About Kevan NimblefingersKevan Nimblefingers Male Halfling
Kevan is a happy go lucky Halfling. He has a good heart but feels that the laws are really only guidelines that usually apply to other people. Therefore, he flaunts the laws and follows his heart. He is prone to exaggerating events or sometimes spinning them out of whole cloth. He is convinced that people are treated the way that they act. Therefore, he shifts the story of who he is and what he has done continuously depending upon his mood and situation. He has always been on the lookout for an opportunity to improve his lot in life and has taken advantage of these opportunities as he has grown up. Kevan felt he met a kindred spirit when he ran into Jimes Iggins. It became a great partnership if not friendship as the older halfing was delighted to find another halfling with whom he shared such interests. Jimes was not so much of a teacher as he was a wise older counselor who would teach through demonstration. Kevan often had to reclaim his belongings after such lessons. Regardless, it has been an enjoyable journey into petty larceny. Kevan often writes letters to his sister. It is typically unclear if he ever sends them, bringing into question if she even exists. Kevan never talks about his parents. He doesn’t really know who they are. On a rare occasion he will spin a story about them but his heart is never really in it and those listening can tell it’s not quite true. Inside, he wonders what kind of people they were and imagines they were murdered or imprisoned, otherwise why would they leave their little bundle of joy. He has fleeting memories from when he was four of them but nothing concrete. Kevan tells lies as easily as he breathes. His good natured attitude and willingness to help people is the only thing that keeps him his friends. He also has a penchant for petty larceny. He typically “trades” for what he wants but obviously the item he “trades” away is by far less valuable than the item he “traded” for. Kevan is as fickle in religion as he is with the truth. He tends to pray to the deity that seems to be the most pertinent at the time. Since he is good natured he avoids the evil deities, they just do not appeal to him. A little mischief is fine but no one should get hurt. For what reason does your character become an adventurer? What motive keeps them going? Kevan is always looking for what he sees as fun, plus, he likes to collect things. Running around with adventurer’s gives him the best opportunity to experience the world and collect interesting stories and items. I have yet to introduce your character. The shard the party has joined with was originally on rural plains outside Oppara in Taldor. You have spent the last three years living with a former mercenary who runs a tailoring shop there. His name is Norian Abronze, and he made his money as a draconic sorcerer for hire. The only other person there was a monk named Bartholomew. He is an old friend of Norian's who was trying to recruit him out of retirement when the sharding happened. What you have spent the last three years doing is more or less up to you. Bart has been landscaping and gardening. Norian has kept to his tailoring, so you can have more or less any clothing you could ever want that doesn't require precious metals or endless silk. Though Norian does actually have a supply of silkworms, so some would be fine. It has been a vegetarian existence for most of those three years. Your character might desperately want a hamburger with cheese. The landscape around the cottage and shop of Norian's is more or less open plain without any livestock or wild game. Defense:
Initiative +3 (Dex +3)
Speed 30ft
Str 8 Dex 17 Con 12 Int 17 Wis 14 Cha 17
Starting Stats
Feats & Rogue Talents:
1. Iron will: +2 will save
Skill Points = 35 (24 class + 9 Int + 2 FCB) Acrobatics* 9 (3 rank, 3 class, 3 dex)
Background 6 pts
Common, Varisian, goblin Class Abilities:
Sneak attack +1d6 Expanded Sight: a shadow walker gains darkvision of 30’. At 3rd level and every 2 rogue levels after that the range of the darkvision increases by 10’. Evasion: a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Illumination control: At 3rd level, a shadow walker can manipulate nearby illumination. At the start of each day, a shadow walker gains a number of illumination points equal to half her rogue level and can spend illumination points to use certain spell-like abilities. As long as she has at least 1 illumination point, she can cast light at will. She can spend 2 illumination points to cast darkness, and 3 illumination points to cast daylight, deeper darkness, or motes of dusk and dawn. These spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to the shadow walker’s rogue level. Using these spell-like abilities does not hamper the shadow walker’s vision; for example, she can see through the deeper darkness she creates, and does not take penalties for light sensitivity in the area of her own daylight. Halfling Racial Traits:
Fleet of Foot: Some halflings are quicker than their kin but less cautious. Halflings with this racial trait move at normal speed and have a base speed of 30 feet. This racial trait replaces slow speed and sure-footed. Fearless: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck. Halfling luck: Halflings receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. Size: Halflings are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Shadow hunter: deal 50% wpn dmg to incorporeal creatures when using non-magical weapons. Also gain +2 bonus on saving throws to remove negative levels and recover physical ability damage from atks by undead at a rate of 2 points per ability per day. This trait replaces weapon familiarity. Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. Traits:
Witty repartee: +1 to bluff, bluff is always a class skill Trapfinder: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disable Device checks, and that skill is always a class skill for you. In addition, you can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps, like a rogue. Gear:
Leaving: MW backpack: trail rations x2 a belt pouch: flint and steel, whetstone waterskin Pathfinder's kit: This kit consists of a a bedroll (2.5#), a clay mug, two fishhooks, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread. For Small creatures, the weight of a Pathfinder’s kit is 7-1/2 pounds. Leather studded armor 10# (AC 3 Max Dex 5 ACP -1)
Alchemist fire x9
785sp used of 1500sp of alchemical materials Light Load 26 (30), Medium Load 53 (60), Heavy Load 80 (90)
Etherium Notes:
Etherium is a special material generated when shards combine. It is a silvery black material that can take on almost any property. Hard metals for forging, supple metals for jewelry or arcana, and even fine metal thread. It can also be turned truly crystalline to resemble metallic colored glass or gemstones... even beads. The group currently has 500GP of etherium after spending downtime discovering it's properties. Etherium can be used in the creation of magical ink or substrates to give an additional effect to scrolls and potions. The exact effect varies based on the spell, and will be discovered through experimentation. It takes 25GP of Etherium per spell level. Etherium can also be used as a substitute for other materials when making magical items. Wondrous items crafted with etherium can be made to fit slots they would not normally fit. Such as a bracer of natural armor rather than an amulet. Etherium can potentially be used to augment or replace parts of the body. Giving magical abilities similar to wondrous items, offering fortification and other armor enchantments, or a multitude of other effect that can be discussed with the DM. I suggest looking up the planeswalker Tezzeret from MtG and the Shards of Alara block to get some idea of what can be done. Etherium also has a crystaline form that grants it the ability to levitate a hundred pounds of matter per 50GP of Etherium. I should add that making any item with etherium will require a relevant craft check. So making a cloak of protection with etherium will take a tailor. Making magical armor an armorer. Just in case anyone was wondering why I asked them to choose crafting skills. |