Silver Dragon

Lindórievórea's page

224 posts. Alias of Corerue.

I have been wanting to do this for a long time. Azlant has been a favorite of mine and exploring its ruins more so. But exploration is that cherry on top.

It also involves Andorran so it won't be overburdened by outside forces at least not yet, granted it's the first book.

This is a recruitment for at least 4-5 players, depending on submissions. I am looking for casual players and I will endeavor to post at least 1+ posts per day. I work a busy schedule and will do my best to give a heads up on delays if I encounter them.

Your characters will be cut off from all the luxuries of Society, you won't be able to buy or sell items with as much luxuries as normal. Expect several weeks for an item to go to the mainland to be sold and items to be brought back for your use.

Enchanting items will be more difficult as well since it is a frontier / isolated community.

Character Creation Guide
For those of you who like to do the crunch as part of the characters story. Feel free to use the following! And Ask Questions!
- Allowed Materials? I would like to stick with Paizo only, I allow some of the SGG classes on a case by case basis.
- Level: 1st.
- Classes: All Paizo, Some SGG only if approved, however the book is dungeon crawl heavy. there is some open areas but not a lot. Pick Mounted Classes with care. Not going to say no, but you've been warned!
- Hit Points: Max HP for the 1st level, roll for HP for 2nd and above.
- Races: Any core, featured and other races (depending on discussion)
- Classes: Any.
- Starting Wealth: Roll for class, average is the minimum.
- Traits: One campaign trait, and one trait of your choosing.
- Drawbacks: One is allowed, remember to keep track of it and it will be part of the game.
- Alignment: I prefer No evil, only because I lack the imagination to entertain darker tastes.
- Other Notes: If you need any specific details let me know. I'll be recruiting until August 25th, I think one week is long enough to get submissions completed. It would be preferable for at least once a day on weekdays and weekends are weekends.
- About Me: I'm an experienced DM, I have a lot of up's and down due to my working in remote camps where internet, long workshifts of 14+ hours, can make posting difficult. I enjoy homebrew and aim to make the experience fun for my players as best I can. I will stick closely to the book's.

Rolling your Attribute:

So rolling will be as followed:

For each attribute, roll 4d6, dropping the lowest die. If you rolled less than a 7, re-roll, i.e., 7 is the minimum allowed attribute score.

In addition, roll 7 attribute scores and drop the lowest.

Assign attribute scores as you will.

Alternately, you may employ "epic rules" and roll 1d3+15 for any attribute you choose, BUT for every attribute you roll this way, you must roll one other attribute as 1d10+6. So let's say you're rolling a sorcerer(ess). You would probably want to roll 1d3+15 for your charisma, and then take 1d10+6 for maybe strength or dex, leaving your other attributes as standard rolls.

What do I expect from you right now?

Realistically just your Race, Class and background is needed. I won't deny you from doing all the crunch, hence why its offered above. But don't spend a ton of time on it, make profiles and what not. Aside from that. Let the fun commence!

Discussion Thread

Main Game Thread

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have searched through the books but other then being able to use weapon finesse to add Dex to Hit there doesn't appear to be a way to add dex to Damage for natural attacks.

Was curious if there was something I missed, searched older threads and came up empty handed. Any help is appreciated. :)

Primary Game Thread

Here we will discuss characters and create builds in preparation for the campaign to begin!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Allowed Materials: Anything Paizo

Allowed Races: Work in progress. Looking at possibly three different groups.

Including but not limited too. Humanoids, Goblinoids and Centaur's.

Possible Starting lvl: 3-5, Most likely 5 due to new mechanics being introduced.

Party size? Four, five at most depending on how adventure builds play out.

Allowed classes: Depending on group. Humanoids (Any) Mercs are a assest in Iobaria so that allows for a lot of wiggle room. Goblinoids. More martial classes, nothing like Samurai, Ninja, Inquisitor or Paladins. Centaur's.... Same as humanoids, it is not uncommon for Centaurs to be enslaved, whether as indentured servants or acting as brainwashed guardsmen or even mercs for the highest paying nobles. Granted Inquisitors and Paladins would be an extreme rarity.

What will be in this adventure?

Looking at using Kingmaker rules out of the Ultimate Campaign book.

With the possibility of multiple groups the idea of a goblinoid war may be inevitable. Whether this leads to three different groups of PC's fighting is yet to be determined.

Centaurs Available so far: Nomen, a more common breed of centaur and direct reflection of what players are familiar with.

The other tribes are Azova, the Rashalka, and the Tsolniva. They are currently being built to suit their backgrounds.

Skinwalkers. Due to the heavy presence of Were-creatures in the Fangard I have considered making a fourth group or at least the race available. Being a lycanthrope is not outside the realm of possibility. Especially since they don't get their DR until they change shape. >:3

Goblinoids would include: Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears. Essentially a darker more evil campaign of conquest, domination and slaughter with this group. Humans know better than to tread for long in the Coreth wood...

What are these groups doing?

The Prince or Orlov, a despot in his own right, has greatly taxed his people, who are now at the breaking point. An uprising is about to occur but the revolutionary members are being hunted down to be captured and executed by the Princes new bodyguard. The four Demon's as they are called. Do you have the resolve to rise against a tyrant?

There are a number of cities, this is but one of a dozen scenarios I can imagine right now~

The humans of Orlendas destroy your homeland, they cut down the trees and take them away, they have made game scarce by over hunting. They kill those of you foolish enough to be caught in the open alone... Its time the humans of Orlendas learned a deadly lesson and once you're done with them... Who knows Franax looks like it needs to be finished off for good and Orlov looks weak enough to be taken...

There is unease stirring in the wind, the land is restless and somethin dark stirs at the heart of Iobaria. The Eye Mount crackles with dark energy once more and a sickness has come to your people. For the first time in your tribes history... Plague has come to destroy you...

Nomen Centaur
Negotiations with the new rulers of the Stolen Land have broken down, amid their struggle with the tainted one that your tribe was supposed to keep trapped forever. Now the ancient evil plagues those you had sought to ally with, forcing your people to head back towards your homeland in the hills and Steppes of Iobaria. However when you arrive you find raiders have slaughtered those who had resided here. The elderly lay brutally slain and the cairns that held your honored dead have been ransacked. Vengeance will be yours!

Skinwalkers and Lycanthropes
For generations you lived in peace, the Fangard your home and sanctuary from a world that hated and despised you. Your curse had no place in Fangard where everyone was immune, so the natural tribes lived near one another. It wasn't completely harmonious but when an outside threat appeared the tribes would move as one to quell it. Afflicted Lycan's are hunted down and destroyed. Lest the tribes of the Fangard get the attention of the Outsiders more seriously then before....

But now the tenuous peace is broken, poison seeps into the water of the Fangard. It turns the tribes people blue and kills them like the silver weapons of their enemies. This malady doesn't kill swiftly, often leaving those who ingest the tainted water sick for weeks, lingering on the edge of death before finally surcumbing. The rage of the tribes was building and the one thing on their minds was who needed to die so peace could be restored?

Still in the process of the building the cities and such using the rules but thought I would put what I was working on out there and get some advice/feedback.

Constructive Criticism welcome!


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So trying to make a second entry for a Gestalt WotR and was working on making a Paladin / Inquisitor. But I am very new with Gestalt and so far every game I have started never launched. So I was wondering if you could look at the character below and give me some advice.

I want to go the front line route. Took Rich Parents, as a sort of Church funded champion / hunter of evil. So his gear is nice but I don't mind switching things out to make it work better.

Recruitment Details:

Level: 1 (Gestalt Rules)

Abilities: 25 point buy on a 1-1 basis. No abilities higher than 18 (before racial modifiers) or lower than 10 (after racial modifiers)

Alignment: Good is preferred, Neutral is accepted. No backstabbing the party.

XP: Rather than giving our XP, I'll let you know when you should level up. This makes it easier to give proper rewards, because honestly, you're mythic gestalts and I will totally be increasing the difficulty of encounters to compensate. This ensures you level at the right pace. XD

Races: Core, along with Aasimar/Catfolk/Kitsune/Tiefling/Elemental-blooded

Classes: Any Paizo.

HP: Max per hit-dice

Skills: 1 bonus skill point at each level, spent on Craft, Profession, or Perform. This represents your character's talents outside of combat and adventuring.

Traits: 2 (one must be a Campaign Trait), 3 if you take a Drawback

Starting Gold: 150 GP

Backstory: Yes, please. This is the main way I separate characters, and will be a major factor in my final decision. Note that this adventure focuses around the Crusade against the Worldwound - characters who can be inspiring leaders (as opposed to, say, self-loathing loners) are more suitable for this campaign, though they can certainly be the type to grow into such a role (or support someone else instead). Just keep the themes of the campaign in mind.

Sourcebooks: All Paizo, 1001 Spells, and Deep Magic. No Psionics (not quite the flavor I'm looking for - and Mythic Psionics from Mythic Mania isn't out yet). Other 3PP available on request.


Archon-blooded aasimar (lawbringers) inquisitor of Iomedae 1/paladin 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 38; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 84)

LG Medium outsider (native)

Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7




AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 dexterity)

hp 15 (1d10+5)

Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +7

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5




Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)

Melee mwk greatsword +6 (2d6+6/19-20) or

. . mwk longsword +6 (1d8+4/19-20)

Ranged longbow +2 (1d8/×3)

Special Attacks judgment 1/day, smite evil 1/day (+4 attack and AC, +1 damage)

Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)

. . 6/day—touch of law

Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 0th; concentration +4)

. . At will—detect evil

Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)

. . 1st (2/day)—bless, divine favor

. . 0 (at will)—create water, guidance, light, resistance

. . Domain Archon (Good) Law (Archon (law) subdomain)




Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 18

Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 16

Feats Power Attack

Traits chosen of iomedae, exposed to awfulness, rich parents

Skills Climb +5, Diplomacy +8, Heal +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +7, Sense Motive +10, Stealth +2, Swim +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive

Languages Celestial, Common

SQ monster lore +3, stern gaze +1

Combat Gear thistle arrows (50); Other Gear mwk breastplate, longbow, mwk greatsword, mwk longsword, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, wooden holy symbol (Iomedae), holy text, manacles, mess kit, pot, hemp rope (50 ft.), spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 101 gp, 1 sp, 1 cp


Special Abilities


-> Exchanged for the ability to cast Continual flame+1 to Hit & Damage vs. Evil Outsiders +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against evil outsiders.

Cleric Domain (Archon)

Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).

Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use detect evil at will (as the spell).

Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.

Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.

Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.

Exposed to Awfulness (1/day) Vs Death/Incapacitation by demon: Reroll saving throw as free action, keep 2nd result.

Judgment (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.

Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.

Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +4 to hit, +1 to damage, +4 deflection bonus to AC when used.

Touch of Law (6/day) (Sp) Treat all d20 rolls as 11 for 1 rd.

If Inquisitor is sub par I am up for suggestion because I haven't found very many recent ones to try out.

I have heard that:

Pal/Sor (Dragon Disciple?)
Pal/Warpriest (Still too new to decide if that is right or not)
Pal/Monk (Zen Archer)

are decent options. :/

I am still looking through archetypes to find ones that would work well together with the above character.

Thanks very much for your help. :)


Discussions here and ooc. :)

This is only for those invited to apply. Apologies for the restriction.

Trying to build a ratfolk Gunslinger / Alchemist and despite having some major advantages I just can't find a way to make it work. For some reason I keep thinking that Gunslinger will fall behind.

Its for a Gestalt WotR game.

We are allowed 28 point buy at a 1-1 basis so literally 28 stat points. Level 1. Any Paizo Material and some 3pp stuff with approval.

Edit I am taking the Gunslinger (Gulch Gunner) / Alchemist (Grenadier) Archetypes.

Any advice would be great as I am considering going Magus (The usual Kensai / Bladbound) / Alchemist to focus on a Dex and Int build instead of spreading it across Dex, Int and Wis.

Thanks again and any helpful links would be appreciated as I couldn't find anything really useful by trying to search the forums alone with search engine.

Just some outdated 2010-2012 posts. :/

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This is a repost as I may have placed my original in the wrong forum.

So Legendary Item -> Intelligent Item -> Shape Change.

Does this mean I can select another weapon type as its shape? Armor? Or just plain clothes?

Shape Change is very vague.

Shape Change: The item can change its shape into one other form(?) of the same size.

This is the exact wording from the PFSRD website.

Some questions that I need help clarifying:

1. If a Composite +4 Str Longbow +1 was selected as the legendary item w/ shape change could it then take on the form of a +1 Greatsword?

->Size Medium Weapons - Legal?
->Doesn't Indicate Weight and materials have to be the same? Only size, seems a bit open ended.

2. Could a suit of armor turn into a weapon then as well?
-> Medium Armor <-> Medium Weapon <-> Medium Clothing.

I tried searching and found nothing save for useless cheese. Your help is appreciated.

Grand Lodge

I have just recently started reading into the PFS and this character profile is my first attempt at one and honestly I want to do it right.

Any advice is appreciated!

I have downloaded the Additional Resources and PFS guide and am looking for anything else that would be helpful in character building.

I was trying to do a Cleric of Gorum Build but it is also my first attempt. Hehe.

Again thanks for any help that is provided!

1st, Gozren

Yesterday we rescued a young lady from her pursuers and put down a handful of bandits. It took awhile for her to open up to us and when she finally did we had lost nearly a day on tracking down her sister. A terrible storm pinned us within an elven burial mound and forced us to lose another day. Because of the storm we were unsure the tracker Jack could find any useful tracks.

Luckily the Nine were with us and her captors suffered several setbacks which aided in us overtaking them a stone throw from their base. Despite being disorganized we overwhelmed them, taking the older girls young sister into our possession along with one bandit. He was given mercy and swore to change his ways, the others however fought to the death lest they faced the rope.

We returned to the burial mound and decided our next course of action. A direct assault was suicide. Pretending that some of us were bandits, with our Teacher playing the part of the Noble girl and I the part of her bodyguard. I had offered the suggestion of drawing them out and fighting them alone in the wilderness. Out of concern for me Jack, our normally quiet half-elven tracker voiced disagreement quite heatedly. I was moved by his words but I still believed I could defeat them in the open. Lord Finnabar however decided that we disguise ourselves and lie to gain entry.

The Staglord is finally within our grasp. Lord Finnabar and the others seem confident we can take them down from within, however I harbor doubts that my acting will be on par to what is needed of me. Perhaps my dirty bloodline will allow me to slip in easily among these bandits.

I can barely stand bringing dishonor to my sword but after what these bandits have done. I cannot allow them to continue brazenly killing innocent people and terrorizing defenseless children. I will face judgment from the Order of the Sword if I must but these bandits have to be stopped...

Here we will discuss schtuff pertinent to WotR :)


Basic scenario, Acid Cloud is casted ahead of a moving vehicle that has no time to avoid or slow down. So the vehicles own movement carries it into the cloud and the occupants/vehicle take damage.

Would this cancel out Invisibility? As the vehicle movement happened after the spell was casted?

I ruled that this wouldn't cancel out Invisibility as the RAW states " For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character's perceptions. Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear. Spells such as bless that specifically affect allies but not foes are not attacks for this purpose, even when they include foes in their area."

Which I interpreted as since the cloud did the damage to the vehicle because it wasn't able to stop in time, that the Invisibility wouldn't be canceled out.

Hopefully that is clear enough for how the situation is.

Thanks for any input provided. :)

First post coming soon!

The beginning of the Skyfall OOC thread.

Here we can discuss whatever you want of course, ask questions of myself or others and get a general feel for those we are playing alongside in this grand adventure.

Skyfall is a high fantasy, mainly homebrew setting with steam-punk epicness thrown in. It will included firearms and gunpowder, so if you don't have the stomach for it please don't argue as to why I built the world I did.

Maps will be made through the use of CC3 from Profantasy and it takes me a little time to build them so please be patient. And It begins...

All characters will start at level 4.

Allowed materials are as followed: any Paizo Product currently printed and any SGG material is fine. I may allow additional books so long as I have them.

Rolling will be as followed:

For each attribute, roll 4d6, dropping the lowest die. If you rolled less than a 7, re-roll, i.e., 7 is the minimum allowed attribute score. In addition, roll 7 attribute scores and drop the lowest. Assign attribute scores as you will. Alternately, you may employ "epic rules" and roll 1d3+15 for any attribute you choose, BUT for every attribute you roll this way, you must roll one other attribute as 1d10+6. So let's say you're rolling a sorcerer(ess). You would probably want to roll 1d3+15 for your charisma, and then take 1d10+6 for maybe strength or dex, leaving your other attributes as standard rolls.

Information about the Old World::

The Demi-human races are long gone, only remnants of Elven, Dwarven, Halfing or other demi-human kind remain. Or the crumbling ruins of cities that were once inhabited by them before they're mysterious departure. Many left the world through unknown means, tired of Humanities ceaseless violence and war. Once they were gone though, much of the worlds highest magics and knowledge faded away, forgotten over time.

Despite the existence of dragonkind, they are not as majestic or as regal as legends once told. Besides they're shining scales and powerful frames they are merely steeds, nothing more and nothing less. There are many theories as to why the the legends are so far fetched compared to the current state dragonkind exists in but unless your scholar such theories and debates are beyond most peoples reach.

A multitude of kingdoms exist but few are so grand as those that rose after the fall of the Bright Empire. The Kingdoms are as followed.

The Imperium of Man / The Imperium:
- Lawful Neutral/Evil

Born from the fires of anarchy and from the betrayal of demi-human allies, the rise of the Imperium was bloody, brutal and without mercy. When the Bright Empire was wracked by war with the hordes of greenskin, the royal family was among the first to be lost in the conflict and with them all stability was lost. Once loyal vassals abandoned the dying Empire, retreating to their holes and watching the empire die from disobedience, civil war and the horde.

That was when the High Inquisitor came, bring the wrath of Abadar and humanity down on the enemies of man. Those who refused to obey were purged by blade and flame. Those who failed to aid humanity were deemed enemies of the Imperium and were subjugated or purged depending on their crimes. Every person who refused to obey, be they general, soldier or craftsman, was judged a traitor of humanity. Leading to immiediately being placed upon the rack and used as an example to those who thought disobedience would go unpunished.

Demi-humans of any kind are tortured and questioned relentlessly before being wracked or executed, most die in prison from malnutrition or their injuries sustained during torture.

The Holy Kingdom of Lyonesse:
- Lawful Good

An Oligarchy, dedicated to the worship of Lyonesse and upholding her tenants to the highest degree possible. The High Priestess of the religion, the Hand of Lyonesse, is the ruler of this fair and lawful nation and makes sure that the concern of its citzens recieve the utmost attention from the benevolent goddess.

Empire of Qin:
- Lawful Neutral

Consisting of many clan houses and ruled by an ancient dynasty. Qin is one of the most stable kingdoms of the five super powers, its people are hardy and ruled by strong traditions of honor. Following the code of the bushido, while being protected by some of the finest warriors the world has ever known.

The Nation of Cygnus:
- Neutral Good

The most technological of the goodly kingdoms and the only one actively engaged in war with Cryx. Cygnus is well known for creating revolutionary advancements as they continue to stave off the machinations of Cryx and their unholy warmachines.

Cygnus is the only democratic nation, with the most advance military the world has ever seen. Their airships are second to none and are on equal terms when engaged with Cryxian Blackships. The only other nation that comes close to matching the resolve, training and discipline of Cygnus's troops is the holy kingdom of Lyonesse.

Cygnus was the first to develop long guns and utilize them with brutal efficiency when they invaded the Cryxian port of Blackwater and reduced it to burning rubble. Ever citizen of Cygnus is reputed to own at least a pistol if not a rifle and are required to serve for five years in the military starting at the age of fifteen. Some make a career of it, others becoming craftsmen and help advance their society with the dedication and discipline they received during their time in the military.

And the Nightmare empire known simply as: Cryx:

AL - Lawful Evil

Cryx scouts the nations for corpses, slaves and any knowledge that they can aquire so that they can undermine the lands beyond their broken islands. Cryx is a nation of murderers, cutthroats and pirates that wouldn't hesitate to sell their neighbors or even their own families to the Meat Market for coin. It is a nation that thrives off piracy, smuggling and slave trade as its major industries. But the living do not rule the Nightmare Empire, no, it is a land ruled by the dead.

Torak, the greatest Dracolich ever to exist, rules over the broken isles of Cryx with an admantine claw and beneath him are his twelve Lichlords who carry out his will to the far edges of the known world. Each of his Lichlords were selected for their abilities and professions in their 'mortal' life. Some were great scholars of their time, easily seduced by the temptation of immortality and some were the most blood thirsty of pirates from days long past, who refused to let old age or death stand in their way.

Beneath the Lichlords are the Ironliches and their armies of thralls, necrotechs and servitors who help ensure that the nightmare empire has fresh goods, and corpses, to keep its industries running while advancing the unread warmachine as they plot to conquer the world. Putting every soul under absolute dominance.

Racial Choices:

Humans are of course the main race and others I would strongly like to see fewer of. Granted that doesn't mean you can't play an elf or dwarf, I just hope to not make a whole party of them.

As an extra incentive for Human Folk, you gain an additional +2 to apply to your ability scores, it is however not stack-able with the +2 that humans already get.

Another Race that is available is the Tabaxi~

The tabaxi (called cat-people or tigerfolk by some) are a reclusive race
of feline humanoids that dwell far from settled areas, making their home
deep in the forests and jungles. They rarely engage in trade or dealings
with other races, preferring to keep to themselves most of the time.
Tabaxis are very graceful and catlike in their movements. They resemble humanoids with feline characteristics most akin to a tiger. Both hands and feet sport vicious claws that can do significant damage when they leap upon their prey. Although tabaxis have little use for clothing or other material possessions, they have a great fascination for and aptitude with weapons of all kinds, learning to employ them with great skill after only a little practice. Tabaxis are skilled with using their claws and bite in combat, often striking from ambush or a height, pouncing upon their prey and attacking with all four claws at once. However, due to their love of weapons many will instead employ a hand-held weapon of some kind while in melee, foregoing their natural attacks. Tabaxis can still employ their bite as a secondary attack if using a weapon, as well as one claw as an offhand attack if the hand is free, but they cannot use their grab or rake abilities while doing so.

A typical tabaxi stands 6 feet tall and weighs about 150 pounds.

Tabaxi Society

Tabaxis live in small groups called prides deep in jungles and warm
forests. A typical pride consists of 1–3 each of males, females, and young. The females tend to be slightly larger than the males, and
typically are the dominant members of a pride. They live a nomadic lifestyle, prowling through their chosen range and hunting in groups of three to five. They carry little in the way of possessions, although they often sport a miscellaneous array of weapons wrested from past prey. Unless hungry, most tabaxi prides leave other intelligent creatures alone, though they may attack if intruders in their range bear especially interesting looking weaponry.

Tabaxi Characters -

Tabaxi characters possess the following racial traits.
+2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom.

Darkvision: Tabaxis can see in the dark up to 60 feet.

Racial Hit Dice: A tabaxi begins with two levels of humanoid, which
provide 2d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +1, and base saving throw
bonuses of Fort +0, Ref +3, and Will +0.

Racial Skills: A tabaxi’s humanoid levels give it skill points equal to 2 x (2 + Int modifier).

Racial Feats: A tabaxi’s humanoid levels give it one feat.

AC: +1 natural armor bonus.

Natural Weapons: Tabaxis can fight with 2 claws that deal 1d4 base
damage, plus a bite attack that deals 1d3 base damage. They also can
rake with their hind claws for base 1d3 damage when pouncing or when
grappling a foe, but only if both hands are free.

Special Attacks: Grab, pounce, rake (See Above).

Special Qualities: Weapon aptitude (see Below).

Languages: Tabaxis begin play speaking Common and Tabaxi. Bonus
languages can be chosen from the following: Elven, Gnome, Goblin,
Orc, and Sylvan.

Weapon Aptitude (Ex) Tabaxis have an instinctive love
of weaponry of all kinds, and an innate knack for quickly
learning to employ them skillfully. This grants them
proficiency with all simple, martial, and exotic weapons.

The Tabaxi originally appeared in the First Edition Fiend Folio (© TSR/
Wizards of the Coast, 1981) and is used by permission.

Copyright Notice
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick.

This campaign will be a sandbox setting and I am very free form, I don't mind using races other then humans and if you choose to do more Monster races I can change the beginning of the campaign to suit. As I stated before I love free form.

Ask whatever questions are on your mind as I am sure I haven't covered every base and this will help me get the feel of those I am dealing with.

This recruitment thread will be up for 2 weeks so that I can get a solid group of players before beginning. Thank you and fire away!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I understand this is the recruitment thread but i'm looking at starting a PBP that includes several facets of high fantasy.

Airships, Firearms, Magic and varying amounts of steam power may or may not be present depending on where the PC’s start off. The PC's have a number of different places to start at and it will affect where exactly they may eventually end up. I will also accept most 3rd party products, such as Supergenius Games, so long as I own a copy of the material wanting to be used.

I am also looking for the most votes on starting level as well. I am looking at starting between 1st or 6th level.

I have seen successful campaign’s start at lvl 1 but the levels tend to drag out and so if people convince me to start the party off at lvl 1 then I will plan the adventure for that level and hopefully have something posted in due course. Lvl 6-7 also broadens players abilities to craft a character they can enjoy from the get go and not spend months waiting for that ‘next level’.

I like the randomness of dice and I am borrowing the idea of high powered rolling from DM Downrightamazed. As I would like to see people actually play heroes and not get hosed up by poor dice rolls.

So rolling will be as followed:

For each attribute, roll 4d6, dropping the lowest die. If you rolled less than a 7, re-roll, i.e., 7 is the minimum allowed attribute score.
In addition, roll 7 attribute scores and drop the lowest. Assign attribute scores as you will.
Alternately, you may employ "epic rules" and roll 1d3+15 for any attribute
you choose, BUT for every attribute you roll this way, you must roll
one other attribute as 1d10+6. So let's say you're rolling a
sorcerer(ess). You would probably want to roll 1d3+15 for your
charisma, and then take 1d10+6 for maybe strength or dex, leaving your
other attributes as standard rolls.

The Demi-human races are long gone, only remnants of Elven, Dwarven, Halfing or other demi-human kind remain. Many left the world through unknown means, tired of Humanities ceaseless violence and war. Once they were gone though much of the worlds highest magics and knowledge left with them and left it too weak to reverse the coming Armageddon.

The characters will start off on their dying home world, the apocalypse has come and everyone is scrambling to survive or find some way to escape. Among the many natural and unnatural catastrophe's occurring in the world, the dead have risen and a vast army is sweeping across the land. Snuffing out what few kingdoms and empires that have remained cohesive despite the end times. Along with this undead army comes the forces of Cryx (Iron Kingdom Reference and awesome name), a nation comprised of some of the darkest necromancers and ruled by Lich kings and a foul godlike dracolich.

As armies continue to wage endless war in the air, on the high seas and on foot it seems as if there is no hope in sight. No escape from what looks to be certain death. That was until the gates were erected. Harnessing the highest of magics, the high clerics and mages of the few remaining lands created portals to lands unknown. The gates harnessed the naturally occurring 'ripples' that appeared every few years and seemed to tear through the veil between worlds. If the ripples were large enough that you could glimpse another world, one far different from their own on the otherside. It was known that some had passed through to these other worlds but the ripples only stay open for a short time and sadly no one has ever returned...

This isn't a recruitment, just testing the water and hopefully I will have the start to my campaign up and going in a couple of weeks. Thank you for feedback!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Bodyguard (Combat)
Your swift strikes ward off enemies attacking nearby allies.

Prerequisite: Combat reflexes.

Benefit: When an adjacent ally is attacked, you may use an attack of opportunity to attempt the aid another action to improve your ally’s AC. You may not use the aid another action to improve your ally’s attack roll with this attack.

Normal: Aid another is a standard action.

If my understanding is correct then bodyguard can possibly be used on more then one person per round correct?

Or if you use it are you stuck with aiding a single ally?

I was just wondering how many times it could be used. Appreciate any clarity and advice I receive.

Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Leap: You can get your mount to leap obstacles as part of its movement. Use your Ride modifier or the mount's Jump modifier, whichever is lower, to see how far the creature can jump. If you fail your Ride check, you fall off the mount when it leaps and take the appropriate falling damage (at least 1d6 points). This usage does not take an action but is part of the mount's movement. [ooc]I pulled

Now i'm trying to get my mount to jump over a 10 ft obstacle and by the rules written for leap I can only use my ride modifier +5 and thus can only clear a 5ft obstacle. Am I reading this right or do I make another check to see how far I clear it?

I understand that long jumping is in the Acrobatics skill's description but Ride: Leap seems to have a different approach to the jumping rules. Any help is appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It doesn't really specify or maybe I missed it. But my question is:

If your a Druid with an animal companion and then you take ranger to at least 4th level and take animal bond would you get a second animal companion? Or is that not possible?

I was thinking of doing a Druid/Ranger/Nature Warden combo and didn't know how it would all work out dealing with the animal companion's. I understand that it will come to a point of choosing one or the other companion to advance but I just wanted to know if maybe there was a sourcebook or errata I was overlooking.

Any help is appreciated ^^

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That is my question, i'm looking at buying some of the genius guides and I have always been a fan of the Dragonriders of pern and so I was wondering if anyone has used this class in their campaign and whether it was worthwhile?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just thought i'd ask for a little help in finding a good way to setup an online PBP. I've seen a lot of maps made through the use of paint or other types of Photoshop programs. But I was just wondering what other programs are out there the DM use to streamline there games on the forum.