Almah Rovshki

Narkari's page

85 posts (119 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

The Stolen Lands are a vast expanse to the south of the nation of Brevoy. Many have tried to settle the lands, but they've proven to be impossible to tame so far. Brevoy is currently on the verge of a civil war between the northern half of the nation, Issia, and the southern half, Rostland. The city of Restov, seat of Rostland, recently put out a call seeking adventurers to explore the Stolen Lands. Rostland plans to send four groups into the area to settle it and build up nations, hoping to increase their power as they prepare for the inevitable war with Issia.

Five adventurers answered the call to explore the area of the Stolen Lands known as the Greenbelt. Their journey was to begin on 25 Calastril 4711 when they were scheduled to set out by foot to Oleg's Trading Post, a remote trading post that straddles the border of Brevoy and the Stolen Lands. On the 30th day of Talistril, on the road outside of Oleg's Trading post. About 100 miles from Restov. They arrived.

The party of five have finally come to their destination. It's been five long days on the flat dusty road, with the plains land south of Restov being relatively featureless. A border of calm between Brevoy and the unstable Stolen Lands. This group of men is one of four chosen to tame the country. To strike it of it's impurities and ready it to be forged into a kingdom. At this point it seems appropriate for them to review the charters granted by Lord Mayor of Restov.

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further then thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Talistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Aoleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

The rugged fort stands tall with it's front gate open wide. A keen eye might recognize this structure as a military one. An abandoned border fort from one of many failed attempts to colonize this territory. The walls are ten feet tall and repairs can be seen all along them. At the four corners are twenty foot square watch towers. Dilapidated catapults peak over the edges. A thirty foot gate is opened wide. Drifting on the breeze is the smell of baking bread and the sound of hammering.

When the five of you enter the gate on foot, you're met with a homely sight. Inside the fort are three buildings. A large one to the west which closely resembles a stable, a medium sized structure to the east faces a small barrack. From the house a thread of smoke rises being carried away by the wind. Standing at the top of the ladder is a stern looking man busily repairing the roof of the barracks.

As the party enters the central yard he looks over wiping his brow, "Ho there, about time you fellows show up."

While he climbs down the ladder a fetching middle aged lady exits the house carrying a clay pitcher. She spots the adventurers and runs hastily over to his side, a warm grin spreading on her face.

"My name is Oleg leveton, this is my wife, Svetlana," he says shortly, "Welcome to my trading post."

Oleg's Trading Post:

Oleg's Trading Post<--- Picture

A1-Market Yard
A4-Storage Pen
A6-Main Hall
A7-Dining Room
Right now though you all stand before Oleg. I'll answer any questions you ask in OOC regarding surroundings or descriptions or checks as soon as I can as well as provide NPC reactions on the rather then waiting for everyone to post as I would for a round of combat. Now would be a good time for introductions.

As the subject asks I have a Rogue level eight that am very unsure of direction wise. I had first started out with the idea of taking levels of Assassin then jumped to Shadow Dancer.I am now just confused on what kind of build I should make. I also looked at the third party class Shadow Assassin.

My feats currently are:
Skill Focus(Perception)[Half-Elf feat]
Weapon Finesse
Extra Rouge Talent
Combat Reflexes

Rogue Talents:
Trap Spotter
Ki Pool – 7 Ki
Vanishing Trick
Fast Stealth
Combat Trick

Some help with a build would be greatly appreciated. I would like a Assassin type character but do not think the Assassin class has a lot going for it with abilities.

Welcome to you all, I just want to get everyone to post in here before we start on the gameplay thread so I can confirm everyone made it in.

To get things started if you could all give me your time zones (Mine is US West Coast, PST) and just let me know that your characters are all final and ready to start that would be great.

A couple of other formatting and 'house rule' notes before we begin:

1. During combat please begin each post with a spoiler containing the round, your Initiative, AC, HP Current/HP Total, Reflex, Will, and Fort Saves.

2. To help me find things quicker and easier, in the IC thread please do use the OOC tags when talking out of character and "bold normal dialogue."

3. Please post at least once a day to keep the flow of the game going. If a reason occurs where you cannot let me know so I do not remove you for MIA.

4. The "no one-liners" rule applies. I don't care if your action is to hold. In that case, you could get inside your character's head. Describe though process for the moment. A few sentences will suffice with correct grammar and spelling would be great.

If you have questions feel free to ask, otherwise feel free to discuss roles, tactics, kingdom names, marching orders, etc. I'll have the first actual Gameplay post up a little later today.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello. This is my first attempt at running a PbP campaign. I know that Kingmaker is a very popular adventure path at the moment and I want to give more players a chance to try it out. It's a great path and for those who have not played it yet so I hope I can do it justice here. I will choose 4-6 players with 2 replacements.

Creation Deadline: Friday, June 1st, 12:00 Noon PST

Selections Published: Saturday afternoon after review

Build Rule

Material: NO THIRD PARTY. Paizo material only
Ability Scores: 20 Point buy
Races: Core. Possible consideration of others.
Class restrictions: No Gunslinger
Traits: Three total. Two + one Kingmaker trait from the Kingmaker Player's Guide.
Books: Core, APG, UC, and UM.
Average starting gold from each class. I will not be accepting any evil characters.

Application requirements:

Character concept: I do not need a long detailed history of your player. I would like a paragraph or two of your character concept, personality and background. Please add why your character wishes to be part of this group taking control of the Stolen Lands.

Posting: Being active for me will not be a probelm. I do not wish to close this due to inactivity of the players. If you cannot post at least one time a day I will give you a notice and wait two days before choosing one of the replacements.

A well balanced party is not required so do not worry about posting a character based off the needs of others. I will be choosing characters that will I beileve will intereact well together and belief of who the Swordlords of Restov would have chosen.

Post interest / questions / character below. Looking forward to a fun game - Cheers!