Clearly, there have been some good ideas behind this scenario. Unfortunately, the moment I started reading it, the whole scenario felt... off. The editing felt like it had been hacked with a scythe: this, I discovered later, was due to the scenario originally being extremely over length. The content doesn't feel like it necessarily merited this. Still, the amount of editing this scenario has taken makes reading the GM thread in the Pathfinder Society section of the Paizo forums mandatory reading. Without it, even the GM might not figure out the plot of this scenario. The players definitely won't.
Another thing the players won't figure out unless they have a very, very specific skill set and are incredibly lucky in a few places: they won't have the slightest understanding of what's going on behind the scenes. They can and probably will succeed at their mission if they put any effort at all into it, but they will leave none the wiser about what happened. The story revolves around very specific set pieces, some of which can only be properly approached with the most incredibly limited skill set I have ever seen in a scenario, making the mystery behind the mystery almost completely unsolvable on Tier 1-2 (sure, a way to solve it has been given, but the players will almost certainly use the solution on the wrong problem). Similarly, some of the combats are absolute insanity at Tier 1-2 - it feels like no thought has been given to the lower tier at all, and this should have been adapted into a 3-7 instead. In addition, one of the greatest issues here is that the investigation portion of this investigation scenario is mostly useless, to the point where it almost feels like a red herring. Things will happen regardless of whether the PCs actively do something or just sit around picking lint out of their navels. It also feels like the investigation has been truncated, and doesn't fill out the time before the next mandatory event carries the plot along, leaving players potentially frustrated and making attempts to break the scenario.
The combats feel like they've been slapped on as an afterthought, even the ones that are incredibly difficult, with the exception being the optional encounter, which is plot-relevant - making it an absolutely INSANE choice for the optional encounter. One of my players suggested mid-run that one of the enemies could easily have been replaced with a more interesting one that is of a similar CR.
Certain parts of the scenario (especially the loot) feel like they're built for a homebrew system or a different setting. They're cool and all, but don't feel like they belong in standard PFS. The section of the lore that has been referenced in Pathfinder sourcebooks before feels accurate, but everything new similarly feels like it doesn't quite fit Golarion (including the oddly specific, real-life-Earth-accurate science tidbits).