Melathiel Aeraloth |

Giving Theodric a backhanded smack against his armor, Melathiel shoots him a glaring look. "Excuse me Mr. de Lura, but I do not believe trying to ask the local law enforcement for payment on this matter is either the ideal nor correct frame of mind right now. I apologize Sheriff, please excuse my partner's crass phrasing. We would be glad to offer our assistance should you see fit."


"Laure was among the crowd that came in Ms. Tesseran, and she is okay. As for anyone else, I'm not sure." Belor responds. Before he can say anything else, a scream from what appears to be on the other side of the cathedral echos loudly, followed by frantic barking. Glancing over his shoulder quickly and then back towards the group "Mr de Lura was it? Can you and your crew head towards the north gate to offer aid? We can talk about rewards later, but the safety of the town is my main priority. Ms. Tesseran, will you please go with them? I would like for a local face to help calm anyone who may be trapped by these foul creatures." Looking towards Father Zantus, he quickly addresses him. "Abstalar, get back inside, tend to anyone else in there that needs the assistance and make sure Kendra is protected. I will be back as soon as I can, I need to get to the garrison." As Father Zantus nods and motions his two acolytes with him towards the cathedral. As he moves past you all, Belor once again asks the group the same question. "Please, head towards the north gate. I'm unsure where my guards are scattered, otherwise I would not be asking for your assistance." as he runs off towards the garrison.

Arya Drottningu |

Upon seeing the goblins, Arya looks to her comrades and asks, "So, do we have game plan, or are we just jumping into the fray? I feel like that nasty mangey looking dog could be a pain to deal with."


Hearing the shout from Theodric, the goblins all look over towards everyone, easily grabbing their attention as what seems to be their leader points his blade and shouts in goblin.
"Kill the longshanks! We eats longshanks tonight!"
Goblin Leader: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Goblin 1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Goblin 2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Goblin 3: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Goblin Dog: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Arya: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Liliana: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Melathiel: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Satinder: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Theodric: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Turn order is as follows: Melathiel, Satinder, Arya, Goblin Leader, Goblin 2, Liliana, Theodric, Goblin 1, Goblin 3, Goblin Dog.

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Moving forward, Melathiel smacks Theodric in the back of the head as she walks by, her hands starting to move in arcane fashion. "Congratulations Mr. de Lura, your plan has worked." She quickly begins to speak her arcane work as she points forward, a blast of cold energy reaching forward towards one of the goblins.
Ray of Frost against Goblin 2.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Crit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Damage: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Satinder Coric |

Cursing Theodric under his breath, Satinder charges up into the fray, going after the goblin that was just targeted by Melathiel.
Attacking Goblin 2 with his longsword via a charge attack.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8

Arya Drottningu |

Arya looks at Theodric with a smirk. "There goes our surprise attack. Good job Theodric. Try using your brain inside that pretty head of yours next time." She rushes towards the goblins reading her weapons. As she rounds the corner of the building, she sees a man the goblins have cornered. "Hello there sir! May we be of service? These goblins seem to be troubling you."


As Melathiel's spell hits the goblin, it moves it enough that Satinder is unable to successfully hit the creature. Watching Arya move across in front of him, the man responds, with a bit of fright and panic in his voice. "Yes, please, I I I don't have anything to defend myself with! Please help me!"
Seeing Satinder move into the fray, the goblin riding the creature gives a nudge into the creature, moving towards the tall half elf, it's blade in the air.
Mounted goblin attacking Satinder with it's blade.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Following suit, the goblin who was just charged, shifts over and brings it's blade against the tall half elf as well.
Goblin 2 attacking Satinder with it's blade.
Attack: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
As the two goblins coordinate their attacks, the both manage to throw Satinder off balance and earn a few scrapes.

Liliana Tesseran |

Moving forward, Liliana just ignores Theodric as she comes towards the manged looking dog and attempts to get it off balance, trying to trip it with her whip.
Attempting to trip the creature with her whip.
Trip: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Theodric de Luera |

Trying to ignore the comments of criticism against him, Theodric rushes towards the mounted goblin. "Well at least it worked and got their attention!" he yells out, bringing his blade down on the creature.
Attacking the goblin dog with his greatsword via a charge attack.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 2 = 12
Damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 = 12


Goblin Leader's Ride: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
As Liliana attempts to bring the creature down, it pulls back on her whip, pulling her forward as she instead trips over, falling onto the ground. However, Theodric comes rushing past her as his blade cuts into the creature easily, bringing it down as it's rider manages to just narrowly avoid being crushed by it on it's way down to the ground. Meanwhile, one of the goblins rushes up towards Arya, attacking her with it's blade as well.
Goblin 1 attacking Arya with it's blade.
Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
As it's blade comes down, it creates another gash down the side of her leg, while the goblin next to it follows suit with it's blade.
Goblin 3 attacking Arya with it's blade.
Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Crit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Making sharp contact with it's blade, the goblin creates a large gash reaching down from in front of Arya's belly, and running down the other side of her body.

Melathiel Aeraloth |

Watching the half elven woman rush towards the man get cut into almost immediately, Melathiel shifts her attention, changing her hand motions and arcane words, sending a rush of magical force energy at one of the goblins attacking her.
Force Missile against Goblin 3.
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Satinder Coric |

Shifting over, Satinder brings his blade over against the goblin as he calls out towards Arya. "Arya! Get out of there! Sir! Move away as well!"
Attacking Goblin 2 with his longsword.
Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7

Arya Drottningu |

Arya clutches her stomach in pain. She feels light headed and knows she's lost too much blood. She remembers the vile of red liquid she found on the body of the goblin she searched earlier. She decided to take a risk and drink it, hoping it was a healing potion. She moves away from the goblins that just attacked her. She looks to the man she was trying to help and says, "Sir! Come with me. Get away from the goblins and stay behind me." She then takes the vile out and opens it. "Well, bottoms up."


As Melathiel's blast hits one of the goblins, Satinder quickly brings down another one of the goblins as he cuts a gash into it's chest, the goblin falling over lifeless in an instant. As Arya steps back, she quickly finds the vial of liquid she found earlier, quickly downing it as she immediately begins to its warm effects, noticing some of her wounds start to heal.
Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Getting itself from under it's mount, the goblin leader quickly stands up, attempting to bring it's blade against the towering figure that took down it's mount in the first place.
Attack of Opportunity from Theodric.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 6 = 15
Before it can even stand, Theodric quickly anticipates the goblin's movement and brings his greatsword down on top of it, the blade cutting deep across the back as the creature becomes flattened on the ground.

Liliana Tesseran |

Getting back to her feet, Liliana watches as Theodric quickly dispatches not only the horrific looking dog, but the goblin controlling it as well. "Well I must say, that was quite impressive Theodric..." before she walks over towards Arya and the unknown man.

Theodric de Luera |

Grinning at his ability to quickly stop the goblin, Theodric turns and charges against another one of the goblins, enjoying his ability to quickly end the fight.
Attacking Goblin 1 with his greatsword via a charge attack.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 2 = 20
Damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 2) + 6 = 10


Watching in sheer terror of it's group being dismantled with ease, especially the goblin next to him as it was cut down by the ginormous blade, the remaining goblin drops it's blade. Shouting in goblin, it quickly freezes with it's hands up in the air.
"Stop! Please! No kill! Let live???"
Moving away from the goblin quickly, the man moves over away from it, trying to put the newly found line of defense in between himself and the goblin. "Well done! Thank you for saving me, but are you going to let this monstrosity live?"

Arya Drottningu |

Arya is happy to find that the potion did not kill her. She feels slightly better. "Fantastic! It didn't kill me." She then looks over at the commotion seeing the quick work her companions made of the goblins. She sees the last goblin putting their hands up in surrender. "Well good work everyone. Seems the last one doesn't want to loose their life. What do you say we take it in to hand it over to the sheriff? Maybe there will be a bit of a reward."

Theodric de Luera |

"I'm partial to killing it myself, but mostly because these things are irritating." Theodric responds. "But if there's a reward to be had, that's a good thing to think about. Who knows how many were captured, if any."

Satinder Coric |

Grabbing some rope from his pack, Satinder walks towards the goblin as he begins to tie the creature up. "I know you can understand me, so do not try and escape, otherwise you will meet the same fate." Spending a few moments to secure the binds, he responds to the group. "She's right. As much as I don't like to let this creature live, any information it has may be useful."

Liliana Tesseran |

Securing her whip back around her waist, Liliana speaks up. "Well this has been the biggest raid Sandpoint has had in a long time, so I'm sure that Belor would appreciate the chance to question it. I say we head back towards the cathedral. And get this man in for safety as well. Of which I hope that you are okay now sir?"


As the goblin is tied up, it squirms a little, but remains compliant as Satinder secures the rope. Hearing the question, the man speaks up. "Uh, yes. Yes I am okay now. I was only in that position as I did not have anything to defend myself with. It was supposed to be a festival today, not a battle ground! But thankfully you all were able to defend those who were defenseless. And I thank you for that. I, Aldern Foxglove," as he reaches out for Arya's hand to pick it up, kisses it gently with a bow, "am in your debt. A debt that I intend to repay none the less! But please, let us go to safety first, and we can talk about such things later!"


Taking your time at a quick pace, the group does a search of the bodies, although the only things that are found are makeshift blades and ragged pieces of leather stitched together to give the goblins armor. The leader however happens to have on them a red colored liquid in a vial and it's weapon seems as if it were a smaller sized halberd, but with a curved hook on the opposite end of the blade.
The vial of liquid looks very similar to the vial you found earlier.
As everyone makes their way back to the cathedral, you're able to meet up with Sheriff Hemlock as you hand him over the captured goblin. He thanks you as his guards take the creature from your possession and towards the garrison. As you all walk into the cathedral, Hemlock heads towards Father Zantus and the woman you recognize from earlier as Mayor Deverin. The tone in the building seems very dire and full of fright from the events that have just occurred. Crying children cling to their mothers and fathers, while the acolytes move from person to person, doing their best to calm people down. As the doors close behind you once inside, eyes start to turn and shift towards everyone in the group, the crying seeming to die down. As things start to turn quiet, it only seems to last for a moment before it's broken just as quickly as it set.
"These are the souls who stayed out there while we came inside! We may have been over taken by fright, but they made sure that we could seek shelter and stay safe." Walking from the side into the center of the groups of people comes Ameiko Kaijitsu, the proprietor of the Rusty Dragon Inn who helped supply food for the day, her head held high as she starts to proclaim praise towards you. "When we were sheltered safe from the outside dangers, you can obviously tell by their wounds and tattered clothing and bloodied steel, they continued to act and ensure that we stayed safe in here." Finally making her way over towards your group, the crowd remains silent, all eyes set upon you. "Let us turn our cries of fear into cries of thanks and praise for these folk. For these ordinary folk, are not ordinary anymore. These are our quick defenders, our heroes of Sandpoint everyone!" Things stay quiet for only just a moment as the soft sound of clapping starts the crowd starts to clap and slowly cheer, the sounds of joyous thanks starting to fill the room. Turning towards you all she addresses just the group.
"Lili, I know you have your own place. But the rest of you... I just gave you a heroes welcome, and I get the feeling these people are going to need you for a few days while Hemlock and his guard do their job. You've got a roof over your head and some food in your bellies for at least the next 3 or 4 nights. Just come see me at the Inn when you're ready to call it a night." she says as she turns back around, opening her arms in a presentation kind of style, motioning to you all.

Theodric de Luera |

Standing there a little shocked, Theodric gives a little smile and light wave towards the crowd. "That'd definitely be nice to have a place to stay for a few nights. Thank you Ameiko. I can't wait to taste more of what you have to cook for sure!"

Liliana Tesseran |

Giving a coy smirk, Liliana just gives a light nod. "Well if your meals are on the table, I certainly wouldn't mind coming by dear Ameiko. I do believe I can plan some time away from work to come taste what you have to offer." she finishes saying with a light chuckle.

Melathiel Aeraloth |

"Right then," Melathiel exclaims with a large breath, "I suppose we should go to the inn and get our rest? Coming to a festival and ending up in a scuffle with goblins certainly is not the best of ways to start a stay in a new town. And I would imagine that getting some rest would be a better way to start anew?"


Laughing at Liliana's remark, Ameiko points a wary finger back at her. "The only things of mine you'll be tasting is the food and food only. Well, some drink as well I suppose. Can't leave you completely parched." As the noise dies down, Aldern turns to everyone and finally speaks up. "Well then, I am very glad to know that you're all being welcomed as heroes. And since I know where it is that you will be staying, hopefully at least, that will give me some time in order to make sure I can repay the debt I am now owed to you all for saving me."
As Aldern finishes speaking up, Hemlock and the mayor approach the group as she begins to speak. "Thank you, brave citizens, for staying out there. According to my sheriff here, not only did you stay outside to help us get to safety, you also went to help someone else. Captured one of those menaces as well, which I believe will be helpful. The town of Sandpoint does owe you some thanks, and I am glad to see our wonderful Ms. Kaijitsu offer that. I do hope that you will take her offer to stay for a few days. We would like for you to enjoy Sandpoint without the interference of goblin raids." Turning her head to the mayor, Ameiko opens up. "And how did you know that I gave them a place to stay?" Chuckling, the mayor responds. "Oh come on now, I do believe I've known you long enough to know what you do."

Arya Drottningu |

Arya winces a little as her wounds start to sting. "I for one am ready for some food and rest. I'm feeling a little woozy. I'm definitely going to take you up on that offer, Ameiko. You're food is too good to pass up. I appreciate the warm welcome and hospitality from all the people in this town."


As the rest of the day passes, some more time is spent in the cathedral, being patched up and looked over for any threatening injuries that may persist over time. Everyone has at least two or three of the locals come up and thank them, some by a handshake, others by a tight hug. After a little while, guards come, leading groups of people, small group by small group just for safety precautions. Being accompanied by a few guards yourselves, your group as well as Ameiko are guided to the Rusty Dragon where she quickly begins to prepare some meals for everyone while the elder halfling woman under her employment, Bethana helps everyone to their own rooms. While not very large, the rooms do contain a comfortable bed, a desk, and an armoire. The inn starts to gain more people as everyone eats, although the tone seems dour and quiet. Ameiko does her best to liven the atmosphere as she pulls out her lute and begins to entertain her guests. While it does help some, the overall tone for the night stays weary. After a while, guests start to retire to their rooms for the night, as do you, passing the rest of the night into the dawn within your rooms.

Satinder Coric |

Waking up to the early glances of sunlight, Satinder slowly gets himself up out of the bed, stretching out the soreness of last night's events. Putting on a fresh set of clothes, he climbs downstairs to a seemingly empty tavern space of the inn and takes a seat at the bar counter.

Satinder Coric |

Hearing her, Satinder picks his head up and nods. "Yes, thank you. I slept very well. Combination of last night's events and a comfortable bed I would imagine. You seem to be up earlier than I however."


"Well I do have a business to run." Ameiko responds. "We tend to get people in this place at different hours of the day and night. I do sleep, don't get me wrong. But I like to make sure that things get off to a good start for the day. What about you? What's a strapping young lad like you doing up so early?"

Satinder Coric |

"Well I have to wake up early." Satinder responds. "My brother made sure I was always up early. If I were to be any good for local militia's against local threats, then I needed to be ready at any moment. Something he would constantly remind me of anyways. Either way, I've gotten used to it, and it is a part of who I am. Would it be too bothersome to ask for meal for breakfast?"


"Absolutely not. If you mind waiting just a few moments, I can get you something hot and fresh as well." Ameiko responds, smiling as she turns back towards the kitchen. Bringing food back for Satinder as he begins to eat, some time passes by as after an hour or so, people start to come downstairs from their rooms, and people walking into the building looking for a morning meal themselves. After about an hour and a half, the tavern portion of the inn starts to liven up with people coming in, both Ameiko and her help working on feeding everyone.

Arya Drottningu |

Arya starts to wake and sees that it's midmorning. She sits up and stretches feeling refreshed. She's thankful for the healing she received after yesterday's scuffle. She decides to dress and go down for a bite to eat. As she walks down to the tavern and walks in, she sees Satinder at the bar. She walks over to greet him, "Good morning Satinder. How are you on this fine morning?"

Satinder Coric |

Finishing up his second plate, Satinder looks over to the woman sitting herself next to him. "Good morning Arya. I am feeling well, I would hope you are as well. You seemed to have had a rough afternoon yesterday. I trust the healers were able to do their job?"