PFS Troubles in Otari with DM Deevor

Game Master Deevor

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Sovereign Court

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For all your out of character discusson

Scarab Sages

Dotting into discussion, will be setting up Arity when I can.

retired | NG female (she/her) undine human castle owner / part time pirate

Bonnie is here, and I've dotted into Gameplay.

Not sure whether she wants to be called Bonnie or Bonnie-Anne.

Firstly, thanks for having me and secondly, I'll set Mylos up as an alias later tonight!

Female | Fort +7, Ref+12, Will+7, | HP 47/56| AC 21 (23 with buckler) | Per (E)+8| Exploration-Search Swashbuckler 4

The macros file is view only, so we canMt fill it in.

Horizon Hunters

N Human Witch 4 | AC: 18/19 | HP: 32 | Per: 7, Fort: 6, Ref: 8, Will: 9 | Speed: 25’ | Focus: 1 / 1 | Spells: 1st 3, 2nd 3

Should be good to go.

ETA: Crap, how do I edit my pic? Don’t want to get me and Arity confused.

Female | Fort +7, Ref+12, Will+7, | HP 47/56| AC 21 (23 with buckler) | Per (E)+8| Exploration-Search Swashbuckler 4
Flory Buntzer wrote:

Should be good to go.

ETA: Crap, how do I edit my pic? Don’t want to get me and Arity confused.

Lol, already did mine, you’re good!

Sovereign Court

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Hopefully sorted the macro and the slides.

All Games slides should allow you to enter your tokens.

The Current Map with my avatar and posts should also take you to the current slide/map/picture.

I'm thinking Bonnie and Marysiel might know one another, as both have some background of the sea ... pirate & stowaway ....

I leave that for you two to have a discuss.=, when Marysiel gets on-board.

Female | Fort +7, Ref+12, Will+7, | HP 47/56| AC 21 (23 with buckler) | Per (E)+8| Exploration-Search Swashbuckler 4

Airity and Flory might also know each other, both coming from Otari.

I’ll let Flory figure out if she’s cool with that.

CG Human Sorcerer 4 | AC 20 | HP 36/36 | P +8 F +7 R +8 W +8 | Def. Expl.:? | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 |

He's not quite ready yet, but this is a start.

CN Female (Cavern) Elf Rogue 4 | ♥️ 42/42 | AC 21 (23 Nimble Dodge) | F+7 R+12 W+10 | Perc +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +12 (Init +12) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier, +1 Striking Shortsword | Status:
DM Deevor wrote:

I'm thinking Bonnie and Marysiel might know one another, as both have some background of the sea ... pirate & stowaway ....

I leave that for you two to have a discuss.=, when Marysiel gets on-board.

I'm here! Thanks for including me.

I'm good with Bonnie and Marysiel knowing each other. Maybe Marysiel was one of the crew on the Sky Lightning when the bat guano business went south and the ship was sold off. Marysiel went back home to Otari and suggested Bonnie come along, and that's how they both ended up in Otari looking for work.

I take it that I'm not stuck to using the levelled-up Merisiel pregen of the Beginners Box and that I can tweak/rebuild my Marysiel as I like.

Assuming this is the case, then I'll probably need a day to figure out if I want to change anything in the build. Whatever I decide will likely be pretty minimal; a different feat here, an ability shift there; that sort of thing.

retired | NG female (she/her) undine human castle owner / part time pirate

I'm very open to Bonnie and Marysiel knowing each other, but I think it would be weird for both Bonnie to have been the captain and for Marysiel to have been a crewmember, since there'd be a power imbalance.

My counterproposals:

- Marysiel could have been a stowaway on the Sky Lightning, expecting to sail to another port, when it was sold. Bonnie was unloading the ship when she found her behind some crates or something. [Marysiel alters her story.]

- Bonnie and Marysiel could have both been crewmembers, perhaps having been the only two to have voted to stick together, while the rest of the crew voted to disband. If we choose this, I may alter Bonnie mechanically to remove her marshal dedication. [Bonnie alters her story.]

- Going with the rogue theme, Marysiel could be part of the poker game referenced in Bonnie's story. In my Beginner's Box adventure, my character (Slorol Nutflush) abruptly showed up at the fishery, having been chased by a group of angry poker players for unspecified reasons. [Marysiel alters her story.]

I'm also open to Bonnie knowing any of the other characters as well!

- Bonnie could have stopped by Flory's store to buy new landlubber clothes.

- Bonnie could have sold bat guano to Mylos.

- Bonnie could have had her shortsword repaired at Arity's a while ago, but "graduated" to a longsword and forgot to pick it up.


Note: Bonnie's character sheet is wrong! She should be a laughing shadow magus, I think I posted an old version of her. EDIT: New character sheet up.

Horizon Hunters

N Human Witch 4 | AC: 18/19 | HP: 32 | Per: 7, Fort: 6, Ref: 8, Will: 9 | Speed: 25’ | Focus: 1 / 1 | Spells: 1st 3, 2nd 3
Arity Bell wrote:

Airity and Flory might also know each other, both coming from Otari.

I’ll let Flory figure out if she’s cool with that.

Thanks Arity! Sounds good to me.

You and Bonnie would know Flory from the marketplace. She’s an odd duck, always talking to that spider of hers, but friendly enough. Plus, she’s a whiz with a needle and thread.

M Human | Investigator 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 44/44 | AC 20[22 w /drakeheart)| F +7 R +10 W +10 | Perception +10 (+11 vs Traps) | Speed 25ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: | Advanced Alchemy: lesser Drakeheart Mutagen x2, 3/4 remaining| Leads: The Scar, Lamashtu cult

Checking in. I'll have Albrecht's final stat block up in a day or two. I have most everything ready but I just need to figure out equipment and a few backstory details.

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Female | Fort +7, Ref+12, Will+7, | HP 47/56| AC 21 (23 with buckler) | Per (E)+8| Exploration-Search Swashbuckler 4
Flory Buntzer wrote:
Arity Bell wrote:

Airity and Flory might also know each other, both coming from Otari.

I’ll let Flory figure out if she’s cool with that.

Thanks Arity! Sounds good to me.

You and Bonnie would know Flory from the marketplace. She’s an odd duck, always talking to that spider of hers, but friendly enough. Plus, she’s a whiz with a needle and thread.

Considering you're a tailor and Arity worked in a clothing store, we probably worked together a lot! Arity is much the opposite, she's very charismatic and always talking about going on adventures and trying to find a way into one. She's bothered ever sellsword and mercenary who's passed through town for free swordfighting lessons.

CN Female (Cavern) Elf Rogue 4 | ♥️ 42/42 | AC 21 (23 Nimble Dodge) | F+7 R+12 W+10 | Perc +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +12 (Init +12) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier, +1 Striking Shortsword | Status:

Okay, Marysiel is all updated and ready to go. I tweaked her feats a little and changed her background to Deckhand to better fit with her backstory. I also fixed her equipment so it matches the standard Character Wealth from Table 10-10 for a Level 2 PC.

As to the backstory, I'm not concerned about power imbalances, and neither is Mary; mainly because she doesn't see her relationship with Bonnie in terms of captain and crewmember. If she was following Bonnie's orders on the ship it was because Mary felt that this is what was best for her personally, and because she didn't want to appear to undermine the captaincy of her best friend Bonnie in front of the rest of the crew. Also, I was kind of looking forward to her referring to Bonnie as "Capt'n", if only to rib her old friend.

But if it still seems odd to you, then we can go with your stowaway idea, though the result will be that Mary and Bonnie will start off as mere acquaintances rather than good friends. I don't think Mary as a disgruntled poker player quite works for me.

I noticed that neither Arity nor Bonnie chose to go with a +1 weapon nor any other Lvl 1 permanent item that I can see. Is there a reason for that or am I missing something on your profiles?

retired | NG female (she/her) undine human castle owner / part time pirate

I'm fine with Marysiel calling her "Cap'n" by habit if Marysiel is. It doesn't seem odd, I just didn't want you to feel restricted.

Regarding +1 weapon, a +1 rune is a level 2 item, and the lump sum gold isn't enough to buy it.

CN Female (Cavern) Elf Rogue 4 | ♥️ 42/42 | AC 21 (23 Nimble Dodge) | F+7 R+12 W+10 | Perc +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +12 (Init +12) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier, +1 Striking Shortsword | Status:
Bonnie-Anne Addiopizzo wrote:
I'm fine with Marysiel calling her "Cap'n" by habit if Marysiel is. It doesn't seem odd, I just didn't want you to feel restricted.

Nope; I'm good with it. Mary will likely only use "cap'n" ironically though, or maybe out of habit in tense situations such as when they go into combat together; otherwise it will be just "Bonnie". I'm hoping that Bonnie will be Mary's main flanking buddy (and vice-versa) since they've fought together many times before.

By the way, is there any reason behind the use of Addiopizzo for Bonnie's surname?

Bonnie-Anne Addiopizzo wrote:
Regarding +1 weapon, a +1 rune is a level 2 item, and the lump sum gold isn't enough to buy it.

I guess I wasn't reading the table right then.

At Level 2, the listed Core Permanent Item is a +1 weapon, so I thought the choice was between a +1 weapon and 20gp of Currency or the 30gp Lump Sum (not a hard choice admittedly). Looks like that's not the case.

Looks like Level 1 Permanent Items are basically non-magical non-consumable things like armor and weapons, with maybe an Everburning Torch and Cloak of Feline Rest thrown in for good measure. None of these are of much use to Mary, so I guess I'll have her take the 30gp Lump Sum instead and her Rapier goes back to being non-magical.

What kind of sucks is that Mary came out of the Beginners Box at level 2 with not one, but two +1 weapons.

Sovereign Court

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I like the idea of the stowaway, it was kind of what I imagined, but having crewed for a short time before is OK. However I assume Maryseil will know Tamily Tanderveil, the owner of the Otari Fishery, from the Beginners Box adventure.

Arity, Albrecht would know Tamily as well, being resident in Otari main town.

No hurries, we have time to sort stuff out.

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Marysiel wrote:
By the way, is there any reason behind the use of Addiopizzo for Bonnie's surname?

Pizzo is the protection money that merchants/individuals pay to the Italian mafia, addiopizzo ("goodbye pizzo") is a movement to end the protection rackets.

Bonnie's racket ending wasn't exactly a principled stand, but she needed a surname and I figured it was appropriate.

Marysiel wrote:
I guess I'll have her take the 30gp Lump Sum instead and her Rapier goes back to being non-magical.

GM, can we clarify that we're either using 30 gp lump sum or Level 1 item plus 20 gp?

CG Human Sorcerer 4 | AC 20 | HP 36/36 | P +8 F +7 R +8 W +8 | Def. Expl.:? | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 |

Going to finish Mylos' equipment later. Could he have travelled to Otari at the same time as Albrecht, when the latter returned?

Sovereign Court

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Watery Soup wrote:

GM, can we clarify that we're either using 30 gp lump sum or Level 1 item plus 20 gp?

Yep, that's what I'm going with.

Mylos Knaven wrote:

Going to finish Mylos' equipment later. Could he have travelled to Otari at the same time as Albrecht, when the latter returned?

I don't have a problem with this on principal, but will have to go over a few bits before I confirm it. Should be able to do it tomorrow.

Just a heads up, I run a RL game on Tuesday nights and sometimes might have difficulty posting then, when we get going...

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CN Female (Cavern) Elf Rogue 4 | ♥️ 42/42 | AC 21 (23 Nimble Dodge) | F+7 R+12 W+10 | Perc +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +12 (Init +12) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier, +1 Striking Shortsword | Status:
DM Deevor wrote:
Watery Soup wrote:
GM, can we clarify that we're either using 30 gp lump sum or Level 1 item plus 20 gp?
Yep, that's what I'm going with.

OK. Mary has been updated to work with the 30 gp lump sum, which means no +1 weapon and some 8 gp left over in case I think of something else she needs.

I think she's all ready to go now.

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retired | NG female (she/her) undine human castle owner / part time pirate

Bonnie is ready to go. She started with a 30 gp lump sum and has 4.9 gp remaining.

I've decided to drop her last name. She's just Bonnie Anne. Her family was never wealthy enough to have a surname, and her mother's name was Anne, so she's used that as a surname whenever it's been needed.

I'm also changing her alignment from CN to NG. I think CN was an artifact of a pirate template from early character creation, but she's not really chaotic and I think having a good-aligned pirate would be a fun anti-stereotype. She could actually be lawful, since her ship would have been run with some pretty strict rules, but I'll just leave it as NG because, LG may be too hard to swallow. That level of organization could also head off any power imbalance issues, as Bonnie and Marysiel could have been co-crewmates before Bonnie was democratically elected captain.

Also, Bonnie has an undine versatile heritage, but aside from some unusually blue eyes, it hasn't manifested. My hope is that it'll come up sometime during the adventure.

A potential backstory is that Bonnie's father was undine; neither she nor her mother knew him very well, and because there were very few physical manifestations, it hasn't really been questioned. She's known she's been very good at swimming, even from a young age, but growing up poor, that mostly meant she was fit for sailing jobs and the like, rather than having to resort to crime like most of her neighbors.

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Mylos Knaven wrote:
Going to finish Mylos' equipment later. Could he have travelled to Otari at the same time as Albrecht, when the latter returned?

That makes sense. Lastwall and Ustalav are neighbors so I could see Mylos fleeing into Ustalav where he met Albrecht. That area is now very dangerous due to the Whispering Tyrant and his minions so no one wants to travel alone so it would make sense for Mylos and Albrecht to travel together to Kortos. Seeing as Mylos is now a refugee perhaps Albrecht has invited him to stay with his family in Otari for a few months while he figures out what to do next.

Sovereign Court

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OK, time for a roll call of readiness ....

I hope we'll be starting Friday, as I'm the one that has to get ready ....

Female | Fort +7, Ref+12, Will+7, | HP 47/56| AC 21 (23 with buckler) | Per (E)+8| Exploration-Search Swashbuckler 4

I think I forgot to buy a buckler? I’ll double check, otherwise Ms Bell is ready.

CN Female (Cavern) Elf Rogue 4 | ♥️ 42/42 | AC 21 (23 Nimble Dodge) | F+7 R+12 W+10 | Perc +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +12 (Init +12) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier, +1 Striking Shortsword | Status:

Mary is ready.

Horizon Hunters

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N Human Witch 4 | AC: 18/19 | HP: 32 | Per: 7, Fort: 6, Ref: 8, Will: 9 | Speed: 25’ | Focus: 1 / 1 | Spells: 1st 3, 2nd 3

Flory smiles at Deevor. ”Like a new-crafted needle, sharp and thirsty”, she says.

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CG Human Sorcerer 4 | AC 20 | HP 36/36 | P +8 F +7 R +8 W +8 | Def. Expl.:? | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 |

I've done some shopping for Mylos. He's ready. I will use a different picture on the slides - the selection on Paizo isn't quite how I see him.

Sovereign Court

Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | || Current Map ||

How we doing Albrecht Jaeger?

M Human | Investigator 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 44/44 | AC 20[22 w /drakeheart)| F +7 R +10 W +10 | Perception +10 (+11 vs Traps) | Speed 25ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: | Advanced Alchemy: lesser Drakeheart Mutagen x2, 3/4 remaining| Leads: The Scar, Lamashtu cult

He's done and ready to go.

M Human | Investigator 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 44/44 | AC 20[22 w /drakeheart)| F +7 R +10 W +10 | Perception +10 (+11 vs Traps) | Speed 25ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: | Advanced Alchemy: lesser Drakeheart Mutagen x2, 3/4 remaining| Leads: The Scar, Lamashtu cult

Have we lost our witch?

CG Human Sorcerer 4 | AC 20 | HP 36/36 | P +8 F +7 R +8 W +8 | Def. Expl.:? | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 |

Token uploaded.

CG Human Sorcerer 4 | AC 20 | HP 36/36 | P +8 F +7 R +8 W +8 | Def. Expl.:? | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 |

Mylos will have shown his sorcerous abilities on the journey, explaining to Albrecht that he seems to be able to direct energy - positive, negative and fire. He won't have disclosed the fact that he has died and come back. He will have said that he's looking to become an adventurer or something similar with the powers that he gained in the Fall of Lastwall.

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.
N Human Witch 4 | AC: 18/19 | HP: 32 | Per: 7, Fort: 6, Ref: 8, Will: 9 | Speed: 25’ | Focus: 1 / 1 | Spells: 1st 3, 2nd 3
Albrecht Jaeger wrote:
Have we lost our witch?

Which witch?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN Female (Cavern) Elf Rogue 4 | ♥️ 42/42 | AC 21 (23 Nimble Dodge) | F+7 R+12 W+10 | Perc +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +12 (Init +12) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier, +1 Striking Shortsword | Status:

I got tired of repeatedly typing "Marysiel" pretty early on in the Beginners Box, so though that is her full name, almost everyone refers to her as "Mary". So feel free to save yourselves a few keystrokes when entering her name.

Sovereign Court

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Hoping Flory will enter into the gamethread soon.....

Horizon Hunters

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N Human Witch 4 | AC: 18/19 | HP: 32 | Per: 7, Fort: 6, Ref: 8, Will: 9 | Speed: 25’ | Focus: 1 / 1 | Spells: 1st 3, 2nd 3

I’m sorry! Could have sworn I dotted in.

Sovereign Court

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Loving the interactions between you guys.

Sovereign Court

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Any more questions for Tamily will be answered at breakfast...

Please go to the current slide and add your character tokens, Ta

Sovereign Court

Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | || Current Map ||

I just TPK'd my RL party when the barbarian refused to make any will saves against being controlled, and the stupifed cleric forgot how to heal.

-- The Slithering --- got to send out a rescue party.

I'll post tomorrow.

M Human | Investigator 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 44/44 | AC 20[22 w /drakeheart)| F +7 R +10 W +10 | Perception +10 (+11 vs Traps) | Speed 25ft | Hero 1/3 | Active Conditions: | Advanced Alchemy: lesser Drakeheart Mutagen x2, 3/4 remaining| Leads: The Scar, Lamashtu cult


Scarab Sages

DM Deevor wrote:

I just TPK'd my RL party when the barbarian refused to make any will saves against being controlled, and the stupifed cleric forgot how to heal.

-- The Slithering --- got to send out a rescue party.

I'll post tomorrow.

Huh, I played through the slithering last year. No real problems. Then again my level 7 divine sorcerer ended up using all but one of their spell slots for heal. And we had 2 archery fighters. Never mind, we had it good.

CG Human Sorcerer 4 | AC 20 | HP 36/36 | P +8 F +7 R +8 W +8 | Def. Expl.:? | ◆ | ◇ ◈ | ↺ | | Hero Points: 1/3 | Focus Points: 1/1 |

That's unfortunate. I nearly did that in Hellknight Hill with the Barguest. The PCs kept forgetting to move. It was close.

I GMed Slithering for my kids. They should have been TPKed twice, but they got miraculously saved by dei ex machina both times. I also nerfed 1-2 encounters because I was pretty sure they would have led to TPKs otherwise.

All in all, it was a fun scenario. I modified the story heavily because they didn't find the BBE in Chapter 1 so I just shrugged and made him the BBE in Chapter 3. Also, several of the NPCs were re-skinned to be more appropriate to the characters' backstories (and also for the purposes of general tomfoolery / teh lulz).

Sovereign Court

Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | || Current Map ||

If you haven't added your tokens please do so, the current slide is here for you to add them.

CN Female (Cavern) Elf Rogue 4 | ♥️ 42/42 | AC 21 (23 Nimble Dodge) | F+7 R+12 W+10 | Perc +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Hero 1 | Exploration: Avoid Notice +12 (Init +12) | ✋ +1 Striking Rapier, +1 Striking Shortsword | Status:
DM Deevor wrote:
If you haven't added your tokens please do so, the current slide is here for you to add them.

That's weird. Did something change with the slides? I added Mary's token yesterday and even filled out her rolls for Perception and Initiative but all that's gone now. I've added her tokens again. Only Albrecht to go.

Is it just me or does Arity's token look a blond Anne Hathaway.

Flory, if you want your token rounded off, then apply a circle Mask Image to it. You can then add a border and set it to whatever color you like.

Sovereign Court

Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | || Current Map ||

I don't know what happened either, let's hope your token doesn't go walk about like the last one... :)

Horizon Hunters

N Human Witch 4 | AC: 18/19 | HP: 32 | Per: 7, Fort: 6, Ref: 8, Will: 9 | Speed: 25’ | Focus: 1 / 1 | Spells: 1st 3, 2nd 3
Marysiel wrote:
DM Deevor wrote:
If you haven't added your tokens please do so, the current slide is here for you to add them.

That's weird. Did something change with the slides? I added Mary's token yesterday and even filled out her rolls for Perception and Initiative but all that's gone now. I've added her tokens again. Only Albrecht to go.

Is it just me or does Arity's token look a blond Anne Hathaway.

Flory, if you want your token rounded off, then apply a circle Mask Image to it. You can then add a border and set it to whatever color you like.

I’m good, thanks.

Also, yes :-)

Do one of us magical sorts want to Detect Magic? I will, if no one else wants to.

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