Croquelle Andosana
HP: 115/115 (141/141) | AC 24 (23), t 13 (12), ff 123(22) | F +15 (+18), Ref +8, Will +10 (+16); +1 to save when adjacent to sis | Per +16, Init +7
Gianluca the Honeyed
AC 38 T 12 FF 35 (+1 v evil outsiders, +2 when pro evil) | HP 124/124 | F +15 R +10 W +14 ( +2 sacred v spells & abilities from evil sources; +2 morale v mind-affecting spells & abilities) | resist acid, cold, electric 5 | CMD 46 (48 vs evil) | Init +4 | Perc +23 | reach 10’, 4 AoO/round | active buffs: Silver Crane Stance (pro evil + holy on sword), Gladiator's Presence (allies within 30’ get +6 to CMB and CMD), Rallying Presence (allies within 30’ get +6 to Will vs fear, death, compulsion)
Battle Imp [11 CR] Brawler 2 | Harbinger 13, Champion 1 | HP: 315/315 | AC 40 / T 21 / FF 31 (+4 v AoO fr move, +2 if moved 10’) DR10/cold iron, immune: fire | F 21, R 23 (+2 if moved 10’ ), W 22 | CMB +21 CMD 31 | Init +10, Per: +30
Radegund, The Magpie
AC 16 (14 w/o shield) | Init +2 (+7 nr forest) | Per +5 (+7 in KL; Advantage nr forest); PP 15 (+2 in KL, +5 nr forest) | STR +3, CON +4, DEX +2, WIS +3
Rahaal Reference Image Cleric (Herald Caller) 1 | Max HP 9 | AC 14 T:10 F:14 | F+4 R+0 W+5 | Per+6 | Init+0 | CMD 9
Turrey Butterhill Character SheetHP 204 | AC 39 | F+26, R+28, W+31[L], ↻ schadenfreude on crit fail, halfling luck 1/hr | Per+28[M] | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 39
Unafe Two-Hearted character sheet, Maths F transformed (Huge) Hedgewitch 4 / Conscript 8, Gifted T4 | Init +12 Per +16, scent, see in darkness, low-light; +10 vs invis, ½ DC penalty for distance | AC 27, t15, ff(uncanny dodge, 22), CMD 36(39 vs grapple), +2 AC, +2 CMD & DR 2/- vs outsider(evil) | F+15 R+10 W+12(+4 vs charm, compulsion), +3 morale v fear, -2 vs illusion; advantage v mind-affecting; free
Urmfehrumah Newblossom CG flowering raxilite scholar biohacker 1 | SP 6 HP 8 | RP 4 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +2 Ref +3 Will +1; +2 vs mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning effects | Init: +7 | Perc: +8, SM: +8, low-light | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.
Yume Sugimatu
HP 45/45 | AC 19, t 9, ff 19 | F +7, R+5, W +6 | DR 1/—, Delayed Dam: 12/rnd, THP: 7/rnd, Immune sonic, paralysis, sleep | Init +3, Per +9, darkvision 60’, low-light vision, Blind-Fight