RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 8 Season Dedicated Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 592 posts (8,661 including aliases). 8 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters. 35 aliases.
I've been highly interested in getting involved in a PbP full AP for quite some time now. I've got a long list of PbP games I've played on my campaigns tab if you are using past posting as part of your selection criteria. Mostly PFS and modules. I did play in Reign of Winter with a group of friends, but we took it offline starting with Book 4 and I've been itching to get back on the boards in an AP ever since.
I've got a handful of ideas that I could adapt for any one of the APs you have suggested. The only one I would not be able to participate in is Kingmaker, I'm already in a local game for that one. I would prefer to see what game is actually in the barrel to run and then cultivate a character that fits that APs flavor.
If you are looking for votes to determine how much interest you have in the different selections, I would personally vote for Shattered Star.
Ok, so I've been itching to get into an AP on here for a while, but it looks like this one won't be the one. I've tried for the last few days to come up with something, but I just can't think of anything that I can really get excited about. There are too many other good submissions on here, so I will respectfully withdraw.
Heyo! So I'd like to dot here to mention I am interested. Looks like there is a fair amount of time left to come up with a proper submission. I've been itching to get into a PbP AP for a while now, and what better way to learn 2E than to dive in head first!
Just wanted to drop in to say I am interested in this. I've not yet had a chance to play 2E - and really only had a chance to talk about it in passing. In that vein, I don't have a character but I've got more than one idea rolling around in the bin between my ears that I'm sure I could fit with a class that fits with the party. I think I would fit what you are looking for quite well - I PbP because I like the way I can tell a story. I'm quite willing to commit to regular posting as well!
I'll submit one of my ideas for you to consider with the caveat that I'm happy to roll with the punches if you choose me as a player but the group prefers I roll with a different PC.
7th born son to Murenas Pitius, standing member of court in Cheliax and Dominus of a gladiator ring in the eastern reaches of Longmarch, Pollo Pitius grew up an optimistic little scrapper. Too far down his family's line to pay attention to, he never really took time to realize what inheritance he might have missed out on. As far as Pollo was concerned, life was perfect. He lived above the mud, which meant that rolling in it was his choice. Besides, who needs an inheritance when all you need is a couple of good sturdy slaves you can teach to fight, and build your own wealth in the ring?
The older Pollo got, the more the magic and pageantry of the gladiator ring called to him. It wasn't so much that he was trying to follow in his father's footsteps. He was simply... enchanted by the thrill of a good fight. He would watch all day and night if he could. No one at home bothered to pay attention to his whereabouts except on the nights of the formal gatherings in his home. (empty seats at the grand table were grounds for whipping) He picked apart every fight. He took notes of the different teams belonging to the other Domini, their fighting style, and critiqued their flaws. He imagined how he would teach them, train them, and deploy them to dominate the ring. Bookies began to stop taking his wagers, or instead began giving him terrible odds on account of his knack for picking the right side. He still doesn't remember the moment, but somewhere along the way he knew that it was his destiny to build his own stable of fighters. He took that passion to his own fighting lessons. Instead of seeing and endless career in the military as his lot in life, he saw the training as a means to an end.
One day, Pollo's father was rather abruptly no longer a member of the court. He announced to his family that he had retired, though it didn't take a soothsayer to figure out that something had happened. His father had lost his position, but somehow managed to keep his status. It was the break Pollo had been waiting for. He sent a letter to a cousin he had only met a few times, hoping any cache his last name had left would at least help him get out of the country where he could start to build his own empire, brick by brick.
Name: Pollo Pitius
Ancestry: Human
Background: Lesser Scion
Class: Fighter
"Get baubles from ship I say. Good plan! Lightning Jack and Singing Elf excellent planners. Maybe say heirloom is steering wheel for ship. Say we can bring baubles up for dragon if he like, if they there. Silly little details though, I think we good. Where this dragon at, we in his waters yet?"
Totally good with that plan, sounds amazing. I don't know that we have to whittle down every last detail, I think we have a solid enough plan we can roll with whatever punches get thrown our way. I say let's do this!
Ok, so I am narrowing in on an Ulfen Transmuter Wizard. Having fun picturing a skinny ulfen boy who can't hang with the big, tough, ulfen barbarian-ish tribe he is from. (all coincidences with Hiccup and HTTYD are purely coincidental)
If that gives anyone heartburn, let me know. I don't want to play an evoker necessarily, but I won't be skipping on offensive spells either. I would try to cover the knowledges as best I can, and when it comes to combat would tend to more support roles, buffing and debuffing.
Typing that out makes me think (not for the first or last time) that perhaps I should give a witch a try. Something about that class just makes me want to not play it every time I consider it, but I can't quite put my finger on what that is.
I've got him started in Herolab, but needs some more work before I link anything here. Just wanted to get that out there in case anyone had thoughts to offer one way or the other.
FYI - Pooka is my order of the paw halfling cavalier. I freaking love him. Order of the Paw is a fantastic choice, IMO. Fits well with Erastil as well I would say.
Woohoo! I haven't had a good character building discussion in a while. I am all a twitter with excitement. :)
FYI - I would love to fill the magical trap gap with dispel magic, if your fancy is an archeologist. IMO - Optimizing is great fun. I do it a lot. But fun is more fun that optimizing. So I would advocate to pick a class that sounds like fun, make a smashing fun character around it, and we can worry about shortcomings in our group as they come around.
I used to play wizards all the time, and got away from it. I've found great joy in the Inquisitor class, and have attempted a couple of times to rekindle my love for wizards. As I mentioned, I am ok filling party needs if everyone gets their heart set on something.
If I go wizard, I tend to prefer familiars for the RP (particularly when it comes to PbP). I would love to get some input from someone who has clearly been around the wizard block!
I'm hoping to spend some time on HeroLab this week, I'll post what I come up with. When I get some time today, I'll give you my thoughts on what you have so far also Michael.
Hi everyone! Thanks for thinking of me and for the invite! This module had interested me for a while, I'm excited to get a chance to play. Im completely on board with your terms above GM, sounds like my kind of game!
As far as characters, i'm pretty flexible. Ive played just about everything at one point or another. I am happy to help fill party needs.
I wouldn't mind rolling up a bookworm wizard if the is a need for arcane and knowledge skills.
@Michael - lemme just say if a cavalier peaks your interest, you should give a halfling cavalier a look. Medium sized mount (wolf or dog) can go anywhere the medium sized humanoids go. I love mine.
I've got a lvl 9 inquisitor (archer) who is wrapping up a game, and I would love to get him into another PbP Gameday game for the second half. I was diligent about finding games to sign up for back in July, but forgot I needed to do the same for the second part!
Just wanted to let you know that another of the games I was on a waitlist for had a drop, so this character is now committed. Thanks for keeping me on the list, I appreciate it! If you decide to run this scenario again in the future I would definitely be interested in joining, assuming I have a character for it. Good luck and have fun!
So I have a level 9 Inquisitor that I am still hoping to get into a PbP Gameday game for the August 13th start. I am on a couple of waiting lists, but just wanted to throw it out there that I can be available.
If the stars aligned, it would be amazing to play 9-11 The Jarlsblood witch saga, but I would be happy to get a seat at most any table.
Essentially, there are many more formatting choices than we have here on the Paizo forums. A rainbow of colors for text. (we've taken to adopting a specific color for our characters, so in addition to bold for speech and italics for thought, we color the text as well. It really pops in a post)
Inline images, fieldsets to box your posts makes it look clean and sharp.
Integrated character sheets so that you can incorporate your rolls right into your flavor text, and with the right code it pulls all the relevant rolls right off of your character sheet.
Yea, it sounds like a lot. I was a lot when I started. I had a practice thread where I was able to just post all sorts of things to figure out how it all worked. Once you get the hang of it, its a snap.
One tip - I use google docs for all of my posts. All I have to do is create my post, with all of the normal formatting code I always use. Then just a quick copy/paste into the website and you get a fantastic looking post without redoing tons of formatting code every time.
Hello, I'm throwing my hat in the ring for this game. Would be happy to try one of the pregens that are listed.
Player: Papasteve08
Character (pregen or own character): Pregen - Brialla
PFS: 133958-9
Faction: Grand Lodge
Played/GMed this scenario before: No
Day job roll: N/A for pregens
I'm just going to throw this out here just in case someone sees it. Myth-weavers is noted as an acceptable site for PbP Gameday VII. The learning curve for formatting is pretty steep on that site, but I've been gaming there for a couple of years now. If you are looking for a player to sit at a table you are running on Myth-Weavers, but don't want to wait for someone to get up to speed - I'm your guy.
Hey all - I'm interested in finding a game for the upcoming PbP Gameday VII. I've gone to the website and it seems that even the games that are marked as open, most of them are already full when you follow the link to the recruitment or game page.
Just wanted to mention that I have a small stable of characters and would love to find a game!
It appears I've missed this one, but I wanted to put myself on a waitlist on the off chance a spot opens up. I have a Level 8 Inquisitor that I would enjoy bringing to this scenario. Happy to send you any more info you might need, should the opportunity come up. Thanks and sorry for popping in too late!
Hello - I am a little behind on this, but I have a lvl 8 Inquisitor I would love to play in this scenario. It looks like you have a full table, but if it turns out you get an extra seat just send me a note! Thanks!
Edit: I suppose I should give you my info, just in case.
Player Name: Papasteve08
Character Name: Boros Anwemane
PFS ID#: 133958-8
Faction: The Exchange
Race/Class/Level: Garuda-Blooded Aasimar/Inquisitor/8
I am interested in playing. I typically post between 8am and 4pm (Eastern Time, either GMT-4 or -5 depending on Daylight Savings). I am definitely capable of posting multiple times per day, generally within that timeframe. I can post in the evening as well, but my availability is generally limited, so I can't always promise that.
My character would be a human druid with a melee focus. I could be convinced to switch that to a caster focus, depending on the needs of the party. (I could also be convinced to switch class completely, if I am being honest)
Thanks for the opportunity! I encourage you to browse my PbP history to get a sense for the type of poster/player I am to make sure that fits with what you are looking for.
I've got a Changeling boon I would be happy to trade for another race boon. I'm not entirely sure what all is out there anymore, so feel free to PM me with an offer.
It's been a while since I have played PFS (2016 Gen Con) but I would be interested in dusting off the old PFS character stable. I've got a bevy of characters in a large range of levels. I've got a rather large list of games I've played over PbP if you want to take a look at my writing style.
It's also been a very long time since I have perused the recruitment threads... I'll keep searching for something posted, but thought it would be worth it to throw out a line on here.
Mark's answer makes sense. There is a difference between cold resistance and cold immunity. A white dragon with cold immunity wouldn't be affected by any cold temperature or weather (in fact, it's kind of his thing) but a creature that is only resistant to cold would eventually succumb to its effects in extreme conditions. They would obviously last longer than someone without resistance, but wouldn't last forever.
So I'm still not convinced that playing a Paladin is going to be all that great for party interaction, but the thought of collecting material components for spells and tracking weight, cost, etc sounds awful. (no offense)
That nearly tipped the scale to have me choose Human Fighter, for simplicity's sake alone, but then I realized that Paladins can't cast spells until 9th level anyways, so I decided what the heck, let's give it a try.
I'm also not convinced that being the guy that everyone else changes their behavior around will be all that fantastic anyways, but I've come up with some beginning ideas on how to embrace it.
I'll just live with the consequences of ignoring my actual wisdom score and being very naive.
another thing I have been considering... The reaction of the Christian community to D&D around the time frame of this coming out was... well let's just say if they weren't so judgemental (something Christian's aren't supposed to be) then maybe they would have been able to connect with a lot more people. Funny thing is, that is exactly what I see when I see the direction on how to play a Paladin in the Player's Handbook. Be judgemental and don't associate with the "bad people". (Jesus Christ's attitude was the exact opposite of this, but the religious leadership was remarkably like the way the handbook describes what a paladin is supposed to be in this game)
So with all that said, my Human Paladin is going to be very snarky and snide, and not happy with the "religion establishment" being so closeminded and judgemental. He will do what he is supposed to because he has to, but may not be happy with it.
So bring on the penalties and atonement spells. :) Let's do this!
Side note... after reading the benefits and restrictions of the Paladin class, no wonder everyone thinks of them as *Lawful Stupid* - It was built into the rules. Yeesh!
Reading up on the Paladin. If I choose that, then per the rules, I cannot associate with anyone of non-good alignment. I can only adventure with anyone that is non-evil neutral for 1 mission at best.
Seems extremely limiting to the choices of everyone else, and therefore a bit selfish. Phenomenal Cosmic Power!!!**eeeetiee beetie player space**
So... Hard Pass.
Human Druid it is!!!
Hopefully being a sub-class of cleric doesn't step on Surf's toes. Monk would have been cool, but short on Wisdom and Dexterity. C'est la vie!
Lockwood and I played in a game once where the order you rolled your scores in was fixed. Trying to figure out what character best fit that array of scores was challenging and a ton of fun. Sign me up for that again!
Going to take a second to apologize for the thread blast in gameplay!
Aaron and I had worked on that before Gen Con, but just finally got around to posting it. Don't feel obligated to read it all (or all of it at once). It was just a fun little thing to do to wrap up the Carrion Hill debacle...
AH - HA! I think I found the thread! At least you guys were posting in it yesterday so that's a start! Mikko, had a great time running your adventure, love the depth of the potential twists, clever! Jack, that was a great game to end on, even tho I spent most the time puking on my invisible shoes. Definitely interested in some pbp! Hopefully Steve and Aaron are down for some too!
Thanks, man! Very glad to hear that!
How'd it go for the PCs? Did any PCs die? How many groups ended up fighting the BBEG?
I'll try to clear up the mis-understanding... Vorathan didn't run it, he was referring to playing it at the table with me running it...
I can't bring myself to complain... About the only reason we complained about a GM last year was because he told a brand new PFS player to "Shut the F*&$ up and take the damage".
It wasn't because he didn't care (as far as I could tell) it was because he didn't read the scenario at all before we started playing. Preparation is key, and there was apparently zero prep work done. He didn't know what he was doing, or what was coming.
And I'll say it before Damien can - Damien's character was an Oread Inquisitor... No longer a character that you can't do in "normal" PFS play.
I do agree that the majority of it falls on the GMs head. A poorly prepared or bad GM can make a scenario seem awful that otherwise might not be. But the Scenario itself did have a few things that could have been better.
Sigh... You guys really make me wish I had been there :)
BTW, I'm not sure if you've totally given up with pbp, but I decided to run one scenario in GD5: Thralls of the Shattered God. Feel free to join, if you haven't played that one already.
Ah man. We played this. Our GM was the VC from Paris.
It is an awesome adventure and I really like it. Glad we played up.
And he was awesome too. I wish we had been able to hear him better, but I thought he did a fantastic job.
At least for me, the only bad experience of the whole weekend was Through the Maelstrom Rift. I personally put more of that on the GM who ran that for us than the scenario itself.
Setting aside the formulaic same-same-same aspect of every PFS scenario, there wasn't a single one we played that I didn't enjoy. Shoot, I even loved running Ward Asunder. I had as much fun running it as I would have had playing it. That's saying something for me... :)
He only destroyed two big bads in those fights. I mean, really... an archer doing 1d8+20+2d6 per shot? That's just not good enough. (or too good, I may be getting things backwards)
I said usually. Hell, with the way my dice were rolling, I couldn't even challenge you all. Of course, you were playing at an APL of almost 9 in a 7-11, so that should have been expected. :P
It would have been even easier if Steve's toon had flipping pulled his own weight in combat.
Seriously, learn how to make an optimized character, Steve :0
Nobody likes a ronald mcdonald showoff. The last thing I need is you guys making fun of me behind my back...