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![]() I've only quickly looked over the mech stuff on my lunch break but, I like it. I'm going to have to get a couple buddies together and proxy some 40k dreads and knights as mechs and battle. I was hoping for combining rules however. I mean. Who doesn't want to for Voltron or a Zord with their party? Maybe the full release will add this as an option. ![]()
![]() My group is almost done with book two of Age of Ashes and we just hit 8th level. According to the materials section of the book, dragonhide object (standard grade) is 8th level and dragonhide armor (standard grade) is 12th. Would our crafters be able to craft a dragonhide object at 8th level that happens to be a breastplate? Or would they need to wait until 12th level? ![]()
![]() I am looking to make a versatile heritage human taking unconventional weapon and weapon proficiency at first level. The unconventional weapon I want is Dwarven Waraxe (it was the weapon this character's father wielded in PFS 1 and he has inherited it).
![]() I went to Paizocon last year (2014) and I recieved a chronicle that allowed me to select a trait from Mummy's Mask AP. Knowing that we are limited to the guide, web traits doc thing..., and chronicle sheets. My question is this; is that a valid chronicle for selecting traitrs? I haven't played core yet and will be doing so next week for the first time. ![]()
![]() So I am trying to figure out which of my way too many PFS characters to bring with me next week... Holy cow, it's close.
I'm also playing in the 8am Saturday slot for Vengeance at Sundered Crag. For that one I have an 8th Level Rogue/Gunslinger, 8th Level Investigator and a 10th level Swashbuckler/Rogue/Bard. Depending on the retired scenario I may have a 7th level Samurai as well. ![]()
![]() I apologize if this has been asked before but my google-fu failed me this morning. With the FAQ that Aasimars and Tieflings are half-human for PFS does that mean they would be available for the racial heritage feat.