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the trouble with SR is that it's not very useful if it doesn't scale; pick a race that gives it to you, or change your class to Untouchable Rager bloodrager(it trades away spells for SR while raging)
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Give him Dual Initiative, have him cast Ascension to make many of the adds mythic.
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I would like to request Ramiyels, Kayals, and SRO's
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Cayden Cailean: CG god of freedom, alchohol, and bravery
Milani: CG Godess of Hope, devotion, and uprisings
Ssila'meshnik: CN Protean Lord of fate, freedom, and paradox.
of these, Cayden is most directly abolitionist; however, you could probably make most chaotic good deities work for this concept.
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it depends on what you are looking for;
JR book 4 has a little info about Hongal, and Articles about the Kami and the various Ninja clans.
JR book 5 has a lot of info on Minkai, the entire book takes place there, and it includes an in depth article.
JR book 6 is mostly focused on Kasai, the capital of Minkai.
all in all these books are a good place for information about Minkai, but wont help you much with regards to adventures in the rest of the continent.
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Archpaladin Zousha wrote: Ah, thank you for alerting me to that. Are there better crystals out there if incorporeal beasties aren't as much of a concern. As far as I know, vorthuuls aren't incorporeal... Personally I'm a fan of the Tauon Crystals; Having the option to deal nonleathal damage if you need to can come in handy, and the Staggered Crit is powerful when it triggers.
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There are 4 let lines references on a PFS 1e boon.
Idk exactly how cannon this is, but I hope it helps.
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Greylurker wrote: I know I saw an Summoner archetype somewhere where your Eidolon is you instead of a monster. Just can't remember where The Twinned Summoner; its from "Legacy of the First World" a Player Companion
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I have a player who wanted to play a centaur, so I trimmed down the ARG Centaur to something more in line with the other races.
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besides, as i understand it, most of the plots wee more "evil despot conquers the world" rather than 'Ancient god destroys the world"
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if this is for a home game, just talk to your GM; it seems very reasonable to allow this weapon to function with biohacks despite not working by RAW. if it is for a society game, then make an FAQ request, and in the meantime use another Injection weapon or try and convince your table GM that it works by RAI.
The Painful Injection Theorum might be a way to deal damage, since it triggers when you Hit the target.
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The Sanctioning Document available from the additional Resources or the AP product page will list the Sanctioned Portions by area; usually about 1/2-1/3 of the book.
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Imo the DC's should be balanced without accounting for class bonus, because you can't be certain that a given class will be present, and if it's required it means that other classes can do everything right and still fail
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Hope you guess my name wrote: The Raven Black wrote: Paradozen wrote: Tender Tendrils wrote: What if Barbatos is just a guy in a tentacle mask who is really, really good at bluffing?
One hasty lie built upon another until they found themselves ruling a layer of hell and being stuck keeping up the lie. They just keep pretending and it keeps working somehow. Like Razmir, but bolder. I like it. I now kinda want to play an evil game where the party has to help Barbatos keep his secret. Or a Good game where they help him because the alternative is much worse :-)
And of course in the end, they are all Asmodeus' unwitting pawns. Who isn't? The Archdevils, and all his other witting pawns
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kaid wrote: Uncommon in this edition is something I think a lot of people are reading way more into than it is for rarity.
It generally seems to just mean something that is common to a certain racial group or geographical area. If you want access to it mostly it is just a matter of either going to where the items/spells come from or find a teacher from those areas. Very minor amounts of RP necessary no major hurdles unless a GM is really being picky for some reason.
It would be nice though, if there were a few more rules backing it up, like "spend X days of downtime to find someone who can sell/teach you an uncommon option" since the wording in the book indicates that players are supposed to be able to get uncommon options if they try, but gives no real guidance on how hard they should have to try.
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"While the Drive is infused with Unity's divine power, the entire structure is essentially Indestructible"
Artifact Immunities/plot armor beats nukes.
I'd say the drive survived the Nuke, and the Cyber-Demons mentioned in the WotR bad ending are his slaves.
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there is no link to the chronicle sheets and rules for running the AP in the Against the Aeon throne entry.
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I actually have a player who build this. his solar weapon is his signature cooking implement; Th Spatulaxe! 'the blood of your enemies never tasted so good."
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there is support in PF cannon for the continues to accelerate argument; the Starflight ability(on elder things, and a few other creatures) there is also a starship in a PF module that canonically uses this method of propulsion via a bound Vrock's Telekinesis
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The +1 to spell level applies to Spell Slots, Caster level, and Spells Known. So, if you are Fighter 1/ Wizard 5/ Eldritch Knight 10, and take another level in Wizard, you gain the class features of a 6th level Wizard, except for spell casting, which counts your EK levels, and functions as if you were Wizard 15.
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Personally, im a fan of Kudaku's answer; that being said, The Armory has a Serum that negates light blindness for 1 hour, its a level 3 item that costs 200 credits, so that is the official answer.
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I actually just finished a Kineticist conversion for Starfinder, available here Kineticist I also posted it in its own thread for people to discuss.
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I have yet to actually play a phantom blade, but it seems that being able to spell combat cure/inflict spells is quite good.
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PAZ42 wrote: Here's what I'd love to see. The battle with Sorshen is going against her, when she casts timestop, and wishes a few Runelords back into existence. Perfect way to bring back those fallen Runelords. How is she casting a 9th level Transmutation spell?
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also remember that there were at least 2 functioning portals from golarion. maybe they just wandered through.
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I'm running this in a week, and I'm thinking of letting my players pick names, and then coming up with different ones to put on their files.
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You could also have him stick a rune giant or dragon on his throne, polymorphed to look like him. That way when the druid gets within range, he finds himself face to face with a beatstick who can full attack him before he moves.
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It's a bit high level, but Fairy Ring Retreat creates an extradimensional meadow that can only be accessed by those you designate before you an is sealed behind you. 7th lvl spell, so probably higher that you are looking for.
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Have you looe=ked at monk of the empty hand, I GMed for one who was killing things with a pillowcase, and origami.
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If you have access to the golarion specific books, "Heroes of the Darklands" and "Pathfinder Chronicles- Into the Darklands" have some neat ideas, Specifically the Vaults of Orv that are a series of vast caverns, each containing its own environment. It sounds like you are running your own setting, but there's no reason why you cant steal from golarion.
As for my own ideas, you could have them encounter a room with no/reversed/variable gravity.
You could have an area where the natives think the PC's are messengers from their god/gods, possibly with some kind of catch, if you want it to be more than an odd RP encounter.
You could have them find an area where the inhabitants are calm and friendly, and just want the PCs to be happy, and stay with them forever...
You could have a sleeping god/demigod/godlike entity; or a dead one.
They should probably encounter the ruins of at least one civilization.
A rival or previous team that has gone a little pit strange after spending too long down here.
a race of blind seers, who offer aid for a deceptively simple non monetary price. (such as physical attributes, a service, time)
Ghosts, either literal or metaphorical, maybe there is an entrance to the underworld down here, maybe there is an artifact that is drawing spirits too it for some reason, or maybe the PCs just inhaled some strange gas and started hallucinateing.
feel free to mix and match to create even more memorable areas.
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The Dominions of The Black have Bio-Ships, and are almost certainly part of the setting.
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When I played this, the GM played up the Ghost wolves Competence and seriousness, so we ended up leaving most of the tech behind. (we still got full prestige, when we got back, I bought 2 scrolls of teleport and went back for as mush tech as I could carry) however after reading the adventure, it actually isn't that hard to sneak stuff by them, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I plan to try and make the ghost wolves(or at least jala) seem a little more reasonable.
Other than that I had a great time playing, I picked up an necklace of adaptation right before the scenario, which prevented about 2/3rds of the con dmg; but then I got dominated be desperate demand and procedded to cone of cold the party for half of their HP, fortunately our cleric had prepared protection from evil, or I would have done it again on the next round. :)
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Not at all evil, maybe a bit chaotic; the Aspis agent has commited numerous evil acts and has stated an intent to do more, and as the aspis are the law in bloodcove, there is no possibility of a fair trial, therefore, it is perfectly reasonable for the paladin to kill her. In conclusion, your GM was just being a dick.
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SO this one is a story about me, we had just started a new campaign and we came across a windmill on the edge of a cliff; so, like any good party of adventurers we decide to investigate and discover that it is inhabited be a couple of hags; so I decide that I'm going to use my control weather ability to make a windstorm and knock the tower off the cliff. so the rest of the party engages the hags, and I join in because I'm not going to stand around while they fight, and hey, I call always end the spell if we win. and then one of the hags crits me and I go down, the GM decides that the spell in not cancelled by me falling unconscious, so it just keeps going, we managed to beat the hags a few rounds later, and right around the time the rest of the party found the cages full of children on the second floor the tower starts to fall, so there's me unconscious and bleeding out on the ground floor, the rest of the party who gtfo, and one other player who decided to stay hand help get the kids out. now we were playin D&D 5th edition, which has a rule that if you crit on a stabilization check, you wake up at 1 hp, which I did, just as the tower went over; fortunately I had Fly prepared, so I cast it and helped ferry kids from the falling tower to safety; so we got all of the kids our, and there's just the other player left in the tower, I offer to try and fly him out, but I'm not sure if I can lift him, since I dumped strength, he says no, he had DR (Which he did, quite a lot of it at that moment) so he was going to just ride the tower down; he survived the fall, but bead out before anyone could get to him.
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Demigods have stats; gods do not. therefore, demigods can be affected by PC's, while gods can only be affected by acts of narrative
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So, I'm getting ready to run Iron Gods for a group of friends and I was disappointed by how late the PC's Meet Casandalee given her importance in the end. So I was planning to have them find her in the ruins below Torch, missing large portions of her memories(Everything I don't want them to know yet.)
My question is where in the ruins to place her; I was thinking somewhere in the Science Deck, what do you guys think?
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You should make a spiritualist, and have your phantom be the spirit of the orc who just died. this way you can keep RPing the orc, and your way into the story is that this orc spirit is demanding that you help him achieve glory. alternatively you could be a death druid or other archetype that gets a phantom for the same effect.
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in regards to your other question, if you have a body part of your target, they take a -10 on their will save vs nightmare. that could be fun, he attacks them in their dreams.
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MrCharisma wrote: MageHunter wrote: In Farscape,
** spoiler omitted **
I remember that being the other way around:
** spoiler omitted ** It was both
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I believe you mean Succeeded by 8-11.
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The "Witches Bottle" Hex from heroes of the wild allows you to make a potion of your Hexes.
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my plan is to fold Witchwar Legacy into the last book (Witch Queens revenge) by having the vale be the location of one of the keys.
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Jayder is correct, if the blasts all target 1 creature it gets one negative level; however, if you split the blasts up, you can put a negative level on each separate creature you hit.
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That depends on what actually happened to golarion, (which the devs are never going to define)but if it was destroyed, then probably yes; but if it was just moved, then no. if asmodeus decided that all them wacky rovagug cultists were in danger of succeeding and hid the planet somewhere in hell, then the rough beast would still be locked away.
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I think in the case of the Dawnflower Dissident, "observable effect refers to the effect of the spell, i.e the blast of fire when you cast fireball; as opposed to a spell like charm person which only effect the mind of the target.
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The Aethera Campaign setting for pathfinder sounds kind of like what your looking for.
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The most I would give this guy is the square. not even tremorsense negates the miss chance, for that you need a way to actually see him, or a pretty complete outline (as in glitterdust).
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Personally, I would rule that it is unaffected unless the AMF was cast by another deity, and even then probably not. RAW it would go away as an SU, but that doesn't feel like RAI to me; so that's my 10cp
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Start a war with someone else, preferably someone evil; this will hopefully make all the heroic types look over ther and not notice what you are doing; better yet, get the other side to start the war, then you are just defending yourself.