Ennead Star

Leg o' Lamb's page

****** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 2,065 posts (4,214 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 38 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.


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FarmerDad wrote:
I am curious if that will ever get an errata or the PDF updated with the correct block.

You must be new here.


Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Me too. I like to see us doing something for the greater gaming community.


The OPF is not Paizo. It is a separate entity similar to Minnesota's separation of Ten Thousand Lakes Gaming and MNPop.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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This makes me happy.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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I still miss you.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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I want to thank everyone who came to our little convention. It was very joyous to see old friends and to meet new ones. Thank you all.

The whole weekend was bittersweet. From Thursday night’s get together through Saturday’s memorial for Jack Brown there was an inescapable pall hanging overhead. There were a lot of tears, laughter, and “Do you remember when…” It made me realize that through pain and loss that catharsis can happen with loved ones. I am still mad at my friend for dying before me. I am still sad that my friend is gone. Yet, the many people that rose to give their affirmation on how Jack impacted their lives brought some solace to those in the room. People spoke for over an hour regaling us with stories about how much Jack meant to them. My life is better and richer for having Jack being a part of it.

There are few people in this world whose impact is felt beyond their home. I am happy that I could call one of those people my friend. I will miss you until I myself heed the call of the longships and return home to my ancestors. And even then, I expect him to welcome me to the hearth with a flagon of ale and a leg of smoked meat.

I will love you forever.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Only fitting a super moon kicks off Skål Con.

Dark Archive

All y’all need to stop cutting the damn onions.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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In true fashion, Jack has used his last hero point to give his organs to people in need so that they can have a better or second chance at life.

Until we meet again in Valhalla my friend, Skål!

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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Today, July 7 2023, Jack Brown, RVC extraordinaire, has died.

Jack was many things in his life: husband, brother, son, IT nerd, lover of fine spirits, gregarious, loving, kind, and he was my friend.

I don’t really remember the first time I met Jack. It didn’t really matter though, because as anyone who knew him will attest, within minutes of meeting him, his easy smile, quick wit, and hearty laugh you at ease. Only later did you realize an hour had passed and he was inviting you to a game. Jack was so generous of his time in general, but especially within our shared hobby. He was gracious when explaining a rule; patient when having to explain a mechanic; and always tried to include everyone at the table. Jack touched so many people from around the world in his short time on Earth. He was truly what a good human should be.

I have so many fond memories of Jack that it is hard to select just one. Although the origin of his ratfolk lust specialist wizard is near the top:
“I have a ratfolk boon that I want to make a wizard.”
“Jack. Thassilonian lust specialist.”
“I don’t know…”
“Jack. Lust. Specialist. Think about it. You know you want to.”
looks at a few rules and whathaveyou
“Oh gods… this might actually work.”

And Luscious Lucius Vizin’s Love Laboratory was born.
“Hey Jack, what’s Lucius’s AC?”
“Hey THUNDERLIPS! how many hit points you have?”
“Uh… 182.”
“That’s my AC.”

It is hard for me to accept that my friend is no longer with us. I miss him terribly already. Yet, because I carry his memory in my heart he will never be truly gone. Like most tragic events, his death had a profound impact on not just me, but everyone here in Minnesota and beyond. I’ve told more people I love them. I’ve slowed down to enjoy life more. I savor the little interactions with other people. And most of all I will live my life to the fullest extent I can. Jack would expect no less and demand even more. Goodbye my friend. I will love you forever.

Jack Brown

a friend reminded me of something I wrote about Jack several years ago. I laughed at the rush of memories from that day and then cried so hard for the same reasons. Still one of the best descriptions of Jack, hands down.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:

Hard to hurt that which does not exist. In other words, similar to the metal binder I took to the dome; nothing there to hurt.

They're fine as long as you catch the flat but OW if you get a corner....

You may need to teach Tineke proper metal binder technique.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

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Woran wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Woran wrote:
Oh no! Twin daggers! That can never end well!

I'm playing this next weekend. I shall taunt you with your scenario's inability to kill me.

Ha ha.

It might not kill your character but it might hurt your feelings :P

Hard to hurt that which does not exist. In other words, similar to the metal binder I took to the dome; nothing there to hurt.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Woran wrote:
Oh no! Twin daggers! That can never end well!

I'm playing this next weekend. I shall taunt you with your scenario's inability to kill me.

Ha ha.

Dark Archive

Dude human Slacker 20

So uh….
What should I play? Rogue? Bard? Both?

Pacifist fighter that meditates and asks for forgiveness every time he commits violence?

Dark Archive

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I’m a cis het white guy. My spouse and I were invited to help carry the Trans Pride Flag at our local Pride Festival Parade. I march and carry the flag for my stepson because their bio dad will never accept who they are. I march for our friend who decided to be the person she was always meant to be.

It was fun to see a bunch of our friends marching, yelling, running around carrying a flag and having the time of their life.

Today was a good day.

Dark Archive

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Well hell.

That metal binder must have broken by now. I mean, my noodle is rather indestructible.

Well done, Tineke. I am mos def proud of you.

Dark Archive

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Seven Swords of Sin is a 3.5, not Pathfinder, system module. I suggest reading it but not running it. Also, I think the lore parts of the swords was updated in Artifacts of Golarion.

If you’re looking for an introduction game for shattered stars, take a look at the first We be Goblins module. The plot ties in pretty well to book one of shattered stars. There’s also a web supplement for book two I’d recommend to you.

Dark Archive

Kelseus wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Making a thread about convention info and then filling it with stuff that wasn’t announced at the con is certainly a choice.
I did say they were guesses. I guess I was just a bit excited.

I suggest you go find Majuba and try a Goblin Brain.

Dark Archive

The BEST PaizoCon tradition. Get the brains. Trust me.

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Congratulations Vanessa! This is a well deserved accolade.

Dark Archive

Dude human Slacker 20

Low level also weeks here

Dark Archive

Dude human Slacker 20

no biggie

I can play the cleric, which Jack has also seen in action.

Also, "strange phenomena"? Right up the ol' Pharasmin cleric's alley.

Dark Archive

Dude human Slacker 20

I have a level 3 cleric-wizard dedication or it’s level 1 action, baby!

Dark Archive

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May the road rise to meet you, Mark.

The first time I met Mark and Linda was my first PaizoCon. I was the GM for the beta test of Siege of the Diamond City for both and a few others. The night went well and I enjoyed meeting them*.

A day or two later, I was walking to the PFS room when I spied Mark talking with Thurston Hillman, author of Siege. Back then, I was still pretty shy and apprehensive regarding talking to strangers and social interactions. But because a player from my table was talking with Thursty about the scenario, I felt confident I could give constructive feedback about the scenario. More importantly it was I could overcome my social anxiety because of Mark**.

I will miss talking with you, Mark, about any and every topic no matter how tangential to Pathfinder the topic was. I am positive you will be successful in your new endeavor.

the scowl Linda gave me during that scenario was priceless. And I didn’t even say a word to her.

yes, I fully understand the irony of that statement

Dark Archive

Several years ago, Clinton Boomer and I split a bottle of bourbon and talked in to the wee hours of the morning about the death of Aroden. It had something to do with Dou-Bral/Zon-Kuthon, Shelyn maybe, and a whole lot of drunken logic that made sense at the time.

Naturally, I remember nothing.

Dark Archive

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Totally Not Gorbacz wrote:
I nominate TOZ as the poster boy of positive change, you should have read his posts from 2008 my gawd was he lordin'.

Some say to this day he still is….

Dark Archive

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rough translation:
I'm hungry! Where are the treats? Why are we not going on another walk? I wanna go on a walk! Bertrand is stinky. Amber is mean. Hungry. So hungry. Hungry....

Dark Archive

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:

Evil Horse wrote:

Are they going to remove the spell Dominate?

Legit question.

I doubt it. The issue isn't loss of autonomy in general, it's specifically the overemphasis on slavery as a plot device. Slavery in the United States is primarily associated with white supremacist chattel slavery, and its effects linger to this day, making it a uniquely unpleasant issue. Again, compare it to how Pathfinder does not feature a lot of content focused on sexual assault, or on genocidal death camps.

The technical definition of "slave" is a lot less important than the coding. Slave auctions, particularly featuring Black slaves and white slaveowners, have very, very direct connotations. Pathfinder has featured that sort of content extensively already, so if you're keen on it, go back and play Serpent's Skull.

I think they should but for different reasons. Nothing says "Let's have some fun!" and then failing a save to lose all agency of your character. I refused to use this spell in org play.

Dark Archive

Skeld wrote:
TwilightKnight wrote:
Its been nearly three weeks since the last posting by UPW. I wonder what is going on?

If UPW also has a lawyer, they probably advised the to stop speaking publicly. That's usually the first thing lawyers do.


From what I understand, negotiations have started. I expect no public announcements until either an impasse or agreement.

Dark Archive

Cori Marie wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
…they aggressively defend clients when facing allegations of harassment. What they prioritize is clear, and it's not coming to amicable solution.
Do you know if Paizo retained this law firm’s services in response to being served with notice of a lawsuit?
The discussion is about what the firm specializes in. That's what the firm prioritizes talking about when talking about employment law. Again this is an Occam's Razor situation. They say they focus on something in the first paragraph. In the next they talk about other things they are willing to do. This isn't a firm that specializes in DEIB, and makes no mention of striving to protect the rights of diverse groups, instead makes sure you know they're willing to fight if a minority group decides they deserve to not be discriminated against.

You didn’t answer my question.

Dark Archive

TwilightKnight wrote:
If they did, it does not seem to be public (at least not yet). I have been watching, but have not found any evidence of anyone seeking litigation against Paizo.


Dark Archive

Cori Marie wrote:
…they aggressively defend clients when facing allegations of harassment. What they prioritize is clear, and it's not coming to amicable solution.

Do you know if Paizo retained this law firm’s services in response to being served with notice of a lawsuit?

Dark Archive

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thejeff wrote:
If they're obviously in management's corner, then everyone is going to assume that whatever they report is slanted that way. "He investigated himself and found that he did nothing wrong."

Can someone point me in the direction where it was stated by Paizo that the firm they hired is exclusively protecting Paizo assets? Because I read a lot of people assuming this notion.

Dark Archive

thejeff wrote:
TwilightKnight wrote:
thejeff wrote:
They've hired this law firm "to investigate allegations of discrimination against trans employees and sexual misconduct before reporting back to the Leadership Team," not to mount a defence in court.
It may/not be their primary intention, but if they aren’t preparing for it on some level they aren’t the quality firm their public image represents.

On some level perhaps, but if they're hired to investigate the claims and their main focus is preparing an adversarial legal case against potential lawsuits - well that's exactly what everyone in this thread is complaining about.

That's not what we want to happen. That's not what Paizo's statement claims they're doing. If it is, that's another bad sign.

Paizo has their own counsel.

They hired an outside third party to conduct an investigation.

Notice they did not task their own counsel with investigating themselves.

Dark Archive

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I'm honestly glad they never replied to my applications.


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Fergie wrote:
Finally, I object to the title of this thread because Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo is a terrible film. It has a cliche plot, and the "romance" between the main characters is bafflingly implausible.

Ahem. Do not dis Ice-T’s first film ever.

Dark Archive

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Top ten ogrekin deformities! Number 8 will shock you!

Dark Archive

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
kc, I am assuming your good intent, but please, don't bold responses, it is rude.


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TwilightKnight wrote:
Vasemir wrote:
what are some positive men at Paizo's that deserve appreciation
In my experience, Will Chase — warehouse manager, is an ALLSTAR. He has always been gracious and especially helpful working with the volunteers at conventions when he probably didn't have to. I am sure when it comes to his laundry list of responsibilities, organized play ranked pretty low as a priority, but he never made us feel unimportant and treated us with respect. I cannot speak to his leadership within the warehouse and their daily tasks, but if he is anything like he has been with the volunteers, it must be a pleasure working for him. Thank you Will for your hard work and professionalism. We love you!

Re: Will

sniff... sniff...

Dark Archive

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Logan Harper She/Her wrote:
I may not have a sweet little kitty floof anymore but I do have a large cat-like greyhound who will also tell you she doesn't receive enough scritches and treats, does that count? :P

Amber is an Italian Greyhound Chihuahua mix. So stinking cute.

And yes, that counts.

Dark Archive

Coriat wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Coriat wrote:

Me, I always wanted to live on the most memorably named street in my hometown (there's that my again!), Labor-in-Vain Road.
Please tell me there are train tracks that cross that road.


Dark Archive

GM_Beernorg wrote:

Perogies forever!

Proud Polish-American here indeed.

I'm still mad this place is gone.

pours one out for The World's Most Dangerous Polka Band

Dark Archive

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Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

not sure if anyone would have got the reference:
I really wanted to type Bill the Cat instead of Kodos.... Meadow Party 2024

Dark Archive

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Excuse me, sir; Bertrand, Beatrix, and Amber are mos def not felines. They also take umbrage at the insinuation. Only one of them has earned the sobriquet "Little Sheet"*

*Obviously not the actual word....

Dark Archive

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Bertrand, Beatrix, and Amber would like to raise a paw to protest the cat bias in this thread. They also wish to serenade you with the song of their people.

Dark Archive

Coriat wrote:
Storm Dragon wrote:
Coriat wrote:
MurderHobo#6226 wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I suppose whether an abusive poster develops a better attitude is secondary to me to the priority of ensuring they aren't posting abuse and harassment on my forums.
Ah, "yours."
Henceforth in my own personal headcanon, whenever you say something like my street or my neighbor or my home state, I'm going to interpret it as a claim of literal ownership. ;)

When I was a kid, I lived on a street with our family's last name on it, so I could get pretty close to making a claim like this at the time.

Alas, now I must live adjacent to proper, paved streets named after individuals I have no knowledge or care about, like some kind of plebeian . Ugh.

Me, I always wanted to live on the most memorably named street in my hometown (there's that my again!), Labor-in-Vain Road.

Please tell me there are train tracks that cross that road.

Dark Archive

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Anorak wrote:
Yoshua wrote:

Click the Show Thread under Jessica Price's post.

Thanks, Yoshua!

Digging into Jessica's thread, it seems to boil down to The Executives, which takes us back to the CEO, which from my stance, ultimately lands at Lisa, the Owners feet. The buck stops with Lisa.

One could say the avalanche started with Lisa.

Dark Archive

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
TwilightKnight wrote:
Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Praise in public. Correct in private.
Semantics. Whatever. You know precisely what I meant.
It's a useful distinction.

A difference in theory of management and language.

Dark Archive

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Andy Brown wrote:
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
I am troubled by the concept of calling other forumites bigots. I can see calling out their actions or posts as bigoted, but...
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I don't see the problem with calling it a water fowl.

Careful talking about ducks. I speak from experience.


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