General Gorstav

Mikekydd's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 62 posts (64 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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Awesome! My home group will be very happy to hear this. We just started book three last night. They're doing their part.

Liberty's Edge

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graystone wrote:
Kios wrote:
Is there a limit on the number of bandoliers and belt pouches a person can have? I'd assume one bandolier and two belt pouches, but I wouldn't know where to look for the actual rule.
However many your DM allows: if he thinks 12 bandoliers and 20 belt pouches sounds right, that's the number

That's Rob Liefeld levels of pouches right there... Well. Maybe a little on the low side for him...

Liberty's Edge

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I posted this to the Paizo FB page but figured I'd share here too...

A Blood Bowl/Ariestia/Guild Ball style miniatures game for brutaris

Liberty's Edge

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Suthainn wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Do we get to burn an orc orphanage? ;)
"You all saw it, that orphanage attacked me!"

Of all the orphanages in the Inner Sea and orc orphanage probably would attack you.

Liberty's Edge

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Since PFS is the only place that this spell is outright banned RAW takes a backseat to the GM. Like most things of this nature it is the GM's call if they allow it or not.

In games I run if a character is reincarnated we look at the character and make a judgment call about what works and what doesn't. For racial heritage I'd allow it because that is your ancestors, well most likely grandparents and on. Things like a dwarf's hatred ability I see as you were raised to hate orcs and goblinoids, that hatred doesn't go away just because you became a halfling. Likewise I've not given the pc's things that they would have learned as being part of the race, racial weapon familiarity or defensive training for example.

This approach has worked fine for my games and it makes the reincarnated character pretty unique.

But that's just my 2cp.

Liberty's Edge

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Apparently a friend of mine forgot to log off the living room computer at my apartment... So after quick delete here's the original message:

Awesome! Thanks for the site. I'll look it over this weekend.

Liberty's Edge

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I think I posted this in the wrong early arrival thread as it got taken over by posts about gaming. Which is great and but we have the weekend for that.

So I'm going to start (and any help here would be great too) looking into doing a walking tour of the various craft breweries (which I'm sure Seattle has plenty of) and coffee shops. Does anyone have interest in doing that?

Scarab Sages

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We learned that the Diamond Sage was in fact a Dragon. A Time Dragon from what I recall. This was a shock to one of my companions, a simple orc by the name of Sir Lord Chieftan King VII, in his reverence Sir Lord Chieftan King instantly fell to his knees and bowed for the remainder of our conversation. Naturally in typical misguided fashion the Andoran, whom I suspect may be Galtan, wanted freedom for the sages so he sided with Amenopheus as well as this curious oracle, who mostly followed us around and held on to a variety of magical nicknacks we came across. That was until we decided to put them in the hands of people that would use them. As was expected when asked for his vote the orc stated, 'I vote dragon.' When I questioned him if he knew the topic we were discussing he stated 'Yep, dragon.'Honestly it must be so quiet in his mind. Sometimes I envy that. As for myself, as the self appointed Topaz Sage, I took elements of each choice we were offered and proposed a middle ground. That proposal was that if the sages were as knowledgeable and powerful as they claim to be, they could not idly sit by and simply observe. Not anymore, not in 4714. No, they need to take a more active role in the world and working with the Pathfinder Society I believe they could do just that. However, I did agree with Amenopheus that one person at the head of such a powerful organization would be no different that a tyrant. I swear that blasted Andoran is rubbing off on me. A council of sages deciding what the best course of action would ensure no one person was corrupted by power. After all, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So thus I cast my vote for balance. The oracle was confused that I didn't vote with my faction leader. I explained to him that I wasn't a mindless slave and I was free to make my own choice. Goren and Jan Harpsicord chose this option without a moments thought. Which naturally left us at an impass so the Diamond Sage called for the Topaz Sages vote. I tried to impress that as the bearer of the Topaz Sage gem I spoke to the Topaz Sage. This didn't seem to impress the Diamond Sage so I defered to the Time Dragon's wisdom, and massive jaws, to allow the gem to speak for itself. A simulacrum of the Topaz Sage appeared from the sand and cast her vote for balance. So I beleive that while neither side got everything they wanted each got a piece and they agreed to move forward.

In addition we managed to recruit a pair of Apsis agents. They wisely chose to join our cause and I feel the information they have, however little it may be, will be of use to our Society in defeating the Apsis Consortium.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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So... What I'm taking away from this is that season 6 will have ROBOTS! NUMERIA!!!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

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I can't think of the what season it is but Mists of Mwangi is a really fun one. Easily in my top five favorite scenarios. Maybe even top three.