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We are in a home game and a player wants to play a half-succubus race out of the new ARG .. Does anyone have an idea of one that is at most +1 char level but hopefully just a regular class level so he dont have to be a level behind . I do not have the book yet but will be getting it this week but the game is friday and he needs to build her before then . Any help is appreciated .. thanks

Drejk |

The best way to represent succubus-descendant character on par with regular PC races is to make a tiefling using Rakshasa-spawn abilities. It gets +2 to Dex and Cha, -2 to Wisdom, +2 to Disguise and Sense Motive. You might want to replace detect thoughts, fiendish resistance and fiendish sorcery with some more succubus-like abilities.

Drejk |

that may work .. could you substitute the +disguise/sense motive and make it Diplomacy/Disguise to be more seductive in nature. May replace detect thoughts with charm 3/day and unnatural lust 2 times/day . leave the resistances there as she would be a fiend type as well or would that be too OP?
That detect thoughts is normally usable once per day so if you want to replace it it should be either 2nd level spell-like ability usable once per day (I thought about either alter self (humanoid form) or maybe bardic (i.e. 2nd level - lower saving throw DC) suggestion once per day) or 1st level spell usable 2 or 3 times per day. Either with possibility of getting extra uses per day as a feat.
In case of skill bonuses I would select two of Bluff/Diplomacy/Disguise/Sense Motive.
I don't have Advanced Race Guide - if you have access to it you might want to check if Tieflings got any appropriate alternate traits, especially to replace fiendish sorcery.

Mercurial |

We are in a home game and a player wants to play a half-succubus race out of the new ARG .. Does anyone have an idea of one that is at most +1 char level but hopefully just a regular class level so he dont have to be a level behind . I do not have the book yet but will be getting it this week but the game is friday and he needs to build her before then . Any help is appreciated .. thanks
Just throwing this out there... we have a character in our party who went 1st level Sorcerer, Cross-blooded with the Fey and Infernal bloodlines - that give her a laughing touch ability as well as +2 DC with Compulsion and Charm spells. Then she went Bard after that, playing her as a mercurial manipulator and seductress. Its worked out very well so far.

Drejk |

Isn't there a Tiefling that descends from a Succubus?
There is Alu-demon in Tome Of Horrors Complete but it is CR 5 and has 6 racial HD.
Of regular tieflings there is demon-spawn with +2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Int, +2 Disable Device and Perception and shatter spell-like ability usable once per day.
"Savage and monstrous, the terrifying spawn of demons know the chaotic fury of their Abyssal ancestors." - seems not exactly like what would be expected of child of succubus.
BTW: I looked at the table of variant tiefling abilities and there is an option of getting additional +2 racial bonus to Charisma that would match the succubus idea.

Steelfiredragon |
yes I was fixing to mention that it was powerful and that the spell like powers granted by it would need to be changed to fit the succubus demon, which would incluse charm person, charm monster,suggestion,dominate person and enthrall and drop all combat powers like destruction...which could drop the cr down by 1 or 2.
on the otherhand, the pitborn(which is the demonspawn tiefling out of BoF) wit hthe ability that increases the CHA instead of the darkness ability could work very well. If your player is heart set on a full half fiend, than see if he will compromise on a 1/3 fiend instead.
full fiend: succubus
tiefling: quarter fiend
so whats a 1/3 fiend you ask?
its a tiefling with the advanced template.
the ability scores of the half fiend, without the racial powers of the half fiend.
a 1/3 succubus would be a pitborn tiefling, drop darkness racial ability for the one that increases charisma by 2 which will grant a +4 to cha, use the advanced template
advanced+2 to ac and +4 to each stat
which would as I said grant you the half fiend stats and no powers
the half fiend is here
I take it back, stat wise the advanced pitborn is deadlier......but its an even tradeoff with no spell like abilities.
ummm yeah what class....

Steelfiredragon |
the other way to do it is to use the simple fiendish(evil) or entropic(chaos) templates and house rule the templates to not worry about hte cr+1 over 5 hd on them....
as for the book, I've not got it yet either
bettter off just using the advanced template and or using the racail alt power that increases the cha score....

Navarion |

If you want to keep it in line with the other player characters Pitborn Tiefling with +2 Charisma instead of the spell-like ability is your best bet, even though the Wisdom penalty doesn't sit right with me. I'm currently working on a more powerful (really more half- or quarter-succubus instead of some distant relative) version, but that is already at 25 RP and planned to be 30 so it would be +2 during the first 5 levels.

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hmm these are all great suggestions and i have went through the blood of fiends as suggested and like the stats of them . So if i dropped the spell like abilities but could give them a bonus to chr making it +2 dex, +4 chr, -2 con with maybe the ability to have a lustful beauty ability that would grant them a +2 to diplomacy on those who would find them attractive and grant a + 1 to any compulsion spell they would cast on those who are attracted to them . Also maybe a thing called kiss of corruption where if they get kissed willingly the victim is dazed for a round and feels like they have had the most amazing time (sexual) of their lives and will seek to gain this person favor any means they can . This can or could be a double edged sword as if not given proper time or affection they could easily become scorned and antagonistic or ruthless in their persuit perhaps even going to such extreme measures as killing a rival or even chaining the one they lust after up in a dungeon to keep them all to themselves .. yes i know seems powerful but could or would be so much fun to roleplay and interact as a DM .. Keep the thoughts coming please . They are really interesting and helpful ..

Shuriken Nekogami |
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Tiefling, swap darkness for charisma bonus. Succubi were also cunning and creative with thier manipulation. so the stock tiefling works. swap Darkness SLA to negate CHA penalty and invest a few points. you might not be as Suave and Smooth as your typical succubus, but i don't really think you need that +4 charisma, when +0 with a few points spent, and a Dex/Int bonus can also be fitting.
or you can keep the Cha penalty and play the Shy, Innocent succubus blooded library assistant Ala Koakuma from Touhou Project.

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Seriously, Demon-Spawn(Pitborn) Tiefling is a race with Succubus as an ancestor. Simply switch the Shatter spell-like ability, with an Alter Self spell-like ability for a more close tie to the concept.
Various feats, traits and other options are available to the race in Blood of Fiends and the Advanced Race Guide.
You can end up with wings, shape changing, and great charm without needing to really create anything and go through the headache of trying to balance it out.

Midnight_Angel |

Seriously, Demon-Spawn(Pitborn) Tiefling is a race with Succubus as an ancestor. Simply switch the Shatter spell-like ability, with an Alter Self spell-like ability for a more close tie to the concept.
Various feats, traits and other options are available to the race in Blood of Fiends and the Advanced Race Guide.
You can end up with wings, shape changing, and great charm without needing to really create anything and go through the headache of trying to balance it out.
Hmm... it may be just me; but the +Str is not exactly something I'd consider typical for a Succubus descendant (Succubi being among the physically weakest of demonkind, at least if CR is taken into account). In my humble opinion, the stat adjustments for the Rakshasa-spawn look more up a Succubus-Tiefling's alley.
This having been said, Alter Self or even just Charm Person replacing the Shatter SLA is something I'd do in any case.

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The great thing is that this is homebrew, so use it as a template (e.g. a skeleton to go off of) and make your own. A complete suggestion in line with other tieflings (but note tiefling is already a relatively powerful race option):
+2 dex, +2 cha, -2 wis
alter self
+2 disguise, diplomacy [OR vestigial wings]
cold, fire, electric resistance 5
fiendish sorcery
You could also encourage them to take the http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/fiendish-heritage feat, taking claws, +2 charisma, telepathy, look human for con mod minutes...
You could also make a racial HD class pretty easily, or allow taking the Fiendish Heritage feat more than once.