General Gorstav

Mikekydd's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 62 posts (64 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters.


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Liberty's Edge 2/5

How do I get access to this wayfinder? I see it is listed as uncommon and when I looked at the legal items from LO:CG I didn't see it listed. However on AON it is PFS Standard

Liberty's Edge

NightTrace wrote:

So, "start as individual mechs but then engage in a series of actions that result in you all operating a single larger mech"?

I could see that being something in the release version tbh, playtest seems more about making the individual vs group setups work out well :)

Thinking about it, I agree. This is something different and it is more important to get the mechanics and balance right.

That being said. I am hopeful for the final release. I may or may not have the plastic Voltron Lions from my childhood stored away somewhere at my parents house.

Liberty's Edge

I've only quickly looked over the mech stuff on my lunch break but, I like it. I'm going to have to get a couple buddies together and proxy some 40k dreads and knights as mechs and battle.

I was hoping for combining rules however. I mean. Who doesn't want to for Voltron or a Zord with their party?

Maybe the full release will add this as an option.

Liberty's Edge

I never purchased a ticket but I volunteered to run enough games to get entrance anyway, would I (and anyone else that did the same) be able to roll our volunteering into next year?

I know this is probably too early for that but, I wanted to ask anyway

Liberty's Edge

That's what I thought the answer would be. Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Liberty's Edge

This is a great book. There are definitely subsystems I am going to be using in future games. Between the improving magic item rules, stamina and resolve and how viable non-magical healing is I am going to have to work on a no divine, low magic campaign to run at some point.

Liberty's Edge

My group is almost done with book two of Age of Ashes and we just hit 8th level. According to the materials section of the book, dragonhide object (standard grade) is 8th level and dragonhide armor (standard grade) is 12th. Would our crafters be able to craft a dragonhide object at 8th level that happens to be a breastplate? Or would they need to wait until 12th level?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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Awesome! My home group will be very happy to hear this. We just started book three last night. They're doing their part.

Liberty's Edge

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graystone wrote:
Kios wrote:
Is there a limit on the number of bandoliers and belt pouches a person can have? I'd assume one bandolier and two belt pouches, but I wouldn't know where to look for the actual rule.
However many your DM allows: if he thinks 12 bandoliers and 20 belt pouches sounds right, that's the number

That's Rob Liefeld levels of pouches right there... Well. Maybe a little on the low side for him...

Liberty's Edge

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I posted this to the Paizo FB page but figured I'd share here too...

A Blood Bowl/Ariestia/Guild Ball style miniatures game for brutaris

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Where does it state this in the rule book? Or is this in the guide to organized play? I am having trouble finding it.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I signed up for the Saturday game at Phantom in the Attic. My plane lands at 12:15 so hopefully everything clicks.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I am looking to make a versatile heritage human taking unconventional weapon and weapon proficiency at first level. The unconventional weapon I want is Dwarven Waraxe (it was the weapon this character's father wielded in PFS 1 and he has inherited it).
Since druids are proficient in all simple weapons the feat weapon proficiency would give me all martial weapons. I would qualify for the second paragraph of unconventional weapon correct?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Hey all,
I'm going to be in Pittsburgh from 8/24 until the morning of the 29th for a union convention.
Does anyone know if there will be any games happening during that time. I'm not sure what my schedule will look like for the convention
However, if I'm able to, I'd love to roll some dice.

Liberty's Edge

Saashaa wrote:
I will be bringing a level 16 earth kineticist. Anyone interested in pre-mustering?

I would be.

Liberty's Edge

I've got a Lashunta Solider.

Liberty's Edge

The local store I play at have a constructed event for all the sets called Infinity Challenge, we built teams that revolved around the Infinity Stones. A pretty fun event. But anyway, after wards the TO and I were discussing Wizkids product lines and the future of Dice Masters and Star Trek Attack Wing (especially with Gale Force 9 getting the board game rights). We began to talk about Pathfinder Dice Masters and Pathfinder Attack Wing. To us it made sense since you guys already work with Wizkids.

Have you guys ever discussed something like that?

Also, I am looking to trade. I have a feed for Uncanny X-men and Justice League on order so what extras of those/what I'm missing is up in the air still. Age of Ultron however, I have a couple extra rares and I'm looking for rare Hyperion. If you still play that is.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Awesome. I had forgot it was an additional trait until I looked at the boon. That's just win-win. Now to wait for Murphy's Law to take effect...

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I went to Paizocon last year (2014) and I recieved a chronicle that allowed me to select a trait from Mummy's Mask AP. Knowing that we are limited to the guide, web traits doc thing..., and chronicle sheets. My question is this; is that a valid chronicle for selecting traitrs? I haven't played core yet and will be doing so next week for the first time.

Liberty's Edge

I didn't read all through the 400+ posts but I did a search for July, Thursday and 20th and it looks like no one pointed this out...

Jul 20th is a Monday. Not a Thursday.

If this was pointed out already I apologize for the double post.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Suthainn wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Do we get to burn an orc orphanage? ;)
"You all saw it, that orphanage attacked me!"

Of all the orphanages in the Inner Sea and orc orphanage probably would attack you.

Liberty's Edge

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Since PFS is the only place that this spell is outright banned RAW takes a backseat to the GM. Like most things of this nature it is the GM's call if they allow it or not.

In games I run if a character is reincarnated we look at the character and make a judgment call about what works and what doesn't. For racial heritage I'd allow it because that is your ancestors, well most likely grandparents and on. Things like a dwarf's hatred ability I see as you were raised to hate orcs and goblinoids, that hatred doesn't go away just because you became a halfling. Likewise I've not given the pc's things that they would have learned as being part of the race, racial weapon familiarity or defensive training for example.

This approach has worked fine for my games and it makes the reincarnated character pretty unique.

But that's just my 2cp.

Liberty's Edge

Did anyone else notice the 'Icons of the Realms' starter set in the top picture?

Liberty's Edge

I couldn't be happier with the timing of the release on this. I have one more level to run in Emerald Spire then my turn is over and I will squeek in the one session played requirement to keep going. This class looks really cool. However, I am a little disappointed with the lack of comparisons to Jedi Consulars with the Aether element. Get me a Force Choke ability (non-lethal to leave them staggered for a round spending burn to deal lethal and actually make them not breath) and this book is worth it for a chance to play a mix of Obi-wan and Vader alone.

Liberty's Edge

What is your race?

Liberty's Edge

Eldritch Claws will only work for Silver and Magic. Greater Magic Fang only overcomes DR/Magic no mater what the enhancement bonus is.

Liberty's Edge

That sounds very familiar. Glad I got out before the storms hit Vermont.

Liberty's Edge

This is a long shot but I'm wondering who else is waiting for the 5:45 flight from Chicago to Seattle?

Liberty's Edge

Is the banquet cash bar or is it a dry event?

Liberty's Edge

Are we provided with copies of the scenario or do we need to print it out ahead of time?

Luckily I'm running one I've already run so I have a copy, but I want to make sure to pack it if I need to. Same with chronicle sheets.

Liberty's Edge

So I am trying to figure out which of my way too many PFS characters to bring with me next week... Holy cow, it's close.
Anyway, I am curious to see who has signed up for the following adventures and what they are thinking of playing so I can plan accordingly.
I'm playing in the 1-6 time slot on Friday for Scars of the Third Crusade and I have a 1st level Kytonborn Sorcerer (Infernal Bloodline), 3rd level Urban Barbarian 2/Rogue 1 and a 5th level Inquisitor of Iomedea

I'm also playing in the 8am Saturday slot for Vengeance at Sundered Crag. For that one I have an 8th Level Rogue/Gunslinger, 8th Level Investigator and a 10th level Swashbuckler/Rogue/Bard. Depending on the retired scenario I may have a 7th level Samurai as well.

Liberty's Edge

Is there interest in going to see the graves of Jimi Hendrix and Bruce and his son Brandon Lee on Monday? My flight back to Vermont isn't until 10pm and spending hours at the airport doesn't seem appealing to me.

Liberty's Edge

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Apparently a friend of mine forgot to log off the living room computer at my apartment... So after quick delete here's the original message:

Awesome! Thanks for the site. I'll look it over this weekend.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think I posted this in the wrong early arrival thread as it got taken over by posts about gaming. Which is great and but we have the weekend for that.

So I'm going to start (and any help here would be great too) looking into doing a walking tour of the various craft breweries (which I'm sure Seattle has plenty of) and coffee shops. Does anyone have interest in doing that?

Liberty's Edge

I'm landing in Seattle around noon on Thursday so after probably 3, airport permitting, I was thinking of doing a brew and coffee tour... or something like that. Is there any interest in that?

Liberty's Edge

Readied attacks will also help. I'm running a RoW campaign and I've seen first hand the damage a brawler can put out. That extra damage as a penalty to grapple checks will be huge.

Plus don't forget that if you are moved into a dangerous area, which a flying creature trying to lift you off the ground counts as, you get an immediate escape artist attempt with a +4 bonus as a free action.

Wand of Grease or oil of grease (which is definately a thing), for those "Oh look it's the flying grappler again" moment to coat yourself to gain that +10 circumstance bonus on escape artist and CMB attempts to break the grapple and your cmd to avoid being grappled.

Liberty's Edge

I'm planning on arriving on Thursday and leaving on Monday to do just this. I'd like to check out the music scene, especially since most of my favorite bands are from Seattle, as well as the fish market. Maybe the first Starbucks. So much really.

Liberty's Edge

I like the half-orc for Inquisitor. Their favored class option is great. If you are allowed the Bastards of Golarion book the Desert Orc makes good sense (depending on where you're from that is) Granted they give up Intimidating for a +2 to Diplomacy but Both the favored class option and Stern Gaze more than make up for the missing +2 racial to intimidate.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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So... What I'm taking away from this is that season 6 will have ROBOTS! NUMERIA!!!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I know that their normal type is Native Outsider but I wasn't sure if with the PFS ruling that they are half-human if that meant that they also gained the Humanoid subtype (like Aasimars can with the Scion of Humanity alternate racial trait). Along those lines would spells like Charm Person and Hold Person or Favored Enemy: Humanoid-Human work on them? Cause if they do would it be reasonable to assume Racial Heritage would apply as well since those abilities rely on the Humanoid type?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I apologize if this has been asked before but my google-fu failed me this morning.

With the FAQ that Aasimars and Tieflings are half-human for PFS does that mean they would be available for the racial heritage feat.
Example: Could a half-orc (who is half-human) take Racial Heritage Tiefling to qualify for Armor of the Pit and the the Fiend Sight feats?

Liberty's Edge

William Fichtner as either Asmodeus or Abadar

Liberty's Edge

While looking up Pathfinder Modern I came across this so let my try a couple of these:

Asmodeus: Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden
Erastil: A country boy can survive - Hank Williams Jr.
or Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Zon-Kuthon: Hurt - Johnny Cash version
Aroden: Losing my Religion - R.E.M. (See what I did there?)

Liberty's Edge

Sorry for the late post... Thanks that is a huge help and great starting place.

Liberty's Edge

I am wondering if there is a source of or if anyone has homebrewed Golem Manuals for the other golems in Pathfinder? If there is already a thread on this I couldn't find that and so I apologize if this has come up already. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

If this is going to be undead heavy Ghostvision Gloves would be a worthy purchase for 4k as a standard once a day you can select one undead in range to deal d12 for channel damage instead of d6... so 17d12 of explosions. This lasts for 10 rounds and you see all undead within 60 feet. Downside you are treated as blind to everything but undead during this time but if you had tremorsense from something that would be a fair trade off. Also with the channel force feats you can safely stay far away and blast away.

Liberty's Edge

Scribe Scroll isn't a bad choice in my opinion. Since you have access to all your spells (except alignment restrictions) any down time could be . spent writing those useful but special situation spells onto paper. Spells such as diagnose disease, detect undead, endure elements, bear's endurance (seriously who prepares that) or spells like restoration and raise dead so if someone bites it you can take care of it freeing up spell slots for other stuff.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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I can't think of the what season it is but Mists of Mwangi is a really fun one. Easily in my top five favorite scenarios. Maybe even top three.

Liberty's Edge

For an Inquisitor I would go Half-Orc. Their favored class option is probably the best of the core races. You get to add 1/2 to stern gaze and monster lore. I'm playing one now and I can rival the wizard on knowledge checks for monsters which is very handy. If you can use ARG for core races I would also recommend looking at switching out Orc Ferocity for Acute Dark vision, you can get Skilled (as a human) or Low light vision for human and give up Intimidating for endurance... Inquisitors will over take the +2 racial for intimidating.

For your domain I'd recommend either Protection to get a scaling +1 on saves. It is a resistance bonus so it won't stack with cloaks but it frees up the shoulders.

Travel always a good choice and if you can take inquisitions conversion replaces WIS for CHA when making bluff, intimidate and diplomacy checks. You might not be the prettiest but you still know the right things to say.

They might be one of my favorite classes.

Liberty's Edge

Gibbering Mouther. At least in low to mid level games. So many abilities that make it absolutely terrifying.

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