![]() So very sad to hear that… I recall one PBP session several years ago (Debt to the Quah it was, ran by GM Batpony) I got to play with him; I distinctly remember his gnome cleric in that one as he was such a witty and quirky character. I can still remember his name: Glastor Gilderhoff III. His character and mine had some witty repertoire about the lack of vowels in my name…and he also saved my character in the big boss battle at the end…memorable session that was… Prayers to him, his family, and close friends… ![]()
![]() DM Bigrin wrote:
Thanks, Bigrin, pm sent! ![]()
![]() Hi, I screwed up when reporting my Gameday Session; the data I entered was correct but I thought that everyone had rolled for a boon and overlooked one that hadn’t. And naturally, they rolled a 19 and won a boon. I tried sending an email asking this (to the email address listed in my confirmation email) but haven’t heard back. How do I go about correcting this? Thanks,
![]() Marcus Samuel wrote:
Roger that, Marcus, I’ll add you to the list…it’ll be a little while, but I won’t forget… ![]()
![]() Hugo Victor wrote: Would be interested...not doing anything else but drinking wine at this point in his career. Roger that. I’ll run Moonscar again for you, Sir Hendric, and Qstor after this one’s done; probably take a short break and then fire it up again while it’s fresh on my brain. I’ll give you a heads up beforehand so Hugo can cut back on the wine just a little to get in shape for a trek to the moon… ;) ![]()
![]() I originally posted this on the Gameday announcement page…but saw some GMs posted here for corrections to their Gameday submissions, so figured maybe I should post here? @Tyranius: Don’t know what I did wrong, but my Corpses in Kalsgard session got submitted twice (#71 & #72); I only entered it once, so not sure what happened. Can you please delete #72? ![]()
![]() Sorry qstor, I didn’t see where you posted interest…ah, I see it now. You were responding to Alie’s post and I overlooked it. I can’t go back and tell folk that I said were in that they’re not in now…but I can add you to the list with Sir Hendric and Victor Hugo and run it for you after I finish up this one. Again, I’m sorry… ![]()
![]() Sir Hendric the Vigilant wrote:
No worries, I will run it for you later…and for Victor Hugo as well if he’s still interested at that time. The prep work will already be done, so hopefully I’ll make less mistakes the second time around… I’m also hopeful the12+ tier will be available for the Gameday special; if so, perhaps my seeker can join yours in that one… ![]()
![]() As Alie and Wyrmkin already had a spot, there were 6 others (I thought noral was interested in the other scenario but she confirmed she was interested in Moonscar) whom expressed interest in Moonscar for the remaining 4 slots. I hate that I can’t take everyone but, since I’d like to see more seeker sessions available here on Flaxseed, I’ll do my best to run more of them and the two that miss out will be first in the barrel for the next one… I’ll give each prospective player a number matching the order that they showed interest and then let the fickle dice decide:: 1. Abraham Z.
12d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 1, 1) = 42 So the party will be: Alie Saechel
I will get this event submitted today and post a link to the thread…and I’ll also have Corpses in Kalsgard submitted as well… Victor Hugo & Sir Hendric, I’m sorry…but I’ve got your names and I’ll run another seeker module of your choice a little after I finish this one, even if it means running Moonscar again… ![]()
![]() Wow, Moonscar may be full before I even get it listed…I’ve noted those who’ve expressed an interest here: Abraham Z
I’ll pm Alie & Wyrmkin to make sure they still want to play so I’ll know how many slots I have left… @noral: Were you expressing interest in Moonscar or Corpses in Kalsgard? @PDK: As for Corpses in Kalsgard, no worries, I’ll hold you a spot alongside TOZ ![]()
![]() Mage of the Wyrmkin wrote: I am still looking to play the Moonscar which is 15-17 if anyone is fielding requests. :) Alie Saechel wrote:
I know how hard it is to find seeker sessions being run, I'll run Moonscar as part of Gameday and hold a spot for Alie & Wyrmkin, if y'all are still interested. From running you two thru Tomb of the Iron Medusa, you know you'll have to keep me straight from time to time, but I'll do my best. I'll try to get it submitted on the Gameday list within the next couple of days... Grandmaster TOZ wrote: I never did get to play #10-19 Corpses in Kalsgard, if someone wants to run that one. I think I even have some character in tier! TOZ, you've GM'ed me thru multiple PF1 scenarios, so I'd be happy to run that for you, if you like. I'll try to get it submitted in the next couple of days as well and I'll hold a spot for you... ![]()
![]() Zin Z'arin wrote: Hey Flaxseed GMs, there are only a half dozen games for those of us still playing PF1! This is my call to you for more games; help keep our system alive :) Yeah, I noticed that there are 40+ PF2 games listed, a dozen SF, and, as you said, 6 PF1 games (and 1 of those is because sv got so much demand, he generously agreed to do 2 tables of Weapons in the Rift). I fear PF1 is suffering a faster and steeper decline than I would've hoped, especially as I'm not really digging PF2 at all... I'll be adding another session some time before the deadline, perhaps a Seeker module as they're few and far between... Zin Z'arin wrote: I intend to GM one more game as well, but I'm waiting to hear about specials before I commit to anything else I'm awaiting to see how the specials play out as well...I'm hoping a GM volunteers to run a 12+ tier table for the special as I've got a seeker I'm anxious to get back to the table... ![]()
![]() Grandmaster TOZ wrote: Currently scheduled for session 3 of On Sevenfingers Sails this Sunday night. It’s a doozy of a scenario. Yeah, I got to run that one a while back...it was a fun scenario to GM...and I think the players had fun as well...the PC I gave the GM credit to has certainly had fun with one of the boons from that chronicle... ![]()
![]() Hi GM Mauve, I’d be interested in this, probably play an Elven Ranger…I’ve played under you before, I was Wymarc in the Faithless & Forgotten series you ran… As for background, an Elf that has a grudge against the Drow, a sort of blood feud from long ago, that has journeyed into the Darklands on occasion…will fill more in later… ![]()
![]() I’m in a Reign of Winter AP PBP that started a little over 4 years ago…we’re on our third GM but there are still 4 of us that have been playing since day one…we recently started book 4… I think I’d be interested in playing WotR, Mythic or not. I’ve never played with Mythic before so I’m sure I wouldn’t miss it… ![]()
![]() nightdeath wrote:
Hi nightdeath, currently I'm able to reach it just fine but I have had some issues with getting update notifications on some threads (don't know if that might be related to your issue). If you can send me the link to your game, I can leave a message there for you... ![]()
![]() That sounds great...and if you have any questions on anything we’ve been through, just drop me a line and I’ll do my best to clarify. We’ve pretty much covered the Maiden level and I think we’ve done a good bit of the Mother but not all...while I don’t think we’ve been in the Crone, the way Artrosa jumps you around, I’m not completely sure... To give you an idea of what I’ve ran, aside from my AD&D (1e) tabletop days many moons ago, I’ve only GM’ed PFS (1e) scenarios/modules via PBP, around 20+ such games ranging from entry-level to seeker. As far as running something for you, I can try whatever you like...as long as I have some guidelines, I can give it a shot and I’ll do my best... Thanks again! ![]()
![]() I have a couple that could play... If low tier: Player Name: Otha
If high tier: Ingrge is currently in the latter phase of a session; I think it likely it’ll be finished before the start date... Player: Otha
![]() Almonihah wrote: Well, I *am* just now finishing my second time through the campaign, I might be willing to run it... I'll have to think it over, see if I have the time and energy for it. I'd definitely be interested in having something run for me in return, but I wouldn't make it a requirement for having me GM. Thanks for your response and consideration, Almonihah, I appreciate it. Yes, please take your time and think about it. And I'd be happy to run something for you in return, no worries...and might be able to run something for you even if you find you don't have the energy for it... ![]()
![]() I've been in a group that's been playing the Reign of Winter AP PBP here for a while now but we just lost our 2nd GM; I'd guess we were about two-thirds the way thru the 3rd book when our current GM felt he had to drop the game. We have 4 PCs that have been there from the beginning and others that joined near the beginning of Book 2... We know it may be asking a lot but we've got a dedicated group that has role-played well together, not to mention for a long time, and we'd like to see this through. And if you can't commit to the rest of the AP but could perhaps get us to the end of book 3, that'd be awesome and much appreciated too (and perhaps I could GM some sessions for you in return); we could worry about the rest afterwards... We've also been thinking and, if we can't find a GM to continue this AP, we'd like to keep the core group together...and if any GM is thinking on starting up an AP (any AP) and would like a group of PCs that RP well together, that'd be welcome too... Thank you for your consideration... ![]()
![]() Warah wrote: Is there a way to re-do a character's ability scores after 1st level? It took me longer than that to realize I built my sorcerer all wrong for what I want to do with her, and I don't want to have to start from scratch. The only way I know of that comes to mind is via the Rebuild boon (not sure if that's exactly what it's called); if you have any unused/spare boons, you might be able to acquire it via the boon trading thread... ![]()
![]() Things happen suddenly, but you are ready...the unblocked double door opens and, with weapons already drawn, what looks to be a mercenary and a healer enter...Bibi can clearly see they both have the Aspis snake insignia. Upon seeing Bibi with a similar insignia, they relax with obvious relief, but only for a moment when they see the rest of you prepped for battle... The disguise allows Bibi a surprise round... At almost the same time, another mercenary rappels down into the warehouse from the southern skylight while his mate covers him from above...but Elena and Omnia were prepared due to Wesley's earlier warning, and blast him with both spell and arrow...the merc gives out a loud hiss in pain, he lands and is standing...but barely... The scout (black) is still on the roof looking down through the skylight; you can tell he is armed with a longbow... Initiative:
Bibi: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 Elena: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 Seren: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 Huong: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 Omnia: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 Wesley: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Aspis Scout: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 Aspis Mercs: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 Aspis Healer: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 Tiebreakers: 3d2 ⇒ (1, 2, 1) = 4 COMBAT! Round 1: The bold may post! Group buffs: Bless Huong
![]() If you have any Day Job rolls or re-rolls or any faction bonuses to complete/attempt, go ahead and those when you get a chance. There's one more room to explore but no more encounters, so we'll be finishing up in a day or two... Andor easily picks the lock of Baldimar's journal. Inside, he finds many details of his demonic experiments including summoning and binding the Hezrou... It tells of how he took a fancy to the study and cataloging of demons. As he became further engrossed in his work, it grew apparent that for his own safety, and the safety of others around him, he should hide away his studies before continuing their pursuit. After sequestering substantial funds from anonymous patrons, including the Pathfinder Society, he built himself a covert lab in which he sought to continue his work. He chose to construct the secret locally in a complex of abandoned catacombs directly beneath Cayden’s Hall, based on the premise that none outside would see his comings and goings and none within would remember them. Deep below Cayden’s Hall, Baldimar secreted away his legacy: a sizable archive of texts devoted to his dark and mysterious pastime, a small private room in which he occasionally slept and dreamt dark dreams, an extensive laboratory, and a safe-room in which he’d successfully bound the demon Graz’ith Ur Maurgith. Health Status
![]() Thanks for the numbers, Numbat. I was pretty sure this was the first time that PFS1 sessions were fewest of the three...but I did not know that this Gameday's PFS1 numbers were similar to the last two conventions. When I first started looking at the signup sheets, there were far fewer PFS1 sessions...so glad to see it later picked up... ![]()
![]() Hi Adran, Are you looking for a PFS 1.0 game or PFS 2.0 game? While you'll be welcome in either place, I'm asking since Grand Archive is a 2.0 icon. If you're looking for a PFS 1.0 game, you're in the right place; if you're looking for a PFS 2.0 game, just follow the link below to the 2.0 recruitment thread: ![]()
![]() Thanks for the info caps...but I must be missing something in the 2e ruleset (and that wouldn't surprise me one bit)... I don't see how 2e gives you more options than 1e as far as archers go; in 1e just about all archery feats are open to you from the start. Whether you go Ranger, Fighter, Zen Archer, or some other ranged specialist, you're not restricted from the (formerly) traditional archery feats by class... I saw the Archer Archetype (I got the 2e Humble Bundle) and read a little upon it. But it appeared to me, if I was a ranger, I couldn't choose that Archetype till 2nd level, taking Archer dedication. But I'd already have proficiency with bows from the ranger class (but I'm guessing my proficiency would be more advanced?)...and I wouldn't be able to take PBS till 4th level. Whereas, if I take fighter, I can get PBS at 1st level, yes? And it seems like you can get the better archery feats (Double Shot, Triple Shot) earlier with Fighter. While many of the same are offered with Archer, it takes longer to acquire them, at least from my limited understanding. But even as a fighter, I'd have to take a dip into some of the ranger feats (unfortunately sans most of the ranger abilities) to snag Deadly Aim to make him close to what I was playing in 1e... I know I'm focused a lot on PBS but it seems pretty essential to me as it not only negates the Volley penalty, if you do use a shortbow you get +2 damage on your first increment...getting that at 1st level (only thru fighter) seems too good to pass up for another class where you'd have to wait till 4th level to get it... Caps, I've played with and GM'ed for your characters; you're a good player and I respect your opinion. What I'm missing and where am I off?