Magus Spellstrike + Ring of Far Strike

Rules Questions


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So, I was looking into the Ranged Tactics Toolbox, trying to find anything I missed in my first few perusals. Found the ring of far strike, found here.

My question is, can a magus with one of these rings use spellstrike in conjunction with it, making the melee weapon attack required to use spellstrike at the 30-foot range afforded by the ring?

My inclination is that the answer could be:
-yes because it's a melee weapon attack
-no because it's a standard to use spellstrike and a separate standard to use the ring
-or even no because they're separate specific types of standard actions

And then, if it's the second one, they're separate standards, what about holding the charge? Can I move, cast shocking grasp, choose to hold the charge (purposefully not swinging), then use my next turn to use far strike with my spellstrike?

Grand Lodge

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Spellstrike is not a standard action. It's a way of delivering touch spells. If you're holding the charge from a spell already, you can spellstrike with it at any time that your weapon strikes someone else.

I'm not aware of any errata, but I'd see no problem with your using this ring to deliver a touch spell from 30ft away.

If a bad touch cleric wanted to do the same thing, I'd allow it, provided they used an unarmed strike, not just a touch attack. The touch spells rules allow for unarmed strikes, and the ring allows for unarmed strikes, so I'd see no conflict.

It's once/day, and the action economy is pretty bad. It's fairly powerful, but I don't think it's game changing. And for the price, you should get a pretty decent reward.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you for the swift reply! That's very helpful. :)

Spellstrike, itself, isn't any kind of action. It simply allows you to use a weapon attack to deliver a touch spell.

This can be the "free" touch when casting, or an attempt to touch later while holding the charge.

Since the ring is a standard action to use, you would have to cast the spell and hold the charge, then use the ring to make a melee attack in the next round, delivering the spell with the attack.

But that is because casting the spell is either an action in its own right, or as part of the full round action for Spell Combat, so you can't also use a Standard action to activate the ring in the same round.

But on subsequent rounds, it would work just fine to delivery the spell at range with a melee attack.

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