DM - Narkari's Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master Narkari

Chapter 1: Stolen Lands? Well, steal them back!

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The Stolen Lands are a vast expanse to the south of the nation of Brevoy. Many have tried to settle the lands, but they've proven to be impossible to tame so far. Brevoy is currently on the verge of a civil war between the northern half of the nation, Issia, and the southern half, Rostland. The city of Restov, seat of Rostland, recently put out a call seeking adventurers to explore the Stolen Lands. Rostland plans to send four groups into the area to settle it and build up nations, hoping to increase their power as they prepare for the inevitable war with Issia.

Five adventurers answered the call to explore the area of the Stolen Lands known as the Greenbelt. Their journey was to begin on 25 Calastril 4711 when they were scheduled to set out by foot to Oleg's Trading Post, a remote trading post that straddles the border of Brevoy and the Stolen Lands. On the 30th day of Talistril, on the road outside of Oleg's Trading post. About 100 miles from Restov. They arrived.

The party of five have finally come to their destination. It's been five long days on the flat dusty road, with the plains land south of Restov being relatively featureless. A border of calm between Brevoy and the unstable Stolen Lands. This group of men is one of four chosen to tame the country. To strike it of it's impurities and ready it to be forged into a kingdom. At this point it seems appropriate for them to review the charters granted by Lord Mayor of Restov.

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further then thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg's Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Talistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Aoleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

The rugged fort stands tall with it's front gate open wide. A keen eye might recognize this structure as a military one. An abandoned border fort from one of many failed attempts to colonize this territory. The walls are ten feet tall and repairs can be seen all along them. At the four corners are twenty foot square watch towers. Dilapidated catapults peak over the edges. A thirty foot gate is opened wide. Drifting on the breeze is the smell of baking bread and the sound of hammering.

When the five of you enter the gate on foot, you're met with a homely sight. Inside the fort are three buildings. A large one to the west which closely resembles a stable, a medium sized structure to the east faces a small barrack. From the house a thread of smoke rises being carried away by the wind. Standing at the top of the ladder is a stern looking man busily repairing the roof of the barracks.

As the party enters the central yard he looks over wiping his brow, "Ho there, about time you fellows show up."

While he climbs down the ladder a fetching middle aged lady exits the house carrying a clay pitcher. She spots the adventurers and runs hastily over to his side, a warm grin spreading on her face.

"My name is Oleg leveton, this is my wife, Svetlana," he says shortly, "Welcome to my trading post."

Oleg's Trading Post:

Oleg's Trading Post<--- Picture

A1-Market Yard
A4-Storage Pen
A6-Main Hall
A7-Dining Room
Right now though you all stand before Oleg. I'll answer any questions you ask in OOC regarding surroundings or descriptions or checks as soon as I can as well as provide NPC reactions on the rather then waiting for everyone to post as I would for a round of combat. Now would be a good time for introductions.

Male Human Fighter 1

"Hello Oleg, Svetlana, I am Ranzo." Ranzo puts down his sacks he has been carrying over his shoulder, he looks tired and sweaty.
"This is Alan, Endurance, Alendiri and Quentin. So your expecting us? Let me show you our charter and lawful authority." Ranzo takes off his backpack and pulls out the scroll case with the charter in it, opens it, takes out the charter and waits for Oleg to get to the bottom of the ladder. "We could use some water if you have some extra." as he hands it over.

Oleg looks over the group in a surly manner and takes the scroll from Ranzo's hand. He gives it a cursory glance and hands it back to the man in front of him.'

"I wouldn't be throwing that around these parts, lad. "he replies swiping some of his own sweat from his brow. "It's about time ye got here." he finishes before turning to his wife and taking the pitcher and taking some deep gulps.

Svetlana shakes her head at the gruff display by her husband but turns towards the group with a smile. She is a middle aged lass with a pleasant look about her. "I was just preparing some bread and stew. Please, come inside. It's the least we can do."

Sense Motive DC 15:
It's seems both Oleg and Svetlana expect something from the group. As of what it remains unknown.

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Having walked his horse laden with backpacks and the like most of the way to relieve the party of the weight of their gear, Quentin is as travel weary as any of the rest of the part. Well, except maybe the elf. That one seems to enjoy long walks in the woods.

Bowing slightly when he's introduced, Quentin takes a moment to survey the disused fort, mentally making a tally of its defensive capabilities. His attention brought back by the mention of a home-cooked meal after several days of field rations, he perks up considerably and accepts the invitation readily.

Moving alongside Svetlana, he guides his horse with the other. "Is there a stable here where I could put up Rusty? Once he's settled in I'm sure you'd both like to tell us about the area..."

Male Human Wizard 1

1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20

Thank you for your hospitality, Svetlana. Is there anything I can assist you with to compensate for your kindness?

Male Human Fighter 1

Almost under his breath Ranzo says "About time . . . ?" Then he carefully rolls up the scroll and places it back in the case. "I will help Quentin with Rusty and meet all of you inside, alright? Don't drink all the cold water."
Ranzo moves his equipment from where he dropped it out of foot traffic and looks at Quentin.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Sense Motive
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Off to a good start.

Alendiri is the last through the gates, having patiently trailed a few steps behind the rest of the group for most of the way. His face is painted with a vine-like decoration, his elven ears unhidden by any head covering. His clothing is well made, functional, and in quite good condition, perhaps showing a bit of wear, since at least a few of the elf's garments were older than several of his companions. A bow and spear can be seen over his shoulder, while he is unburdened by his pack, having accepted Quentin's offer of allowing his horse to carry it, as well as his armor, lest he slow his companion down.

More noteworthy than the elf's appearance however, is the apparently ambulatory tree beside him, who stand a few inches taller than Alendiri himself. It appears to be a young oak tree, but rather more sparse in branches and leaves, it's roots and primary branches seem more or less prehensile. It moves with a gentle creaking and swaying of branches

Alendiri pauses to look around the buildings and fortifications, before looking towards Oleg and his wife. He speaks a few soft words to the ambulatory oak, who proceeds slowly back outside the gates, it's roots digging gently into the ground somewhere nearby where it can soak up some sun, whereupon it stops moving. It would almost be able to pass for a normal tree if one doesn't look too closely. Alendiri meanwhile, follows the others inside.

"Thank you for the shelter of you home. However I was not aware that we had an appointment to be late for." his voice is pleasant, slightly deeper than normal for an elf, but it has an odd, distant quality to it as he settles himself into a seat, accepting a bowl of stew and starting to eat.

Oleg looks at the young man with the horse and wonders if he is blind for a moment before answering his question. "The stable is over their lad. Help yourself."He hands the pitcher of water back to his wife and gives her a slight peck on the cheek before going back up the ladder to continue his work.

Meanwhile, Svetlana leads the remaining men towards the dining room for drinks and food. She proceeds to answer Alan as she walks "Just being here to help us with the bandits is compensation enough dear."

As they start to settle themselves into seat Svetlana looks quite shocked at Alendiri's question. "I'm sorry dear. I assumed....the letters...oh my." she takes a deep breath before turning towards the group with a humble request.

"Please help us."

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

"The letters are our charter to explore the lands south of here, as granted by the Swordlords of Restov." the old elf clarifies, seeming concerned, his brow furrowing. "What is this of Bandits Svetlana? Our charter does include a clause to deal with them where we come upon them."

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Taking a few minutes to settle Rusty into the stable with a sack of oats and a quick grooming of his coat, he passes the time with a few idle questions to Ranzo. "Is it just me, or does it seem like our brave hosts have something on their mind? Might be that they're just nervous about their way of life what with this colonizing business, but I'm not sure, can't quite put my finger on it."

Hanging the party's sacks and Rusty's saddles on hooks in the tack area, he shrugs. "Suppose the best way to find out is to ask them, eh? Let's not keep that stew waiting."

Male Human Fighter 1

"I have to admit I am fairly tired and the only thing I noticed was they thought we are on their time schedule. I am in favor of food, lets go." Ranzo checks the horses water and washes his hands quickly in the runoff.
Ranzo heads with Quintin towards the building noted for the stew.

Male Human Wizard 1

Hmm. IT seems that these bandits are a serious issue, if they are afflicting a veritable fortress such as this.

Very well, ma'am. Thank you again for your kindness.

Alan heads inside with the rest of the group and partakes of said stew.

"One moment..." she announces to Alendiri. It appears she wishes to wait for the rest of the adventuring group to arrive.

The lady continues to serve the group as they start arriving to the dining hall. A large stew is set out with a fresh out of the oven baked bread to join it. A pitcher of water is set out for the travelers as Svetlana ponders on how to start her tale.

"Bandits have been taking all of our trade goods and furs for the past three months. They threaten to take me and burn down the fort if we don't hand over everything. We don't have any guards here and we have been asking to have guards of some kind to arrive but they have yet to be sent. "she pauses to take a breath and looks at the men with a worried face. It is a clear sign that these people are quite desperate for help.

"They come at the beginning of each month....which is tomorrow. I beg of you. Please help us. We can give you free room and board for the night."

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

Alendiri nods to Svetlana, seeming not at all perturbed at having to wait, and simply starting to eat, not even looking up as the other arrive and settle themselves. As soon as Svetlana is ready however, he sets his bowl in his lap and gives her his full attention.

"It would seem our timing is fortuitous indeed." he murmurs, glancing at his companions, trying to gage their willingness in this task. "I certainly would be willing to help. I have no love of such folk who prey on the defenseless, and if they are based in this region then it is in the interest of our task as well that we deal with them. Better to do so here than to stumble upon them unawares." The old elf's words didn't seem to be for Svetlana alone, he had traveled with these people for five days, but he did not presume to know their characters, and thus hoped that if they should need additional reasons to help this pair his words might persuade them with reason if not compassion.

Male Human Fighter 1

Ranzo finishes his water and pours another one for himself. Then sits back from the meal looking at the rim of his tankard.

After a minute he looks up at Svetlana. "When you say bandits . . . no let me say this. Our charter talks about unrepentant banditry. Not that you are lying Svetlana, Oleg, I don't believe you are, we would need a confession from them either by speech or deed or we could be held to justice for actions we cause to them. Having seen the fort and knowing my companions I have some ideas, but could you explain their actions leading to this unfortunate occurrence, how they demand your goods and their armor and weapons?

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Equally attentive to both Svetlana's confession and the savory stew, Quentin perks up at Ranzo's hesitance to declare the bandits guilty on only the word of the outpost's keepers.

Resting his spoon in the now empty bowl, he pushes it aside and leans forward a bit, demonstrating poor table manners and leaning his elbows on the table. Giving Svetlana a moment to gather her composure, he adds, "Not that that it'll be an issue, I think. If the rest of you wouldn't mind, I figure I could get it from their own mouths if need be. I know Restov whose names I could drop, pretend to be a representative of a certain organization who would not be keen on being cheated out of a cut of the goods, and they'll sign their own warrants."

Leaning back, he pats his belly. "After that, it'll be easy. Thieves are ultimately cowards when it comes right down to it. If there are some that aren't, then we'll take care of them simply enough."

Male Human Wizard 1

Why would these people lie about bandits?

I am content to take action. Alan looks to Alendiri for agreement. We can easily remove this threat in ambush if we strike first. If we confront these men, we will show our hand and endanger ourselves and our hosts.

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

"If it is to be from ambush, then it seems we would be able to satisfy Ranzo's requirement for confession as well. If we lay in wait long enough to hear their demands of Svetlana and Oleg, then we can attack while they are distracted." he observed, a plan seeming to start coming together. He looked at Quentin's suggestion of direct deception with a neutral expression, but didn't comment, just pondering to what he was referring to.

He looked back to Svetlana then, waiting for her response to Ranzo's request for more information. "and how many normally come to collect from you?" he added to his request.

Male Human Fighter 1

"I am in favor of of that Alendiri, like I said either speech or deed. But I will quiet myself and let the hosts speak."

Svetlana was quite glad her husband was not in the room. If he was in the room and learned they originally had not known of the bandits he would have been quite angry.

Meanwhile, she would answers all the questions she could. This was their only hope was finally being free of those ruffians. Even if one of the men thought she was not being truthful.

" They have come each time within a hour of sunrise on the first day of the month. We usually have our "taxes" ready because they seem eager to leave for their camp in the Greenbelt......A day's ride away I would assume."

She turns towards Alendiri and recounts the time they arrived the first time.

"There were a dozen the first time sir. Ten were quite clear to be simple thugs but the other two....Oh reckon they scared me they did sir. A cloaked man with a bow and a women with two hatchets. The miss did most of the talking and she quite clearly almost cut of my dear Olegs hand with her hatchet. She took my wedding ring right off and tossed it too her men....."she replied looking distant and frighten. As if the telling of the tale had taken her back to that period of time. She took a deep breath and continued on.

"They didn't have so many the next few times. The hooded man came with six the second time and four the last month. I believe they think we been had and given up but we haven't! No sir, not for a moment."

Male Human Bladebound Magus 1

Endrance adjusts the sword at his hip and nods. "Banditry is unacceptable. These lands have been lawless for far too long. I apologize ma'am, for not being here to help you sooner. Leave this to us. We'll handle everything."

Male Human Fighter 1

"Endurance and all, I am not calling her a liar, we need to make sure of the situation; if they come in demanding items and it all meshes with what she has said I believe we can act. These men should not know we are here when they arrive. Svetlana, do they enter your fort to load their booty?"

Male Human Wizard 1

This should be a simple problem. I have the ability to trap the gates so that the men are assaulted by arrows when they enter. We can lie in wait for the bandits, and attack as soon as the trap is sprung. It should be easy to mop up. You will not have to pay these unlawful "taxes" any more.

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

Trap the gates? o.0 A wizard with craft traps eh? Interesting :p

"It seems we are in agreement then." he observes as the others voice their opinions, though he gives Alan a slightly strange look, he certainly wouldn't have picked the scholar type for rigging traps. "Not immediately after entering Alan, we're waiting for them to incriminate themselves." he reminds. "So, we're assuming five to seven men then, and mounted. We'll want to close the gate behind them to stop them simply fleeing, I think my friend can handle that." the elf gives a small smile. "I'd like to be up on the wall, I'll be able to fire from there and can hide atop one of the towers until we're ready to attack. Is there anything else we should know Svetlana? Can Oleg fight?"

She nods at Ranzo and opens her mouth to speak once again. "They always enter. They often bring a extra horse or two to carry everything. Back to their camp I assume, sir."

Realizing the group will help them the women takes a small sigh of relief and thanks the men repeatedly. She even brings some wine out and offers it to them. She will have to discuss with her husband a suitable reward if they are able to take care of the bandits.

"We aren't fighters. If I wasn't here, I'm quite sure my husband would have tried something foolish.....but no sir. We are simple folk here. I told you all we know about them."

Male Human Fighter 1

"Alan, Alendiri, looks like we are on the same page. The two of you on the wall, stable or guest house, in a protected position. I can make one for you two with some extra lumber if there is any. Put your tree friend, does your friend have a name? Endurance assisting to close and protecting the closed gate, starting out hidden by the corner of the guest house. Quentin and I on the ground in front of where they will arrive in hiding, behind the stables by the middens. Ranzo smiles and rubs his nose.
We could then have Oleg greet them, let them incriminate themselves. If they don't, let Quentin try his idea, when they have stepped to deep, I come out and make noise and confront them. That is the signal to act, close the gates, take down those who fight, attempt to arrest to interrogate them.
Ranzo pauses. Then carry out our warrant.
After a short pause Ranzo looks around and seemingly thinking out loud. We could pull the wagon and benches over a bit so the yard is open."

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Quentin lets the other more battle-hardened members of the party discuss true strategy, and is equally curious when Alan suggests a trap, the mental image of arrow-filled trap being sprung on this lots of thieves bringing a little grin to his face.

He's busy envisioning this only a moment though, and is paying close enough attention when Ranzo takes all of the groups ideas and brings them together. Nodding his agreement excitedly, the young man actually taps his fingertips on the table with nervous energy, all smiles.

This is gonna be great!

"Sounds like a good strategy," he compliments Ranzo. Turning to Alan, he asks, "Do you need any help setting up that trap? I've always been curious about how that sorta stuff works."

Male Human Bladebound Magus 1

Endrance nods as he listens to both Alan and Ranzo closely. "A solid plan. So first we all take our positions and hide, then we wait until the group shows up. Once they have proven themselves to be true bandits, we spring our trap, weakening them with a volley of arrows, which are all triggered to fly at the same time, so each arrow will have the element of surprise. Then I shall close the gate while Ranzo and Quentin engage them directly. Afterwards, I shall join the fray as well. Not only will we have them trapped, we will have them wounded and surrounded, like rats."

"However, the charter does say that execution is only the punishment for 'unrepentant' banditry, so I believe it is our duty to give these men and women the chance to redeem themselves. We give them a chance to attempt to return at least half of what they've stolen from this poor couple (I assume they've spent most of it already, so I apologize, Madam Svetlana, but half is probably the most we can hope for), disarm them, and send them on their way with the understanding that if they attempt to cause any more trouble, they shall be executed on sight. Should they refuse or resist any attempts to return what they have taken, we take action."

Endrance pauses here, taking careful notice of the group's reactions. So far, they have agreed to make sure these people were bandits, but he had not heard any suggestions allowing them a chance to redeem themselves. He wasn't sure how popular this would be, but the group was here to act as officers of the law, and every man deserves a second chance.

Male Human Fighter 1

"I have a question, is three months in a row unrepentant?" Ranzo gives a long pause.
"My original thought was that we question them, then carry out the warrant, Sword or Rope. If there are a dozen of them and five arrive, one or two of them coming back and asking the rest of their group for half of the booty from them might prove hilarious. Ranzo guffaws at his own joke.
I am willing to give them one chance, but I still want to question them. If they give up and promise to go straight, we send them north to the capitol in their breeches.
Ranzo finishes his second cup of water and thinks a moment, A problem, the trap arrows, are they guided or what, I would hate to have a mad horse kicking around with a arrow in the flanks.

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Quentin's attention is placed elsewhere for a moment as he appears to reach under the table. Momentarily lost in a look of concentration that one has when searching for something, he apparently finds the flask that was in his boot and brings it up. A stubby tin thing, he takes a sip as he listens to Endrance and Ranzo's input.

Clearing his throat and closing one eye a bit as the apparently harsh stuff goes down, he tilts it in the groups direction, looking to share. Handing it to whomever is interested or leaving it on the table in front of himself for future use as he offers his input on the bandits' character.

"I know these sort of men. Cowards in the light of law, unrepentant thugs when left to their own devices. If our kind hostlers identify the men directly as bandits, then we question them and execute them. If we leave them alive, they will harry us later, and the wider scope of our mission involves rooting out lawlessness to create a viable colony of Brevoy. These men must be examples."

Male Human Bladebound Magus 1

Endrance sighs and bows apologetically. "It would appear that I am in the minority here. I will adhere to the decision made by the group, as my voice is not any more important than any of yours. If you believe these men must be made an example of, I can certainly see the logic in that. As one of the few members of our group who actually carries a sword, I will do my duty and execute these bandits as decreed by the Charter issued by the Swordlords of Brevoy."

Male Human Fighter 1

"Lets runs with this after we finish the combat, we know where mostly everyone is, we are mostly in agreement. There might not be any left."
Ranzo looks at Endurance.

"I have had men disciplined before, done some of it myself, if it comes to that, I have some ideas, I am not blood thirsty, don't want to kill them, but like the warrant says and Endurance noted, its our duty. I will do it.

Ranzo's attention divides itself aoudnd the table then looks surprised at his bowl of food, he picks it up and begins shoveling it in his mouth, using the spoon at least. Then after a few scoops, sets it down again.

"Alan, Alendiri, let me finish this and we can decide where you want to be, then I can scavenge up some lumber and make a defensive position for you that should keep arrows out that you can cast from."

Male Human Wizard 1

Wow. I missed so much. I guess that's what I get for going to work today.

Quentin wrote:
"Do you need any help setting up that trap? I've always been curious about how that sorta stuff works."

Absolutely. Basically, we will rig a line of crossbows together to a trigger. I would appreciate the help.

Ranzo wrote:
A problem, the trap arrows, are they guided or what, I would hate to have a mad horse kicking around with a arrow in the flanks.

I can certainly set part of the trap up at rider height. A few horses may be sacrificed, but the advantage is steep enough to make this worth it.

Ranzo wrote:
Alan, Alendiri, let me finish this and we can decide where you want to be, then I can scavenge up some lumber and make a defensive position for you that should keep arrows out that you can cast from.

I have some simple magics that can trip up our enemies, but I need to be within 25' of them. Ideally, I would like to hide atop the wall next to the gate, so that I have a view of the whole field. That way, I can activate our trap to greatest effect. A small fortification would be greatly appreciated.

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

Yeah no kidding :p I forgot to check before I went to bed and this is what I come back to :p Good to see everyone's so enthusiastic about it!

"A compromise. If they surrender then we will consider what must be done with them then when we have our leisure. If they continue to fight, then we execute the former part of our charter, the sword." he suggests, finally picking his own stew bowl from his lap again, shaking his head to Quentin's offer as he catches a whiff of the contents. He looks to Ranzo then "He does, but... it is difficult to pronounce with a human tongue, and I would not insult him by shortening it."

"We should not build anything too elaborate either, lest they notice it and grow suspicious before they incriminate themselves. I need to be able to fire from my position as well."

Male Human Wizard 1

It is settled, then. I will go and set up my part with Quentin. How many crossbows can we muster? Svetlana, do you ave any I can borrow? What about the rest of you? Any to spare?

After hearing his answer, Alan goes outside to rig up as many arrow traps as there are crossbows. Taking 20 on trapmaking. I have the string, I'm assuming I can scrounge up some simple hardware from Oleg. The trigger will be a length of twine running along the ground and up to wherever I set up. Good?

Male Human Fighter 1
Alan wrote:
I can certainly set part of the trap up at rider height. A few horses may be sacrificed, but the advantage is steep enough to make this worth it.

Ranzo cleared his throat a bit and wiggled in his chair. "Can we set it, this high. Ranzo stand and puts his hand at about the 5 1/2' range. That way it should miss most of a horse, depending on the type. I don't own a crossbow.

Alendiri wrote:
" . . .and I would not insult him by shortening it.

"Fair enough, does it understand me if I talk to it? If I say 'Tree, run' or something or does it only understand you? Sorry I am not trying to make fun of you, I just need to know for the battle.

Alendiri wrote:
" I need to be able to fire from my position as well."

I think I got that handled, A two piece hinged five foot tall three foot tall lumber wall with rocks for a weighted bottom. They and you lit on the roof, when its time you stand it up, unfold it, kick a couple rocks into place. If there is extra lumber or some where I can scavenge it, I should be able to do two of them by bedtime. Do you have a lumber supply Svetlana?"

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

I thought Alan is meant to be triggering the crossbows manually? If it trips when they walk through the gates then they don't incriminate themselves.

"I use a bow." Alendiri observed gesturing to where he had left it leaned near the door with his pack. He looks back to Ranzo then, giving his head a slight shake. "No he... his mind works differently. I could try to explain it to him, but I do not know whether I would be able to do so." he nods as Ranzo explains his planned preparations, it seemed it might stick out too much to him, but he would let Ranzo try it. The talk of lumber made him shift in his seat however, clearly uncomfortable.

Svetlana stays in the background and lets the group discuss their plans. She knows little of such things but is glad that these men decided to help them.

"We only have two crossbows. The bandits have been taking most of our stock so we don't have much. We will provide what we can to help."she replies to Alan before he takes his leave.

Turning towards Ranzo she gives a nod and begins answering the other questions.

"We have plenty of lumber to build with. It's just....wont they notice these things when they ride in? " Svetlana din't know a lot about fighting but she thought it just be simpler for them to ambush the bandits from the stable or guest house.

That is fine Alan. By taking a 20 your check is fine and the materials needed for a trap like this are here. I have the same question as Alendiri though. Will these trigger with a wire when they enter or by yourself activating it.

Male Human Wizard 1

I am firing the crossbows manually. I'm just not going to be standing next to them. I bought 500' of twine as starting equipment, so I can pretty much trigger it from wherever I want.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 1

Endrance shakes his head. "I do not carry a crossbow, unfortunately. This sword is all I have ever needed." He pats his sheathed Aldori dueling sword proudly. "I'm ashamed to admit that while I do consider myself a skilled warrior, I am not experienced in combat, nor am I particularly tactical. So if you all will just tell me where to be, I'll be there. I'll let you all handle the trap-setting and the ambushing."

Male Human Fighter 1

"Svetlana, the two casters will be on the roof, lying down, the protections will be lying down on the roof also, away from the edge so they cant see it at all, they would need to look from above to see it. Ranzos face changes to like he ate something bitter. None of them have a hawk or other flying animal do they?"

Ranzo looks at everyone.

"Right, Quentin help Alan, Endurance you can help me, Alendiri can you recon the surrounding area, look for any problem and see if the visitors might hit a high point to look on the top of the interior buildings and see people and things on the roofs? Any questions, right, meet at late dinner time for debrief.

Ranzo will finish the stew, thank Oleg and Svetlana, gather his carpentry tools and begins building the blinds. GM:You know what I am talking about?

1st day of Pharast, inside of Oleg's Trading post.

The sun is a hand's breath in the sky when the two on the roof first spot them. As they get closer they can make out five men on horseback, leading another horse, and a mule. The lead one is as Svetlana described, a hunter wearing a hooded leather jerkin. They ride their horses quickly across the hills stopping outside the fort. As they are dismounting the group can spot one of them grinning from ear to ear, "I'm glad we got on Kressle's good side, eh? We get to be the first ones to have a go with Oleg's wench. 'bout time she let us bring her 'spoils' back with us."

One of them looks past where Ranzo is crouched, with no sign of noticing. He takes the reins of the horses and stands outside. The other four walk through the gates, the last is carrying a length of rope.

Happs stops within ten feet of the trader, it had been worked out the night before, that Oleg would lure them in, "Oleg, your wares are starting to come short with Kressle. She's decided to take an extra tithe this month. Call out that pretty wife of yours, or we burn this place to the ground."

Oleg is looking considerably less distraught then Happs thought he would be. Standing straight he puts his hands to his hips and calls, "It's time to bringer her out!"

The bandits look around a little warily, some putting their hands to the hilts of their shortswords. Kidnapping a woman is nervous work.

Time for the fight! Here's the initiative. Post your actions in any order. I'll straighten them out when I do the summary of the round after everyone has acted. If you attack someone who's already dead I'll just have you attack the next target. etc. Please include attack rolls and damage assuming you hit.

Ranzo 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Alan 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Alendiri 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Endrance 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Quentin 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Male Elf Druid (Treesinger)

As he spots the guards approaching Alendiri kneels behind the shelter of his hiding spot and casts his spell, feeling his eyesight grow keener, and his bow quiver momentarily before cast.

Cast Aspect of the Falcon before they arrive if that's permissable. It has a minute duration.

He frowns as one of the bandits remains outside, but at least they were dismounted, his companion and Endrance could deal with him. He lay, shifting his weight slightly until the four men stopped in front of Oleg and said their piece. If that wasn't incriminating, then he didn't know what was... As Oleg spoke up the elf took a moment to sigh, before rising smoothly to his feat, bow coming up and aiming straight at the seeming leader, and letting fly.

Ranged Attack roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Woo! Roll to confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
D'oh! Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Meanwhile, outside the gate, a 'newly planted' oak tree starts to move, it's roots crawling swiftly along the ground and up to the lone bandit tending the horses, raising a branch and bringing it down on his head.

Slam to Hit: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Male Human Fighter 1

Round: - 1
Initiative: - 14
AC: 19
HP: 11/11
Saves (F,R,W): 3,2,0


Weapons Ready:
Long Sword and Med. Shield

Tracked resources:
Arrows: 60
Pints Oil: 3
Pitons: 10
Torches: 10

Ranzo will follow Quentin, since he was in front in case he had to pull his 'agent from the city' ploy. Following him Ranzo plans on attacking the leader and assisting Quentin.

Coming around the corner Ranzo yells:
"You are bound by law of the Swordlords to drop your weapons and submit to interrogation. DROP THEM." Then attack the leader

Attack on the leader: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Male Human Fighter 1

A Crit, I will attempt to confirm

Confirm: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 - 11 points if confirmed.

Intimidate(GM?): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Wow, and I have a habit of doing quite terrible on initiative, go Quention! Also sorry for sorta-late post, ended up w/ long day at work yesterday.


Quentin would have been quite eagerly helping Alan until the wee hours, perhaps annoying the wizard with questions about how the trap will work.
Come morning, he would be hiding outside (taking 20 on Stealth w/ cover) w/ his shortbow knocked.

Move: Perception check to see if any more bandits are lurking about.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Free: 5 foot step from around corner of fort/cover.
Standard: Cast Peacebond

Stepping out from behind his cover, Quentin has his shortbow at the ready and knocked but not immediately trained on any of the men.

"Banditry, and now attempted rape and arson! Damn, and here I thought we might have to work you idiots over to get a confession."

When Ranzo steps out, he meets the eyes of the much more threatening looking warrior and nods as his attack on the leader makes the plan of action clear.

Putting slack to his arrow, he uses his free hand to make a gesture as though turning a key in a lock and whispers a brief prayer to his patron.

Casting Peacebond on one of the bandits whose hand is simply resting on his short sword. Or more specifically, on the short sword itself. Lasts for 10 rounds, bandit must succeed Strength check DC 14 as a standard action to draw.

Male Human Bladebound Magus 1

Endrance moves quickly from his place of hiding and slams the door to the fortress shut behind the bandits, trapping them inside. He turns to the evil men, his hand dangling next to his sheathed blade, his eyes sparking with arcane power. "Nowhere to run. I suggest you surrender, it will be a lot less painful that way."

Full-round action to close the gate, I'm assuming.

In case I need to make a Strength check for this:
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4



Round: - 1
Initiative: - 21
AC: 16
HP: 14/14
Saves (F,R,W): 4,2,2


Weapons Ready:
Aldori Dueling Sword (Arcane Strike)

Male Human Inquisitor / 1

Forgot about the whole status block bit. Here's mine for this round.

Stat block:


Round: 1
Initiative: 22
AC: 16
HP: 8/8
Saves (F,R,W): +2, +2, +5


Weapons Ready:

Male Human Wizard 1

I have several important questions:

1) Is anyone between the trap and the bandits?
2) Can you voluntarily fail a reflex save?
3) How did I go last with a +10 to initiative?

Basically, if there are any allies blocking my trap, I'm trying to knock them prone so that they're out of the line of fire. If you can fail reflex saves voluntarily, everyone that I cast grease on should do that. Waiting on the answer to these questions, I will do one of three things:

#1 - If no one is in the way:

Alan pulls the string to release the trap.

3 Arrow traps:

1d1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31 >> 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
1d1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17 >> 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
1d1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29 >> 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

#2 - If someone is in the way, but voluntary failure is allowed:

Alan casts grease on his ally to force him to trip, then releases the trap. Same rolls as before.

#3 - If voluntary failure is not allowed or too many allies are in the way:

Alan shouts You fools! and casts summon monster I to bring a coyote into the fray.

The coyote bites at the nearest bandit. 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 >> 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4


Round: 1
Initiative (+10): 12
AC (Full, FF, Touch): 12, 10, 12
HP: 9/9
Saves (F,R,W): 0,2,2


Spells Prepared:
Detect Magic
Summon Monster I 0/1
Grease 1/1

Special Abilities:
Acid Dart 7/7

Tracked Resources:
Bolts: 20
Days of food: 5

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