Darius Finch

Satinder Coric's page

285 posts. Alias of KyleS.


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GM KoolKobold wrote:

Very well then. I wish you luck elsewhere. And thank you for at least applying a character for recruitment-it means a lot, even if you backed out for your own reasons.

Appreciate it. Nothing against you at all either by the way. Longer application windows can work at times depending on what's being advertised, but others will fill up on submissions extremely quick, such as this AP for sure. With big name APs or modules, you're more than likely gonna be able to fill a party within a week, 2 at the most. So ending a window earlier than anticipated honestly isn't a bad thing cause the longer you stretch it out, the less steam it'll gather overall, and then you risk choosing people who don't get back to you because they forget they even applied in the first place.

As far as the rp example goes, the reason why I prefer links is because that'll give you a better idea of an actual style, rather than just a single post or two that has no actual set scene. You can sit in your car all day and watch YouTube videos about it, but you're not gonna know how actually drives until you actually drive it. I've seen people who can write quality paragraphs in their own position, but the moment you put them with others, it just becomes a couple dialogue lines with a couple of description lines.

Just some food for thought later in the future!

Yeah, I'm gonna back out. Recruitment is taking too long, and I prefer submitting links based on past RPing examples from other characters I've ran that aren't just here on Paizo.

Character submissions tend to be pretty tough.

Sounds good Kool, this character would remain an aasimar ranger. I appreciate you willing to let those of us who've tried to submit characters in multiple other attempts at other games hold off on rebuilding right this moment

I can rework his stats and build to match what's required, but personally I'd rather wait until I know who's chosen. It gets very tiring reworking a character for every single attempt to not even be considered. If you like his backstory and want to know more, then just let me know.

Congratulations those of you selected!

Oh lords lol

Definitely sucks being a forever GM.

Man do I understand the struggle with that lol. No worries Salsa.

I have no car right now, so I can't drive, but I love driving. Especially going on trips and whatnot. I couldn't imagine not being able to drive due to fears and anxieties though. I'm sorry some of you have to deal with that, since I've got anxieties that cause hell for me as well.

But I wouldn't mind running a RotRL game, but I'm currently working on a 2e conversion of it for a friend of mine (the Dice Based Events just hasn't sat well with me for some reason) and every time I attempted to run it on the boards, I barely get past halfway through the 1st book before people drop.

Chyrone wrote:

Results for theoretical exam for my driver's license as well. Waiting 1/2 an hour before the person with the results came back in.

"I will proceed per row, those i call upon have not passed."
One of the worst suspense moments i'd gone through. XD

Passed thankfully.

Man, I had nothing but hell trying to get my license. I was stationed at Ft Bliss which is in El Paso, TX. Attempted 3 times. Failed once because the parallel parking poles were too short for my buddy's Honda Civic to even see, and then failed twice because they had me drive down a street that was barely two lanes to begin with and had cars parked on both sides. So each time they failed me for not driving in the correct lane when saying there was a lane and a half was an extremely gracious overstatement. Said screw it, next time I was home in WA state, took my test an aced it with zero issue. The grader actually questioned why I was attempting the 3rd action when I parallel parked in 2 lol.

Will we have to adjust a few things GM Spazmodeus for those you take?

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, very much appreciate it!

Surgery didn't go as expected today, so I'll have plenty of time to get started should I be selected. However there will further appointments in the near future, so I figure I'll let that be known now.

Alright, he's finished up. Ended up having to tweak more than I thought as he was being used in a previous game that did somethings differently.

Satinder Coric


Satinder was born to a human mother as her third child. His birth however wasn’t the blessing omen most aasimars would receive. Isilda Coric was a lower noblewoman in Magnimar who was in an arranged marriage that proved unfruitful. Unknown that it was her husband who couldn’t conceive, he turned against her in a violent way. Isilda eventually fell into the arms of an elven man, Talathel Mertan. This affair wound up with carrying his child. When the child was born, her husband was furious and sent her to Nybor. Talathel followed her to Nybor, and they both named the boy Kyras. 4 years later, they had a girl who was named Liadla. As time passed, both Isilda and Talathel began to make plans for them to leave Nybor. However, once they had decided to act on their plans, they discovered she was pregnant once again. 10 years after Liadla, Satinder was born.

Upon Satinder’s birth, Talathel made his own assumption that the child wasn’t his. He figured that because she had done it once before, Isilda had an affair against him and he left, leaving her and their children behind. In truth though, the child was his. Satinder was to be born a half elf, however Isilda’s very distant and dormant celestial bloodline destined Satinder for other plans. He was born appearing human, but after Talathel left, a local cleric of Shelyn identified him as an aasimar. Kyras stepped up in place of his father abandoning them, but there was only so much he could do. In his first few years, Satinder was treated kindly. As he continued to grow up, more and more people began see him for the celestial being he was. Isilda soon fell for the cleric who helped her get through his birth and they had two girls of their own, the first 3 years after Satinder and the other one year later. He was now the middle child.

As Kyras was now 18 after the births of Mari and Saleen, and decided to take up arms against the rising goblin raids in the area. Liadla, being 14, decided the nonviolent path and became in tune with nature. As time went by, Satinder began to idolize his half elven siblings. When he was old enough, Kyras began to teach Satinder ways of the sword, while Liadla taught him the ways of the earth. He began to grow even closer with his older siblings keeping ties to part of his elven heritage, while staying close to his younger sisters to keep close with his human heritage. Satinder continued to grow up, learning under Kyras and Liadla while trying his best to be normal. He was luckily able to make friends and relationships that taught him about companion, loyalty, and love.

When he was 15, Satinder earned his first goblin kill saving his younger sister giving Kyras the notion that he was ready to join on him on his hunts. Since then, Satinder had been accompanying Kyras on hunts against goblin raiders in the area. Recently however, now that he has become 18, Isilda gave him her blessing to leave if he wished. Reluctant to leave his family behind, Satinder left so that he could try and bring good to areas where the evil that plagued it so that people could be reminded that evil doesn’t always have to win. His first stop: Sandpoint in an attempt to bring a halt to the goblin raids by the advice of his older brother and sister.


Satinder does his best to keep himself kept up and looking presentable. He keeps his long golden brown hair kept up in a ponytail, and does his best to keep it out of his way. He keeps his blades at the sides of his hips, always making sure that they stay within a spot reachable should he need to pull them, while his bow rests itself on his quiver that he keeps slung over his back.


Satinder only has one thing on his mind, and that is the safety of others. His only goal is trying to protect whoever he can from the evils of the world, whether it be from nature and its creatures or the laws of man and their unjust views. He understands that there are places in which he can’t stand up against on his own, but if he can change just one thing, then it’s enough of a drive for him to pursue.

Here is a game where Satinder was previously used. This game hadn't even begun to get into Book 1 sadly.

This is a game with a different character in which we had just made it past Book 1. If you couldn't tell, I've been trying to get past Book 1 pretty much since this AP came out during the 3.5 days.


1. What time zone are you in? I am in Pacific Standard (PST)

2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? About 20 years now at this point. Started with DnD 3.5 and went from there gaining experience with 4e, 5e, PF1e and PF2e, about 15 of those years practically being a GM. This would be my first PF1e game in about 4 years though, so it might take a few combats to shake the rust off lol.

3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? Depends on the TTRPG, but for a game like Pathfinder, being able to have some rules in which to keep creativity within some boundaries when creating a story or narrative. Also, shiny math rocks go click-clack.

4. What do you expect from this game? To be able to make it further than Book 1.

5. What do you expect out of your fellow players? Hopefully a constant pace of posting without overshadowing other players.

6. What do you expect out of me? To help us make it further past than Book 1.

7. (If you don't want this to be public, PM me the answer to this one and just note that you did so.) Beyond the obvious (generally stuff already prohibited by Paizo's forum rules,) what are your redlines? Are there any topics, themes, or imagery that you absolutely do not want to see in the game? Really just the standard guidelines on the forums.

If you have a preferred token ring style, you can send it to me and I can go ahead and create the token for you if you'd like. I also don't have a set character build line established for him as I never viewed this character as 20 level stat block, I've honestly always wanted to let him grow within the confines of how the story and narrative progressed. If there's any issue you see, feel free to let me know so that I can try and fix what ever it may be.

Vasaam Cathan wrote:
Sensen said wrote:
"I don't envy Salsa the choices here - knowing as I do how tough it can be to choose this sort of thing, it doesn't look like it'll be easy."
Very true. 33 mostly complete submissions! But DM-Salsa did state that this wasn't his "first rodeo".

I've seen mention of some of his games before here. Which is why I'm kind of excited lol.

I've been wanting to get him in a game for years now. I'm in PST, and he should be fairly good to go (although I'll have to tweak a few details I believe). My big question though is that I'm about to have surgery later this week that's gonna probably be at least a couple of days to recover before I can actually make a post or two a day, and then a little while longer before making a few more posts a day. How much of a problem would that be?

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Giving a glare towards Theodric, Satinder calmly responds. "I would be fine with 150 gold, as long we can split it evenly."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Smiling at the woman, Satinder makes an agreeing motion. "As will I, thank you Ms. Savah. I do have a question however, would you be able to take a look at something for us? One of the goblins we encountered yesterday seemed to have managed a blade that appears to be more than what the typical goblin carries. Could you examine it for us please?" he asks, reaching for the halberd that the goblin wielded from the day before.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Looking around, Satinder nods towards the woman. "It certainly is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Savah. I myself am not in dire need of a new blade, but I will certainly remember to come see you should I need anything."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Nodding in agreement, Satinder responds as well. "I can certainly agree to that. I do plan to live in this area, so I should learn to know who is who here."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

"Well I certainly don't mind doing so." Satinder responds. "Maybe we can find some others that could help us out."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Scratching his head, Satinder feels confused. "I would not rule that out, but it does seem very unlikely that this would actually be the case. However, if that actually is what is going on, I don't believe that attempting to follow those tracks would be a wise course of action. Who is Ezakien?"

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Looking between Hemlock and Liliana, Satinder tries to piece together information. "Who is this Ezakien? Was he a former clergy member? If so, why would goblins be interested in just his bones?"

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Watching Melathiel cast her spell, Satinder ponders for a moment. "Something about this does not feel right. A goblin raid, someone who may be working with the goblins, and now skeletons? This makes no sense."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Drawing his blades, Satinder nods in agreement. "Let us take a look then, though I want to be prepared, just in case."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Looking things over, Satinder pauses for a moment, putting a hand on his chin. "Well this is interesting. I can tell that there were 6 six different goblins that came from that wall over there, and here to the vault, and then back. Typically from what I know about these vermin is that they are more basic in the needs they go for. Burial vaults are not one of them. What makes this interesting however is that there is a set of larger footprints. Considering the path they take, whoever they belong to would seem to be with the goblins, as there is no sign of struggle."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Walking towards the vault, Satinder keeps his eyes open, trying to identify anything out of the ordinary.

Survival Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Satinder nods. "That does indeed seem like the plan. If you do not mind, I would like to take a look around the vault first. Take the chance to make sure that there are no foot prints leading into it."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Taking one last drink, Satinder puts his mug back down. "Well to be perfectly honest Sheriff, I would actually like to have something more than short term. But I have no issue in assisting in the areas you need help with."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Reaching back out towards her, Satinder smiles. "Satinder Coric, a pleasure to meet you as well Ms. Aeraloth. And no, I do not believe that to be too forward. My mother is human, and my father an elf, however I've never met him. As far as my height goes, yes, I will agree that I am taller than most."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

"Because surely there would be no glamour or glory in attempting an action such as that..." Satinder says, turning back around to the counter.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

"Well if you fight them one on one, that may be the case. Try taking on a hunting party though and tell me the same thing..." Satinder replies back before taking a drink from his mug.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Letting out a soft sigh, Satinder turns towards Theodric. "Well it is a good thing that you were able to make it through the night after almost dying. I would almost go so far as to say you have some incredible luck there."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

"Yesterday certainly seemed out of the ordinary to me personally, but oh well I suppose. The good news is that we made through it and we can keep moving forward." Satinder responds with.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Finishing up his second plate, Satinder looks over to the woman sitting herself next to him. "Good morning Arya. I am feeling well, I would hope you are as well. You seemed to have had a rough afternoon yesterday. I trust the healers were able to do their job?"

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

"Well I have to wake up early." Satinder responds. "My brother made sure I was always up early. If I were to be any good for local militia's against local threats, then I needed to be ready at any moment. Something he would constantly remind me of anyways. Either way, I've gotten used to it, and it is a part of who I am. Would it be too bothersome to ask for meal for breakfast?"

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Hearing her, Satinder picks his head up and nods. "Yes, thank you. I slept very well. Combination of last night's events and a comfortable bed I would imagine. You seem to be up earlier than I however."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Waking up to the early glances of sunlight, Satinder slowly gets himself up out of the bed, stretching out the soreness of last night's events. Putting on a fresh set of clothes, he climbs downstairs to a seemingly empty tavern space of the inn and takes a seat at the bar counter.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Taking a glance over, Satinder nods. "You look like you are barely able to stand there Ms. Arya. Food and rest should probably be best welcomed."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

"Thank you as well. I would certainly like to help this town as much as I can. After all, it is what I came here to do." Satinder responds with smile and a nod.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Grabbing some rope from his pack, Satinder walks towards the goblin as he begins to tie the creature up. "I know you can understand me, so do not try and escape, otherwise you will meet the same fate." Spending a few moments to secure the binds, he responds to the group. "She's right. As much as I don't like to let this creature live, any information it has may be useful."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Shifting over, Satinder brings his blade over against the goblin as he calls out towards Arya. "Arya! Get out of there! Sir! Move away as well!"

Attacking Goblin 2 with his longsword.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Cursing Theodric under his breath, Satinder charges up into the fray, going after the goblin that was just targeted by Melathiel.

Attacking Goblin 2 with his longsword via a charge attack.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Quickly attempting to judge the scene, Satinder responds to her. "Well they certainly seem to be cornering someone. We need to get in there."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

"I need my bow, and I'll meet you all there!" Satinder responds as he rushes off to retrieve his bow.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Looking over the area seeing the bonfire supplies start to catch fire, Satinder walks over towards the women. "Well I'm glad to know that he will be okay." Leaning over, he gives Theodric a few slaps on the face and then holds his hand out to help the man up. "Come on now, wake back up. I believe the few of us are going to be wanted by the city over the next day or two."

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Ignoring the sudden pain in his shoulder, Satinder lets out a roar as he moves in on the goblin, bring his blade low and up against the creature.

Attacking the Goblin Caster with his longsword.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 2 = 15
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 3 + 2 = 12

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Watching as Arya falls the last goblin in front of them, Satinder turns his head and sees a woman still standing with her hands pointed at another goblin and the sight of what seems to be Theodric on the ground motionless. "Ladies, please there is a man down on the ground over there and woman still up. Will you join me in their defense?" he says as he rushes off immediately.

Male Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) Aasimar Ranger 1 CG | HP 12 | Init +2 | AC 16 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +0 | CMB +5 | BAB +1

Quickly moving around the two women, Satinder hurries over to get another strike in at the goblin who remains.

Attacking Goblin 2 with his longsword.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 = 11