Hubaris |

Time offers you the all powerful Haste spell paired with Silence.
If you plan on going to 18, it also gets you Time Stop and Disintegrate, both providing more options.
Most of the debuffing Patrons aren't great because the Witch already gets most of those spells on their spell list, so you could learn them anyway. The Time spells are very valuable because most of them you can't learn and stuff like Disintegrate gives you options versus Undead/Constructs (the usual Mind-Affecting Immune creatures).
Honestly, go with what you'd like but check out the spells and see if they're on your list already, if not its usually a good Patron. A lot of your Debuff options come from your Hexes anyway, so you should use your Patron and spells to round off what you can and cannot do.

avr |

Debuffing is the way the witch spell list (as opposed to some patron spells) points you, sure. The same but even more so for the hexes.
The witch spell list is light on defensive spells which is why the trickery patron giving you mirror image is notable. You don't need to take a patron with debuffing spells, there's plenty on the witch spell list already.

UnArcaneElection |

Actually, Elements (the only one that gives you Fireball) or one of the Patrons allowed for the Winter Witch archetype could work just fine if you are planning to be a debuffer AND a blaster. (Somebody needs to write a Blockbuster Witch guide.) Just make sure to get Dazing Spell(*), Persistent Spell(**), and Rime Spell(***). Also consider VMC Wizard (Evoker:Admixturer)(****) if you plan to take an archetype that trades out Familiar.
(*)Failed Save = be Dazed for 1 round per original spell level. With a No-Save original spell, it allows a Will Save to avoid the Dazed effect (the rest of the spell remains No-Save), so choose damaging spells that allow a Save on an opponent's weakest Save. Takes 3 spell levels more to cast than the original spell. Also, the Dazed duration stacks with any Dazed duration inherent to the spell.
(**)Have to Save 2 times to Save. Takes 2 spell levels more to cast than the normal spell; usually better than 2 ranks of Heighten Spell (although the latter will do a handful of things that Persistent Spell can't do, such as putting a spell over the top to get through a Globe/Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, or serve as the prerequisite for certain other feats).
(***)Entangled for 1 round per original spell level. Only applies to spells that do Cold damage, but only takes 1 spell level more to cast than the normal spell, and no Save against the Entanglement if the spell damages the target(s) at all. Also, the Entangled duration stacks with any Entangled duration inherent to the original spell. Note that if you take the Winter Witch Prestige class, as soon as you can select a Major Hex, take Numbing Chill (described in the prestige class) as a rider go go on top of your Cold spells; later, half of the damage of your Cold spells bypasses Immunity and Resistance, so Rime Spell will still work even on targets that have Immunity or Resistance.
(****)Costs 5 feats, but you gain a Familiar (so you could take some Witch archetype that trades out Familiar; if you don't, reportedly your Familiar levels at double speed), and then gives you the Admixturer Wizard's ability to change the Energy/Elemental type of applicable spells.

PossibleCabbage |

Ya its hard to go against Haste, mirror image is excellent though. Is Haste just too good to give up?
Only one person in the party needs to be able to haste, and for the most part people who fight with weapons (and kinetic blades, mystic bolts, etc.) really benefit from it. So it depends on who else is in the party.

Hubaris |

If you really want Mirror Image a single level into the Veiled Illusionist Prestige Class will give it to you; if thats a thing that you fancy.
I'm playing a party with 3 bruisers and me as the only Arcane Caster (Witch) and Haste has paid itself off who knows how many times. The better your frontline, the less you need to rely on Mirror Image so it does depend on your lineup.

Louise Bishop |

Time, trickery, or Occult.
Since occult hasn't been mentioned I feel command undead is a godsend verses undead. Twilight knife gives you something verse incorporeal and you can add toppling to it. Black tentacles is a great control spell. I've always had good use for waves of exhaustion. And top it all off with gate. You can play a good occult and never cast create undead...or balance your alignment by casting good spells.

Atalius |

Trickery gets you mirror image early and reverse gravity and time stop late. If you don't have anything specific in mind that's the most solid patron IMO.
We now have a Paladin, alchemist and a samurai in the group. Would you still suggest the Trickery patron? We no longer have any sort of haste or similar spells (ie. Blessing of Fervor). A part of me really wants Mirror Image but another part of me is telling me Haste will be useful for our group as well Silence could assist with my witch's debuff style of play. Would love to hear from you avr and what you think.

avr |
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Yeah, haste really is good, and you want it more often than magic items can easily supply. The ancestors patron is loaded with buffs including blessing of fervor and time has a bunch of useful spells besides haste. Agility also has haste and some a bunch of useful spells, if not quite as useful as times' in general.
If you're not going to be using mirror image check that your GM is OK with ironskin - it's a spell banned in PFS but the next best defensive spell you'll find.

Decimus Drake |

Can't really advise on the patron as I chose mine on what thematically suited my witch (healing which is definitely not powerful). But what I can say is that thus far (level 6) is that for defence I've gotten a lot of mileage out of using Mount and Flight; at least up until the GM decided to have some cultists spontaneously sprout insect wings so they could fly up and attack. It might be worth trying to get a magical mithril buckler. I wish I'd known about Ironskin.

Atalius |

Yeah, haste really is good, and you want it more often than magic items can easily supply. The ancestors patron is loaded with buffs including blessing of fervor and time has a bunch of useful spells besides haste. Agility also has haste and some a bunch of useful spells, if not quite as useful as times' in general.
If you're not going to be using mirror image check that your GM is OK with ironskin - it's a spell banned in PFS but the next best defensive spell you'll find.
Ya he's cool with Ironskin and both pally and samurai are front liners ya. Out of the other patrons with Haste would you recommend Time? We do have an Alchemist though couldn't he just brew a potion of Haste for us all? Is that an option also? If he can, then which Patron should I go with? My character is mostly focused on debuffing in combat.

avr |
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avr wrote:Ya he's cool with Ironskin and both pally and samurai are front liners ya. Out of the other patrons with Haste would you recommend Time? We do have an Alchemist though couldn't he just brew a potion of Haste for us all? Is that an option also? If he can, then which Patron should I go with? My character is mostly focused on debuffing in combat.Yeah, haste really is good, and you want it more often than magic items can easily supply. The ancestors patron is loaded with buffs including blessing of fervor and time has a bunch of useful spells besides haste. Agility also has haste and some a bunch of useful spells, if not quite as useful as times' in general.
If you're not going to be using mirror image check that your GM is OK with ironskin - it's a spell banned in PFS but the next best defensive spell you'll find.
Alchemists are weird. Their haste affects only the one person who drinks the extract, and unless they get the infusion discovery that means they can only buff themselves.
There are weird things you can do with that, but for buffing the whole party it's a bad option. They'd need one extract per person, the infusion discovery, and each person to be buffed would need to spend a standard action. They could make potions of haste rather than extracts but those have similar problems plus a gp cost.
For debuffing time is the best of those patrons.

cavernshark |
Alchemist extracts only ever affect a single living target. So his extract of haste (or infusion if he takes that discovery) only ever hits one person. He could also make potions but that's still a one per person scenario. It sort of negates the entire early benefit of haste if everyone has to individually "cast" it by taking a move action to draw and standard to drink. The advantage of the spell is you give up a single standard action and everyone is immediately getting basically the equivalent of an extra move action in speed increase or an extra attack. It's a huge force multiplier, but only if one person has to cast.
With your party I think time would be strong. Even Silence at level 2 is useful since you can cast it on one of your party members to help negate spell casters. Really only you'd be negatively affected by it.

Chromantic Durgon <3 |
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Alchemists buffing with haste is horribly inefficient
I'd go time personally threefold aspect can be useful for if you can't afford a headband for whatever reason. Haste is obviously good but so is disintergrate and silence and if you get there time stop is one of the 4 most broken 9th level spells in my opinion. Alongside gate, mages disjunction and wish.
Psychics get some good ones too but eh xD

cavernshark |
Ohh didn't know I could cast it in a party member that's a good idea. Would the enemy still get a saving throw to negate it if they were in my allies radius?
No, the spell stipulates that the target of the spell (your friend) gets the Will save. After it goes into effect, it just emanates off them. Alternately, cast it on your ally's weapon.
Generally, if you can keep an enemy from moving around too much it's usually better to cast it on something near them than it is to cast it directly on them.

Louise Bishop |

Louise Bishop wrote:Or you can put it on an archer's arrow.Well, ammunition that hits its target is "destroyed" so I have had DM's not allow it with the arrow.
But rocks, a martial friend, etc are all valid. I like the "Master Key."
The Last DM I had allowed it only if the Arrow Hits. Acting it out like it got buried in them somewhere: Leg, Arm, shoulder, gut, back....ext Thus the ammunition is destroyed by being permanently lodged in them and removing it breaks the ammo. But he was level headed enough to allow it on a Hit. Which is still rather risky compared to just throwing a silent rock in the area. But really cool when it does hit. Rule of Cool.