Houngan |

Martial Arts Master (Ex): At 4th level, a martial artist may use his monk level to qualify for feats with a fighter level prerequisite when those feats are applied to unarmed strikes or weapons with the monk special quality. This ability replaces slow fall.
Martial Versatility (Combat)
You further broaden your study of weapons to encompass multiple similar weapons.
Prerequisites: Fighter level 4th, human.
Benefit: Choose one combat feat you know that applies to a specific weapon (e.g., Weapon Focus). You can use that feat with any weapon within the same weapon group.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time it applies to a different feat.
Feral Combat Training (Combat)
You were taught a style of martial arts that relies on the natural weapons from your racial ability or class feature.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus with selected natural weapon.
Benefit: Choose one of your natural weapons. While using the selected natural weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite.
Special: If you are a monk, you can use the selected natural weapon with your flurry of blows class feature.
Feral Combat Training: What does “with” in the Special line for this feat mean for monks making a flurry of blows?
Normally a monk who has natural attacks (such as a lizardfolk monk with claw attacks) cannot use those natural attacks as part of a flurry of blows (Core Rulebook 57). Feral Combat Training allows you to use the selected natural attack as if it were a monk weapon—you can use it as one of your flurry of blows attacks, use it to deploy special attacks that require you to use a monk weapon, apply the effects of the natural weapon (such as a poisonous bite) for each flurry of blows attack, and so on.
The feat does not allow you to make your normal flurry of blows attack sequence plus one or more natural attacks with the natural weapon. In other words, if you can flurry for four attacks per round, with this feat you still only make four attacks per round... but any number of those attacks may be with the selected natural weapon.
Does "Feral Combat Training allows you to use the selected natural attack as if it were a monk weapon—you can use it as one of your flurry of blows attacks, use it to deploy special attacks that require you to use a monk weapon, apply the effects of the natural weapon (such as a poisonous bite) for each flurry of blows attack, and so on." mean that the a natural weapon selected with Feral Combat Training counts as a monk weapon for purposes of "a martial artist may use his monk level to qualify for feats with a fighter level prerequisite when those feats are applied to unarmed strikes or weapons with the monk special quality"?
The character in question is planned to be a multiclass Druid/ Monk with early access to a natural weapon. Please note that this is for Pathfinder Society play. Thank you in advance for replies.
P.S. If the answer is no, is it safe to assume Feral Combat Training can be applied to unarmed strike? Thank you again.
A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Calth |
Martial Versatility does not qualify for Martial Arts Master. It is not a feat that applies to unarmed strikes or monk weapons. You cant bootstrap it in by stating that the feat you want to select with it does qualify.
You could possibly select unarmed strike for FCT, but I'm pretty sure there is no benefit to doing so, as all FCT does is make a natural weapon more like an unarmed strike for monks.

![]() |

I had to read this multiple times to see if I can get your question right. I fear this is a lot of moving parts and you will experience frustration trying to explain how your character works to GM who have never GM for you in the past. This might result in "no, but let's look after game" to a lot of your character's mechanics.
Say you have a Helm of the Mammoth Lords, Ring of Bat Fangs, two claws and your flurry allows 3 attacks.
When you flurry, you make 3 attacks. You can make attacks with a temple sword, unarmed strike, gore, bite, or claws. But a total of 3. Not 3 + 1 gore + 1 bite + 2 claws.
Edit: And on multiple reads, I didn't catch what Calth caught. Calth is right also.

Houngan |

Martial Arts Master lets you apply Fighter Feats to your Unarmed Strike. Martial Versatility is not applied to Weapons: it is applied to Feats that apply to weapons. That is not the same thing.
There's probably a way to do what you want, but that's not quite it.
Thank you all for your replies.
To be honest I even confused myself when I was trying to formulate a way to ask how the Martial Artist archetype might interact with these two feats.
If you think of a PFS legal way to do this, aside from a 4 level dip into Fighter, I would be grateful.

Samasboy1 |

Martial Versatility does not qualify for Martial Arts Master. It is not a feat that applies to unarmed strikes or monk weapons. You cant bootstrap it in by stating that the feat you want to select with it does qualify.
I am fine with using Martial Arts Master for Martial Versatility, as long as the weapon group was Monk weapons. Martial Versatility basically says "apply X feat to Y weapon group" so it still a feat that applies to the weapon rather than to the chosen feat. But that's just my reading.
But FCT applies feats to natural weapons, which aren't unarmed strikes or monk weapons. So that wouldn't work.

toastedamphibian |
It seems like a lot of work for the benefit. Would probably be better off focusing on forms that utilize a common attack method.
That said, a level of Brawler, Free Style Fighter, one of the many odd archetypes gets you Martial Flexibility, which does not share Martial Art Masters targeting limitation. Use a move action to get the appropriate feat when you shift to get the feral combat training appropriate to the natural weapon you expect you will want to use.

Scott Wilhelm |
If you think of a PFS legal way to do this, aside from a 4 level dip into Fighter, I would be grateful.
I was thinking that for a Druidzilla character, I would dip into Warpriest, applying Weapon Focus for my Natural Attacks, and starting off with Sacred Weapon damage, scaling up with size as the character levels up.
Melee characters are Feat-hungry anyway. My build starts with a level in Brawler, then 4 in Druid, getting Natural Spell and Shaping Focus. Eventually, the character will take 2 levels in Brawler and 2 in Fighter. Taking Weapon Focus Unarmed and Martial Versatility Weapon Focus so that she can do Sacred Weapon Damage with all of her Natural Attacks regardless of her 'shape. I like the idea of dipping a level in White Haired Witch to get a Hair Attack and acquiring a helm of the Mammoth Lord to get a Gore Attack, say turnign into an Allosaurus with Bite/Hair/Gore/2 Claws/Unarmed Strike. Level 1 Warpriest Sacred Weapon Damage is 1d6. Size Huge Allosaurus makes that 2d6. If you buff yourself with a Strong Jaw Spell--perhaps with a Wand--that makes it 4d6.
If it takes more than ten minutes to explain/understand, don't use it in PFS. Everyone will be happier for it :)
No doubt about it: I'm talking about a very complicated build. Multiclassing with at least 4 classes.