Kikkling the Slight

Kul'Theraka's page

238 posts. Alias of Ironperenti.

Organized Play Characters

Grand Lodge Ironperenti 131
(0 posts)
Knight of Ozem
Grand Lodge Brent of Grayson

Human (0 posts)
Grand Lodge Gideon Stormborn

Half-elf Male CG Slayer (Vanguard) 1 | HP / | AC18 T14 FF13 | F+3 R+7 W+4 | CMD 12 | Init+3 Percep+10| Current effects: none (2 posts)
Abra Lopati
Horizon Hunters Josheb
(0 posts)


Alexio Casara

NG Human (Varisian), Vigilante 1; HP 11/11; AC 17 TAC 13 FF 14 CMD 17; FOR 2 REF 5 WIL 2; PER +4; INIT +3; Conditions/ongoing effects: (182 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Alistair Fox

M | HP: 9/9 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 14 | F: +1, R: +5, W: +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +5, SM: +4
Acrobatics 7, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Escape Artist 7, Intimidate 6, K Local 5, Perception 5, Sense Motive 4, Stealth 7, Swim 5
(591 posts)
Arnistolientar Popswicker
Liberty's Edge Baub the Great

Male Halfling Arcane Blooded Sorcerer 5 / Evoker 1 | HP 35/35 | AC20 T16 FF16 (+4 to all w/ shield spell) | F+4 R+7 W+9 | CMD15 | Init+4 Percep+9, lowlight vision | Current effects: mage armor
Spells per day:
1st-8/8 2nd-5/5
Wizard Spells:
(298 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Beorn Blackmane

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 45/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 39/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+16 scent | Current effects: (616 posts)
Liberty's Edge Brand the Bold

HP 14/14 | AC16 T11 FF15 | F+5 R+1 W+0 | CMD 16 | Init +3 Percep +4 | Current effects: none
Acrobatics +1 Climb +4, Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +6, Perception +4, Ride +5, Survival +4, Swim +4
(503 posts)
Skywin Freeling

F Gnome Sorcerer 1 | HP 16/16 | AC13 TAC13 FF10 | F+3 R+3 W+3 | PER+2 | SP 5 | RES 5 | Current effects: none (28 posts)
Silver Crusade Cuthalian

Acrobatics 2, Climb 8, Heal 10, Intimidate 9, K Religion 5, Perception 17, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 6, Survival 9, Swim 8, Craft Wpn 8, Hndl Anim 8, K Engineer 10, K Geography 2, K History 2, Prof Soldier 6
NG Elf War Priest 9; HP 75/75 AC 23 TAC 13 FF 21 CMD 23 FOR +10 REF +7 WIL +10 INIT +4 PER +17 | ongoing effects: shield of faith +3
1st-5/5 2nd-5/5 3rd-3/3
; Fervor 6/6; Sacred Weapon 9/9; Sacred Armor 9/9; (589 posts)
Pirate Sniper
Emmy Noel Lincolnstein

Elf Bard 1 | HP 17/17 | AC16 TAC14 FF12 | F+2 R+4 W+2 | PER+1 | SP 5 | RES 5 | Current effects: none (19 posts)
Algon the Ever-Seeking
Liberty's Edge Garen Williamson

Aasimar Paladin Oath of Vengeance-Warrior of Light 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 19 TAC 11 FF 16 | CMB +4 CMD 15 | F+4 R+1 W+4 | Per +6 Init +1 | Conditions/ongoing effects: none
Diplomacy* 7 Heal* 7 Perception* 6 Ride* 1 Sense Motive* 1 Handle Animal* 7 Craft Brewer* 5
(525 posts)
The Scribbler
Gauntlet aka John Maddox
(5 posts)
Kevan Nimblefingers

Male CG Halfling Rogue Shadow walker 3 | HP 17/21 | AC18 T14 FF13 | F+3 R+7 W+4 | CMD 12 | Init+3 Percep+10| Current effects: none
Acrobatics 9 Appraise 7 Bluff 13 Climb 3 C: Alchemy 9 Diplomacy 9 Disable Device 10 Escape Artist 9 Know: Local 9 Know: Dungeon 7 Prcptn 10 Sense Motive 8 Sleight of Hand 9 Stealth 13 Swim 3 UMD* 9
(401 posts)
Kikkling the Slight
Grand Lodge Kul'Theraka

Ranger (Wilderness Medic) 2 / Hunter (Patient Ambusher) 1 | HP 32/32 | AC18/20shield T12 FF16 | F+5 R+5 W+3 | CMD18 | INIT+8 PER+8 | Current effects: none (238 posts)
Marcus Nocturnus

Half-elf Ranger Dandy 1 | HP 12/12 | AC 18 T 13 FF 14 | F+4 R+5 W+0 | CMD15 | Init+3 Percep+6, darkvision 60', lowlight vision | Current effects:
Acrobatics 3 Climb 5 Craft Alchemy 4 Diplomacy 6 Disable Device 7 Intmdt 0 K: Local 4 K: Nobility 4 Perception 6 Ride 3 Sns Mtv 4 Stealth 7 Swim 1
(157 posts)
Arnistolientar Popswicker

Cleric of Sarenrae 1; HP 9/9; AC 16 TAC 11 FF 14; FOR +4 REF +1 WIL +6; INIT +0 PER +4 | ongoing effects:
Diplomacy 6, Heal 8, Know Religion 6, Spellcraft 6
(315 posts)
Takeda Mon'tar

M Sun Elf Bard 2 | HP 18/18 | AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | F+0 R+5 W+3 | Init+2 | Percep+8, lowlight vision | Current effects: mage armor (184 posts)
Telurion Varikson

Human male NG Fighter | HP 32/34 | AC19/21 with shield | F +9 R +7 W+5 | Percep+7 | Hero Pts 2 | Current effects: Exploration Mode: Defend weapon out (183 posts)
Tiger Lillie

Halfling Druid 1 | HP 15/15 | AC17 TAC14 FF13 | F+3 R+4 W+6 | PER+5 | SP 5 | RES 5 | Current effects: none (19 posts)
Initiate of Flame
Torgar Earthbreaker

Dwarf Barbarian Invulnerable Rager 8 | HP 152/152 | AC21 T13 FF19 DR 4| F+12 R+6 W+6 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+10 | Rage 23 rds | Current effects: (87 posts)