![]() Kaouse wrote:
I really like where you're headed here, as it aligns nicely with my design goals. Let me get past some pressing RL concerns, then let's look at this and see what changes would be needed. Thank you! ![]()
![]() GM DarkLightHitomi wrote: I noticed this time around that you flipped the age bonuses for mental stats. This is incorrect. It's incorrect for your game. For what I'm trying to do, it works. If you need more ideas, I was reading over my undergrad class notes and was blown away by how much smarter I was back then than I am now. I have more experience (xp) now and am probably higher level. but my mental stats are all lower, to include Wis and Cha. ![]()
![]() This won't translate well to text, but we've been playing a lot of Clue, and Young Lady Gersen, who just turned 8, decided she needed to illustrate it. With great concentration, she drew a deranged murderhobo with a knife, chasing an obviously terrified man. Then she carefully labeled everything: MISS SCARLET - DAGGER - MR. BODY - HALL. ![]()
![]() Am looking to change the rogue's "sabotage item" talent to "sabotage magic." It would have the same uses, but also allow free use of Disable Device in place of Spellcraft, under the rationale that you see no substantive difference between technology and magic. Also thinking of adding a "pluck" general talent, allowing the rogue's disposition and temperament to bolster physical stamina. You'd use Cha modifier in place of Con, and Bluff in place of Endurance, when advantageous. In short, the rogue is slippery enough to find a work-around for just about anything. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Kirth Gersen wrote:
Or if you prefer, "danke schoene, mein freunde," or "mamnoon," whatever language you're most comfortable with. Despite my RL last name, I try to be a citizen of the world. ![]()
![]() Recently opened a bottle of MacClelland's 16. It was a wedding gift some 18 years ago, and I'd been hauling it around the country ever since, waiting for the right occasion. Spoiler:
My ex and I ended up using it to toast our divorce being finalized and her getting remarried. Anyway, I generally prefer bourbon to Scotch, but this one has a sweetness that actually adds to the flavor without interfering with it. I'm impressed. ![]()
![]() Paulyhedron wrote: Blanton's likely more so now with the premium folk ask for it these days. And it was one of the more expensive ones back in the day too That seems to be Buffalo Trace Distillery's current business practice -- artificially low availability, fueling hype. True of Blanton's, Eagle Rare, Weller, Elmer T. Lee -- pretty much their whole lineup except Ancient Age and Benchmark. Blanton's is especially crazy because of John Wick. ![]()
![]() I asked a hyperintelligent friend with slightly older kids how to field stuff like this, but she said, "My kids ask me stuff about Star Wars and legos. You're on your own!" The next week, Young Lady Gersen said, "Tell me about trans people." Caught me totally off-guard again. I answered cautiously, "It is not my job to tell you what to think; it's my job to teach you how to think. So my opinion isn't important. But I will say that, when I was your age, the greatest athlete in the world was named Bruce Jenner, and every man I knew wanted to be like him. Later, he decided he wanted to be a woman." She thought for a few minutes, then said, "That's weird. But it's kind of cool." ![]()
![]() GM_Beernorg wrote: Graduated to little Gersen from toddler Gersen I see, congrats on your next stage of development Gersen scion! It's been years (like 3) since I last checked this thread! She is now Young Lady Gersen -- 7 going on 15. And I get hardball questions now. Example: "Dadda, do you know about homeless people?"Me: "Yes, I used to work with them, when I was younger." Her: "Are there ways to keep from being homeless?" Me [not expecting this obvious follow-up from a kid that young]: "Yes. Get an education, a degree in something people will pay you for, even if you want to be an artist. Save all the money you can. And stay away from really bad drugs." Her [sensing an advantage, with laser focus]: "What are drugs?" Me [facepalming, and thinking, hell, she totally painted me in a corner me with that one] ![]()
![]() Kaouse wrote: there are a few things that are slightly unbalancing. Namely, the numen system. Great points all around -- I love that someone is finally doing destructive playtesting to find flaws and loopholes. This kind of feedback is absolutely invaluable to me, and I'll be pondering solutions -- either along the lines you suggested, or, if I can, more elegantly with a single rule or rule change that would fix multiple issues. Re: extra metemagic feats, bear in mind the ranks in Spellcraft prerequisite (2x metamagic cost), which will drive up some of the costs -- albeit not enough to prevent the kinds of abuse you outlined. ![]()
![]() All files on the Google drive have been updated to the most recent versions (or will be, if they ever finish uploading). Some have little change except maybe more quotes; some of the monsters have been added or substantially revised. I've been playing a lot of Kirthfinder with my 6-year-old and she LOVES it. I've noticed it's great for teaching her math, map reading, and problem solving (as any version of D&D would be; it's just that this one lets her create exactly the character she wants--in her case, a ranger/rogue that is arguably more effective than her friend the battle sorcerer). ![]()
![]() Update: Today I posted the newest iteration of Humanoids in the Bestiary; this includes revised githyanki, added githzaeri, more types of lizardfolk, etc. etc. I also made lizardfolk an exotic hybrid race in Chapter 2, rather than requiring a class level; 3 levels in dragonborn now allows them to emulate the half-dragon template. That file has been uploaded as well. ![]()
![]() Sebecloki wrote: As I mentioned, we're planning on playtesting Hexes and Heralds whenever Kaouse finishes enough -- it's going to be a big document since it looks to me like he's basically folding spheres into his revision of the Kirthfinder classes. If anyone's interested in participating, let me know. I'll play! ![]()
![]() Andostre wrote:
I have a friend who is a serious whiskey geek who tested this subject. He opened a bottle, sent a sample to the lab for mass spectrometer testing, drank half the bottle and waited a year, then collected another sample for analysis. The two were, within instrument sensitivity limits, identical. ![]()
![]() Tahlreth wrote:
No, I mean directly opening some ki powers to the Soulknife specifically, legally. ![]()
M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
![]() Dairkal Nimblecloak wrote: I do have one question however: How come Sleight of Hand isn't one of the rogue's bonus skills?? Athletics and Disable Device and Spellcraft aren't, either, despite being iconic -- I still wanted rogues to have some meaningful skill choices. Am I a cat burglar? Or a pickpocket? Etc. Escape Artist is the opposite of "need it to do your job" -- it's more "everyone always forgets to take this because of all the other more pressing choices, so give it out as a freeby." ![]()
M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
![]() Dairkal Nimblecloak wrote: can you take 10/20 on disable device to notice secret doors/traps? Take 20: Secret doors, yes. Traps no, because there's a consequence to failing to find them! Take 10: Yes for both, unless working conditions or stress would prevent it (in which case a Concentration check is needed).![]()
![]() wynterknight wrote:
See how this looks, then: Charm Person: Ray of beguiling (1st level) + Shape Spell (ray to target; +0 level) + Still Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell (1 rd./level to 1 hr./level; +3 levels) + Creature-Specific Spell (humanoids only; -2 levels) + Effect-Specific Spell (attitude towards caster only; -2 levels) = 1st level; target’s Cha is treated as 1d6 +1/2 levels (+5 max.) lower than actual when determining its attitude towards caster (Intuition half, automatically Friendly if reduced to 1). Charm Monster: Ray of beguiling (1st level) + Shape Spell (ray to target; +0 levels) + Still Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell (1 rd./level to 1 hr./level; +3 levels) + Effect-Specific Spell (attitude towards caster only; -2 levels) + Accursed Spell (+1 level) = 4th level; target’s Cha is treated as 1d6 +1/level (+15 max.) lower than actual when determining its attitude towards caster (Intuition half, automatically Friendly if reduced to 1). Invest 200 x CL numen to maintain the effect indefinitely. Charm Monster, Mass: Ray of beguiling (1st level) + Shape Spell (ray to target; +0 levels) + Still Spell (+1 level) + Extend Spell (1 rd./level to 1 hr./level; +3 levels) + Effect-Specific Spell (attitude towards caster only; -2 levels) + Mass Effect Spell (1/level; +3 levels) + Accursed Spell (+1 level) = 7th level (bard 6th); penalty is 1d6 +1/level (+20 max.). Invest 350 x CL numen to maintain effect. ![]()
![]() Just for LOLZ: Global Cell Phone Network: Mindlink (1st level) + Cascade Spell (skill enhancement: knowledge; +1 level) + Shape Spell (target to emanation; +2 levels) + Widen Spell (20'r. to planetary; ad hoc +11 levels) + Object-Specific Spell (with active phone only; -2 levels) + Restricted Spell (orbital satellites and towers needed; -1 level) + Tenuous Spell (no service areas, no charge, updates needed, etc.; -1 level) + Ritual Spell (to restore service if goes down; -2 levels) = 9th level; continuous cost 9th level x CL 20th x 1,000 x 2 (duration) = 360,000 numen, which divided over say 3.6 billions users, comes to 0.0001 numen each! And they're not actually magic; they just seem like it to people like me who grew up with land lines, folding maps, paper newspapers, and bound encyclopedias. ![]()
M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
![]() Dairkal Nimblecloak wrote: Yeah, I'll spend the hero point to force him to re-roll the bite. I'm guessing I can't imply a penalty to his roll, right(Looked up hero points and that's an option, but doesn't say if you can do that to your enemy.) For 1 hero point, you can either apply the penalty (it says "any one die roll of any kind," so an attacker's is fair game) or force a reroll, but not both. With AC 17 and 18 Cha, that means 1d6+4 is at least -5, which is just enough to make that 21 miss, so that's actually better than a reroll in this case. I'll assume you do that. Dairkal should have been meat beneath those slavering jaws, but sensing the savagery of the attack, he moves aside just enough to cause his assailant to veer slightly, throwing off the timing of its bite. He feels the fangs snap shut millimeters from his throat, and from the foam in its jaws, decides he narrowly evaded some sort of horrific disease as well as blood loss. 3 hp damage (not quite yet a light wound) and 2 Dex damage, DC 13 Fort for 1 Dex instead. ![]()
M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
![]() Starting situations spoilered for each PC: AEMUR Spoiler:
You're exploring a cave, located somewhere outside the town of Paillard. It's small and shallow, but it looks like, if you shifted some rocks, there would be access to a passage beyond, and you're debating with yourself whether to get a pick and a wheelbarrow.
In the woods nearby was a goblin encampment -- they'd steal anything you left unattended, but were otherwise fairly welcoming and not hostile. One evening, you pass by there, wave to them, and go into the cave. In the morning, on your way back to town, you find the camp is ashes, and that the goblins are dead. CAYDEN Spoiler:
Re: Background -- You're from the town of Paillard. Recently, a new baron has stepped up, after the previous one (his wife) declared herself unfit to continue. Baron Garstang is a construction magnate, and upon ascending the title, he stepped up infrastructure and housing projects all over the barony. That means a ton of work for smiths, so business is booming -- you're not sure how you're going to keep up.
Currently -- The big news in Paillard is the disappearance of a second small boy over the last year. The first purportedly wandered into the forest and is assumed to have been eaten by an owlbear or met by some other misfortune. The second was one of your neighbors, and you often saw him around town -- never in the forest. The parents are keeping your block up at night with their wailing. DAIRKAL Spoiler:
Countess Mathilde d'Ansac is trying to be an exemplary noble, assuming she'll be held to a much higher standard than others. Evidently two young boys have disappeared in the town of Paillard, to the northwest, and she wants you to go there and look around some. How you get there, and who you talk to, us up to you, but discretion is expected. ESHKEVAL Spoiler:
Baron Garstang of Paillard is said to be building a town home of unprecedented design. Given the rumors, you hope there is possibly some great insight to be gained into the nature of art and reality -- although you suspect it will be some ugly lump of stone and timber not worthy of your time -- especially since Paillard is something of a backwater town of no real importance. Still, you can easily think of some other errand to send you that way, and decide you might as well take a look. KOLMAC Spoiler:
You have received -- or, more accurately your mother has received, and handed to you -- an invitation to work with a Baron Garstang in a town you've never heard of in Aviona's South Province. Evidently he's building a town home and want to consult on the use of magical force as a building material. The town, Paillard, seems like something of a backwater for so ambitious a project; your mother knows of it -- some very heavy fighting took place near there during the Days of Darkness.
Re: Your background, I should mention that the Battle of Turner's Brook was the first major defeat to the Seven during their attempt to seize the empire; Count Lowen's brother, Caine van Alterwilden, was slain there. ALL: You'll notice there is no indication of how you meet each other, and indeed some of you aren't even starting off in the same place. That's intentional - I'd like to see if we can have those things happen in play, rather than contriving a "you all meet in a bar" scenario. It's something that's hard to do at the table, but I'm hoping the longer time to reply for each person in a PBP might be more conducive than six people talking at once. ![]()
M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
![]() Monkeygod wrote: I'm assuming the default cosmology for Kirthfinder is The Great Wheel/Blood War/etc? We skew more towards an Amber cosmology, where the Abyss of the Courts of Chaos is the D&D Abyss. All the planes in the D&D "great wheel" are of course shadows somewhere, so we use that framework sometimes, too (like a wave/particle duality) -- with the Concordant Opposition being a true manifestation of the Dark Tower only hinted at by King's novels. The damage to the Pattern of Amber is mirrored by the breaking of the Beams. Always thought the "Blood War" was bloody silly, so we don't do that. Monkeygod wrote: Are any other specific gods, fiendish/celestial powers, etc present in the setting at all? Like from Faerun/Golarion? In Aviona, Greyhawk gods are fair game, Moorcock's elemental and animal gods (Grome, Fileet, et al.) are all used, and Elven deities are mostly OK. When there's a lot of overlap, we often assume two similar gods are different aspects of the same entity (e.g., Myhriss and Hanali Celanil are the same being, appearing as different in aspect to the different races). A lot of wood elves are druidic and don't revere any specific gods, or worship more than one, or whatever. We equate Rillifane Ralathil with the Oak King, a power of nature. The Norse gods get a lot of worship in Northwind. If that's not enough choices, it's possible to make up your own god for your PC. In one of the home games, Silverhair invented an entire pantheon of dwarven gods, since I didn't know anything about the pre-published ones and didn't mind. Given the cosmology, some characters worship the Unicorn or the Serpent of Chaos. There are shadows with their own pantheons, of course -- gods who can only grant spells in that vicinity of Shadow. So you might find a whole world where they worship the Hindu pantheon, or the Greek one, and those gods are real, but don't interact with Aviona at all, so it's pointless to worship them there. The reverse also holds -- in some stretches of the multiverse, most of the gods worshipped in Aviona have no influence. Re: Golarion gods, I mostly think they're silly, but allow them if an explanation can be found. For example, in one of the PBP games, someone wanted to worship Iomidae (Sp?); we simply declared her an aspect of the same entity represented by Heironeous (and even claimed a distant etymological similarity, based on how we we pronouncing them). In one of the home games, Andostre wanted his PC to worship that evil Hamburger or Nobgobbler or whatever Golarion god that is, but his character was from Bailakash, so we just assumed he was one of their local gods and rolled with it. A whole collection of fiendish powers are listed in the Cleric "Unspeakable Cults" appendix, and you can see the whole "this god is essentially the same being as these other ones" thing there. --- So, in summary, almost anything can be worked in, but it may require some creativity to make them fit. ![]()
M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
![]() Dairkal Nimblecloak wrote: Are we allowed to use PF books for stuff like skill/class kits, tools, etc?Sure, unless an item applies a bonus to something, duplicates a spell effect, or otherwise falls under the rules in Ch 6. Quote: Would gambling be covered under Slight of Hand, Profession(Gambler), both or something else? Depends. Poker can be resolved using Bluff, because that's what it boils down to. Chess and other strategy games might use Knowledge (Warfare). You could pick Profession (gambling) and apply it to all gambling games. Games of pure chance might just be a random die roll. Sleight of Hand would be for cheating -- mechanic's grip, dealing from the bottom. ![]()
M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
![]() Cayden Moore wrote: So I finally have at least a rough draft of the character set into stone as an alias. how does it look? It looks good so far. Referring to the notes you left in the Recruitment thread, I extrapolate to the following (let me know if any of this looks wonky): CAYDEN MOORE
Spoiler: He seems straightforward and functional -- again, let me know if anything doesn't look right to you. I'm assuming that Craft (smith) is your bonus secondary skill, so you still have one more skill to assign. You can get a chain hauberk by Taking 20 and crafting one yourself. Male human fighter 1
Init +0; Senses Perception +0 Languages Common AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 shield)
Spd 30 ft.; 25 ft. in armor
Attributes: Str 18, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 16
Possessions: PC gear (mojo 400; min. 0, par 500): masterwork broadsword (400), chainmail hauberk, heavy wooden shield
![]() Aberzombie wrote: Buc-ee's is a chain of convenience stores located in the Central, North, South, and Southeast regions of Texas. The company is owned by Arch "Beaver" Aplin III and Don Wasek and has its headquarters in Lake Jackson, Texas. The chain is known for its very large-format stores (relative to other convenience stores) and a logo depicting a beaver. They're also noted for vast, meticulously clean restrooms and high base pay for employees. ![]()
![]() Andostre wrote:
Why doesn't Paizo have a "hahaha" option like Facebook? ![]()
![]() No; I don't intentionally set out to kill anyone, but if someone does something really stupid and lacks the means to get themselves out of it, they get what they get. Adversaries will act as their intelligence, goals and personalities dictate, so if you find someone whom you know is smart and ruthless, they probably won't pull their punches. However, I typically like to set things up so that you know who those people are before you're forced to deal with them, giving you a chance to rig the odds in your favor first. ![]()
![]() OK, someone needs to keep this thread alive!
![]() Sebecloki wrote: I think in the main it should be compatible -- my only questions are about combat and spells -- I know combat works a bit differently, and I remember being a bit perplexed about the bestiary entries, but nothing specific comes to mind, I'll have to check on it more when I have time. Most of the KF rules were written so as to work well with each other, and not so much with standard PF. A lot of the KF class features, as pointed out upthread, won't really work with standard PF rules. That said, I'm glad people are at least looking at KF again. Happy gaming! |