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Out of character discussion here. This includes queries, rules questions, and so forth. [u]Here is the link to the Google Slides document[/u]. I will use it heavily, so be sure to check it from time to time. I will inform you all whenever I make an update or reveal a new slide. The link to the same document will be in the campaign's short description I wish for all participants to include the following information, preferably to the Slides document's second slide. Posting them here is fine as well. The perception, initiative, and day job fields can include just the bonus. [code]
Before applying to the scenario, I urge everyone joining to read Doomed Hero's Guide to PbP and Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post if they haven't already. They have been sited to be the cornerstones of PbP guidelines. During the game I will utilise Google Slides to an extent to provide portraits for NPCs, maps for combat, and a place for players to share their own notes for everyone to see. Moving a token on the slide with a mobile device might be a PITA, so describing your actions in length is a good way of getting around that. You can also ask someone else to move the token to a desired spot. I expect myself to be able to post from Monday to Friday on a regular basis, but weekends are more irregular. I live in UTC+2 time zone, so anyone in the USA might see me post in the afternoon or late at night. If you know of an upcoming event or issue that hinders you from posting, please let me and the other players know. Do note that this game will be played under the CORE campaign rules, thus player characters are allowed to be built using only the core rulebook. If there are any other questions, please post them here.
Out of character discussion here. This includes queries, rules questions, and so forth. [u]Here is the link to the Google Slides document[/u]. I will use it heavily, so be sure to check it from time to time. I will inform you all whenever I make an update or reveal a new slide. The link to the same document will be in the campaign's short description I wish for all participants to include the following information, preferably to the Slides document's second slide. Posting them here is fine as well. The perception, initiative, and day job fields can include just the bonus. [code]Player name:
Additionally, on the Google Slides document there's another line of text "Insert token here", which is to say you may import a custom image of your character on the document. If the field is empty by the time we start, I'll just take your user profile's image and use it.
Before applying to the scenario, I urge everyone joining to read Doomed Hero's Guide to PbP and Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post if they haven't already. They have been sited to be the cornerstones of PbP guidelines. During the game I will utilise Google Slides to an extent to provide portraits for NPCs, maps for combat, and a place for players to share their own notes for everyone to see. Moving a token on the slide with a mobile device might be a PITA, so describing your actions in length is a good way of getting around that. You can also ask someone else to move the token to a desired spot. I expect myself to be able to post from Monday to Friday on a regular basis, but weekends are more irregular. I live in UTC+2 time zone, so anyone in the USA might see me post in the afternoon or late at night. If you know of an upcoming event or issue that hinders you from posting, please let me and the other players know. Do note that this game will be played under the CORE campaign rules, thus player characters are allowed to be built using only the core rulebook. If there are any other questions, please post them here.
The rainy season had reached Absalom, and foretellers believe the rain to last for almost a week. Gloomy clouds have gathered on top of the Isle of Kortos to give an even more depressing feel to this autumnal evening. The streets have been prepared for the grand influx of rainwater, and all sewer hatches have been opened to let the water flow freely. Eerie lamps on the streets give little light for the seldom travelers. A courier has delivered an urgent message to a select group of Pathfinder agents currently residing in Absalom. Some might lounge at the lodge, studying past chronicle or honing their skills, some seek solace at a tavern. The message is brief. "Come see me first thing in the morning in my office in Skyreach." Signed by Ambrus Valsin. Please dot and introduce your character.
Please dot here. Here is the link to the Google Slides document. I will use it heavily, so be sure to check it from time to time. I will inform you all whenever I make an update or reveal a new slide. The link to the same document will be in the campaign's short description I wish for all participants to include the following information, preferably to the Slides document's second slide. Posting them here is fine as well. The perception, initiative, and day job fields can include just the bonus.
Before applying to the scenario, I urge everyone joining to read Doomed Hero's Guide to PbP and Painlord's Advanced Play-by-Post if they haven't already. They have been sited to be the cornerstones of PbP guidelines. During the game I will utilise Google Slides to an extent to provide portraits for NPCs, maps for combat, and a place for players to share their own notes for everyone to see. Moving a token on the slide with a mobile device might be a PITA, so describing your actions in length is a good way of getting around that. You can also ask someone else to move the token to a desired spot. I expect myself to be able to post from Monday to Friday on a regular basis, but weekends are more irregular. I live in UTC+2 time zone, so anyone in the USA might see me post in the afternoon or late at night. If you know of an upcoming event or issue that hinders you from posting, please let me and the other players know. Lastly, I initially considered making this a CORE campaign game. If there is enough players wishing for such a game, I will gladly switch to CORE. If there are any other questions, please post them here.
It's an ordinary Summer's day in Oppara, Taldor, where you've all been called to meet at Venture-Captain Muesello's lodge, which hides behind the facade of a simple bait and tackle shop. Walls full of fishing tools, rods and baits, nets and lures. The shop already smells of fish, and it permeates all the way to the backrooms. Venture-Captain Muesello's pockmarked face breaks into a smile as the bell on the door jingles, and he motions for everyone to gather indoors before he'll lock up the shop and put up a 'Closed' sign on the door. A rather regally dressed lady sits in the backroom by a small fireplace, smiling. Many might recognize her, but she refrains from answering any questions until everyone is present. Please give your characters' introduction here.
This is the Pathfinder Society 1st edition recruitment thread for Pathfinder Society scenario #5-11 Library of the Lion. Library of the Lion wrote:
The game is being run as a Play-by-Post using Paizo's messageboards as the platform. I'll utilize Google drive to present maps and battles, leaving your PCs' movements to you. I trust players to be knowledgeable with the rules regarding movement, attacks of opportunity and so forth. You are free to roll for so-called passive rolls (knowledge, perception etc.) if you so wish, but I will give you a prompt when such rolls will garner results, like this: Knowledge (local) DC 10 or Wisdom DC 5:
Absalom is a big city. To which you respond thusly: Knowledge (local): 1d20 ⇒ 7 Regarding the pace I expect all players to post one post per day, an average of 6 posts per week. If the situation is waiting for one player, I will bot the PC accordingly. I highly recommend posting more than just once per day if only to keep the game vibrant.
Welcome to play a Season 0 scenario, one of the first ever, #2 Hydra's Fang Incident! Before we begin, I'll collect vital information from all of you, so please fill in the following in the template below (copy & paste it). This information will be used in the chronicle sheet. [b]Player name[/b]:
In case you have something on your mind about the style of play, scenario, or anything regarding the gameplay don't hesitate to voice yourself either by PM or posting here on the Discussion tab. To reiterate, this is a CORE CAMPAIGN game. I'll conduct a thorough audit on each character, so I hope they include all information I need without too much investigating. Please make sure your characters are in line with the Core Campaign rules. Especially check that your traits are allowed in the system (so don't take Adopted trait, because you gain no benefit from it). I'll open up the Gameplay tab for both dotting and idle chatter. If everything goes smoothly, the game will begin on 1th of July. If you are a first time PbP gamer, please check the hyperlinks under my profile name. Those two guides are a good read even for an experienced gamer. Pacewise I'll try to post once a day, but there are real life issues that might come in way. If you, for example, know you have a long weekend somewhere abroad without internet access, please tell me of this so I know not to wait for your response.
This is the recruitment thread for Pathfinder Society scenario #0-04 Frozen Fingers of Midnight. Frozen Finger of Midnight wrote:
The game is being run as a Play-by-Post using Paizo's messageboards as the platform. I'll utilize Google draw to present maps and battles, leaving your PCs' movements to you. (I've been working on an "arrow shows route" thing, but it might be a tad too cumbersome) You are free to roll for so-called passive rolls (knowledge, perception etc) if you so wish, but I will give you a prompt when such rolls will garner results, like this: Knowledge (local) DC 10 or Wisdom check DC 5:
Absalom is a big city. To which you respond thusly: Knowledge (local): 1d20 ⇒ 10 Regarding the pace, well, I prefer a fast pace but mostly I'd wish for players to keep themselves occupied if I'm not around. Interparty discussion, tactic exchange, anything like that. My current life situation might call for unexpected nights away from the computer, and work can be hectic as heck. Mainly don't expect the game to finish strictly on the 6 week time period. (To reassure you, though, I've run Black Waters in Core in 4 weeks time.) The following list contains PCs/players that have a reserved spot in this game.
I just came back from playing the last part of the retirement arc, the Eyes of the Ten. So this post will include some spoilers about it. In essence I'm asking if I can give my boon to... No, I'm asking for permission to grant a boon I received to another player. Spoiler: So we played the last part of the Eyes of the Ten, and it well quite flat in my opinion. We had all attempted to complete our faction missions totally oblivious to the fact it eould direly penaltize us. Regardless, in te end it came clear that all players save one received the venture-captain boon. The last player missed the award by one point. Considering the scenario itself was unideal for the player's character, it was an overall unsatisfying experience. Furthermore, it was a long endeavor, composed of five sessions. Missing out the ultimate reward feels like being cheated.
In this light I've considered my own boon, and that how little time I nowadays have to play, I'd gladly part from my boon to allow someone else to benefit from it. To emphasize, I know this is probably not allowed by the rules, strictly speaking, so I'm asking for permission.
Hey! I've noticed how PbP games are almost non-existant outside an organized gameday, and I'd wish to have a change in that. I'm currently running my entire quota of PbPs (that's three), but I'm only playing in one (once it starts). I know I'd have the capacity to play in many more PbPs, but there simply aren't any announcements of open spots or such. I know there are others who share the same desire to play by post. What is needed is a person willing to master a game. Be it normal or core, I don't have a preference.
#6 Black Waters wrote:
I'm running Pathfinder Society scenario #6 Black Waters, using the new Core campaign, meaning players joining the action can only use the Pathfinder RPG core rulebook and a few select supplements when building their characters. The scenario is still featured in D&D 3.5 rules set, and requires some modifications on my part, but the players need not worry. Conversions and adjustments will be handled as instructed in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. After my previous PbP attempt I've adjusted my gamemastering style to better suit the faster pace of PbP. In this game we will utilize Google Draw as the map surface, and all out-of-character discussion will be held in the Discussion section of the campaign page. It is adviced to check in daily to the game, and to reply as well so I know everyone's still committed to the session. Of course this isn't 100% strict, and personal issues are understandable. If possible, do mention of these restrictions once you know about them. The game isn't scheduled yet, but most likely I'll start it in a week's time. I'll take all applications here, and then the selected players can dot in the campaign page's gameplay section.
PRD wrote:
Emphasis mine. Say you have a character with charisma 8, no ranks in Diplomacy (so total -1), and there's a DC 20 diplomacy check to be made. Can or can't you aid another? Does this rule apply only to skills that can't be used untrained (knowledges, disable device, linguistics etc.)?
Ran this today on subtier 1-2 with a meager 3 hours of prep time, but all went well and we had a blast. A very good scenario featuring a lot of NPCs. Getting Started I should have advised the players to take meticulous notes throughout the scenario; as it turned out, they forgot what they should have been doing: go to Lady Darchana to report their findings. The team made no questions, so I can't say if those listed are relevant. The group headed to B (Salbus), then straight to C (Mahdi), and were already going to the docks after that. Apparently this scenario expects very thorough players, so other GMs: be sure to mention this to the players. Straightforward players will find this annoying. C2 Can't say much about the fight, other than the tactics are sound. A shenanigans sorcerer build (lvl 2 casting 5d4+10 burning hands, FFS) wiped both thugs instantly and Muzak fled by jumping through the window. Still, because the tactics are sensible, I didn't get angry. I really liked how Mahjub Mahdi had this manner of constantly pulling his hair back. These kinds of odd manners make NPCs memorable, and I suggest making similar hand gestures with other NPCs. D These scene was nice, having the players tell one by one what had happened. It also worked as a recount for them. This could cause a lot of trouble in some less social groups though. The GM should know whom to make a speech. Also, the ship's name At Sea is very dumb. I made it a running gag making every NPC in the scenario say "At Sea? What a dumb name for a ship." It garnered some laughs. Kat Season garnered a lot of laughter. Props for that. On page 12, the map doesn't have Bleoran Berttio marked on the map. I guess he's at the helm. On page 14... I have no idea how the maps work. The right-most wooden grate seems to be halfly over F3, the captain's room. And how can you get to the hold without going through the forecastle's staircase? I'm completely baffled by the map and figured to devise something of my own. Kinore shouldn't even consider using tanglefoot bags. Everyone's in melee all the time, so he wouldn't have any chance of hitting anything with it. The poor captain didn't get to fight until all the other combatants were subdued. And even after that she got to make one attack before getting frightened and so much fire damage. Also, Favored Enemy (magical beast)? I figured the 3 rounds time is too long, should be 2. But again, excellent tactics, reasonable. Oh, and the reaction when I said "Muhlia". Priceless. Also, probably THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION EVER... are the gnolls from Western Katapesh? :) A truly excellent scenario I wish to run again. 5/5
Hello everyone. This questions stems from a few experiences I've had, and I think this hasn't been explained fully in the Guide or anywhere on Paizo messageboards. Say you have a scneario and in it says: Any scenario, really wrote:
What if said 'everyone' consists of four (4) enemy characters, and one of them gets away. Do you: A) Award the players 100 gp per head.
Note that this enemy escaping could be a result of players actually roleplaying their characters and letting the foes run for freedom while they still can. I personally don't see it fair to penaltize for that. Similarly, if the said team doesn't specifically say to pick up a certain item (let's say it's a +2 Adamantine Fullplate) although they did find it, do you: A) Treat it as found, keep the item in the chronicle and award the players fully in gold.
Why I ask this? It seems every GM has a different view on the situation. I, for example, always choose A from the list of options. I don't require the PCs to start lugging heavy armors and figuring out ways to carry them home just to recieve full gold (home campaigns excluded of course). P.S. I actually looked at a Season 1 scenario while making the example and noticed that the older scenarios gave the gold reward to the player, not the PC. ;) * a +2 adamantine fullplate costs 20,500 gp, thus giving each PC approx. 1708 gp
Hello everyone. This is just a quick question, mainly aimed at the campaign coordinators. How many of the scenarios published as of late (4th and 5th season, for example) have been from Open Call? I know that the last half of Season Zero was mainly Open Call scenarios, and that didn't go so well, so I'm intrigued about whether or not the Open Call scenarios make it through.
Male God Forum Paladin 20
The true scenario will begin once everyone has introduced their characters to others. This is your chance to *the* impression you want others to have of your character. You have all been ordered to appear before Venture-Captain Brackett in the lodge of Almas, Andoran. The weather is cloudy, a soft yet brisk autumn breeze is a fresh and welcome change to the blistering heat of the deserts and the freezing ice of the north. The room houses a long table with a dozen chairs. When not used as a briefing room, this hall obviously works as an eatery. Cutlery have been stowed away, leaving the rough surface barren. Venture-Captain Brackett has not yet arrived.
Hi, I intend to run #37 The Beggar's Pearl here on Paizo's messageboards as a Play-by-Post game. The Beggar's Pearl blurb wrote:
Since PbPs aren't in a hurry, I don't state a certain starting date. Instead, once there are three players joining, I'll give a week of extra time for additional players to join. I've run a few PbP games already, so I'm familiar about how to resolve combat and so forth. I don't expect the players to be experienced in PbP games, but I suggest you look at other PbP games for examples on how to write out your posts. Join the game by posting here, telling the vital statistics of your character (name, PFS number, faction). Of course, since this is going to happen on Paizo's messageboards, you need to use the alias in the game. If you have any questions to ask, go ahead.
...well not all of them... But seriously, I started to dig a little and look at some of the retired 0-season scenarios. And as I plowed through them I noticed that a certain scenario doesn't deserve to be retired, at least not by modern standards... Skeleton Moon and Severing Ties:
Both scenarios have a creature capable of petrification. Cockatrices don't even petrify instantly where as basilisks do. And assassin vines are wussies in PFRPG. ...but to be honest, I'm merely pondering and exploring the possibility of bringing some of them back. I was on a hiatus when they were cast away so I don't know all the reasoning behind them. Actually, Josh never addressed the reasons, as I gather. Some say it was because the scenario was too deadly (Blood at Dralkard Manor), had no plot to it (Trouble with Secrets) or was otherwise arse (Asmodeus Mirage). If I were to retire scenarios based on any of those criteria, I'd boot Drow of the Darklands Pyramid instantly. :)
Lately I've been hoarding new scenarios like a hog. Since I'm only familiar with the settings of 0th and 1st season, there are some things that puzzle me in the 4th season scenarios. In two recent scenarios a name has popped up. This man... Tancred Desimire, seems like a recurring NPC who was introduced somewhere else, a lot earlier, but where and when? He seems to take the stage soon...
The Disappeared spoilers?: ...and yet I still don't know his full agenda. It makes running games a tad hard, as I've noticed. A bit aside the point, running #4-10 Feast of Sigils without any knowledge of the events in Cultist's Kiss proved troublesome. Frustrating and embarrassing. Similar emotions can rise when running an NPC the players, unlike you, know about. Often the scenario mentions the character has been around previously, which is good, but not always.
...maybe as the new faction leader of Cheliax? So I began thinking about having some compiled list of recurring NPCs. Namely the first that come to mind are... - Nigel Aldain, the curator of Blakros Museum
Heck, listing the venture-captains by appearance would be intriguing to see also! I'm unsure whether such a list has been made already. If it has, it should be sticky'd. Helps new and old GMs alike!
This is more of a query than a rant. Lately I've noticed how I feel irritated after reading the blurb or see the front page of the scenario. With the level of metaknowledge I have, I can't help but to immediately recognize the monster in the picture. To me it's a bit of the possible surprise taken away. Today I'm running You Only Die Twice, and was displeased to see the greatest twist in the scenario was outright given to anyone who bothers to read the blurb. Has anyone else had these sorts of feelings? Have they ever given you troubles? Has a player used the blurb knowledge in a meta-game sense? I'm curious. EDIT: Muser mentioned To Scale the Dragon as a scenario that gives out it entirely in its blurb. And ... whoah, it does. You read the blurb, you've played the scenario.
A discussion rose on a local messageboard, mainly regarding items, encumbrance, and clothing. This got me thinking about how much things are hand-waved by GMs and players alike. The question is "How strict are you?". Essentially in organized play everyone should be playing by the same rules, yet there are multiple rules that are either forgotten, neglected, or downright ignored. While I understand why encumbrance in particular has been hand-waved, it shouldn't, as some players do take it into account, and might use actions to remove their backpacks just to get to light load. How often have you seen someone remove their backpacks before a battle ensues? Clothing is another issue. In D&D 3.5 starting clothes were free and didn't weigh a thing. In PFRPG, however, the clothes do weigh. This could be of great importance to characters with very low strength. The whole clothing issue has been revisited numerous times, and often I see questions regarding it on the Rules section, yet never there's a definite answer. Thus we must go by what we're given; starting clothes are free, but they have weight. As a GM I do check characters' stats, equipment, and all that. Despite this I've often forgot to check if clothes are present. I wish to ask other GMs have they paid attention to this at all, or just hand-waved it? Lastly I come to the issue of items altogether. Do characters carry tents, bedrolls, blankets, trail rations etc? If the journey consists of a week's travel, is the whole ordeal of eating and sleeping hand-waved? If a character doesn't possess any food, water, or sleeping equipment, shouldn't he/she receive hefty penalties for malnutrition and such? Or is it just hand-waved? I ponder this as some players do take all this into account and struggle with heavy equipment and use actions to lower a backpack and all that. Is it fair to them for other players just roam Golarion with nothing more than an armor, weapon, and a bunch of magic items? How strict are you in following these less used rules? Would you, as a GM, enforce these and apply appropriate circumstance penalties and bonuses? I know item weights can be the most boring aspects of the character sheet, but they are still there. And rarely do you have to calculate them more than once, at character creation.
I bumped into the following problem: Shapeshifter opts out Favored Terrain for shapeshifting, and Guide has an ability called Terrain Bond, which would use Favored terrains. A shapeshifter doesn't have such. Does this mean Guide's Terrain Bond is a completely useless ability unless the character gains the Favored Terrain ability from some other class?
I figured I should verify this, although I believe it to be an old finding. You take the inquisitor's infiltrator archetype's Guileful Lore and mix it with Heresy Inquisition's Righteous Infiltration and you get double wisdom modifier to bluff. Good or not? Righteous Infiltration:
Righteous Infiltration (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff and Intimidate checks. Guileful Lore: Guileful Lore (Ex): At 1st level, the infiltrator’s will is bent toward subterfuge and deception. She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers.
This ability replaces monster lore.
A lengthy discussion has resulted in some quite good ideas regarding the reporting tool. Currently playing PFS online can be tiresome with all the print out a chronicle sheet -> fill spots -> scan -> send routine. It could be managed digitally otherwise, but the need of a signature often forces one to use paper. I, for one, don't own a printer and often need to print out everything at work. Not the most ideal solution. A local player owns a tablet and often prefers to run the games using it and no paper at all. So if the reporting tool would include a 'virtual' chronicle sheet where the GM could fill in the rewarded wealth and other prestige and then send it to the players in question after the reporting is concluded, some people would be really happy. This would also be very good for those who play a lot online. Also since the GM would use the reporting tool with his own account it'd easily count as a valid signature. Even if this proposition would encounter difficulties, I hope Paizo gives it consideration. Paizo is quite handy with PDFs anyway, so I don't think it'd be a technical impossibility.
Last night we needed to take Kyra the 7th-level cleric to take one spot. I assumed the character was built correctly but now, afterwards, I noticed serious errors. One is her channel positive energy. It states 6d6 yet I can't fathom what ability gives her and extra +2d6. Improved Channel gives +2 to the DC, nothing more. Also I think the pregens shouldn't be carrying around any expendable items. It's way too easy for the group to just expend her items for nearly anything. Then again I'm going to avoid using pregens whenever possible, seems like too much abuse. I haven't taken a look at the other pregens, but if you find something about them, this might be the appropriate place to say them.
When I first laid my eyes upon my first chronicle sheet back in Season 0, I was a tad disappointed with how it looked. It has remained unchanged, and I don't mind that. Still, I've got time in my hands so I wondered if it'd be possible to create customized chronicle sheets. I admit I 'nostalgize' Living Greyhawk and how every adventure record featured the coat of arms, signia, or seal of the country the adventure was located. Having this small image would distinguish the sheet from others, maybe make it more memorable. Another thing I was thinking about was inserting a short paragraph, an epilogue or a summary of what the character went through. This way it's easier for all those memories to flood in as you browse through your old chronicle sheets. Presently the chronicle sheet holds a lot of empty white space, primarily because all the acquired equipment from the scenario reserves a lot of space. So far I've seen very little of this space used, maybe two items per tier in average. Neat graphical thingies would liven it up, and I see nothing bad about that. Ideas or thoughts? Anyhow, would creating a customized chronicle sheet be against the rules somehow? It would still hold all the same information as a regular CS, but the layout would be more ... exquisite.
Same as for part II, I figured this requires its own thread. As before, this thread contains spoilers all the way regardless of spoiler tags. First up is a minor question regarding Nester Rees. In the initial description he's said to be an expert of level 5, yet the stat block says 3. I assume it' the latter; after all, it's much more work to fix an entire statblock than replace one numeral. Also the travel times seem to confuse me a little. From Absalom to A (centaur encounter) it takes only 3 hours, while the next leg takes one day. Assuming the party leaves in the morning they'd have 5 hours of traveling left. It totals to 3.75 miles travelled (or just 4 miles to make it simple). Regardless, this would force to create a whole new travel time table. Anyway, this isn't a real problem, it might just confuse other GMs as well. According to my calculations if the PCs leave in the morning they arrive at the frozen wagon after about 3 hours of travel on the fourth day. Of course the solution is to move the frozen wagon forwards, which I will. Oh, and the centaurs are described to be a bit lame. I know people on these boards keep telling it makes new players leave tables and never come back if their characters die and yadda yadda, but if the PCs are really foolish enough to attack the centaurs, I won't have any qualms using the centaurs to teach the PCs a lesson. I don't know why there's a map for B. If someone spots the krenshar, it runs off. The map is a waste of ink. As an encounter though, it's nice. This is probably done to spot who in the table are the true metagamers. Then comes E, the Hero's shrine ... I don't like this encounter as it's written. It's easily identifiable as a shrine to a great person, and thus taking money from the shrine should be punished permanently (as a curse, so remove curse or some would remove the affliction). Similarly just putting a coin and gaining the favor should be in place of the money gained; presently this encounter rewards characters who are good, and punishes those who are evil. While in a moral way this is right, I won't impose penalties on characters who have been roleplayed accordingly. Again, this is a really stupid encounter. Encounter G, the Bog Mother. Are the PCs supposed to just slaughter or attack the kobold? Is the kobold supposed to attack the PCs just because? I could imagine the kobold demanding the PCs to take another route (a few hours extra traveling) and beginning as unfriendly. That way this can be converted into a roleplaying encounter rather than a typical "lunatic monster attacks PCs for no good reason at all". I've seen that happen way too often. The Grindylow's Goblet fight is intriguing. I'm assuming Ulionestia drop the glass (free action), and readies an action (pyrotechnics, standard action) which will happen once Shoalo and Ahrmisa get the artifact from the table and turn away from the blast (effectively closing their eyes). On Shoalo's and Ahrmisa's next turns either of them runs to the door and opens it, allowing the other to run outside. A very elaborate plan that requires the PCs some good saves and quick thinking. This holds a real possibility of failure (on PCs part), and that's good. A victory tastes dull if you get too used to it. I'm hoping to run this adventure next week.
I figured this scenario deserves its own channel of conversation. Since I already put a spoilers tag in the title, I assume people understand most of the content here to include information that could spoil a player. I'm going to run this scenario tomorrow so if anyone has some insight and advice on certain parts, feel free to express yourselves. Right, so I read through the scenario and two things caught my eye. In Room 3 the giant amoeba is small size, and the grab ability doesn't have any special rulings to it, meaning the creature can only grab creatures of small size or smaller. I was just wondering if this was intentional by the scenario writer. In Room 5 you'll encounter this pathetic skeleton. Sure, the scenario states the GM is allowed to skip some encounters if necessary. One lousy skeleton against a party of possibly 6 (plus animal companions) is a laugh. Since this scenario claims to be a more 'classical' dungeon crawl, it should house more challenging encounters that'd force the characters to rest at certain intervals. As I read the scenario through, they are all doable in a day's time, even by an average party. The same rant applies to the encounter in room 7. Three fire beetles, each having 4 hp? Oh please. Then again you can just close the door... and do stupid tactics with open door, throw acid flask, close door. Now, the room 9 is what I'm talking about. Blinded for 1 hour? It creates tension once a character botches the roll. It forces the characters to take a rest and wait it to wear off. Room 11... one giant spider. Might put up a small fight, but I doubt it'll last any longer than two rounds. I also get the feeling Fledzer gets away really quick. With his stealth checks his extremely hard to spot, and escaping on round 2 with all his abilities the characters can't track him even in their wildest dreams. Then again, the jade katana is not necessary to receive both prestige points; and it's good if the characters fail once in a while. I'll give a more detailed report about how things actually went on.
The Ki mystic is terribly badly written. It's simply just full of questions. I tried searching with Google and Paizo boards to find answers to these questions, but couldn't find any. 1) Does Ki Mystic ability replace Ki Pool ability? Doesn't say so.
I look for answers that are RAW or clear the intention. I play PFS primarily so a house rule is out of the question. My opinions and interpretations of the answers: 1) Practically yes.