
Lazoth's page

Organized Play Member. 127 posts (131 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


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I love how Wayne Reynolds incorporated his signature into Nocticula's wing amongst the runes. Then again I love most of the art in the book, not just his.

Dark Archive

Rysky wrote:

James Jacobs commented that there was a very good chance that it was Lamashtu. So she might be, she might not be. Maybe the Book of the Damned HC will tell? :3

As for my favourites,

Nocticula - Demon Lord of Succubi! Yay!

Jubilex - Demon Lord of lube and tentacles, also yay!

Shax - Demon Lord of "'Cause f+++ all y'all".

No really, I could a follower of Nocticula and Shax each wearing that same shirt that read "'Cause f&$& people" for completely different reasons.

I need to get that shirt for my inquisitor of Nocticula now, but that maybe too much clothing.

On Topic: Noticula, Zura, and Mazzmez are my top 3. Though shoccy does come close.

Dark Archive

A bit late on this but they are up in the store

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Now he is gaming at the great table with the likes of Gygax and Arneson. Condolences to his friends, family, and to those that worked with him throughout the years.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Good help is so hard to find these days

1. "Does Enlarge work on a Sphere of Annihilation?"

2. "You wouldn't mind if I took the carpet for a trip over a weekend, would you?"

3. "Was that rune inscribed on the cage important?"

4. "Want some help?"

5. "Could you come down here? I mean, _now_?"

6. Quick !! How does one _unsummon_ a demon lord ?

7. I wonder what this wand does ? <as he waves it around>

8. Remember that demon that you _had_ imprisoned down in the cellar ?

9. Oooops !!

10. Was I supposed to light the candles around the pentagram ?

11. "You mean those sticks (read wands) in the corner weren't kindling?"

12. "I finally shot that owl that's been folowing you around!"


14. "By the way, what's the reverse of "summon"?"

15. "That fire wand only had 25 charges left on it!"

16. "How do you you control something once it gets out of the pentagram?"

17. "The warding circle for this demon wasn't continuous before, was

18. "What happens if I mix these two potions together?"

19. "So this wand fires a fireball if I point it at something and say
'Braxat'?" (Boom!)

20. "How was I supposed to know she was a succubus?" =)

21. "You wouldn't happen to have a banishment spell memorized... Oh, no reason...."

22. "Oh-oh."

23. "Did I err?"

24. "But you didn't tell me that I COULDN'T do that!"

25. "Hey, I bet I can do that better than you can!"

26. "Study?!? I'm too good for that?"

27. "When do I get to make things go BOOOOOMM?"

28. "Oh, that component was worth THAT much?"

29. "Work? Why? I summoned your demon to do it!
... Of course I had to erase the pentagram!
What do you think I am, an idiot?"

30. "But this was supposed to be foolproof!"

31. "I don't understand!!"

32. "I thought you said "Cone of Cold" not "Coin of Gold"!"

33. "Hey, just who do you think you are, my teacher?"

34. What kind of glue do you use to fix a DragonOrb?

35. Master, I kind of forgot to feed your familiar.

36. Those books with the blue binders do burn!

37. "Uhh.. you know that nubile virgin you bought in last night? Well,
we started talking and.. uhh.. one thing led to another...."

38. "Hey look, Master! I saw this nice globe of crystal lying around, so I cut off the top and now I can keep Mambo, my goldfish, in it!"

39. "What's in this bottle? * POP * Uhh... oh-oh..."

40. "Sorry about that, Master. I promise I won't wave your wand around
again. Hmm.. what's this frog doing here?"

41. "Master, is this pronounced 'HAStur HAStur HAStur' or 'HasTUR HasTUR

42. "Ribbit."

43. "Oh, I threw it away."

44. "What's this scroll that says...Wish...on it do?"

45. "Catch!"

46. "This weird guy with horns and stuff came looking for you. He
asked if Razzlefratz was there. I told him no, your name was
Durkin. That seemed to make him really happy."

47. " might not want to go in the basement."

48. "Hey, where did I put the top to this Decanter of Endless Water?"

49. "Remember how you told me not to lie anymore? Well, Elminster
stopped by to say hello. I told him you said he was a talentless
bag of wind. He wants to meet you tomorrow at the Blasted Lands."

50. "Was that your Staff of Power? That end table in the den needed
a new leg, and you _told_ me to fix it..."

51. "I wish you'd tell me how this Luck Blade worked!"

52. "Psst, Master... I forgot to mention that my cloak dragged off some
chalk on the five-pointed star that Orcus is standing in now..."

53. "Did you ever wonder what black cats tasted like? * BURP *"

54. "You know, this Erhdolt's Endurable Eraser really works! That book
over there only needed a few rubs of it before all the writing was gone."

55. "Sir, you will be pleased with what I have just done. I have sent
all those old and dusty tomes to the recycling center!"

56. "Master, was that by any chance a Reverse Gravity scroll you left lying
around in your alchemical lab?"

57. "But Master, I did my best to make you invisible during the parade! How would I know it would just affect your robes?"

58. "Uh, Master, why was this mirror lying face-down on your table? Master?
Master? Gee, where'd he go?" (scratches head)

59. "Hey, Master, guess what? I tidied up your scrolls. Yeah, I put
them all in this bag I found in your closet!" (Bag (of Devouring) burps.)

60. "Master, uh, you know your alchemy lab? How much do you suppose it
would cost to get a new one?"

61. "Master, what's the command to make the magic carpet go back down?
You don't know? Uh, will you be needing your familiar any time soon?"

62. "Oh, THAT was your familiar?"

63. "Okay, I put the fire resistence potions in the red bottles, and
the cold resistence potions in the blue. Or was it the other way
around." (While facing a Dragon, of course)

64. "I thought this spell required a 5-sided star..."

65. "Okay, I put the glyph of paralyzation on the foyer door and the
fire trap on the library door. Then I set up the guards and wards
spell, Then the Maze spell."

66. "The top of this iron bottle seems to be stuck..."

67. "I had the Unseen Servant put the bags of holding in the portable hole."

68. "There is an Undead Anti-Paladin to see you sir..."

69. "There was a tiny pesky flying lizard around here, but I put out poisoned meat for it..."

70. "You mean the meat on the table was.. ahem. Sir, please stick your last
finger in your mouth..."

71. "Uhh.. I seem to have forgotten to bring the Manual of Mighty and
Marvelous Magic on our voyage, Master. Will the Guide to Growing Great
Geraniums do as well?"

72. "Swallow goldfish? ALIVE?"

73. "Uhh.. Master, sorry to disturb your scroll-writing. You wouldn't possibly
have seen my bottle of invisible-ink, would you?"


76. "Did you ever wonder why so few wizards know the 'erase' spell, Master?"

77. "How was I to know that Summon Swarm could call up bookworms???"

78. "I managed to learn the Levitate spell, Sir. Now, without looking down, could you tell me how to control it?"

79. "Did the scare spell work, Master? Hmm.. you're kind of pale..."

80. "I shall make sure that my shocking grasp is dissipated before touching Master.. I shall make sure that my shocking grasp is dissipated before touching Master.. I shall make sure..."

81. "Uhh.. sorry for falling asleep, Master. Now, could you do that spell ONE more time?"

82. "Well, Master, I finally managed to learn the enlarge spell. Now, could you tell me how one gets rid of a 50' long rat?"

83. Master, what should I wish for?

84. Where does a teleported spellbook go?

85. Hey...where'd the left tower go?

86. Smell something you said? smoke? Nah,theres no smell of smoke here.
No need for you to go ito the basement either. he he he. I'll just
go downstairs with this wand of fire extinguishing for, you know, target practise.

87. Riddeeeep! Riddeeeep! Riddeeeep!* (*HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPP!)

88. Excuse me sir but, theoretically, what would happen if someone summoned, ohhh, lets say a major demon from the 376 level of the Abyss?

89. With this body in my possesion I shall now rule the world!! HAHAHAHHA!

90. Ah sir? You know that elemental you had in your control?

91. I was wondering sir, whats the bestway to stop a charging dragon?

92. Dang, just woke up all 8 red dragons and the exits on the other side of the lair, sure wish my master was here (while playing with ring he just picked up).

93. [someone's at the door:] "No, he's been alone in his room with that
fancy sword for a few days now... Sure, I'll go get him for you!"

94. "Master, I seem to have finally perfected my taunt spell. By the way, the Duke is at the front gates with his elite guard. Could you please explain this to him?"

95. "But we are all out of candles. I used lanterns to surround the pentacle instead."

96. "Master, watch out for the pit I just covered with my Phantasmal Force!"

97. You didn't have a familiar, did you?

98. That vial of mead you were makeing tasted REALLY good!

99. Why did the writing on that book disappear while I was reading it?

100. Hey look! These Dragon scales make a really neat jacket!

101. "What happens if I read the Meteor Swarm from this scroll and points at you?"

102. "WHAT pentagram???"

103. "Sorry about the bookworms, boss."

104. "Oh, that potion! Nope, never saw it."

105. "Next time, I'll make sure to point that wand the other way."

106. "It's just coffee. A little soap, some warm water, a clean rag and
that scroll will be as good as new!"

107. "That nice wizard from across town paid me 2000 gp to deliver this box to you. It must be some kind of clock!"

108. "Don't feel bad, boss. At least the OTHER demon didn't break free!"

109. "That moldy old cloak? I sold it to some peddler for a few coppers."

110. "Gee, boss, you kinda remind me of that other wizard, ah,
what's-his-name, -Gargamel!"

111. "I tried to stop him, boss, but he got away from me and headed straight for your bookcase!"

112. "Well, your familiar and I got to discussin' politics, and dern if he didn't say a few things that got my dander up."

113. "Staff? I thought it was leftover firewood!"

114. "Hey boss, did you hear this one? There was a farmer's daughter, 3 stone giants and a rod of many things..."

115. "A short guy from that guild downtown stopped by to borrow a cup of
flour, he said. When I turned around, he was gone! ...along with most of your spellbooks!"

116. "That damned Earth elemental just wouldn't take no for an answer, would he boss?

117. "The witch across the street that likes you, she left a few messages on your crystal ball. I only read the first 12 or so..."

118. "'Get me some water?' I thought you said 'I want belladonna!'"

119. "These spell components sure make a mean stew!"

120. " no, you go first... I went first last time "

121. "Please Master, allow me to light your smoking pipe with my Burning Hand spell." FOOOOMP! "I'm sure your eyebrows will grow again sir !!"

122. "Listen, this scroll says 'To set up a permanent time-stop
field for as far as the eye can see, just say the word Bidlebedee.' Hmm ! Do you think it'll work ? ... Master
I'm talking to you. ... Master ? .... Master ? ..."

123. "Master, you are gonna laugh when you here dis ... I wuz practicing Fireball in da library and guess what ?! ... It woiked !!"

124. "I'm so sorry Master, but I couldn't find any garlic, and
I thought maybe broccoli would scare the vampire just as well !"

125. "ALAS, MASTER !! I've finally done it! I've created Universal Solvent. ... 'cept it seems to be 'eating' right through the earth and I
don't know how to neutralize it."

126. "Imagine that ! ha, ha ! Mistaking a potion of Irreversible Aging for salad dressing. ha, ha ! You know ... white hair looks good on you, sir !"

127. "You _did_ write a will, didn't you Master ??"

128. "Hey Master, listen to this neat spell: 'As you read this spell of
Speech Impediment, you and all those around you will gladually
begome unabelled to gomunigate in da unbestanbable wanblage tan bill bespeek uddel nonblends wabba dabba yabba ...."

129. you wouldn't believe the deal I got on all those scraps of paper you kept up there in the chest...

130. Ummm, I think the dog I bought didn't like your cat that much but don't worry, I told him not to do that to the next one you get...

131. "Master, I swear the king has _noooo_ sense of humor! When I told him all the jokes you've been telling about
him, he didn't laugh at all !!"

132. "Sir, how come you didn't tell me the lock on your safe
was broken ? That little guy you hired couldn't get it opened, so he took it back to town to work on it."

133. "Listen, when you said you were expecting a familiar to show
up, I thought you meant your cousin Sigmund from the West. How
was I supposed to know you were expecting a chicken ?! ... I say let's forget about it and make the best of a bad situation ... do you want the leg or the breast ?"

134. "You, stupid peasants !! Either you obey my master or he'll turn all of you into toads !! YEAH !!! You think that just because you brought four paladins with you that he's scared ?! NO WAY !! And as soon as he gets out of the bathroom he'll teach all of you a lesson!"

135. "So you are out of live spiders, huh ? How about selling me some cockroaches ? My master is so old I don't think he'll be able to tell the difference."

136. "Hey master, let me show you this neat trick ... Pick a card
from this Deck ... any card!"

137. <absolute silence, hour after hour after hour> ..... "AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG !!!! You damned apprentice !! I know you are up to something. I can hear your breathing !!!!!!! Where are you?? Say something!!!! You're driving me CRAAAAZY !"

Moral: Sometimes a silent apprentice is more terrifying than
an apprentice that opens his mouth without thinking. :-)

138. "Boy, that broom I animated really got out of control, but don't worry, I took an axe and chopped it up into a million pieces."

139. "I was just in the library Master and was wondering, do you have a Xerox machine ?"

140. "Hey, I just learnt the magic missile spell Master. Pretty accurate 'aint it. I'll be back later...just going down to the pub for a game of darts."

141. "Master, I messing around with some charcoal, sulfur, and potassium
nitrate in your lab, and I guess it got too close to the fire..."

142. "Master, I have an IMPORTANT safety tip for you..."

143. "So I mixed the glycerine, nitric acid, and sulphuric acid together in that pot that was hanging over the fire in your library..."

144. "Hypothetically, what would happen if Fluffy was at the bottom of a portable hole when the spell expired?"

145. "Remember how you wanted me to practice my Magic Missile spell? Well, I saw that black cat which keeps hanging around here..."

146. "You do have backup copies of your spellbooks, right?"

147. "Please tell me another. Plleeeeaaaasssee. Oh please master. I just love your stories. Oh goodie thank you. Wow that apprenctice sounds real funny and ... what that sounds like something I did. Now wait a minute I did the same thing. And the master did what to the the
apprentice. If I was that apprentice I woul..." [bright light floods the room as the Apprentice explodes.]

148. "I didn't mean to hit you with that web spell, boss. Let me help...... darned web.....I know! I'll BURN it off!"

149. "Hey boss! Look what I found under your bed - the Fabled Bloodstone
Pendant! Finders - Keepers!"

150. "Uh boss, the Emperor is at the door with an army of guards...looks like he's holding that pair of boots you made for him..."

151. "The witch across the street stopped by again, boss. She says if you don't take her to the Necromancers Ball she'll turn you into a DRESS and WEAR you there!"

152. Well I wanted to find out if it's true that cats always land on their feet!

153. We have to do this ritual on a full moon?? I go all funny on a fu.... *SNARL*....

154. Cauldron?? I thought it was the soup!!

155. Want a game of cards here? I'll deal you five..... (DoMT)

156. Lookit!! My own personal pit fiend!!!

157. Priest: S~#*, its a dead-end. Acolyte: Can you resurrect it, Master?

Dark Archive

I'm running merisel and kyra in a solo play through and they have only had trouble in a couple of scenarios. (Int/arcane based checks are a bastard though)

Dark Archive

Final boss for hook mountain I got a 36 combat check for Kyra

Dark Archive

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Can we expect to see an updated version of Second Darkness to be released in the next 2-3 years?

SD is one my favorite Paizo APs released (it ties with Age of Worms and Savage Tides).

Dark Archive

I'm working on oracle build using Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) and my question is can you use the bonded item to cast my oracle spells or is it just spell I would get from Imp. Eldritch Heritage later?

Dark Archive

Ok i guess this will be the thread to watch, seeing as I am building a catfolk FCT INA monk that if it stacks the way I have been thinking it does then at level 9 they will doing 3d6.

Or better yet with ACG coming out in the next couple of weeks maybe better off going brawler to get cat pounce quicker.

Dark Archive

Similar vain to this. Can you take a 5' step and then use a spell or ability to allows you to move?
In particular the Magus spell Bladed Dash (ISM pg 54) after performing a 5' step.

Dark Archive

So basically talk to GM.
Would something similar to the weapon property glamoured but at a reduced price since its not for a weapon?

Dark Archive

Not that I have found.
I already have a hat of disguise but this is for something that I may need to take on and off

Dark Archive

Can anyone point to the rules and costs on placing a glamour on an object (say a piece of jewellery) so that it appears as another object of similar size?

What I'm looking at doing is taking an insignia and placing a glamour on it so it just looks like a normal necklace piece but can be revealed or concealed with the command word.

If it also happens to not radiate magic that would be awesome, if not a permanent Mask Dweomer or Magic Aura to hide it.

Dark Archive 1/5

Goblin race boons were a GenCon exclusive. There was only 36 (i think) handed out for surviving the second part of the special. of these there is maybe a dozen left alive.

Other race boons are available like the Oreads, Kitsune, and a few others. These are normally given out at conventions. So it maybe worthwhile talking to your local VC or VL about running one.

Dark Archive 1/5

Thank you so much for the dispensation for GMing the scenario if you have a level 8 or higher Lantern Lodge PC. My only Lantern Lodge reached level a week before the original announcement.

Dark Archive 1/5

Ok here's a small spanner for the works, on page 553 of the CRB it says you can add abilities of different natures to an item for 150% of the second item. Now would that mean I can take a headband of inspired wisdom +4 and add a Phylactory of Postive Channeling (for a total price of 32500gp)? Assuming within fame constraints

Also I have heard that Mike said that you check the base item cost + enhancement for fame then add the material cost for total price paid. (I think it came up in regards to a boon from Thornkeep)

Dark Archive 1/5

Seraphimpunk wrote:

Ps. Does the boon require an atonement for the free evil tattoo ?

And can you chose to accept the boon for free with gm credit

Rereading the boon, it isn't an evil act to get the tattoo.

To get it free in scenario requires you to swear service to Krune. Im not sure if it describes that as an evil act in the scenario descripition
Dark Archive

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Although it has finished now, Errant Story was a serious webcomic that had some lighthearted moments

Unsounded is another one. Most of the other ones I read tend to be a bit more comedy and/or not really something that most people would enjoy.

Dark Archive 1/5

All I can say to this kind of tactics appearing is please play Refuge of Time with your bison and have fun.

Dark Archive

I would have them as 4-6th level fighters depending on veteranage and rank. Fremen I would have as Ranger/Rogues around 5 or 6 around the events of Dune, and more standard fighters for Dune Messiah/Children of Dune.

I have been rereading the series as well.

Dark Archive 1/5

I need to say this first boo on tier 3-7 for Way of the Kirin, my only Lantern Lodge character just hit level 8 and my only Shadow Lodge is now retired so, oh well.

Now what factions to pick for them.

Dark Archive

At the moment a 4 hour collection of epic style music that's part of several I have that goes for about 43 hours total. Has ones like Two Steps from Hell, Future Worlds Music, Mark Petrie, Audiomachine and a few others.

Dark Archive

NE Human Sorcerer 4.

Law 3
Neutral. 16
Chaotic 5

Good. 6
Neutral. 6
Evil. 12

So in no way am I going to be a paladin or monk. Other options: Bard or Rogue.


Dark Archive

On the cover it looks like xxxHolic but its meant to be three periods as in (x)Holic (alcoholic etc etc.)

Dark Archive

Ok here are some of my favourites (note some will be serious old school)

  • Venus Wars (first anime)
  • Tekkaman Blade I and II
  • Record of Lodoss Wars (Heroic Knight and also Legend of Crystannia)
  • Trigun
  • Kenshin (OVAs plus Tokyo and Kyoto arcs)
  • Wolfs Rain
  • Evangelion
  • Yukikaze
  • Gasaraki
  • Love Hina
  • Negima
  • Buso Renkin
  • Ghost in the Shell
  • Trinity Blood
  • Full Metal Panic
  • Black Lagoon
  • High School of the Dead
  • Tenjho Tenje
  • ...Holic
  • Soul Eater
  • Sacred Blacksmith
  • Yozakura Quartet
  • Berserk
  • D.Grey Man
  • Devil May Cry

There are others I'll list them when I an get the names down properly.

Dark Archive

JJ, something I came across in Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk,
There is a secret group dedicated to the exploration and cataloging of ruins and artefacts called the Seekers, would they be the spiritual forerunners of the Pathfinder Society?

Dark Archive

Here's a list of characters I have played. With archetype if used
Fighter (Two-handed)
Ranger (Spirit Ranger)
Wizard (base and Spellslinger)
Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)
Monk (qinggong)
Bard (sandman)

Classes I have characters for but haven't played yet

And with the exception of the anti-paladin I have seen at one of the other classes.
Just a note though I find it hard to play a good aligned character and just about impossible to play a paladin. This is more due personal reasons then game mechanics reasons.

If we include races then my most common races
Human 9
Tiefling 4
Elves 2
Half Elf 1

[edited, remembered I have played a rogue]

Dark Archive

Forbid action and greater forbid action. "Hi you don't think it's a good idea to attack us. " "uh sure I won't attack you" doing this to the big ugly fighter of doom means he can't make any attack rolls until either your next turn or for caster level in rounds (will also effect his friends) for greater

Level 1 and lvl 5 spells respectively.

Dark Archive 1/5

That reign of winter is really great work.
Also Hayako is fricken hilarious, he doesn't know if he should change its diaper or just leave them all with a church.

Dark Archive

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I know it has been mentioned before but seriously take a look at Privateer Press there are a lot (probably in the area of 70%) of female fighter types that are in functional armour and the more spellcaster types generally are fully clothed. They also do a lot of paladin type models just look for the Menoth models

Full clothed sorcerer/wizard female elf link

Fighter types
For others look at the warcasters from Khador, Menoth, Cygnar and the Retribution.

Personally I use PP model as they all look close to what I envision and they look functional both in battle and walking around.

As for comments about male/female gamers, I know quite a few female gamers most who have not only gone to cons but have been there as GMs and really I enjoy seeing them there as it shows how much we have come as a gaming community that they are not biased against. Paizo has done a lot of great work in showing balance in both race and gender compared to the how things were a decade ago.

Now that I have made these points, I shall get off the soapbox and leave you to think about it.

Dark Archive 1/5

Well all I can say is I am glad my Sorc (who hasn't class dipped) can use and cast CLW freely (within reason given resources)

Dark Archive 1/5

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Just a question how big was the BBEG? As for the actions of the co-coordinator, bending the rules to support trying to kill PCs is not in the interest of exciting plays. Also saying to never correct him and that someone isn't sut out for PFS is not only rude but perhaps a sign that maybe he is the one not cut out for running such events however that is just my feelings on it. If this happens again I suggest emailing your local VL or VC about it.

On side note though, I could suggest other things but without knowing their side then I don't feel it would contribute anything constructive.

Dark Archive 1/5

I believe that just from this weekend alone Bonekeep claimed the lives of 20 pcs at the hands of Mike Brock. Having said that though my fire elemental sorceress who had been reduced to 0 STR did a rather interesting move to try to save herself, a stilled fireball on top of herself.

Dark Archive 1/5

As I said last night congratulations and thank you for all your all your hard work over the last couple of years. I look forward to the next few years as we grow bigger and better.

Dark Archive 1/5

Ok just finished 4 day Easter con where I GMd 3 times and play a few other slots which included Bonekeep and in playing I had 1 death (Bonekeep ha the PA for retrieval and a resurrection due to body eaten by rats.) Thank you Mike Brock for that one. While GMing first ame was edge of your seat type, but they got through it. Fabric of Reality was another story altogether. Both time they trouble with the first fight. For the second fight they got slaughtered with 1 complete TPK (Which I will admit did contain Mike Brock on the table) and the other group fleeing with the 3 bodies of their fallen comrades

Dark Archive 1/5

I have played about ~50 scenarios and GM about 15 I have had 1 character die twice (1 in rats of round mountain (rezzed) and the other in Eyes of the Ten) as a GM I've killed 3 PCs 1 was in Tide of Twilight

Final encounter AoO from Enlarged druid using a shillelagh'd staff scoring a crit (open rolling)
1 was in God's Market Gamble
BBEG fight, paladin went out and demanded she answer for her crimes, she yelled back a response 'My answer is this' followed by full attack which left the him 2 off dead. Nobody else could reach him with healing
3rd was in Refuge of time
Again final fight, BBEG has solid fog up then DDoor to adjacent room, walked round the corner and saw one of the spell casters annoying him so he threw a disintegrate at her. 1 failed the save and 100 points later there was a pile of ash.
All but the one in Tide had the PA to get at least a raise dead or resurrection.

Dark Archive

And loving it.
Lucky7 wishes he could be dead like me.

Dark Archive

Lucky7 is banned for laughing at everyone.

Dark Archive

Little skylark then came back to haunt lucky7, which why he cries blood.

Dark Archive

As a princess then, I declare that DJEternalDarkness is banned from this site.

Dark Archive

DJEternalDarkness is actually a being of light

Dark Archive

Now you see me, now you don't

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What? Just because your envious of my great horns, well for that your banned.

Dark Archive 1/5

I cant wait to see this in action next weekend, should a huge amount of fun, blood and tears.

Dark Archive 1/5

Well I'll just put in my 2cp my Elven ranger has ranked Profession: Bounty Hunter now most of the time he just brings them back dead (had a rather large disdain for humanity and human arcane spell casters in particular. True the way I played him was very much skirting the boundary on being made Evil (al: TN).

In just about every way you would consider him an assassin due to his methods (and the trophies he made by dipping raven feathers in their blood and attaching them to his cloak) but this was never a major problem on any tables, yes the trophies did disgust some people but it was never made an issue.

Dark Archive

GM_Solspiral is banned for having moss and branches instead of hair like normal folk

Dark Archive

Granted! But now you can't think of anything to write.

I wish for there to be no more wishes.

Dark Archive 1/5

If Mike misses it then I will raise it with him on the long weekend when he is in Sydney for the Shadowmoot convention where I'll be running this among others.

Dark Archive

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Granted! You then can't post ever again

Go into Edit your profile and select an avatar there

I wish long weekend would get here.

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