Happy International Men's Day!

Paizo General Discussion

Grand Lodge

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Join the community in celebrating International Men's Day! It is an annual global celebration of the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of men and to raise awareness to the various issues that affect men as defined by the six pillars:

1. To promote positive male role models; not just movie stars and professional athletes but everyday, working class men who are living decent, honest lives.
2. To celebrate men’s positive contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and to the environment.
3. To focus on men’s health and well-being; social, emotional, physical and spiritual.
4. To highlight discrimination against males; in areas of social services, social attitudes and expectations, and law.
5. To improve gender relations and promote gender equality.
6. To create a safer, better world; where people can be safe and grow to reach their full potential.

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For anyone who is male or masculine, please remember that you are not alone and that your mental health is important; opening up, particularly emotionally can be quite difficult, but talking and reaching out does help. You are valid.

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Big love to our trans brothers out there!

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MadamReshi wrote:
For anyone who is male or masculine, please remember that you are not alone and that your mental health is important; opening up, particularly emotionally can be quite difficult, but talking and reaching out does help. You are valid.

Agreed and seconded and well said.

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Thank you for acknowledging it despite the hostile atmosphere. I think it's not very well-established due to diffused dates across different countries and being secondary when it comes to showing affection to.

Remember guys that's it also Movember - month of awareness of prostate and testicular cancer (aside from men's mental health). So test yourselves or better yet - make some time and see a professional.

Relating to the first point - what are some positive men at Paizo's that deserve appreciation despite some others working for bad reputation?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I highly recommend counseling and therapy to all of my brothers out there. You all deserve the chance to speak your mind in a completely supportive environment as well as the assistance to work through your emotions with support and positive regard.

Grand Lodge

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Vasemir wrote:
what are some positive men at Paizo's that deserve appreciation

In my experience, Will Chase — warehouse manager, is an ALLSTAR. He has always been gracious and especially helpful working with the volunteers at conventions when he probably didn't have to. I am sure when it comes to his laundry list of responsibilities, organized play ranked pretty low as a priority, but he never made us feel unimportant and treated us with respect. I cannot speak to his leadership within the warehouse and their daily tasks, but if he is anything like he has been with the volunteers, it must be a pleasure working for him. Thank you Will for your hard work and professionalism. We love you!

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Yes we're MEN, men in tights, TIGHT tights!!

In all seriousness, it is important for we men to see to our emotional and mental health. There is allot of BS out there regarding how we should act, what a real man is or does. Noise and crud allot of it is. Real men have emotions, fears, anxiety, all that stuff. It does not make you less of a man to admit it and talk about it. It makes you more of than man you deserve to be!

Dark Archive

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TwilightKnight wrote:
Vasemir wrote:
what are some positive men at Paizo's that deserve appreciation
In my experience, Will Chase — warehouse manager, is an ALLSTAR. He has always been gracious and especially helpful working with the volunteers at conventions when he probably didn't have to. I am sure when it comes to his laundry list of responsibilities, organized play ranked pretty low as a priority, but he never made us feel unimportant and treated us with respect. I cannot speak to his leadership within the warehouse and their daily tasks, but if he is anything like he has been with the volunteers, it must be a pleasure working for him. Thank you Will for your hard work and professionalism. We love you!

Re: Will

sniff... sniff...

Grand Lodge

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I was unaware of Will's departure. That certainly is sad. If good people keep leaving I fear for Paizo's future.

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The man you deserve to be. Gorram typo.

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Oh! International Men's Day!

Boy, I was way off!!

That's okay, I'll show myself out!

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