[PFS PbP] CORE #0-04 Frozen Fingers of Midnight - GM Deussu (Inactive)

Game Master Deussu

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Sovereign Court

Male God Forum Paladin 20

Available for dotting.

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste


The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer


Dark Archive

Dwarf Fighter 2 HP 20/20; AC 18; TCH 13; FF 15; F +6; R +3; W +2; CMB+5; CMD 18; Speed 20FT; Init +2; Perception +3


Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter | Lv1 | AC15, T 12 FF 13 | HP= 9/13 | F+4, R+2, W+1 | CMB=5 CMD=17 | Init+4 | Perc +6


The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison


The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer (elemental (air)) 5 AC18(T13,FF16) CMD 11| HP 38/38| F +5 R +4 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +2, Sense Motive +0 | (6/8 1st left, 3/5 2nd left)

redot with PFS alias

Grand Lodge

Male Human Ranger-1 | AC-16 T-13 FF-13 | HP 16/16 | F+4, R+5, W+2 | CMB=3 CMD=16 | Init +5 | Perc +6

Change out .

You have been called to the Grand Lodge of Absalom for a briefing on hot Summer's day. Seated in a small chamber around a darkwood table, various trophies gathered from across the face of Golarion hang from the walls. A monkey-shaped mask with a serpent’s tongue glares out from the center of one wall, a strange halberd with gold rings piercing its thick blade and dragons carved along its haft hangs opposite the monkey mask. You are alone save your fellow Pathfinders, who apparently have been called here for the same purpose.

At this point you may introduce your characters to one another. The following scene assumes you've done your introductions.

Finally, a huge man wearing creaking leathers marches into the room. He looks at each of you, as if he were appraising a handful of gemstones freshly pulled from the earth, and nods curtly. Some of you know him as Adril Hestram, a longtime Pathfinder and rumored to be the unwitting architect of the famed Katapesh slave riot of 4702. Adril’s physique puts most half-orcs to shame.

"Welcome, friends. We have a serious problem. Skelg the Ripper came to Absalom one month ago. Like many Ulfen warriors he joined the Longaxes, the Taldan Emperor’s personal guard whose duty it is to protect the embassy and Taldan visitors. Skelg also dropped a hefty sum of gold to purchase a manor in the Ivy district, something a Longaxe isn’t paid well enough to do. It is widely assumed that he brought most of his wealth with him from the north—a rumor I know to be true."

"It seems that Skelg also brought a curse with him. In his letter to me, he speaks of lying abed in this miserable summer dying from the cold. Neither physician nor priest has been able to cure his ailment, and there are no signs of disease or poison. Of course, for such a man, there is no greater dishonor than to die in bed instead of in battle."

"Normally, the Pathfinder Society would monitor these events and let the authorities deal with them. However, there are three factors that have drawn our interest. First, Skelg is himself a member of our Society and has asked for our help. Second, he is a personal friend of mine, and finding a sparring partner as worthy as Skelg to replace him would be a trying task. Last, he claims that artifacts of great power are involved, and that we may be able to recover them for the vaults of the Grand Lodge."

“We view this situation as having enough importance to assign you to investigate it. Go to the home of Skelg the Ripper, learn what you can, and do your best to help him. If you find an item that is somehow connected to the curse, either retrieve it or glean as much information as you can about it."

“I trust there are no questions?”

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

Jaïr is a petite woman in simple black robes who highlights her silhouette. She had pale complexion but her charming smile and her simple green make-up make her immediately friendly.

At her side, a short sword and a two wands.

==While waiting for the Venture Captain==

Hello, I'm Jair Whisper, nice to meet you.

==Once Adril Hestram gave his speach==

Not a question, but where is Skelg's Manor in the Ivy District ? asked Jair

Dark Archive

Dwarf Fighter 2 HP 20/20; AC 18; TCH 13; FF 15; F +6; R +3; W +2; CMB+5; CMD 18; Speed 20FT; Init +2; Perception +3

Drostan is a steady dwarf, he wears studded leather and has a warhammer and a waraxe on his back. On his left arm he has a light steel shield. All his remaining gear, which is not much, he has packed in a backpack. A wayfinder hangs from his neck. He watches the other Pathfinders but does not speak.

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

Gradually, a violin's melody enters the office. His cheerful tone makes you want to dance to his rhythm. When music becomes strong enough to not be able to ignore it, a dark-haired man appears in the doorway.

Thin as a rail , the handsome stranger with stormy eyes  is wearing a red cotton jacket, a bit warm for this season.

His hands of white chielaxian plays with a violin on his shoulder .He have on him the perfect little adventurer kit : backpack, cold iron dagger , mace silver alchemical, whip and a short bow on his back. A bow shaped earring with a notched arrow  hangs on to his left ear.

DC 10 religion:
It is the symbol of Erastil,god of community and family.

"-Hi, I'm Yable. What you are willing to pay for my services? Your soul? "

And then he laughs.

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

after the VC talk.
You have told a good question, graceful Jair. I will add that the rich likes to have exotics creatures. Perharps, one of those has escaped and roam the mansion while our unlucky member is sick. We will need to be careful.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter | Lv1 | AC15, T 12 FF 13 | HP= 9/13 | F+4, R+2, W+1 | CMB=5 CMD=17 | Init+4 | Perc +6

Before the Venture Captain speaks
Sagart Laoch is a confusing conundrum of opposites. Her strikingly attractive Human appearance is starkly countered by her crass Dwarven dialect and mannerisms. Her long, silken blond hair is twisted and braided under her chin, roughly resembling the fine beards of the Dwarven ladyfolk. But most curious is the polished scale mail, Dwarven War Hammer and heavy crossbow that her diminutive frame carries with the ease of practiced martial disciple of the God, Kols. Her purpose in this life is to exact punishment on those poor souls who shirk their responsibilities or break sworn oaths and solemn promises.
"Beannachtaí mo chairde! Oi 'ope yer friggin' ready fur dis adventure!"
After the Venture Captain speaks
"Weel, best fetch yer cloaks an' furs, seems as we main be freezin' uir collectife beans! We shoods be shovin' aff tae Skelg's 'en."

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

"Drostan, what does that giant dwarf said?

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer (elemental (air)) 5 AC18(T13,FF16) CMD 11| HP 38/38| F +5 R +4 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +2, Sense Motive +0 | (6/8 1st left, 3/5 2nd left)

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I'm late," a gnome says, hustling in. "I was still in court. Divorce case between two Abadaran clerics. You cannot believe how long those deliberations can last."

The gnome is short and slight, even for his people. He drags along a morningstar, its head covered in scuff marks. It takes only a few moments for anyone to see him handling it that he really has close to no idea how to use it. In a charcoal suit with a red necktie, Wrigsolar doesn't quite look like the average Pathfinder. The bright, electric blue mohawk atop his head, and the occasional blue sparks that bounce around his eyes reveal his sorcerous potential.

"Yeah, sorry, I don't speak... whatever that was. Tengu, maybe? Anyways, I'm Wrigsolar D. Fencejumper, esquire, Attorney-at-Law," Wrigley said. After a moment, "My friends call me Wrigley."

After the Venture Captain speaks.

"Y'know, t'be quite honest, guy must have some wacked out priorities. Dying in your bed is far from the worst thing that can happen to a man," Wrigsolar muttered under his breath, maybe just loud enough for someone next to him to hear. He then spoke up, "Any chance that he's just being swindled by snake oil men? If so, I'd be glad to represent him in a civil case against anyone who promised him a cure."

"'Course, we'd want to be careful about making sure we don't accidentally open ourselves up to some sort of malpractice case ourself," Wrigley mused. One would get the feeling that he likes the sound of his own voice.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter | Lv1 | AC15, T 12 FF 13 | HP= 9/13 | F+4, R+2, W+1 | CMB=5 CMD=17 | Init+4 | Perc +6

The longer Sagart speaks, the more acustom your ear gets to translating her extreme dwarven accented common:
"Greetings my friends!"in pure Dwarven "I hope you're frigging ready for this adventure!"
Followed by,
"Well, best fetch your cloaks and furs, seems as if we will be freezing our collective beans! We should be shoving off to Skelg's then."

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

Yâble turn to sagard and says:My donkey have my cloak for this type of occasion. I wish that this type of clothing for heat was available on the market.

Before we go, i would like to pass to the coins district to put some heat in my music.
I would like to find someone to cast continual flame on the violon.

Adril Hestram lets out a heavy sigh and goes in length to answer each and everyone's questions to the best of his abilities. His tone is irritated as he open his mouth to answe Jaïr's question. "Try and keep up with local events if you want to get anywhere in the Society. He lives in Greydog Manor, on Parkview Street in the Ivy District."

Adril continues, facing Yâble. "It is possible Skelg has pets, but I doubt they'd be of any harm to other than trespassers. The ulfen are known to domesticate even the fiercest of beasts to be both friends and guards."

He then turns to Wrigsolar, not even trying to cover up his frustration with a fast-talking, constantly blabbering gnome. "If I knew, I would have said. Go ask Skelg."

The venture-captain's gaze tells he probably has some other work to do as he is breathing heavily as if to detain his anger inside him, and tapping the surface of the table with his fingertips.

To Yâble: Purchasing spellcasting services in Absalom is an easy task. The price for continual flame is 60 gp plus the material component's price, a total of 110 gp.

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

Jaïr bow to the Captain with a smile before leaving him.

Once outside, she said

Well it's a beautiful day to see a sick man, isn't it ?

Then, once Yâble find a man ready to cast continual flame on his violin she asked where the Greydog Manor, on Parkview Street in the Ivy District was.

Map and handout aid Token.

"110gp ? At this price, i could burn this stand!" too high for my loose change. It would have been cool to play a burning stradivarius. Next time.

"let's go now."

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer (elemental (air)) 5 AC18(T13,FF16) CMD 11| HP 38/38| F +5 R +4 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +2, Sense Motive +0 | (6/8 1st left, 3/5 2nd left)

"You put on as many furs you want," Wrigsolar said to Logart. "Me, I think its hot enough out there as it is, but y'know, c'est la vie. That's Auran, y'know?" he lied.

"Yeah, lets get going. Apparently, our host doesn't appreciate the lollygagging."

Eventually the party departs and heads towards the Ivy district, particularly to Parkview Street's Greydog Manor to meet with Skelg the Ripper.

Parkview Street is true to its name, running the entire length of the Ivy District park. Standing like a tomb in a flower garden, Greydog Manor is easy to find. Six-foot-high walls surround the massive, stone building and an immense iron gate flanked by granite statues of hunting dogs stands open, offering access to the interior. Looking along the street, it is clear that locals give the estate a wide berth. The stone walls seem to give a slight chill to the air, which is not entirely unpleasant on such a hot day.

The manor has several windows that can be seen from the street, but all have curtains drawn. The building is two stories high, and the courtyard is directly in front of the manor, leaving the manor's sides tight against the stone walls surrounding the estate.

The Parkview Street divides the district's park and buildings. The park itself is fenced save for two entrances. Greydog Manor's surroundings thus hold little interest and most people and wagons are merely passing along the road, not remaining to idle dawdle.

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

Yâble looks around the estate for some possible danger, person, clue or just something of value he could take.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

"Group, before we enter let's look around if we find a gardener who knows something"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

Why not, but if the man died before we have talk to him, the VC will not be happy.

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

it will not takes long Jair

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

As you wish my dear Yâble

The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer (elemental (air)) 5 AC18(T13,FF16) CMD 11| HP 38/38| F +5 R +4 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +2, Sense Motive +0 | (6/8 1st left, 3/5 2nd left)

"But what's a gardener going to know?" Wrigsolar grumbled, [b]"I mean, this Skelg knows we're coming, right? I mean, he's a Ulfen, right? I've been to Trollheim before. I can't imagine a Ulfen raider caring about the social etiquette of being properly introduced."

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

Yâble stops and turn toward Wrigsolar. "Never underestimate the power of the community. Those Ulfens need carpenters, farmers and hunters to live. Elders to teach. This is how they are able to raid and how we are able to defend ourselves. A gardener is part of this equation .
Skelg is a ulfen guard. Those elites warriors are not savages and he is a pathfinder.

But you are right Sag, he is waiting for us. And cooperation is close to a family. Skelg need us. Let's put our furs and enter the building."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter | Lv1 | AC15, T 12 FF 13 | HP= 9/13 | F+4, R+2, W+1 | CMB=5 CMD=17 | Init+4 | Perc +6

Sagart strolls up to the front door and confidently raps hard (almost too hard) three times.
"Oi! Anybody 'ome?!"

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

Jair follows her comrades to the door. She checks her beauty before entering, after all she's a Lady.

Yâble looks around to see something of interest, but this part of Ivy district seems well-maintained and thus lacks dangers, shifty alleys, and all that sort of stuff. There are no posters set up against the stone wall either.

I read you go up to the gate, since it is effectively blocking your way to the door.

As Sagart bangs the gate, she hears a few confused grunts from beyond. After a short moment the gate opens slightly, revealing one burly man of ulfen complexion. The man wears a chain shirt and a surcoat bearing the Taldan crest and carries the traditional imperial guard long axe.

The guard looks at you sternly and speaks. "Skelg is ill. He wants no visitors."

Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter | Lv1 | AC15, T 12 FF 13 | HP= 9/13 | F+4, R+2, W+1 | CMB=5 CMD=17 | Init+4 | Perc +6

"Fair greetin's be to ya, we've been sent by the one and only Adril Hestram to look on to his good friend Skelg... And I'm sure that you wouldn't want to disappoint Master Hestram or Master Skelg by not lettin' us in..."
Sagart lets her words hang for just a moment, then follows with, "Plus were 'ear ta help cure dear Skelg of what ales 'im!"

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

As my godly friend said, Master Skelg is expecting us. So please, could you introduce us to him ? It will be nice of you.

Says Jair to the guards with her charming smile.

Diplomacy (take 10): 10 + 5 = 15 +1 if they could be attracted by Jair

"...Master Skelg has decided he would rather die in peace," the guard states blatantly.

Knowledge (nobility) DC 15 or Perception DC 20:
The guard is wearing his surcoat backwards.

Sense Motive DC 6:

Bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
The guard seems unaccustomed to calling Skelg as "master". He'd rather wish for the pathfinders to go away.

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

Perception DC20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Sense Motive DC6: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Still smiling Jair says Are you sure my friend ? That's strange as Master Skelg is a good friend of our Venture Captain and as I recall his words "there is no greater dishonor than to die in bed instead of in battle". So how could he wand to die in peace, in his bed ?

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

"I wonder",Yable thinks,
knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 sense motive: 10 + 2 = 12 take 10
"If this is the time for my old trick." [
b]"Yes, my friend is right,"[/b] Respond Yâble. "But seen your hesitation at calling Skelg, you must be fairly new to this job right?"
With a smile, the bard takes 18gp out of his purse. "You see, we are pathfinders and your master, an another pathfinder, called for us. I think he will be quitte happy to see us and you for now will have a little bonus for your good will."
Yâble presents the money to the guard. "We have more if you want. Surely, your family has lots of hungrys mouths." diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
desna weep!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

Dwarf Fighter 2 HP 20/20; AC 18; TCH 13; FF 15; F +6; R +3; W +2; CMB+5; CMD 18; Speed 20FT; Init +2; Perception +3

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

"This guy is wearing his surcoat backwards!" Drostan mentions. "Are you sure this one is a guard and not a fraud?" he asks his companions

If the man does not let us pass after Yable's bribe attempt.

Drostans turns to the guard. "Tell us, what did you do to Master Skelg? Let us pass, PLEASE!"
Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

The guard looks befuddled at Yâble presenting more than a handful of gold coins. The guard backs away to chat what appears to be another guard, and then back to the pathfinders. The guard gladly takes the gold Yâble gives.

"Oh well, sure, maybe master Skelg can have his final visitors," the guard says, rolling his eyes and opening the gate fully.

The courtyard is cool and shady compared to the street outside. Dead leaves are scattered across the flagstones and the granite steps. The manor's door is on the far side of the courtyard, about 40 feet away. Another guard, dressed in similar clothes, stands next to the gate.

Conditional actions, such as Drostan's intimidation, could be included inside spoiler tags. Not necessary, but might keep the text flow cleaner.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter | Lv1 | AC15, T 12 FF 13 | HP= 9/13 | F+4, R+2, W+1 | CMB=5 CMD=17 | Init+4 | Perc +6

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21

"Master Yâble, hold yer coin... This guard has lost touch with his sensibilities. As a guard he has a certain duty to uphold, like the ability to address his employer with the proper title easily, as well as dawning his uniform correctly. As a disciple of Kols,I have been put on this place to exact punishment on those poor souls who shirk their responsibilities or break sworn oaths, and I feel that you have done both... Guard!"
The cleric gets more and more heated as she continues and screams, "LET US PASS!"

Intimidate: 1d20 ⇒ 18

The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer (elemental (air)) 5 AC18(T13,FF16) CMD 11| HP 38/38| F +5 R +4 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +2, Sense Motive +0 | (6/8 1st left, 3/5 2nd left)

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

"Now, listen--" Wrigsolar tries to get started, but well, big folk often talk over their gnomish superiors. "Wait, bribery? That MUCH bribery?" That was at least a week of wages.

to Logart
"But, uh, they already opened the gate..."

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

But Wrig... This is the standard bribe in cheliax! If i knew that, i would have give lower.

The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer (elemental (air)) 5 AC18(T13,FF16) CMD 11| HP 38/38| F +5 R +4 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +2, Sense Motive +0 | (6/8 1st left, 3/5 2nd left)

"Now, to be completely fair, Yabs in Cheliax, bribery is strictly illegal. Certain gifts can be given, of course, and in certain circumstances, would be be culturally expected by everyone, and that's all well and good, and certainly not bribery. That would undermine the rule of law," Wrigsolar says, adjusting his tie, "And that's not how we roll in Brastlewark, in any way. I'm just saying, you know, in a negotiation, you don't want to start where you end up. Start with a lowball, you'll save yourself money. Standard advice I give for any client about negotiations, so I'll waive my fee."

The guard is slightly taken aback by Sagart's outburst, and gestures them to go on.

"Alright, alright, sheesh, what a temper," the guard comments, and hands back the bribe. They let the pathfinders in, locking the gate behind them, and escort them inside the manor through the courtyard.

Immediately when they step inside they find the lobby of the manor in disarray; vases tipped off their pedestals, tapestries pulled down to piles of torn fabric, smashed wooden furniture in various locations, chandelier crashed onto the floor, shattered glass strewn across the floor, a decorative marble pillar toppled to the ground. The signs of a previous battle are obvious, and before the group gets to have a say, they hear an ominous click as the guards lock the manor's doors. "You lot just have to stick your nose everywhere," one of the ulfen guards exclaims as both of them draw their axes.


Drostan: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Jaïr: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Sagart: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Wrigsolar: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Yâble: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Red guard: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Green guard: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20


Map has been linkified on the top of the page, under where the campaign's short description would be. If you have trouble using Google Drive, describe your problem on the Discussion page and I'll try to address the issue to the best of my abilities.

Due to the clumsiness of PbP combat, initiatives are grouped. You are still free to post before your turn, but I suggest you give out conditional actions in case your original action would be moot or invalid when your turn comes. In this grouped case Sagart, Jaïr, and Drostan act in order, but if for example Jaïr would cast a buff that would benefit Sagart, she is assumed to go before Sagart. Why? Because people live on different time zones and post times can vary a lot, so if the party buffer is casting bless and hasn't had time to advise others to delay after him/her, they still benefit from it.


Green guard
Sagart, Jaïr, Drostan
Red guard

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

"Ulfens plundering of one of their kind." , Yâble said." That must make you a good reputation. Companions! Try to not kill them! These are the gardeners I spoke of earlier! "

From the corner of the eye, Yâble observes the battlefield. By being in the scope of one of the two men, the small avocadolol seems in a poor posture but Wrig will act before his enemy.

In the other hand, the green Ulfen, the one that Yâble had offered money, is at a few feet from the bard. The latter may be the Ulfen next target. With a defiantly look, Yâble drops his gold , and draws his violin. He plays a small reel hoping to distract the green Ulfen with this unconventional tactic.

spell: daze will dc 14

-Posted with Wayfinder

The Exchange

m Dwarf init +9, perception + 11; +1 if trap; +2 if there something unsual in stone (trap or secret door) The dm roll then. "marchand" level 2. AC 17, 27/27hp; Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 spell, spell-like and poison

No, he was wrong! It was the red ulfen that will act before Wrig! Yâble change the target for the red Ulfen.

i have poorly read the turn order.

We are pathfinders, Respond Yable. It is part of the job description.

Will Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

The guard next to Wrigsolar is clearly taken aback by Yâble's violin music, affecting thoughts and actions alike.

Regardless of his companion's wellbeing, the other guard sees the man with the violin do tricks. "Now you'll stop that infernal noise!" the ulfen man shouts as he gets next to the bard and swings his axe.

Battleaxe melee @ Yâble: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Lucky for Yâble he is just able to block the swing with his buckler, deflecting the incoming blow.


Green guard
Sagart, Jaïr, Drostan
Red guard (dazed)

Dark Archive

AC18(T12,FF16) CMD16| HP 61/70| F +9 R +5 W +14 | Init +1, Perc +7, Sense Motive +15 | Haste

Jair calls for her god's protection, and a second her appears moving and reacting exactly as her. move action : Copy Cat

Then, she calls again for her gods power Dazing Touch and tries to hit her enemy after a 5ft. step toward him.

Touch Attack: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15 dazes foe for 1 rd (no save), Immune if more HD than your level.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Fighter | Lv1 | AC15, T 12 FF 13 | HP= 9/13 | F+4, R+2, W+1 | CMB=5 CMD=17 | Init+4 | Perc +6

Sagart unhooks her war hammer from her belt and takes a 5' step south west towards the Red Guard then stands her ground, focusing on her total defense.

Total Defense:

You get a +4 dodge bonus to your AC for 1 round. Your AC improves at the start of this action. You can't combine total defense with fighting defensively or with the benefit of the Combat Expertise feat. You can't make attacks of opportunity while using total defense.

The Exchange

Male Gnome Sorcerer (elemental (air)) 5 AC18(T13,FF16) CMD 11| HP 38/38| F +5 R +4 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +2, Sense Motive +0 | (6/8 1st left, 3/5 2nd left)

It takes only half a second for Wrigsolar to see that the Ulfen bearing on him was dazed, a spell that Wrigsolar had used quite a bit in his previous adventures. Wrigsolar flings his left hand at the Ulfen raider, letting loose his elemental ray.
Elemental Ray: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 vs Touch.

if hit

1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Electricity damage

Regardless of whether he hits or not, Wrigsolar scrambles back behind the strange half-dwarf cleric.

for Deussu

if Drostan moves to be in melee range of Red, subtract 4 from my attack roll since I don't have precise shot, but my actions remain the same.

"Hey, I'll try to not kill them if they stop trying to kill us," Wrigsolar shouts as he sees Yable block an axe.

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