Running)
0-13: The Prince of Augustana
2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
2-21: The Dalsine Affair
2-23: Shadow's Last Stand—Part I: At Shadow's Door
2-24: Shadow's Last Stand—Part II: Web of Corruption
3-03: The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet
3-05: Tide of Twilight
3-09: The Quest for Perfection—Part I: The Edge of Heaven
3-11: The Quest for Perfection—Part II: On Hostile Waters
3-13: The Quest for Perfection—Part III: Defenders of Nesting Swallow
3-21: The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment
3-Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore (3 times)
4-06: The Green Market
4-18: The Veteran’s Vault
4-19: The Night March of Kalkamedes
5-01: The Glass River Rescue
5-08: The Confirmation (2 times)
5-11: Library of the Lion
Pathfinder Adventure Path #7: Edge of Anarchy
Pathfinder Adventure Path #8: Seven Days to the Grave
Pathfinder Adventure Path #9: Escape from Old Korvosa (Running)
Pathfinder Module: Fangwood Keep
Pathfinder Module: Master of the Fallen Fortress
Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand - Part 1: The Blood Vow Lair
Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand - Part 2: Hunclay’s Cave, Auction, and Crypt of Tula
Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand - Part 3: Monastery of Saint Kyerixus (Will, after some scenarios, follow the previous part)
Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins! (2 times)
Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins Too!

Dinuci |

Had a look around and found a few level 1 thingies:
Pathfinder Module: Crypt of the Everflame
Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-01/#2-02: Before the Dawn 1 and 2
Pathfinder Society Scenario #4–01: Rise of the Goblin Guild
Didn't have time to really dig into them but going on reviews and forums they are quite fun for a level 1 group.

ScrubKai |

I dotted in with Crystal... She's done enough to start, but at some point I've got to write down the history, appearance and personality that's in my head.
Sorry but Giri's post totally made me think of the old game Frogger...
I may be laughing about that this whole game...
Just wondering, what chronical sheet allows that race to be PFS legal?
Not challenging, just wondering, as that's probably an interesting adventure.

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He may have actually done something of the sorts already...
I got a GM boon from last years gameday event, allowing me to use the grippli race :) They're fun little things but it took me a while to think of something to use a frog for...

StephNyan |

We have a 4th player! He'll be dotting in some time soon. Would you like a 5th (and 6th) player, or are you okay with 4 players?
The following games have been suggested. Please let me know your preference for the first game.
Pathfinder Module: Crypt of the Everflame
#2-01/#2-02: Before the Dawn 1 and 2
#4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild
#6-15: The Overflow Archives
@Scrubkai: Crystal isn't a PFS character. If you want to play her as a PFS character, please create a PFS alias for her (and check if her build's PFS legal).
@Faelyn: Okay! What's the scenario Abdi's already got credit for by the way?

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I would like more than 4 players if possible. I am the only melee character and a rogue on top of that. Everyone else is ranged, which is a problem in the lower levels for my dmg output. And there is no healing available in the current party.
It doesn't matter for my which scenario we play first :) They all sound fun.

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I would like more than 4 players if possible. I am the only melee character and a rogue on top of that. Everyone else is ranged, which is a problem in the lower levels for my dmg output. And there is no healing available in the current party.
It doesn't matter for my which scenario we play first :) They all sound fun.
If there are too many ranged, I can make a melee character if need be for this. Let me know. Might take me a day or two to come up with something cool.

ScrubKai |

She is PFS legal, I Hero lab is good at calling me if I cross a line on that one.
I just forgot I needed to register the PFS number for her on the website and not just create a message board alias.
I was doing it late at night and not thinking....
So I'll dot in with the correct version of her. Go ahead and disable Wen Chen.

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The problem is the lower levels, at higher levels I'm able to do full dps. And the AC/HP part is a problem. If I'm to stand in the front alone all the time I'm going through a real struggle and I will need healing during fights. I think another melee character would be best in such a small party.
Normally I wouldn't really look at composition but it just struck me that a rogue as tank might be a really bad idea.

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Well if we have a caller, there there should eventually be summons to take the front line with you...
But if Tanin is fine chamging, having a Melee character is the best bet, and magus seem like they would be fun.

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Also I plan on covering the party face roll and have some skill with knowledges due to the Lore Oracle dip. Now perhaps we could split up the knowledge skills a little since we will be a dedicated group. Skills that make sense for Abdi to focus on are Religion, History, and Nobility. Perhaps our rogue could focus on Local and Dungeoneering? Magus and Sorcerer could cover Arcana? I will eventually put points into all knowledge skills just to cover it all done I will get my Cha bonus to Knowledge. I can also cover some of the less used skills like Geography and Engineering. What do you think?

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We have a 4th player! He'll be dotting in some time soon. Would you like a 5th (and 6th) player, or are you okay with 4 players?
The following games have been suggested. Please let me know your preference for the first game.
Pathfinder Module: Crypt of the Everflame
#2-01/#2-02: Before the Dawn 1 and 2
#4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild
#6-15: The Overflow Archives----------------------------------------------------------
@Scrubkai: Crystal isn't a PFS character. If you want to play her as a PFS character, please create a PFS alias for her (and check if her build's PFS legal).
@Faelyn: Okay! What's the scenario Abdi's already got credit for by the way?
I was gonna suggest Ire of the Storm, Gallows of Madness and House on Hook Street.
I'd have to have a look at what Scenarios are cool.
But out of your suggestions above I'd say Before dawn sounds cool.
Also Assault on Absalom sounds rad

StephNyan |

Assault on Absalom isn't out yet, and I believe it'll be a special for multiple tables? The House on Hook Street is for 6th level characters.
That leaves the following games you can all play:
Pathfinder Module: Crypt of the Everflame
Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness
Pathfinder Module: Ire of the Storm
#2-01/#2-02: Before the Dawn 1 and 2
#4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild
Two players said all options (at least those that weren't added today) look fine, and one stated a preference for Crypt of the Everflame. Unless anyone changes his mind, given the new options present, I'll start off Crypt of the Everflame tomorrow evening.

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If we are splitting up Knowledge skills: I've got Arcana and Planes covered.
I currently have Diplomacy, but Abdi, If you plan to be the face, I can always start doing sense motive or perception for future levels...
As for scenarios, I'm good with whatever, I haven't run through any of the suggested items, so I'm good with doing any of them the group wants.

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I have knowledge local covered. Help me remember dungeneering next level, with 8 skill points to spend I have a lot of room ^^ other wise, as you might have noticed, Giri is stealth and climb based. Good for scouting and sneaking about. At later levels I will also go for bluff (feinting).
I'm cool with crypt of the everflame.

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I don't have many skill pints and mostly took just the essentials for this level. Stuff to help me fight mostly. Acrobatics, Perception, Stealth and Swim. Will diversify and add some knowledge skills next level. What do we need? I can take Knowledge Nature and Survival for tracking.

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It's cool. I'm rolling with it. Kendra is strong headed and very sarcastic about life in general. So I'm hoping I don't offend anyone, it's all in jest and hoping she'll be as fun for everyone to see play as it is for me figuring her out. Also she's my very first female character I'm roleplaying.
I think it'll be super fun to see how the relationships work out in this game compared to some of my others.
But yeah, please don't take anything Kendra says as being serious or anything. Just trying to give her a definited personality that's different from what I normally play.
I'm a very chilled player. I just want fun for everyone. Hope you guys like her.

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I'm perfectly fine with it! Also, having less PCs is going to be good for Abdi. That way I don't have to be as concerned with his positioning on the battlefield. I can blast away with my channeling skills without worrying about hitting you all!
I like the party skill breakdown right now. Yeah, I was planning on covering a lot of the social skills except for Bluff. I've got a decent Sense Motive skill as well, but not a good Perception. Kendra, if you want to cover Nature and Survival, that'd be perfect. I can then cover most of the other knowledge skills.

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Thanks! I spent a lot of time figuring him out and still trying to work out his backstory... The basic idea I have is that his family was a very influential family in from ancient Osirion and one that is still somewhat influential. During his childbirth some complications occurred and a minor cleric had to use channel energy during the birth to save Abdi, but his mother still perished. His father, despite his love for his son, holds blame to Abdi and sends him off to the church of Ra (the hfamily patron deity) and that was wear he was essentially raised. He knows who his family is, but does not really maintain much contact with them. During his time with them he started having an insatiable thirst for knowledge about ancient history, especially about Osirion.
What do you guys think? Cliche?

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I like it... Not to often you see the kid kicked out of his family develop a thirst for knowledge rather then a life of crime or desire for revenge.
We'll have to see if we can work in some Osirion faction scenarios for you.

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Very cool. I think Osirion doesn't get enough love.
I totally have it in my head to either play a Paladin, Ranger or Cavalier from Osirion with a Camel animal companion/mount at some point.
I haven't worked out Kendra's back story yet, it's sorta coming to me as I roleplay.

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You should do something with the tattoos :) Appearance is always an easy one, sadly Giri doesn't have any special body features... *cough* I always try to work them out beforehand, if I don't my characters tend to become very generic.

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Oh yeah the tattoos are definitely a thing (just haven't figured out what yet).
When I work it out before hand it's usually boring. During gameplay is when I really get inspired with ideas for back story stuff.