
Nathan Monson's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. ******* Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Everett 457 posts (506 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 42 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

I feel that spell DC's in Starfinder are too low, and want to fix them. I propose either making all DC's scale at 1/2 level+Casting mod, which is simple but possibly overpowered; or having DC's use double spell level+Casting mod, which is a little more complicated, but preserves the value of high level spell slots. Both options put dc's somewhere in the ballpark i'm aiming for, which is giving casters a approximately 75% chance of effecting equal CR enemies with their highest level spells if they target the enemies bad save.

Which option do you think would be better?

4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Everett

One of my regulars has heard of a scenario that awards a Revolver on the Chronicle sheet, and has asked my if I can run the Scenario for his birthday. However, he doesn't know which scenario it is, and neither do I; as I don't have the time(or money) to check every scenario after season 1 I was hoping someone else would be willing to enlighten me.
I am aware of the boon on

AP 114 "Black Stars Beckon"
but am hoping that that isn't the only option, as the extremely high level requirements make it tricky to get a table for.

I am currently the proud player of a level 12 witch, about to start playing Eyes of the Ten; and it occered to me that I might want to pick up improved familiar next level. However, as my spells are stored in my familiar, I would lose them when I did this, so I checked the rules in the APG for replaceing a Witch Familiar whaich said
"If a familiar is lost or dies, it can be replaced 1 day later through a special ritual that costs 500 gp per witch level. The ritual takes 8 hours to complete. A new familiar begins knowing all of the 0-level spells plus two spells of every level the witch is able to cast. These are in addition to any bonus spells known by the familiar based on the witch's level and her patron (see patron spells)."

Now there are 2 possible ways that this could be interprated;
1: I lose all of my current spells known and gain 2 spells of each level i can cast + patron spell, which seems uneccisarily punative, as im effectively loseing 2 spells per spell level +1+ starting Int mod 1st level.

or 2: I lose all of my current spells known, and gain 2 spells per spell level + patron spells + 2 spells per witch level +3 + Int mod 1st level spells, which seems unecesarily generous, for 1 feat(improved familiar) or 500GP per character level(to replace a dead or unbonded familiar)
I looked through the errat document, and the FAQ's for the CRB, the APG, and Organized play, to see if any of them could shed some light on the issue, but the only referances I found to changeing familiars were the entry in the CRB FAQ saying
"This isn't addressed in the rules anywhere, but yes, you should be able to dismiss a familiar if you want to select a new one. However, you must still wait 1 week and pay 200 gp for the 8-hour ritual. Dismissing a familiar is ending a link between your soul and it, so it should probably take about an hour.
The exception to the above is if you take the Improved Familiar feat, which allows you to immediately replace your familiar with the new familiar, at no cost or time required (it is assumed this occurs during whatever preparations you make while leveling up)...." and the Organized play FAQ that says the you replace a familiar between adventures by paying all of the normal costs.

As suggested by the thread title, I converted theKineticist class to SF. what do you guys think?

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So, I'm getting ready to run Iron Gods for a group of friends and I was disappointed by how late the PC's Meet Casandalee given her importance in the end. So I was planning to have them find her in the ruins below Torch, missing large portions of her memories(Everything I don't want them to know yet.)
My question is where in the ruins to place her; I was thinking somewhere in the Science Deck, what do you guys think?

Recently I started running Second darkness. this is the second campaign I have ever GMed (The first being RotRL with the same group immediately prior)and from reading these boards, I knew that SD had some problems. however, I thought the story sounded really cool, so I decided to make it better; you can judge whether or not I succeeded.
This is going to be mostly a campaign journal, combined with notes on what I changed and why. I hope some of this is useful or at least entertaining; enjoy.

I wanted to create a archetype to represent the classic Dragon riding warrior; this is what I came up with. what do you think?
Dragon Rider – Cavalier Architype
Rather than bonding with ordinary mounts some cavaliers choose to partner with a true dragon.
Draconic Mount - At the 1st level the Dragon Rider forms a bond with a Wyrmling Metallic or Chromatic Dragon the Dragon is a small creature, even if it would not ordinarily be. Rather than increasing in power as it ages, the bonded Dragon gains power as the Cavalier gains levels, see table Dragon Advancement. Because the Dragon is an intelligent creature that enters into the partnership of its own free will, the Dragon Riders Alignment must be within one step of his Dragons.
The cavalier does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. This Ability alters Mount and replaces Tactician, Greater Tactician, and Master Tactician.
Telepathic link – At 1st level, the riders bond with his Dragon grants him understanding of its language; he gains Draconic as a bonus language. At 4th level the Dragon rider gains a permanent telepathic link with his Dragon, allowing them to communicate mentally within 100 feet; this ability functions as the spell Telepathy, except it is a supernatural ability. At 8th level this distance increases to 1 mile. This ability replaces Expert Trainer
Dragon Advancement

Sorry, this is my first thread.