
Krystel Kallit's page

37 posts. Alias of Little Skylark.


Fisshy, fisshy, Fish! 7/10

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This is IHIYC's nice smile, you should see him when he is trying to look scary.

Scientists proved PMS is not real so stop yammering. - Some guy

Lucky7 likes to dance like a ballerina while listening to heavy metal. It makes him feel balanced.

Spanky the Leprechaun is actually a really cute girl.


Lucky7 was what traumatized him, Kyros Deun helped IHIYC get over the worse of his fears though.

Antal practiced his smoldering look in the mirror.

FuelDrop wrote:

Granted! It was a date... with DESTINY!!! You have returned home with a plush toy punched through your leg, and you don't want to tell anyone how it got there.

I wish that life would be kind to the next wisher.

Hahahahaha!!! Life is kind of sweet now that I have a plush toy everywhere I go. :)Though it itches a bit.

I wish everybody had a plush toy with them all the time.

"Friends" just doesn't seem to cover it. (besides there are some interesting pictures coming up...)

Next poster truely likes the subway.

You can play your PS3 more often if you give up going to the bathroom.

I wish the rendezvous I just came back from had been a date.

Granted, and you really really want to eat is. But just like real rainbows you can never reach them.

I wish I had a horse.

Littlehewy looks mad because he wanted to blow hobsdadolfins horn, the one in the picture.

If you won why do you look like you hate it? Oh, wait you didn't win.

Sure, he takes you captive, and starts eating you and every one that comes to visit.

I wish I'd got a better grade for my internship.

It definitely feels like it, but at least I have wifi here.

Next poster needs a hairdryer for odd reasons

You thought you could, but when you tried your face looked like your avatar. But it could have been worse, you could have looked like hobbs avatar.

6/10 I like the fish but it doesn't look fresh.

Lucky7 took over Iceniqueen's old body, so she switched to hobbs old smurfform.

Kill it, kill it with fire!!

Next poster didn't want whoever made this program to be killed.

Granted! You are not turned into a smurf when you say smurf, you are turned into a smurf when you say any word with a A in it.

I wish what all this smurfing was all about.

The very bright side, it's called being a pyromaniac.

Next poster likes my fires.

Pulg looks more like this avatar than his last one.

You become celibate and only have contact with girls through this forum.

I wish I had a nice job.

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If IceniQueen an Sissy were to work together they could conquer the world, but they don't want to because their hair styles differ too much.

It's called an "outcinerator" and is also very useful for starting cheff's.

Next poster will use the map and the outcinerator for a devious plot. (And will tell us what that plot is.)

Lucky can freeze people so that they can later be defrosted and earns insane amounts of money doing this.

Lazoth didn't like that, because the village had nice parks with pretty flowers.

Granted, you have amazing teeth, but they're blinding everyone around you every time you speak. But that's not really the problem, you keep on biting your tongue.

I wish I had a leaf blower.

Lazoth only looks this way when he frowns, when he smiles he has normal eyebrows.

Earthworm jim

Lucky7 is banned because I can't find his neck, or body.

No it won't!

Lucky 7's eyes are red because he hasn't slept since he started using this avatar. He'll sleep again when Kyros back.

They're back, but they are my characters now. You can have them back if you ask very nicely.

I wish I knew what the white thing in Lucky's picture was.

IceniQueen follows Little Skylark around for that reason.

Captain Spalding is banned for having a cool hat. (I want it)