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RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter, 8 Season Dedicated Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 592 posts (8,661 including aliases). 8 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters. 35 aliases.
GM Ietsuna's 10-13 Fragments of Antiquity PFS - First Steps 1 of 3, In Service to Lore [PFS/DMK/EMS] The Emerald Spire Superdungeon "The Meat Grinder:" DM Norv's The Tomb of Horrors (inactive) AP #67-72 - Reign of Winter: Misfits Unchained (inactive) BobJones 5-02 Wardstone Patrol (Classic) Tier 3-4 (inactive) BobJones Scars of the ThirdCrusade (inactive) By Way of Bloodcove (inactive) The Confirmation - PbP Super-Alts with GM_PapaSteve (inactive) Crypt of the Everflame PbP (inactive) D&D&D (inactive) Dragon's Demand [retired] (inactive) Drongos - Heresy of Man (inactive) Drongos - The Blakros Connection (inactive) Drongos vs the Sea Witch (inactive) First Steps - PbP Gameday IV - GM_PapaSteve (inactive) The Fountain of Bethesda (inactive) The Frozen Stars - Mount Up (inactive) Gameday 7: The Dalsine Affair (inactive) Gameday VII! 9-20 Fury of the Final Blade (inactive) GD - NOWRUZ - Module Heroes for Highdelve (inactive) Glass River Rescue by TheBobJones (inactive) GM Auke's #10-00: The Hao Jin Cataclysm. PbP Gameday VIII (inactive) GM Hawthwile's Dragon's Demand (inactive) GM Ietsuna's 10-15 Tapestry's Trial (inactive) GM Ietsuna's Hao Jin Hierophant (inactive) GM Karma's #6-17 Fires of Karamoss (inactive) GM Silbeg's "Murder on the Throaty Mermaid" (inactive) GM Silbeg's #6-10 The Wounded Wisp (RPG) (inactive) GM Silbeg's Slayers: #3-01 The Frostfur Captives. (inactive) GM Silbeg's Thornkeep: The Forgotten Laboratory (inactive) GM SpiderBeard's Fall of Plaguestone (inactive) GM..Silbeg's We Be Goblins, Too (PbP Superstars) (inactive) GMBobJones PFS 3-10 Haunting of Hinojai (inactive) GMBobJones PFS 6-18 From Under Ice (inactive) GMTheBobJones #6–19: Test of Tar Kuata (inactive) GM_PapaSteve's 7-01 Between the Lines for the PbP SuperAlts (inactive) GM_PapaSteve's 7-10 The Consortium Compact for the PbP SuperAlts (inactive) GM_PapaSteve's The Confirmation for PbP Newbies [PbP Gameday IV] (inactive) Isle of Dread (inactive) Mists of Mwangi Table 2 (inactive) PbP Game Day IV PFS 5-14 Day of the Demon (inactive) PbP Gameday #3: GM Silbeg's Thornkeep: The Accursed Halls (inactive) PbP Gameday #3: GM..Silbeg's We Be Goblins (PbP Superstars) (inactive) PbP GameDay 3: PFS #5-99 Paths we Choose (3-4) (inactive) PbP GameDay 3: PFS #6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters (1-2) (inactive) PbP GameDay 3: PFS #6-08 The Segang Expedition (4-5) (inactive) PbP Gameday 4: 6-03 The Technic Siege (inactive) PbP GameDay 4: PFS #3-00 First Steps - Part I: In Service to Lore (inactive) PbP Gameday IV - GM Silbeg's 6-11 Slave Master's Mirror (inactive) PbP Gameday VII - #4-09 Blakros Matrimony - GM Nowruz (inactive) PFS 5-16 Destiny of the Sands Part 3: Sanctum of the Sages (inactive) PFS 6-01: Trial By Machine (inactive) PFS 6–05: Slave Ships of Absalom (inactive) Plunder and Peril Ship 1 (inactive) Scions of the Sky Key: Parts 1-3 (inactive) Silbeg's Slayers: #3-21: The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment (inactive) Silbeg's Slayers: Thornkeep: The Enigma Vaults (inactive) Silbeg's We Be Gobln's Free! (inactive) Throne of Night: Dark Frontiers (inactive) Zedroom: PbP Superstars (inactive) [Gameday VIII] GM Brew's The Daughter's Due 10-18 (inactive) [Gameday VII] GM Zoomba's The Lion's Justice (inactive) [PFS PbP] 0-06 Black Waters (inactive) [PFS] #6–20: Returned to Sky, with GM Picatrix (inactive) [PFS] DM Kludde's ongoing soul harvesting: recruitment for Low-Level PFS games (inactive) [PFS] GM Derek W's The Cyphermage Dilemma #4-15 (inactive) [PFS] GM kuey's Beyond the Halflight Path (#9-09) - GD7 (inactive) [PFS] Tide of Twilight (inactive) [PFS_Aerondor] 05-08 - The Confirmation (Table Green) (inactive) [PFS_Aerondor] 05-21: The Merchants Wake (inactive)