Games of Chance (Inactive)

Game Master lynora

A gestalt campaign in a homebrew setting starting at level 3, the PCs are new recruits to the Chance City Watch in the worst district of the city.

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This is a homebrew setting, although we'll be using the Golarion pantheon, quite frankly because it's easier. Characters should be level 3 gestalt. 25 point buy to offset inevitable MAD. If you want to play something with a level adjustment you can take levels in your race as half of the gestalt. No restrictions other than level adjustment on character races. Also, psionics are allowed/encouraged, and most 3.5 stuff will be allowed. The setting is a large port city called Chance. While the kingdom of Sorryn is very humanocentric, Chance, while technically part of Sorryn, has a separate government and is very friendly towards all races. It is this world's largest city.

Chance is separated into districts surrounding the harbour. The game will be mostly taking place within the poorest district of the city, known as the Warrens. It is a lawless area ruled by gangs. The sort of place where admitting to being a law enforcement officer is tantamount to suicide. So you might want to hide those badges since you'll be new recruits to the city watch. Whether you're a hopeless optimist who believes you can make a difference or a petty criminal working off your sentence here because you pissed off a half-giant named Bubba back in prison and this seemed like a less messy way to die, you are now Watchmen/women/sentient beings...oh,for crying out loud you knew what I meant. Stupid thri-kreen always being overly sensitive about the recruitment speech...;P

Okay, this is the part where you post character concepts. Please, please, please do not worry about stepping on each other's toes. You will often be separated into smaller subunits for missions and even if we ended up with a subunit who all have similar skillsets, there are times when that is just what you need. Also, don't worry about patching holes to make a traditional team. As members of the watch you will all have access to resources that will help make up for anything you might be missing. No interested player will be turned away. I can work with just about anything, but no PvP (unless both parties have worked it out with me ahead of time via PM). And no evil alignments unless your character can work well with others, at least mostly within the law, kinda sorta. Oh, and my game posting style has been described kindly as 'chatty' so there may be a lot to wade through at times. I am always happy to give a 'story-so-far' summary to someone who had that pesky real-life stuff come up and needs to catch up quickly.

It will be next week sometime before I can actually start gameplay since I have a bunch of NPCs to update so that gives plenty of time to make characters and work all of the kinks out.

Hey Lynora, I've done a lot of research on Gestalt, but I've never played one. I'm going to roll something up, as I like the way you described your GMing style, and I'm interested in getting a feel for the Gestalt rules. I'll have something rolled up soon.

Thanks Lyn!!

I'll post my full concept later, but Inquisitor/Ninja is the base. Is it possible to add Drow Noble in, or are they not a LA race?(since PF races don't have an LA)

If not, I am fine with being just a Tiefling, though I wonder if I could choose a specific bloodline, but keep the Darkness SLA??

Dotting. This is Edgar, and I'll be submitting, at some point, a Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian specializing in the Dwarven Dorn-Dergar. I've got to work out stuff for him, but I'm thinking right now that he's going to be a Barbarian 3(Invulnerable Rager)/Fighter 3(Weapon Master). Actual build is nowhere near completion, not even started, though I know the majority of what's gonna go on.

How would you like character wealth to be done?

I was going to say standard wealth by level, but with two classes together that might be a little on the low side. Start with 3500. You can find whatever equipment you can afford. Anything can be found in Chance for the right price.

lynora wrote:
Anything can be found in Chance for the right price.

You may regret having said this.


Monkeygod wrote:

Thanks Lyn!!

I'll post my full concept later, but Inquisitor/Ninja is the base. Is it possible to add Drow Noble in, or are they not a LA race?(since PF races don't have an LA)

If not, I am fine with being just a Tiefling, though I wonder if I could choose a specific bloodline, but keep the Darkness SLA??

Based on all the extra you get from drow noble, I would say you would sacrifice one level of half of your gestalt for it. So either inquisitor or ninja would be level 2 and the other would be level 3 because you took a level in badass...I mean drow noble. :)

If you go with tiefling...I'm not sure what bloodlines have to do with it. The darkness SLA is a racial ability. It would make sense for you to keep it. Is this some sort of racial alternate option or something that you're asking about?

Wow! So many options! A mentioned in the other thread, I think I'll go with that sorcerer/wizard. Glass... We'll see about the canon part. Might specialize in something else. What archetypes are in scope? Specifically, can we grab from Golarion-specific stuff like from Inner Sea Magic (e.g. Thassilonian specialist, shadowcaster, etc.)?

Kybryn wrote:
lynora wrote:
Anything can be found in Chance for the right price.

You may regret having said this.


Just remember....if the PCs have it, it's fair game for the bad guys too. <evil grin>.

The Exchange


On that page are different tiefling bloodlines. The bloodlines are technically a separate chart from the abilities that replace darkness, so you don't necessarily have to use both, Monkeygod.

Dark Netwerk wrote:
Wow! So many options! A mentioned in the other thread, I think I'll go with that sorcerer/wizard. Glass... We'll see about the canon part. Might specialize in something else. What archetypes are in scope? Specifically, can we grab from Golarion-specific stuff like from Inner Sea Magic (e.g. Thassilonian specialist, shadowcaster, etc.)?

I'm fine with golarion-specific stuff, but I'll probably reflavor it to fit better to the world we're playing in. That's something I will discuss as part of character review once you know what you want to do. But it would be pure fluff. :)

Also, forgot to say it, but you also can choose two traits as part of character creation. I don't know why, but I always forget about traits. :)

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:


On that page are different tiefling bloodlines. The bloodlines are technically a separate chart from the abilities that replace darkness, so you don't necessarily have to use both, Monkeygod.

Thanks, Edgar. For some reason that didn't come up on my search. I appreciate the assist. :)

Yeah, I'm fine if you want to have the flavor from an alternate bloodline but not trade out the darkness SLA.

Dotting. This looks very interesting. I'm thinking Bard/Ninja for a master spy feel but I'm not sure yet.


Cleric, Gunslinger

What I'm referring to is the different fiendish bloodlines originally presented in Bastards of Erebus, and reprinted in Blood of Fiends.

There's one for each of the fiendish races, so Devil, Demon and Daemon are all different(along with all the rest), with different ability score modifiers, skill bonuses and SLAs. I want to keep the Darkness SLA however, as I plan to use it in conjunction with some other stuff from Blood of Fiends, all of which is up on the d20PFSRD btw.

EDIT! Lyn, did you mean I would need to be either Inquisitor or Ninja 2/Drow Noble? Or did you mean Inquisitor 2/Ninja 2/Drow Noble?

When ever I've played Gestalt, it was always equal, so if I stuck with a normal race, it would be Inquisitor 3/Ninja 3. Not sure exactly what you mean, sorry!

Narkari wrote:
Dotting. This looks very interesting. I'm thinking Bard/Ninja for a master spy feel but I'm not sure yet.

This is similar to what I'm doing. Lynora said not to worry bout steppin on each others toes, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.

If you go more master spy while I lean more toward infiltration it should be fine.

The Exchange

She means You'd be either an inquisitor 2/Ninja 3 Drow Noble, or Inquisitor 3 Ninja 2 Drow noble.

Skirmisher Ranger/Cross-blooded Draconic-Primal Sorcerer

Fire... mo hotta mo betta.

Intrigued as Gestalt is always an interesting thought experiment... though there's always one to push the boundaries...

Query - how would you rule the interaction between Summoner (Synthesist) and Aegis (from Dreamscarred)?

Can I put on the eidolon suit... then layer a set of Aegis armor on top?

I've alternative ideas, but thought I may as well ask ;)

I'm not sure, exactly. You said psionics, and now my concept has changed a bit. Maybe Zen archer/Marksman (Psi)? Soulknife/Aegis?

Mark Sweetman wrote:

Intrigued as Gestalt is always an interesting thought experiment... though there's always one to push the boundaries...

Query - how would you rule the interaction between Summoner (Synthesist) and Aegis (from Dreamscarred)?

Can I put on the eidolon suit... then layer a set of Aegis armor on top?

I've alternative ideas, but thought I may as well ask ;)

Could you give me a link to aegis? My search-fu is weak tonight. In general I play with the default psionics/magic transparency, so if it does the same thing then no, that won't stack.

The Exchange

It's not exactly the same thing, although they are similar. They both put a type of "skin" around you. The Synthesist encases you in a monster, while the Aegis brings into being an ectoplasmic suit of armor. Aegis is from the Psionics Expanded: Unlimited Possibilities release.

Monkeygod wrote:
Narkari wrote:
Dotting. This looks very interesting. I'm thinking Bard/Ninja for a master spy feel but I'm not sure yet.

This is similar to what I'm doing. Lynora said not to worry bout steppin on each others toes, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.

If you go more master spy while I lean more toward infiltration it should be fine.

There's a whole spy network in Chance, and even if you have the same concept, all I'll do is assign you to different subunits. Really, it's fine. :)

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
It's not exactly the same thing, although they are similar. They both put a type of "skin" around you. The Eidolon encases you in a monster, while the Aegis brings into being an ectoplasmic suit of armor. Aegis is from the Psionics Expanded: Unlimited Possibilities release.

Ah. I don't have that yet. So far I just have psionics unleashed. Hmm...that is complicated. I think it's similar enough that I would lean towards no.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
She means You'd be either an inquisitor 2/Ninja 3 Drow Noble, or Inquisitor 3 Ninja 2 Drow noble.

Thanks for translating. That's exactly what I mean. :)

Aye - Edgar has it right. I don't think the Psionics Expanded stuff is on any of the SRDs - but the basic is below:

While the shaper is the master of manipulating ectoplasm and creating any manner of item, the aegis has learned to take ectoplasm and form it into a suit to be worn around his body, granting him a variety of benefits.
The aegis can shape his astral suit into several different forms and is capable of altering its abilities to suit his needs.

It's cheesy as it gets, but it would be predicated on the flimsy assumption that the synthesist replaces the base humanoid form - and the aegis abilities then call ectoplasmic armor onto the form of the eidolon.

The cheese comes from the fact that the eidolon form provides the buff physical stats as well as natural armor bonus; which the aegis then supercharges with normal armor and other benefits.

If it's too much of a mind screw then I'll look at something else.

Silver Crusade

I always wanted to try paladin/synth summoner (angel style Eidolon), and gestalt would be a great way to try it. Not sure how well it'd work in the presented scenario though. Might try anyway, see what happens.

The Exchange

lynora wrote:
Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
She means You'd be either an inquisitor 2/Ninja 3 Drow Noble, or Inquisitor 3 Ninja 2 Drow noble.
Thanks for translating. That's exactly what I mean. :)

You've been my DM for how long now? I think the least I should be able to do is translate for you. :P

OK, going hog wild with archetypes since gestalting Sorc/Wiz doesn't net much other than more spells than one can shake a stick at...

A Dhampir Crossblooded Sanguine-Umbral {and maybe Razmiran priest} Sorcerer / Thassilonian Pride specialist (Illusion - Shadow) Shadowcaster Wizard

Prelim crunch:

STR: 12
DEX: 16
CON: 10
INT: 17
WIS: 7
CHA: 17
Skill Ranks:
Bluff 2, Intimidate 3, Knowledge (Arcana) 3, Knowledge (Planes) 1, Knowledge (Religion) 1, Linguistics 1, Spellcraft 3, Stealth 1, Use Magic Device 3

I'll need to think about feats, spells and items little more. And a name of course.

Not sure how to weave a history into your world as I don't know much about it.

I'll work up my character morrow. Give race some thought while at work.

Thanks again for taking up this crazy idea...I just better get in to this game, LOL

Hmmm - cheese confirmed.

Just did a quick paper exercise and a 3rd level Synthesist / Aegis could have an AC of 25 (10 +9 Armor +6 Natural Armor) have a bucketload of effective HP (6d10 + Con between base and eidolon form) and be swinging a large greatsword at +7 for 3d6+9 damage... and that's before feats.

Perhaps it best that particular sleeping dog stays lying...

Cleric/Gunslinger (Musket Master)


Shadow Lodge

"You, 'ey you, a'm jost here to blow stuff op, and keep dis town safe too."

Stat Block:
Reif (Human Sorcerer [Primal Red]/Ranger [Skirmisher] 3)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +9


AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+3 Dex, +1 Natural)
hp 25 (3d10+3) 10, 9, 3
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Dragon resistances, dimension door 10' 3/day; Immune Fire 5
Ranger favored ferrain Urban


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged Dagger +6 (1d4-1/19-20)
Special Attacks Elemental ray 7/day +6(1d6+3), arcane strike
Sorcerer Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7)

1st—Burning hands (3d4+6), ray of flame +6(1d6+2), shield (3 min) - 6/day
0th (at will)—Detect magic, read magic, spark, light - at will

Ranger favored enemy Humanoid (Human)


Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Combat casting, precise shot, weapon focus (ray), arcane strike, eschew materials, endurance
Skills appraise +4, bluff +9, spellcraft +6, perception +7, knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, nature, planes) +4, handle animal +8, intimidate +8, disguise +6, stealth +8, survival +7, track +8, umd +8
Languages Common
Ex Wild empathy (1d20+7), favored enemy, track
Sq Bloodline arcana
Sp Elemental ray
Combat Gear Anklet of translocation; Other Gear dagger, waterskin, beltpouch, 1596 g

Fluff/backstory to come

dot me very interested!

you said 3.5 stuff is allowable? even prestige classes? im just slightly familiar with gestalt rules. Can you gestalt prestige class levels as well?

im thinking human wizard (necromancer)/binder.

Mark Sweetman wrote:

Hmmm - cheese confirmed.

Just did a quick paper exercise and a 3rd level Synthesist / Aegis could have an AC of 25 (10 +9 Armor +6 Natural Armor) have a bucketload of effective HP (6d10 + Con between base and eidolon form) and be swinging a large greatsword at +7 for 3d6+9 damage... and that's before feats.

Perhaps it best that particular sleeping dog stays lying...

You hit the nail on the head here. While I think it's a bit like trying to wear two amulets at once (you can do it, but you only get the benefits of one), I would still allow it in Avalon cause it's creative thinking and you'd have to try harder than that to break a high level game. :)

But this is a third level game and these numbers just don't fit in. It would quickly become a fun vacuum, and nobody wants that. So for purposes of this game, no, I think that allowing them to stack is just overdoing things.

Dark Netwerk wrote:

OK, going hog wild with archetypes since gestalting Sorc/Wiz doesn't net much other than more spells than one can shake a stick at...

A Dhampir Crossblooded Sanguine-Umbral {and maybe Razmiran priest} Sorcerer / Thassilonian Pride specialist (Illusion - Shadow) Shadowcaster Wizard

Prelim crunch:** spoiler omitted **** spoiler omitted **

I'll need to think about feats, spells and items little more. And a name of course.

Not sure how to weave a history into your world as I don't know much about it.

I have to get the kidlet to school this morning, but I will help with this once I get back.

Monkeygod wrote:

I'll work up my character morrow. Give race some thought while at work.

Thanks again for taking up this crazy idea...I just better get in to this game, LOL

All interested players who want a spot in this game will get one. I'm perfectly comfortable dealing with large groups. It really helps keep a PBP going. :)

Sounds awesome, I'm very interested and will submit a character this afternoon.

I have an idea a for a ninja magus that could be a lot of fun.

Hey Monkeygod, Maybe I'll make him/her a drow and we can be cousins/siblings/twins. ;-)

This is Tiny coffee golem.

I have this character from another game that died a grisly death. I LOVE the concept and would like to work him into a gestalt character if that's cool. I don't want to step on Dark Network's toes, but it could be fun to have two Uber arcanists who have a healthy rivalry. Perhaps even friends or siblings of some kind.

I will definitely be incorporating stealthy and social skills as this charactere is a drow and those are useful skillsets.

Meredian Adriatnaic wrote:

This is Tiny coffee golem.

I have this character from another game that died a grisly death. I LOVE the concept and would like to work him into a gestalt character if that's cool. I don't want to step on Dark Network's toes, but it could be fun to have two Uber arcanists who have a healthy rivalry. Perhaps even friends or siblings of some kind.

I will definitely be incorporating stealthy and social skills as this charactere is a drow and those are useful skillsets.

Though perhaps a different class combination. Perhaps a fighter type / wizard who eventually takes the dimension door feats so he can pop around in combat.

I love Gestalt and my mind is going a bit crazy with possibliities. Bear with me while I narrow down my concpet.

lynora wrote:
So for purposes of this game, no, I think that allowing them to stack is just overdoing things.

Yep - pretty much, was merely a passing thought at any rate ;)

Will let the concepts swill around a while longer and throw up a more reasonable character come morning.

Black Blade Magus/ Teleport specalist wizard. ;-)

That's what I'm going to run with until told otherwise. Drow noble race probably, because I love them and rarely get to play them. Though I am going to browse through the MM to see if anything else looks fun.


I got an idea for a character In the Company of Giants ever heard of it? pretty much it a 1- 20 racial class that makes me into a giant. this idea being gathering dust for a long time but now...
anyway I was thinking of making it with a fighter.
here some details on the class and race itself.

Jotun Racial Traits
The Jotunnar’s massive physique grants them prodigious
Strength and Constitution. They enjoy choosing to
focus on their physique granting a single +2 racial bonus
to Strength; or focusing on physical and mental fortitude
granting a +2 racial bonus to Constitution, a +2 racial bonus
to Wisdom, and a -2 penalty to Intelligence.
Jotun base speed is 30 feet
Jotunnar are use to lording their size over those around
them and possess a +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and
Sense Motive skill checks.
Jotunnar enjoy a +2 racial bonus to all Craft skill
Jotunnar are humanoids with the giant subtype.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Jotunnar have no special
bonuses or penalties due to their size. Jotunnar can
grow to even greater size.
Low-Light Vision: Jotunnar can see twice as far as humans
in conditions of dim light.
Automatic Languages: Common and Giant.
Bonus Languages: Any.

Jotun Paragon
Jotun can take up to twenty levels in “jotun paragon,”
each level represents the character growing in elemental
and giantish might and reaching a growth cycle of her giantish
heritage. Still not all jotun choose to take paragon
levels instead becoming one of the stunted.
Jotun Paragon Class
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills
The giant paragon’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int),
Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense
Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex) and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier

Medium BAB, good fort bad reflex bad will

Size Increase (Ex): you continue to grow in height and
weight as you gain power at 3rd level you become size
Large, at 10th you become size Huge, at 16th you become
size Gargantuan, and at 20th level you become size Colossal.
No ability score modifications arise as a result of the
growth, though you do gain all the other associated penalties
and benefits for the size change listed in the table below,
the table lists the total bonus or penalty they are not
cumulative. Your equipment also resizes to fit your new
size as long as you are attending it at the time you gain the
appropriate level.
You can as a full round action reduce your size back down
one category, it also takes a standard action to increase
your size back up one category.

Strength/Constitution Increase (Ex): At 2nd level,
the jotun paragon’s Strength and Constitution score gains
a +2 inherent bonus. At 5th level, you increase one of
those inherent bonuses by 2 (your choice). At 8th level,
you increase both of those inherent bonuses by an additional
2. At 11th level, you increase one of those inherent
bonuses by an additional 2 (your choice). At 14th level,
you increase both of those inherent bonuses by an additional
2. At 17th level, you increase one of those inherent
bonuses by an additional 2 (your choice). At 20th level,
you increase both of those inherent bonuses by an additional

there is a lot more to this class but it covers the important parts
please tell me what you think?

What do you think of this idea?

A fat and lazy (relatively) halfling wizard (maybe sorcerer) / Master Summoner with an improved familiar elemental (earth or air) that is in the shape of an easy chair that he rides around instead of walking. ;-)

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:

Black Blade Magus/ Teleport specalist wizard. ;-)

That's what I'm going to run with until told otherwise. Drow noble race probably, because I love them and rarely get to play them. Though I am going to browse through the MM to see if anything else looks fun.

Sorry to sound like a spaz. Ignore everything else. I'm going to run with this idea as a drow noble. I'm going to play him as a stealthy Eltrich knight type character.

Its funny that Kolm and Meredian are making a come back for this game as the concept I'm going with is a variant of the DMPC I was planning on using in our game LOL!

I have absoultely no problem tying my character to yours Mer. We get along well enough to make it work.

Monkeygod wrote:

Its funny that Kolm and Meredian are making a come back for this game as the concept I'm going with is a variant of the DMPC I was planning on using in our game LOL!

I have absoultely no problem tying my character to yours Mer. We get along well enough to make it work.

Groovy. Drow Noble Blackblade Magus/Wizard teleport school. I suspect you have a backstory in mind. Feel free to put it in a spoilder here or PM me. I'll work myself into it.

Dotting for interest. I checked this thread first because I've always been interested in a gestalt game, but Chance sounds pretty intriguing too!

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