And that's all, folks! Recruitment is officially closed! I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who chipped in with ideas, advice, lists, questions and most importantly characters! You guys have given me a mammoth task, I've seen some great characters here already so making a decision is going to be rough for sure.
I'm going to give 72hrs as my cut-off, so expect a decision by Sat 15th March, 2100hrs AEST. I really want to dig into everyone's sheet and try to build the party I think will fit best, and be most fun for us all to follow on this adventure.
For those who haven't yet, feel free to throw your fluff post it. Or, save it for your first gameplay post if chosen. Good luck everyone, I'll probably go silent here until the decision is made.
Skill: Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan - Iskender - Elf Unchained Rogue
Jack of All Trades: Albion, The Eye - Reknar - Half-orc Bard
Liliyashanina - (WiP) - Human Skald
John Woodford - Retsiji - Half-orc Alchemist
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainwright -Half-elf Alchemist.
KoolKobold ??
wanderer82 - ??
Roles that a class can fill?:
Does the Class have?
Combat: Full or 3/4 BAB with abilities that boost combat effectiveness and NOT have access to level 7 or above spells?
Skilled: 6+ Skill points, or 4 skill points with utility abilities that enhance skills or use them in novel ways.
Divine: access to the Cure Spells?
Arcane: access to arcane spells/infusions?
Sounds like a Classic Build,
though ASF will be an issue if wearing armour and would need to burn a feat or two to remove or reduce it (Arcane Armor Training)...
(one reason I pick Bard or Skald for the arcane spell caster requirement for Arcane Archer)
Try approaching it the other way around.
Don't pick, like the dice semi-randomise the Race and Class, and then work from there. You'll get a more interesting character out of it.
Skill: Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan - Iskender - Elf Unchained Rogue
Jack of All Trades: Albion, The Eye - Reknar - Half-orc Bard
Liliyashanina - (WiP) - Human Skald
John Woodford - Retsiji - Half-orc Alchemist
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainwright -Half-elf Alchemist.
Does the Class have?
Combat: Full or 3/4 BAB with abilities that boost combat effectiveness and NOT have access to level 7 or above spells?
Skilled: 6+ Skill points, or 4 skill points with utility abilities that enhance skills or use them in novel ways.
Divine: access to the Cure Spells?
Arcane: access to arcane spells/infusions?
@pinvendor, I've done a bit of reading around about the summoner class in PbP, seems to be pretty unpopular for a number of reasons. I'm happy to have a look at a tentative normal summoner build, but if it looks like there will be issues we may have to make an adjustment. I'm going to try for a theatre-of-the-mind game, and I fear that the summoner could make things super clunky. But, I'm an open minded guy; have a go if you want to, and we can take it from there.
@RHMG, tracking your statement reference the NPCs; I've had a few players reach out with a similar question. I figure once the group is selected we can spend a day or so making those connections prior to the first gameplay post.
Same goes for inter-party relations. I'm hopefuly that we can find some synergy between members and establish links once the group composition is firm.
There is another way now that I think about it, and is more on the player then the GM.
Better if it was in the OP as a requirement from the start through.
A requirement could of been made to create 3 NPCs they know in town.
Each one would require;
Name, Race, Class
Relationship and or History, and some notes on Description and their personality.
Holding a Session Zero for working on the connections to town and NPCs, can be very interesting and get each character to know the others without starting the main game.
Skill: Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan - Iskender - Elf Unchained Rogue
Jack of All Trades: Albion, The Eye - Reknar - Half-orc Bard
Liliyashanina - (WiP) - Human Skald
John Woodford - Retsiji - Half-orc Alchemist
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainwright -Half-elf Alchemist.
KoolKobold ??
wanderer82 - ??
Roles that a class can fill?:
Does the Class have?
Combat: Full or 3/4 BAB with abilities that boost combat effectiveness and NOT have access to level 7 or above spells?
Skilled: 6+ Skill points, or 4 skill points with utility abilities that enhance skills or use them in novel ways.
Divine: access to the Cure Spells?
Arcane: access to arcane spells/infusions?
@RHMG Animator: You have me (Shadow Dragon) listed twice. I don't want the GM to think I paid you to to list me twice to double my chances of making the table...
slides unmarked envelope to RHMG Animator
Checks envelope's contents, smiles at the voucher for a free Nvidia Tesla L40 card, checks things out.
I grabbed the list from AJM4885, and it had the error.
it seems my sorting brought it to into a more visible view.
Skill: Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan - Iskender - Elf Unchained Rogue
Jack of All Trades: Albion, The Eye - Reknar - Half-orc Bard
Liliyashanina - (WiP) - Human Skald
John Woodford - Retsiji - Half-orc Alchemist
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainwright -Half-elf Alchemist.
I do agree, however parts can be open to interpretation of where the character is going for roles. (also, you didn't roll your wealth.)
The GM can re-classify the categories for characters in the list.
This is my opinion as I made the list categories and sorted.
The ROLE a character plays is given by it's class features and design which could shift depending on the party or even over the course of the game (if no-one multi classes into another role).
Bards fill every role, and if the party is full of fighters, well then that Bard is likely gonna be filling in the non-fighter roles to round out the party, yes.
Also I'm playing a skill/face bard in another game, guess what I became the medic as those that could heal other then my character, kept getting KOed.
When your a Bard don't always expect to play the role you plan on, odds there that your might be filling in another roll.
Finally got to adding some fluff for her and double checking some things.
You found which religion?
As Dinah moved into Phaendar around that time, she's a priestess of Kurgress.
Who knows maybe got his clock cleaned by her, as she's sensitive about her scars from some tough fights.
Erastil, for this adventure, the idea of community seemed to fit as did a god with it as a concern :)
Skill: Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan - Iskender - Elf Unchained Rogue
Jack of All Trades: Albion, The Eye - Reknar - Half-orc Bard
Liliyashanina - (WiP) - Human Skald
John Woodford - Retsiji - Half-orc Alchemist
Luke_Parry - Harold Wainwright -Half-elf Alchemist.
Finally got to adding some fluff for her and double checking some things.
Craig Lawrence wrote:
In our for what it is worth department, if anyone else is a native to the town, it is possible they know Craig and his family already. If we both get selected, let me know if you want to have them be friends or what not.
Craig used to be a bit of a punk five years ago, but straightened his life out, found religion so to speak and so on. It's possible he got his clock cleaned by someone five years ago and DESERVED it, and he has made his apologies since then.
You found which religion?
As Dinah moved into Phaendar around that time, she's a priestess of Kurgress.
Who knows maybe got his clock cleaned by her, as she's sensitive about her scars from some tough fights.
That's why I wish Paizo would include more local NPCs and locations in their Player's Guides to the APs so PCs could make local connections.
Yeah, I agree.
Though the GM could list out some of the NPCs and a basic idea of who they are and what they do.
The GM could also make some customer NPCs that they add in and give us a "IronFang Invasion Player's guide NPC connections booklet."
If your an Elf you have no need for the exotic weapon prof feat for any Elven weapon, but other exotics yes you'll need it.
Elf Racial Traits from Archive of Nethys wrote:
Weapon Familiarity:
Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows),
and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
also your the first player I've run into that took an exotic weapon feat other then me with another character using a Fullblade.
not in the original post, Read My WHOLE post with the question,
if approved the GM just needs to roll a 1d4, and that one roll selects my character's race.
I'm also gambling which class I have, so little chance for a optimal race+Class combo, and this system leads to interesting results
The reason for both to be gambled for a chance at once race is to make the how gamble more RISK then REWARD.
Also Changelings have a LOWER RP value then most core race, unlike aasimar and tieflign which are a higher RP value then core races.
Would you allow playing a *Changling, if I gambled for it?
As I'm thinking of throwing the dice to decide on my race and class combo.
Just need a 1d4 roll
Elf, Half-elf, Human, Changeling
then I'll roll the classes
Ass/Skill: Brawler, Fighter, Rogue, Ranger Div/Arc: Cleric,Warpriest,Sorcerer,Alchemist
* Changelings are 6 RP, 4 RP less then a human (10 RP)
What books can we take Feats and or spells from?
As I know Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic have a number of feats and Spells players tend to very readily take?
Ultimate Combat also has the Rogue Alternate Class, Ninja.
My current aim for Classes is CORE only, followed by using the APG if not possible, and I am trying to avoid the ACG hybrid classes (I only like three of them; Bloodrager, Brawler and Warpriest).
I know, so it is not a option for the game. But I was adding that there was another option for teamwork feat spread then Cavalier with it's mount issue.
which could mean Attacks of Opportunity for everyone every round.
Scarier is if there are 2 or 3 characters doing the same, and everyone has combat reflexes.
What about a Cavalier spreading teamwork feats around? Trip Teamwork feats are pretty nasty.
Though with no archetypes you would be stuck with a mount that probably won't get much use because Paizo doesn't make maps that conform to large PCs lol
There is also a Skald archetype (Battle Scion) that can spread around teamwork feats for a limited time.
Definitely got some good stats for a good front liner....
Though could work with the other roles....
Though with Elephant in the Room in play, I could whip up a disruptive fighter using combat manuvers,
which could mean Attacks of Opportunity for everyone every round.
Scarier is if there are 2 or 3 characters doing the same, and everyone has combat reflexes.
GM Two-Hands wrote:
PHB races only. I know this might sound boring to some, but I like to keep it a little vanilla for immersion's sake.
What about alternate racial traits, like those found in the ARG?