
Rei's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 9 Season Dedicated Voter. ****** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 942 posts (960 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 52 Organized Play characters.

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4/5 5/5

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Philippe Lam wrote:

When I played it, the fight was hard but doable. The problem lots of players have with that is probably being forced to fight under unfavourable conditions. Not every fight should be made fair anyway. That forces players to be creative, and it's not a bad thing. At worst, it's not that impossible to mitigate the problem by using the terrain.

You put it at higher levels, wouldn't be that problematic. Part of it is also putting that kind of encounter in a 1-4.

Yeah, the consensus at our table was "this would be fine in a 3-6 but not when the table can theoretically be three brand new characters and a pregen".

Also, giving the party a longarm with the shortest range of all longarms barring the flamethrower and the glorified taser instead of an actual sniper rifle just felt like a cruel joke.

4/5 5/5

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Roommate just pulled a TPK on us in the sniper battle. Everyone at the table had fairly fresh characters (everyone was level one, one of us had 2 XP, the others had 1 or 0) and none of us had thought to purchase a sniper rifle or would even have been able to afford one. All of us except for one character were shot down before we even got within the maximum range increment of our weapons. One made it to max range and got one shot off at -9 before going down as well. We were imprisoned, had a brief bit of RP, and then were executed as there was no way for my roommate, who is a massive softie and would have let us get away if the scenario had let her, to let us live.

Sooooooo we're all considering this complete b&**#+#*.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Posts like this are a major, major part of why I love Paizo so much. (Not to toot my own horn too much, but I'm another non-binary Venture-Critter. It feels amazing to know I'm not the only one.)

4/5 5/5

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Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Does yours also covet wealth? :)

She's a Blakros and has been awarded the title of Dame by the nation of Taldor, so I'd say it helps!

(She's a level 11 oracle of Lore. And boy howdy is she looking forward to The Lion's Justice.)

4/5 5/5

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In terms of unusual nagaji, I have an Int 16 nagaji whose lowest Knowledge skill is +17.

4/5 5/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:

Using the definition of gender as a social construct

Thats the problem when you try to read something not written in technical language of a particular field as if it were written in the technical language of a field.

How would you suggest I phrase this, then?

4/5 5/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:
Would be cool if we finally ditched that rule about Disguise checks being harder if disguising as a different gender...

Is that because the language has changed in 20 something years since it was originally written or....?

I know that sex is the preferred term for what it means but to the general public that means intercourse.

Using the definition of gender as a social construct, saying "it's harder to disguise yourself as a different gender" feels to me too much like it's suggesting that genders look and/or act a specific way and you need to "pass" as that gender.

4/5 5/5

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Would be cool if we finally ditched that rule about Disguise checks being harder if disguising as a different gender...

4/5 5/5

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K-kun the Insane wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
In space, no one can hear you streak?
Technically, no one can ever hear you streak. They may hear your attention-demanding warcry or the screams of terrified onlookers, but not the actual streaking.

Unless you streak fast enough to break the sound barrier?

4/5 5/5

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True facts about Ladybaby: the band was formed by two models and an Australian pro wrestler who calls his persona Ladybeard. After Ladybeard left the band due to not feeling the music industry, the two girls continued on as a duo called The Idol Formerly Known As Ladybaby.

4/5 5/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

Pathfinder universe laughs at the squared cube law. Given the listed weights Ogres are made out of balsa wood and adamantine golems have a marshmallow core.

Mind you, there's nothing prevending you from describing your character as looking like a 400 pound slab of 6 foot 6 muscle.

Reminds me of this rat.

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Kind of in love with the concept of a cosmonastery now.

4/5 5/5

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NiTessine will forever think the paladin's casting stat is Wisdom and I will never stop making fun of him for it. (We've been in a PFRPG campaign together for literally years, I've been playing a paladin the whole time.)

4/5 5/5

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I'm happily looking forward to our big annual convention - Ropecon at the end of July. It's always fun to see people I only get to play with a few times a year, and we always end up running some goofy midnight games that create stories for years to come (last year's gave us such gems as "that is the cheapest pounce I have ever seen" and "I drop my cat down the chimney and roll Handle Animal until he comes to open the door for us").

4/5 5/5

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Bill Baldwin wrote:
Unfortunately, I had just been Baleful Polymorphed into a turtle. So I bobbed up and down agitatedly in response.

The mental image of a turtle doing very angry little push-ups is now one of my favorite things ever.

4/5 5/5

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Minna Hiltula wrote:

The living grimoire archetype for an inquisitor is already hilarious enough, what with hitting enemies literally with the word of your god. It got better today during a fight when the instigator decided to try and make a run for it. My inquisitor ran after her, noticed he wasn't going to catch up, and decided to try and stop her... throwing his book at her.

I promptly rolled a natural 20, confirmed the crit and knocked her out cold.

After which my inquisitor walked over to the unconscious enemy, picked up his book, dusted it off, and cast returning weapon on it just in case.

This character has now ended another encounter in exactly the same way. Sure, I bought him a bow, but throwing the book is just fun.

4/5 5/5

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Whatever you do, don't delete character numbers if they have scenarios assigned to them. To my knowledge, it permadeletes the number and you can never use it again.

4/5 5/5

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Murdock Mudeater wrote:
Rysky wrote:

... why would the NG wizard in PFS go around with Create Undead memorized if they don't want Undead to be created???

If they're in a position to stop someone from casting Create Undead, uh, Fireball? Phantasmal Killer? This truly is for the sake of arguing something just to argue.

Sounds like you haven't read the counterspelling rules.

Pretty sure they were going for "if someone is casting create undead in combat, why not just shoot them with your prepared fireball or phantasmal killer, which can disrupt the casting of anything if readied as a response, as opposed to prepping an evil undead-creation spell on the off chance I run into an evil undead creator and might get to counter their spell".

4/5 5/5

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Antti is a very mundane Finnish male name. The temptation to make a paladin named that has been quite notable at times.

4/5 5/5

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Tim Emrick wrote:
I also picked up the Dragon Empire Primer recently after playing my first few Tien Xia modules. I'm considering a white-haired witch, with a crab familiar for the grapple bonus (and most of her starting gold spent on an aquarium ball, of course). Undecided on race yet.

I have a multiclassed white-haired witch: I grabbed three levels of strangler brawler for more damage and more grapple bonuses, and one level of unarmed fighter for feats and more weapon proficiencies. Went for the Wisdom patron to get shield of faith on her list for some additional AC. She's been pretty fun to play so far. One note: if I could remake her, I would get a higher Strength score than 10, because aquarium balls weigh 20 freaking pounds.

Characters I haven't played yet::

Grippli cleric of the Lost Prince. She's a swashbuckling gentleman (think Utena Tenjou, but with a rapier and a two-foot-tall humanoid frog) dedicated to making the most out of her few decades of life so she can pass as much tale and legend to her master as possible when she dies: she was accidentally whisked to the First World as a child, actually got to see the Lost Prince from a distance, and became instantly devoted to him. She's built as bad touch cleric (using the Agile Tongue feat) with tons and tons of the Repose and Madness domain abilities per day, and is heading into the feysworn prestige class for flavor. Haven't played her yet because I'm waiting to grab Legacy of the First World to see if there's anything useful for her in that.

Suli exciter spiritualist. A handsome, polite Numerian barbarian with a complete inability to form romantic relationships befriends a young Taldan paladin of Vildeis heading up through Numeria to the Worldwound. He finds out in the most awkward way possible that said paladin had developed a romantic attachment to him when the paladin dies in the hands of the Technic League before managing to leave Numeria and his spirit is bound forever to the barbarian's as his desire to continue serving Vildeis keeps a portion of his spirit alive. Forced to cease his playboy ways, the barbarian tracks down the Pathfinders who visited Numeria some time ago in order to join a group where camaraderie can be found with less of a risk of permanent attachment - since the paladin's phantom can be a bit of a jealous one... Built as a melee spiritualist and I'm terrified to play him because of how crazy that sounds without a phantom. Hits like a truck, though. Spell list is going to be very very boring, with just tons of buffs.

Undine relic channeler medium. Born as a slave and traded around Qadira, Osirion and Katapesh for several centuries, she had seven children over the years - and knows all but one of them are dead. After gaining her freedom in what she believes are her twilight years (Almost Human racial trait, doesn't actually know she's an undine) she joined the Pathfinders to show her children the freedom and adventure they never knew in life. Yes, she channels her own kids' spirits. Probably going support archer with her (I found an amazing picture of a woman in a dress firing a chu-ko-nu and decided heavy repeating crossbow is clearly the way to go), maybe with a level of Varisian free-style fighter to grab some much-needed proficiencies and martial flexibility so she can step into other roles better if absolutely needed. Also using her champion spirit to grab bastard sword proficiency because a tiny old lady in a dress and headscarf carrying a huge sword is too awesome a mental image to skip.

Oread sacred fist warpriest of Zon-Kuthon. I just wanted to play around with the idea of "hit me harder! I desire the pain sacred to My Lord! oh, my apologies, it seems I have hit you back far too hard, please get up" and, well, I'm going to finish playing CotCT soon and that gives you a weird view on Z-K. Charisma 6 and the Alabaster Odalisque trait come together to make a dude who looks like Kratos except with a face like a moai - not necessarily ugly, but just so weird on a living being you don't really want to look at him.

Ganzi psychic searcher oracle of Intrigue with a dip of lore warden. A constantly shapeshifting individual of unknown gender with a penchant for sticking their nose into absolutely everything and little knowledge of life in the Inner Sea. And an obsession with pretty shinies (Covetous curse). I've only recently started working on this character, but I fell so in love with some of the revelations the Intrigue mystery offers I just had to build something for it. Ganzi seemed like an amazing fit and I managed to trade for one, so now they're waiting for some GM XP before I send them out to the world.

Characters I'm still working on::

Half-elf havocker witch. I know this archetype is terrible but I just really wanted to make a half-elf with access to paragon surge and then I realized it's not even good on a witch because the Int buff is enhancement bonus and augh. I just really like this concept now on a conceptual level. Plus it would finally force me to learn how to play a kineticist.

Rapport discipline psychic. Just themed around the phrase "but so far, everything's going well". Not sure how to go about this further than that.

Some sort of dwarf bard. Sweet, mild-mannered, gentle young dwarf, fresh out of his teenage years, specializing in soft rock versions of mining songs (I'm sure someone can come up with a pun involving a soft type of mineral). Joined the Pathfinders because of all the tall, handsome men.

Nagaji avenger vigilante. Just a dude who hits hard. Waiting for a specific boon for this guy before I make him. Also, his entire shtick will be to play nothing but replays, because why not.

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TerminalArtiste wrote:
Slothsy wrote:
Okay, we need to put together a dance pop Starfinder playlist.

Start it off with Starships?

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Rysky wrote:
Slothsy wrote:


4/5 5/5

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I play a character who worships Bastet and I essentially fluff him as being from a distant, forgotten-by-the-world desert monastery where Bastet has been worshiped for centuries. Osirion is a huge place with millennia of buried history. I'd say it's pretty easy to make up a little community where the Old Gods are still the primary religion/s.

4/5 5/5

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Zahra Senay wrote:
So, there is an NPC Zahra that is a famous Pathfinder and possibly a VC? Oh yay! A role-model for Zahra, my very first character!

Once you get to play the adventure she features in, you... might not want to use her as a role model. Just sayin'.

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4/5 5/5

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I started running games (well technically, I ran one game) back when GMing a scenario meant you couldn't play it and there was no such thing as GM stars... so you could say my stars have been in the pipeline for a bit. ;D

Thank you all! I hope I'm worthy of the purple shinies.

4/5 5/5

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I am very disappointed with this!

Why does Stephen not have "pig" as a ranged weapon??

4/5 5/5

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Alanya wrote:

I just checked, and it's not in my downloads either :(

Edit: OH! Shiny new star!!! :)

Five-star hi-five! o/

4/5 5/5

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James Anderson wrote:
Ran this last night, running it again tonight. One problem I've found with it is that is has a hard time coping with invisible / stealthy players.

Ran this... I forget if it's two or three times now? Fixed that for you.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know this doesn't fall entirely under PFS ruling, so feel free to flag this for the Rules forum, but I would like to see this clarified for PFS in specific so I don't have to ask every GM for their opinion on each individual skill and situation (essentially, I would like to see a PFS houserule on how this functions until errata or a general FAQ is provided).

For those less in the loop: spiritualist phantoms can either manifest in ectoplasmic or incorporeal form, or remain within their spiritualist's subconscious. It is unclear and nebulous at best what they can do while not manifested, other than use some class abilities.

The reason I bring this up is the Exciter archetype from Horror Adventures. Said archetype loses the ability to manifest their phantom at all - it is permanently confined to their subconscious. This got me to analyzing what, if anything at all, the phantom can do to help the spiritualist.

It is unclear what a phantom even does while it's not manifested. Is it conscious? Can it communicate with its spiritualist? Presumably it does not have senses and cannot communicate with or observe the world around the spiritualist even if it is conscious. If it is conscious, it should be able to use its link ability to communicate with its spiritualist.

All of the below would be assumed to be communicated to the spiritualist only, and all of the descriptions of assistance below would be to the spiritualist only as well.

Clearly out:
- Any sort of physical action on the phantom's part (Climb, Acrobatics, Stealth, so on)
- Perception and Sense Motive (the phantom doesn't physically exist (?) so it doesn't have senses and can't observe anything)

If not out, at least mostly useless:
- UMD and Spellcraft (I can't recall seeing a situation where the former could be aided at; the phantom can't cast Detect Magic and therefore would rarely be of use in the latter)

Requires GM fiat:
- Assisting on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Bluff rolls (the spiritualist could mentally repeat everything that has been discussed or, in the case of Intimidate, tell the phantom what is going on; the phantom would dictate what is said in response and how, or just give points and counterpoints)
- Assisting on Disable Device rolls that do not need to be done in a hurry (the phantom could offer assistance based on the spiritualist's description)
- Knowledge rolls to identify creatures in combat with a penalty and maybe an ingame time delay (similarly to how some GMs allow PCs to identify creatures based on physical descriptions or their names with a penalty)

Requires GM fiat but (hopefully) sounds reasonable:
- Knowledge rolls that are not for identifying creatures in combat, maybe with a penalty or ingame time delay (the spiritualist can explain to the phantom what they're trying to remember details on)
- Linguistics, Heal, and Appraise rolls that do not have to be done in a hurry, maybe with a penalty and with an ingame time delay (the spiritualist can explain to the phantom what they are observing and the phantom can deduce based on the description)

Naturally, all of this is pointless speculation if it is ruled that a non-manifested phantom is not conscious and can do nothing while not manifested, or that a phantom is conscious and can communicate with its spiritualist but regardless cannot roll skill checks of any kind.

Comments are welcome and indeed much desired. I presume most answers to this topic will be "GM fiat" and "expect table variation", but I'd love to see at least a basic clarification on whether skills can be rolled at all or not. (Okay, what I actually presume is that I've just somehow overlooked a portion of Occult Adventures where all of this is explained and someone will point it out to me within five minutes, causing me great shame.)

4/5 5/5

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Fromper wrote:
I've thought about making Ledford as a PC. Never got around to it. Also, I was kinda waiting for that scenario to be retired, but it hasn't happened yet.

If I ever need to make a halfling PC, I fully intend to make a halfling skald named Lemford.

4/5 5/5

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The living grimoire archetype for an inquisitor is already hilarious enough, what with hitting enemies literally with the word of your god. It got better today during a fight when the instigator decided to try and make a run for it. My inquisitor ran after her, noticed he wasn't going to catch up, and decided to try and stop her... throwing his book at her.

I promptly rolled a natural 20, confirmed the crit and knocked her out cold.

After which my inquisitor walked over to the unconscious enemy, picked up his book, dusted it off, and cast returning weapon on it just in case.

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I... am just going to go giggle in the corner about the name.

(Vesk doesn't mean anything in Finnish, but conjugation is a thing in Finnish, "veski" is a colloquialism for bathroom, and "veska" is another for handbag. Puns will abound.)

4/5 5/5

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Minna Hiltula wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

"you just carry around a familiar satchel?

"Yes. For irresponsible pet owners." *tap tap taps pointy stick

My witch still carries her crab in a bucket because aquarium balls are so prohibitively expensive and heavy...


I don't have any siblings. This posed a challenge this weekend at a con, when I finally got to play my martial multiclass monstrosity (bloodrager/fighter/swashbuckler at level 3) in From the Tome of Righteous Repose. She's the older sister of my housemate's blackblade magus and they got to adventure together for the first time. They're both martial classes, sylphs, and apparently nightmares to be around.

Our party was rounded out by a mask-wearing oread monk and the pregen bard. The tone of the game was immediately set by us rolling Knowledge rolls at the start of the scenario: Lem rolled bardic knowledge and my character proceeded to comment "Lem, get back under the table". It went downhill from there. Our characters ran around the dungeon, killing everything in sight within a few rounds and shamelessly using Lem as a wand holder. At one point, my character got fatigued, so we went and napped in front of the dungeon door to make sure nobody could escape with our sweet loots. At another, the monk went unconscious and the magus pulled his mask off to feed him a potion... and just as the mask came off and we saw the oread's weird bishonen face for the first time, Lem managed to heal him back into consciousness, causing the monk to panic and punch the magus hovering over him in the face.

Due to circumstances (and the relative stupidity of all characters present) we ended up finishing in two hours with 0 PP. Everyone enjoyed the game immensely.

4/5 5/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
Minna Hiltula wrote:
I have access to True Dragons, but not Maelstrom. Which is super weird since I don't have the stars required for True Dragons.
Actually, as a VL you get a +1 to your star count to qualify for running exclusive content. So, you qualify as a 5 star and can GM both.

Fun fact: I became a VL after that post. :D At that time, I was a lowly VA.

4/5 5/5

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- Someone who has 30k loose money at level 8 because "I can't think of anything to buy"
- A roguish kind of archer with a massive toolbag of items and weapons and Str 8
- A character specializing in one thing only so they either skip half of any given combat or dominate it entirely
- A goofy buff lesbian in really swanky armor who somehow ends up being the butt monkey of the party
- A fun but effective, not excessively complicated character with a really good backstory no one will ever get to hear
- A Dex-based character with spellcasting abilities who ends up turning out kind of useless by level 7, usually by level 5

You did say "if you and your friends"...

4/5 5/5

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Alchemikal Experiments.

4/5 5/5

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Any idea on when the quarter is changing? *eyes prospective dhampir concept nervously*

4/5 5/5

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The Confirmation keeps giving once in a while...

As usual, it's the final boss:
Well, for once it wasn't the boss itself - it was the creek.

We were running two games for a prospective new player to show them the ropes, and two of the players were my housemates, one of whom was playing her ifrit cavalier. She'd been in a few scenarios already and my housemate was using her one second-level playthrough of the scenario, so said cavalier was decked out in a brand new full plate. She charged ahead to protect Janira from the minotaur, stepped onto the log, and promptly fell off.

She then spent the majority of the battle (at least three or four rounds) trying to get back into the fight, because despite having a high Strength score and a rank in Swim, the ACP and cold (perhaps even mountain-brook cold) dice meant she just couldn't roll high enough to get out of the creek. At least one round was spent entirely submerged (I ruled a Medium character in full plate would be too heavy to start drifting downstream) and two others were spent standing up, yelling "I've got this!" at the rest of the party, and then falling over again after another failed check.

That ifrit already hated water, but by jove, now she has a reason to.

Also, some illustrations of the event.

4/5 5/5

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Version 8.1 of the Guide will have the wayfinder included. It was omitted from 8.0 due to an editing error. Tonya and John have stated on multiple occasions that the wayfinder is meant to be in the Guide and accessible in CORE.

4/5 5/5

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Create more resources in Finnish for the community to use for attracting new players and GMs.
Help create a new games registration and gaming discussion forum to replace our current one, which is being shut down.
Draw as many of my characters as I can.

4/5 5/5

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Nefreet wrote:
But giving up your Forum Handle is, so it's unlikely I'll ever apply.

I almost didn't, because seeing my government slave name all over these boards is really scary...

4/5 5/5

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Lorewalker wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Tallow wrote:
Ragoz wrote:

I think Raise Dead is a better option. It fits all the recommendations for Commune but with a price discount much more in line with Permanency.

I think Raise Dead is much more iconic and when you need it you really need it.

And it's permanent.
Tell that to the GMs.
Barbarian casts greataxe and dispels Raise Dead.

Wouldn't that count more as Spell Sunder?

4/5 5/5

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I threw this list together because eh, I had a Sunday.

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are only obtained if the characters are successful at their research of the poem at the start of the scenario.

Belkzen Location Loot, Subtier 3-4:

  • wand of cure moderate wounds (5 charges; 450 gp, limit 1)
  • wand of protection from evil (7 charges; 105 gp, limit 1)
  • traveler's any-tool
  • fire ward gel*
  • shadow essence poison (250 gp, limit 4)
  • antiplague (50 gp)
  • wand of burning hands (CL 5th, 23 charges; 1,725 gp, limit 1)

Belkzen Location Loot, Subtier 6-7:

  • wand of cure serious wounds (5 charges; 1,125 gp, limit 1)
  • wand of protection from evil (7 charges; 105 gp, limit 1)
  • traveler's any-tool
  • deathblade poison (1,800 gp, limit 1)
  • fuse grenade (100 gp)
  • shadow essence poison (250 gp, limit 4)
  • volatile vaporizer (2,200 gp)
  • bloodletting kukri (6,308 gp)
  • amulet of elemental vengeance (combines the effects of an amulet of elemental strife and a necklace of fireballs [four 4d6 spheres remaining]; 6,250, limit 1)

Lastwall Location Loot, Subtier 3-4:

  • traveler's any-tool
  • wand of cure moderate wounds (5 charges; 450 gp, limit 1)
  • wand of protection from evil (7 charges; 105 gp, limit 1)
  • +1 flaming ammunition (166 gp, limit 2)*
  • gem of four elements (acts as an elemental gem but allows the user to summon a Large air, earth, fire, or water elemental; 2,750 gp, limit 1)
  • belt of tumbling (800 gp)
  • daredevil boots (1,400 gp)
  • wand of vanish (CL 4th, 24 charges; 1,440 gp, limit 1)

Lastwall Location Loot, Subtier 6-7:

  • traveler's any-tool
  • wand of cure serious wounds (5 charges; 1,125 gp, limit 1)
  • wand of protection from evil (7 charges; 105 gp, limit 1)
  • +1 holy ammunition (366 gp, limit 2)*
  • gravewatch pendant (6,000 gp)
  • ghostvision gloves (4,000 gp)
  • knight’s pennon of battle (4,500 gp)
  • wand of daylight (17 charges; 3,825 gp, limit 1)

Ustalav Location Loot, Subtier 3-4:

  • traveler's any-tool
  • wand of cure moderate wounds (5 charges; 450 gp, limit 1)
  • wand of protection from evil (7 charges; 105 gp, limit 1)
  • soul stimulant (300 gp)*
  • +1 fire-forged longsword (2,615 gp)
  • restorative ointment (4,000 gp)
  • wand of gust of wind (18 charges; 4,050 gp, limit 1)

Ustalav Location Loot, Subtier 6-7:

  • traveler's any-tool
  • wand of cure serious wounds (5 charges; 1,125 gp, limit 1)
  • wand of protection from evil (7 charges; 105 gp, limit 1)
  • soul stimulant (300 gp)*
  • +1 undead-bane longsword (8,315 gp)
  • martyr’s tear (6,000 gp)
  • restorative ointment (4,000 gp)

Dragon Arc Loot, Subtier 3-4:

  • cloak of the hedge wizard (2,500 gp)

Dragon Arc Loot, Subtier 6-7:

    No additional items

Raiders Arc Loot, Subtier 3-4:

  • ring of arcane signets (1,000 gp)

Raiders Arc Loot, Subtier 6-7:

  • ring of arcane signets (1,000 gp)
  • miser’s mask (3,000 gp)

Undead Crusader Arc Loot, Subtier 3-4:

  • searing arrow (1,516 gp)
  • aegis of recovery (1,500 gp)

Undead Crusader Arc Loot, Subtier 6-7:

  • searing arrow (1,516 gp)
  • aegis of recovery (1,500 gp)
  • immovable rod (5,000 gp)

The Orc Troop Arc does not contain any loot that is available on the chronicle.

Simply open the spoilers for the location and plot arc you chose and the appropriate subtier. The items listed under each spoiler are items that can be obtained for the chronicle with that specific location or plot (as per usual, the party has to actually find those items). Do NOT add the items for the lower tier to the higher tier, as the characters are not meant to gain access to the wands for the lower tier if they play the higher tier; all of the tiers have all of their included loot listed. Some of the options listed for high tier will be on the low tier item list.

Magic items aren't italicized because formatting this was already a nightmare.

4/5 5/5

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Nefreet wrote:
I totally thought this was going to be a spoiler-full thread of dangerous random encounters that GMs had created.

I was hoping for that and dreaded it would be what it actually was.

4/5 5/5

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JERRY WAYNE 333 wrote:
Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
What do we do if the party won't choose a side?
I would say they leave the site and do not achieve the primary prestige point. If they won't choose a side, they will never gain an audience with one of the tribe's leaders who has the information about Jamila's whereabouts and her connection to the Concordance of Elements. And that's the primary success condition.

I'm running this in 45 minutes and I can absolutely already say that at least one of my players will insist on trying to negotiate a peace treaty between the two tribes so they can get on the good sides of both. Probably more than one. I've had players express frustration over "pick a side" scenarios before and I doubt this one will be any different.

4/5 5/5

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I love how these threads always take place on weekends so that Paizo doesn't have time to respond to them officially before they turn into maelstroms. *sigh*

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