![]() The heroes scurry around leniding healing touches and aid wherever possible and wherever Mother directed. Mother chanted various spells and poured various potions and oilments on severly burned flesh. After a 30 minutes of triaging the injured she finally has time to speak to hereos. I'm going to assume you've used more healing spells/wands/potions to help out the group. "It's good to see you. Bad bad business here." She pauses and pulls out a flask from her shabby robe. She opens it and takes a long drink. "Aragnak came at night straffing and killing. He killed Meath'ds brudd'r "Chunky" who was on guard. Pile of ash outside along with many other souls. Meath'd went outside to see what the ruckus was and was snatched up by the Red." She throws up her hands, "No see since." Feel free to continue the conversation. ![]()
![]() Karnog's healing magic smooths wounds but you realize that it will take much more than that. I'm assuming your are concentrating on stabilizing and healing up some of the damage, not all. Basically get folks away from deaths door. Mother points to another area in the cave, "There help those then over there." She points to another area of injured creatures. ![]()
![]() Mother gets up and grab's Meath'ds hand, "Time to sleep." With that she will lead MeatH'd to their furs for the evening. Unless you have anything else you'd like to add. There's an area you all can hunker down in for the evening. There are quite a few Orcs and goblins around the place and outside. To your eye, you see they have something of a watch, or job, duty. What are you going to do? ![]()
![]() Mother stands up and her fingers start to put the bones in an order that seems to make sense to her - only. She fishes out Nym's lone white hair and sees that it has shriveled a bit. A yellow toothy smirk comes across her face. Mumbling under her breath she says a few powerful words. Then in common, she makes the announcement: Which confuses Nym since he speaks undercommon. "Nym Omriwin lives...t'morrow... but next day more cloudy....he lives but is covered in darkness soon. I see twilight and an eternally full moon with a second small'r moon hidden in the darkness." Her bushy brow lifts as she sits back down. She pats the back of his hand as if pitying him and his doomed future. ![]()
![]() Her bony fingers begin to pick through the assorted bones. She picks one up and gnaws part of the dried meat from it then toss it back into the pile. Suddenly the ol'crone plucks one of Nym's white hairs and pulls it tight. She mumbles a few strange words under her breath. and she places the hair in the palm of her hand. With one fluid motion she scoops up the assorted bones and then she vigorously shakes them. For what seems like an eternity. ![]()
![]() The old crone waves off Nym's last comment. Undercommnon: She points at a few goblins.
"No theys just stuupid." undercomm:
"they talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk when everyone else talks." She sniffs the air. undercommon:
"I tell your fort'ne see if you live or die t'morrow...or next day." She pulls out a ratty old sack and dumps the contents on the table. All the goblins go deathly quiet as the assorted bones fall out. ![]()
![]() Anyone who wants to jump in and tell some stories or rely events feel free to do so. Mother sits next to Nym. undercommon: "If you need woman...or boy, I git you one." She picks up some pork from her plate and shovels it in her mouth. "You fortunate to git out...will they hunt you?" She gulps some of her dark mead, the rich foam drips from her mouth and she wipes it with her arm. "You here long or go to Longshank city?" ![]()
![]() Undercommon: "I've liv'd looong life. Me served ol'chieftain Daarog as his concubine and fortune tell'r." She smiles. "Stolen from first orc warrios after kilt by Daarog." She shrugs. "Strong survive...then ..." She waves to group. "...they crush and kill Daarog clan and freed those willing." She smiles and looks and the lumbering ogre as he continues his race to the group. "Me happy with Meath'd." She touches her belly. ![]()
![]() Mother, female orc, scurries up close to Nym and speaks, Undercommon: "Ease yourself, no harm here. We all have run from a horrid past, but these...." She motions to your party, "guud people gave us hope. Hope to live free and t'geth'r."
She pauses a second or two then asks, "Where do you hail from...which house." She can't help herself "did you own many ...slaves?" She seems genuinely concerned about your potential answer. You can see her fingers are touching and rubbing what looks like a beaded necklace in her hands. You've seen enough spellcasters and you finger she's some sort of hag, druid, or witch.
![]() What are you are going to do and which way are you heading. The old lady slinks forward wide eyed, frantically looking from the door of the cell to Dragox. She points back to her chest. Her other palm is up and out in a nonthreatening manner. She is mouthing something but because of the silence spell you all inside the radius not. ![]()
![]() Reyondelee wrote: Can you tell us what truths are behind that door Ulzaada? "DEATHHHHHHHHHHHHH! She snaps back. "Death lays behind those doors, cells of torture, a crypt and stone faces." She starts to slap her face and nod her head furiously. Then she ramps incoherently surely a sign of insanity after such a long time in isolation. ![]()
![]() Once Sargon turns visible Ulzaada comes into view. "My confinement has been to a limited area." She spreads her arms wide to the pond room and the hallway you first came down. She then shows you her palm, "Torture both the mind and body with lonely confinement. Yes...Yes." She blinks rapidly. "There is a special passage to the cells through that wall. It's not trapped, I removed that horror eons ago." "My Mistress was Tzolo and she supervised the construction of this tomb herself. You should know General how odd that is, to spend so much time with such as task, but Tzolo foresaw her glorious return to power." ![]()
![]() Rey's hand swats at the air harmlessly as she tries to find her invisible companion. "Tis my curse and doom to be buried in a tomb, Lord Commander. I'm called 'Ulzaada". Watch over the pond that was what I ordered when I was condemned by my Mistress. It's hard to remember - now - what minor transgression I once committed but this is my curse." As long as Sargon is invisible she shows not sign of turning visible herself. ![]()
![]() "Songbird has strong words." There is a dramatic pause, "I've not threatened you, I have not come to you, you've come to me with iron, steel and spells. Killing everywhere you go." her voice cracks a bit, "Of course you can overpower these old bones but what you seek will be farther way, knowledge you will not have." She smirks at Sargon, her rotten teeth showing, "Kill me if you must then replace me in my tomb." ![]()
![]() Sargon correct on both accounts. In an aged voice that gurgles a bit from phlegm she responds to Sargon, "Why...no, How? are you here?" There seems to be a bit of confusion to her question. "Yes...why don't BOTH of us turn visible if you mean me no harm." She pauses a moment then asks, "Who are you?" That this point only Sargon can see her but her voice carries for all to hear. don't mind the name under the avatar picture that was from another game. The old lady looks something like the picture though. ![]()
![]() When you are peering at the maps Mother glances at them, she grabs a hold of M'thead's thick fingers and squeezes hard as she speaks a prayer in orcish. In her broken common she comments. "Me knows this place the goblun's 'fraid of...guud to be 'fraid, great and bad evil there even fer me kin." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "The priests of Orcus erected a dark temple on the surface (near Wilderness Area 3), and installed a guardians and deathtraps beneath it to protect the rear when big retreat occur many many moons ago. Big sacrafice of many orcs, goblins, humans and other races to seal entrance below surface." In interesting and challenging option. ![]()
![]() "Good day to you all, I trust that you will be leaving very soon." It's more of statement than question. Several swarms cover her body as she walks away form the group towards her tree. She turns and motions to Dogtogue who then bounces forward removing his crimson cap, "Been a real pleasure killin' wit ya, and much 'ppreciate that Madjaw affair." ![]()
![]() "Oh, I was providing a warning and information about a trusted lieutenat, not an action plan. The guildhouse is large and will tax your resources. I suspect if you must rest, that the Shadow Lord's lieutenant will be sent out to find you." She shrugs, "Nidal could, for what it is worth, be in the guildhouse...that I do not know." ![]()
![]() "The bond between Ecarrdian and Chammady is deep and together they form a formidable adversary, that even your group would have difficulty defeating." She looks over at Orsin then to Andrea, "The information that I have is a means to drive a wedge between Ecarrdian and Chammady Drovenge and possibly even turn them against
"Yet if the you can sow seeds of anger between them, you’ll have a much easier time defeating the Council when the final battle for Westcrown begins. Unbeknownst to Sidonai Drovenge, when he willingly
She watches everyones reactions, "Well, Mammon had hoped
"Chammady has great loyalty to her brother but this secret may change things if it were to be revealed, not even her filial ties to her tiefling halfbrother could overcome her desire to not succumb to such a fate—a fact that could very likely create an irreparable rift
![]() "I suppose I don't really want to help," she cackles. "So, I'll simply provide you with a few items to prolong your miserable existence." With that she has a small chest brought forth that contains a dozen potions of cure serious wounds, a wand of restoration (14 charges), a wand of secret door detection (10 charges), and a scroll of resurrection. ![]()
![]() "Ilnerik has the ability to bring forth terrible night creatures from the plane of shadows, he has a nightstalker that is loyal to him." She pauses, [b]"The trinket Ilnerik carries equals the one you have in your possession. It's actually stronger than yours as it permits, it's vampire weilder to call forth the shadow beasts." She grins, "Ilnerik is a mastermind, who does not have the ability to shapechange but rather he has a greater number of spawn under his control." She does not answer the question regarding ever seeing Ilnerik. ![]()
![]() Frank the Hedgehog wrote:
"Unexpected surprises tend to occur with my m'shroom tea." she waves his question away, "it'll pass soon 'nuff." ![]()
![]() "As You can imagine the Council of Thieves maintains numerous secret guildhalls throughout Westcrown, but it is the one known as Walcourt that may house their greatest asset — control of the night." She looks Andrea in the eyes, "Yes, the shadowlord is their asset, and asset used to enrich themselves as they freely traveled, robbed and trafficed goods and people without fear from the dottari or Hellknights." She cackles joyfully, "They use fear of the evening to keep folks inside while they conducted business as they deemed fit....near genius" "Now Walcourt is located at the eastern edge of Rego Laina, not far from the Trivardum itself in a former guild lodge once dedicated to followers of Founder Crucisal. This complex was abandoned shortly after Aroden’s death and the degradation of Rego Crua and never repatriated by
She continues, "Falling into ruin over the years, Walcourt was used briefly as an orphanage and then later as a flophouse — both secretly serving as fronts for the activities of the Council of Thieves and overseen by none other than Sidonai Drovenge, the father of the siblings
My agents have gathered reliable information that leads me to believe that Walcourt has been given over to serve as the lair of one of the Council’s most dangerous leaders — and one of the greatest allies of the Drovenge siblings — a mysterious figure most of the Council knows only as the 'Lord of Shadows.'" She waits for this information to really sink in with the party as she sips her tea. "According to my research, this Lord of Shadows controls the movements and actions of the shadow beasts that plague Westcrown’s nights, and the fact that he’s been allied all this time with the Drovenges explains a lot as to how they and their treacherous allies
"Your Ilnerik should be there and maybe you'll get lucky enough to get one of the siblings." ![]()
![]() 'I seek a simple, very short term, and matter specific bargain young man. I'll provide you information and a few items, in return you kill our mutual enemy." She looks the paladin. "no double-cross or hidden meaning...we all get what we desire in the end." She smiles sweetly at the half-orc. She then looks around, "So Daniel and Andrea have agreed to the terms. Euphemia hasn't quite indicated, nor Frank." She reaches over and touches the back of Orsin's hand and it feels like tiny tentacles are tinkling him, "Cutey has not agreed to the task at hand but has another matter to discuss." Finally her eyes fall on Gerard, "Observant Gerard has yet to agree or say much of anything."